Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 920: Chaos (4)

Closing his eyes to rest, Cassia recalled the route he had just taken, deepening the memory one by one in his head. At the same time, he also split a part of his spirit to think about his specific plan after leaving the southern forest. It would be a matter of going to the endless sea tundra.

From the name alone, it can be judged that the two are very far apart. After all, one is in the south, and the vast area radiates three giant countries on the back continent. Among them, the Flame Alliance occupies nearly two-fifths of the southern forest area, a country created by ecology and environment. And the endless sea tundra is closer to the north, **** with the coast, the frozen sea surface area is wider, close to one-third of the empire's own territory. The resources there are very rich. The island group under the ice layer was originally a fertile place when it was not corroded by the severe cold, as explained in ancient history books.

It is impossible for Cassie Black to get there by any transportation, so Cassia decided to come to the Southern Forest from the beginning, with the intention of using Cassie Black as a means of transportation. The unrefined route map is to detour along the edge of the southern forest to the sea, and then choose a suitable time to pass over the shallow sea and enter the range of the endless sea tundra. Fortunately, the sea at the end of the forest bordering the south is not very far away from the tundra. With the flying ability of Cassiehei, it is enough to get there in three months.

Immersed in this kind of thinking, until the time passed for more than an hour, Cassia fell from the tree and returned to the location of the observation base camp according to the route when he came.

I ran into them halfway, and thirteen empty boats were connected in a line and drove slowly towards the geothermal area. They were waiting for the sky to fully light up, and Cassiehei's choice of geothermal area probably also noticed something during this time. For example, humans who attacked themselves seem to be able to capture its body temperature.

Following the end of the airship, Cassia soon followed the observation base into the geothermal area. Probably after several kilometers in a certain direction, the airship slowed down and began to shoot down with a 500-weight machine gun. After that, a dozen or so landing ropes took more than a hundred people, and within half an hour, a piece of space was cleared. The landing area of ​​an empty boat with a body length close to 100 meters.

At this time, the empty boats began to land one by one, putting down the weapons and ammunition in their cabins and then returning to mid-air. When the thirteen empty boats finished these in order, the sun barely fell through the mist.

There are more than four hundred troops on the ground, but they are extremely small surrounded by ancient trees. In the southern forests, the mature leaves of old trees are often the size of a few palms of an adult. After finishing the equipment, the commander stepped forward to give the final action instructions. When the time between them and the other two large teams was up, everyone took out the medicine prepared in advance and tied it to their necks.

More than 400 people were divided into five teams, marching toward the front left in a fan shape. In each team, dozens of people walked behind the team with huge suitcases full of Regon explosives.

A team was randomly selected, and Cassia quietly followed behind. Pulling a safe distance away, the sound of gas gushing made Cassia appear more cautious. The advancing speed is not fast, and the people who observe the base seem to only know the approximate location of Cassiehei, and they have no accurate information about where he is hiding.

Cassia recorded his steps and walked about six kilometers before the team stopped. After removing the ten or so people around the guard, the remaining members quickly dug a large hole in the ground manually and buried a pile of Regong explosives in it. On the other side, other teams hundreds of meters away are doing the same thing. Taking this opportunity, Cassia took off his coat first, and then quietly approached a security officer who was slightly outside. It can be seen that most of the hundreds of people are in the first stage of surgery. They will come here to perform tasks this time, probably because ordinary soldiers can't adapt to this environment well. After all, the current temperature has been constant at more than 40 degrees, and coupled with the humidity and the decayed smell of evaporation, it is indeed not something ordinary humans can bear for a long time.

Slowly approaching the security officer, Cassia paid attention to the observation range of other people nearby. When no one paid attention, he walked around him, waved his arm gently, and then dragged a comatose body to the ancient tree. Behind the knotted roots.

In less than half a minute, Cassia walked out with the firecrackers, stood in the guard position, and set about sorting out clothes that were not too suitable. Moisture-resistant mechanical watches, flexible clothes that stimulate the body's muscles, helmets of good materials, and breathing masks that are not dull at all. The equipment is very professional, and the weight of the firecracker in hand is much lighter than the general standard firecracker when equipped with blue silver bullets.

Perhaps this is the complete version of the firecrackers. Most of the materials used by the Imperial Army's firecrackers are made of meteorite and steel alloys in a certain proportion. Copper meteorite is not a scarce resource in the empire, but it is also of considerable value compared to steel, which is about to be reduced to coal.

Turning his head to look at the group behind him dealing with the Regon bomb, Cassia focused his attention on the surrounding ancient trees. He remembered that while he was still alive, Cassiehe not only learned basic swordsmanship, but in action, he seemed to have learned his share of caution.

After ten minutes of vigilance in place, the team regrouped and moved forward at a smaller angle from the original direction. No one seemed to be acquaintances, and no one found Cassia under the mask. I don't know if it's because of the improvement in his performance ability, Cassia thought, the teammates around him didn't speak, or even suspected him.

From time to time, the line of sight swayed in front of the team. That was the main member of the team. The four captains were all carrying pneumatic weapons. You have to be more cautious than those around you, perhaps more knowledgeable, to know the danger of hunting dragons, the second type of creature, in the southern forest.

While observing, Cassia silently followed the team forward The sound did not bring him a good investigative effect at this time, and everything had to be searched by eyes.

The team stopped suddenly, and the four captains in front made a warning gesture, and the team immediately dispersed. Cassia followed the people beside him and hid behind the nearby ancient tree, poking his head out and looking forward.

It is a concave, low-lying ground, and the accumulated dead leaves are about to replace the soil, covering a thick layer. Many sturdy tree roots emerged from it, and the drooping plant aerial roots looked more like a dark brown waterfall in front of everyone.

A huge old tree stood there, and the hideous bark was like a scar cut on it by time, just like a few scratches left on the huge trunk of the wall, it was still fresh. The exposed rhizomes spreading around are comparable to the main steam copper pipes in the factory. The entangled them hold the old trees firmly in the middle, and they are shaped like stepped steps. There were bloodstains on the dead leaves near the ancient trees, and the corpse of a giant python was mixed in between the roots.

Everyone looked up at the ancient tree almost at the same time. The thick leaves were stacked one after another, blocking the sight of bunches of searching.

The four captains all took out the communicators at this time and began to communicate with the surrounding teams via the enhanced signal established by the communication machine on the airship.

Only a minute or two later, the other three teams rushed over, and at this moment, the sound of the airship propeller was getting closer.

Cassia also looked over. The huge old tree with a trunk diameter of more than ten meters can indeed bear the weight of Cassie Hei.

"But..." Cassia gently moved to the side of the ancient tree, "Cassiehe should know how to hide himself." Looking back and forth around the ancient tree, Cassia stared at the thick layer. Immediately he looked under his feet.

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