Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 923: Chaos (7)

The strength seemed to be exhausted all of a sudden, the captains watched the young dragon fall to the ground instantly, and then stood up again. The young dragon continued to move forward, but the four sharp claws became weaker, the huge body could not maintain basic balance, and might fall again at any time.

It's just that what the captains saw with their eyes was completely different from what they felt. With the impact of the explosion, they did feel something else inside. At that time, it should have belonged to the violent aura of the second type of creatures when they were angry.

The heavy artillery then fell, and the heavy machine guns and machine guns were still looking for the exact location of the prey. The smoke of gunpowder blocked the line of sight of the captains, and they couldn't judge whether the young dragon and the dragon knight were attacked afterwards. But they knew the toughness of the young dragon's own defense for three months, and the scales that grew out of that dragon knight also showed that both were extremely dangerous monsters.

"Quickly evacuate! Quickly evacuate!" Seeing that the empty boats were still attacking, the three commanders each contacted their empty boat formations, running backwards, while shouting orders. I don't understand what's going on, but in sight, the dragon knight inserting his hands into the sides of the young dragon's neck is definitely not a good thing, at least it is for them.

They have only heard of dragoons in the Flame Alliance, and they probably know the meaning of their names. However, including several commanders, none of them have really fought the Dragoons. They don't know how they will fight.

A dull roar came from behind, and the captains and commanders became nervous subconsciously. Turning his head, the gunpowder and dead leaves were taken away by the wind, chasing them in their footsteps, and the scene behind them was also lost among the layers of tree trunks.

But just run, as long as the speed is fast enough, the danger may not catch up with him. I don't know why this thought came into being. The violent breath escaping from the young dragon just now told them that it was something that could be judged by the eyes.


After turning on the swallowing method, Cassia felt the boiling blood in Cassie Hei's body gathering towards his hands. Closing his eyes, Cassia tried to recall the memories of the Brino period, but it seemed that this kind of ability existed in the body, and all that was needed at the moment was some material stimulation to wake them up.

While the energy in the body was rapidly consumed, clusters of nerve bundles also grew from the wound on the wrist. There was no need to personally override it. Subconsciously, they instinctively docked with the nearest nerve bundle in Cassie's body.

Cassia originally thought that the situation would be similar to that of the Brino region. Perhaps it was due to Cassie's trust that he had almost no obstacles to gaining control of the body.

The colors of things in front of them have become colder, which is quite different from human beings. It became clearer, and Cassia couldn't say where it became clear, just a simple comparison, the result appeared in his head like this. Almost Sanbai's field of vision is very wide, and the various perceptions from his body make him a little uncomfortable for a while. Only now can I feel Cassie Hei’s fear of the sound of the airship propeller, just like a child’s helplessness when facing the night alone. This body instinct wants to curl up into a ball and wrap his head tightly with his wings. .

After Cassia took over the control of Cassie Hei's body, she immediately became familiar with it. After a few steps, he found the feeling of the Brino period, but something seemed to be awakened deep in the body, and an illusion appeared in front of him in an instant.

The surrounding deep forest quickly faded in a deep red flame, and instantly burned into ashes, and the ground and sky collapsed into a black space with no boundaries. At the limit of the line of sight, there was the sound of metal collision, and then the vision accelerated, and flames began to appear everywhere. And a group of blazing white light shining like stars in the front.

When Cassia felt that he could reach the blazing white light in the next moment, an endless stream of cold water poured in from everywhere, instantly extinguishing all the burning flames. And the blazing white light that shone more and more away from him at this time, widening his eyes, when Cassia wanted to capture the things in the light, there was only a dark blue around him.

As if it was underwater, the thoughts appeared, and the sound of the water agitated, and the surrounding scene changed rapidly.

It suddenly became quiet, and the voice disappeared. A black night sky without any stars appeared in front of Cassia, and several rounds of deserted moons of different sizes hung above the night sky, but they were lonely as rough white paper-cuts torn out by children.

Under the night sky, there seemed to be another side of the same night sky. Then Cassia reacted, it was an unusually calm water surface, perfectly reflecting the sky. At this time, the line of sight moved slowly, and the next moment, the scene changed again, and the moonlight became brighter.

"Is this Lake Sweetsga?" A lake shore stretched to the end of the darkness in a faint irregular arc. The fuzzy feeling reminded Cassia of its name. Cassiehe once said this place. There is a vast grassland beside the lake, which completely surrounds Sweetsga Lake in a larger area in the center. At this moment, it is as quiet as the lake surface, and the lush grass is completely still.

The picture began to blur, and when the black was completely covered, a gust of wind was blowing from a distance. There were layers of fine ripples on the lake, and the vast grass was also swaying at this time, and the dense elliptical sphere showed a shallow end. Those seemed to be dragon eggs waiting to be hatched.

The hallucinations disappeared the next moment, and the surroundings returned to their original state again. Cassia blinked and realized that under the movement of his thoughts, the time elapsed was less than two or three seconds.

"What's the matter?" He muttered to himself, the words were all standard dragon language. When consciousness came out of the influence of the hallucinations, Cassia almost realized that the discomfort just now had completely disappeared, and everything in Cassiehei's body became extremely familiar. As if he was once a creature like him, now it is only the instinctive memory hidden in the body that is triggered by or other things.

Cassia moved four sharp claws, and immediately spread his wings and shook. The ten-meter-long body suddenly jumped out in the next moment, then dashed an arc, smashed through the thick canopy, and came into the air. The mist was flowing under the propeller of the airboat. It was close to noon, and the warm sunlight made Cassia feel very comfortable.

In the broad field of vision, thirty or so airships have already begun to retreat at full speed around the surrounding area under the command of the commander. Compared to the steel machine that can withstand extreme weather, the bulky airship seemed to be no threat to Cassia. The floating bag that provides the ability to suspend is now the best target for practice.

The thought of flying forward in his head appeared, and Cassia felt that under the power of the flapping wings, he flew at a very fast speed against the undulating canopy below, with a wide view that would not change the scenery on both sides. Into the water. An empty boat was in the front, and Cassia suddenly raised her height. She only felt that there was no need to think about it, and the tail and wings would automatically cooperate. The whole process seemed to have been done many times, and the next moment her body pulled out a right angle and went up. At the same height as the airship, he flew forward again. The extremely fast speed made the pontoon zoom in the field of vision quickly, and Cassia raised his claws to tear it apart, but the distance of less than two hundred meters arrived in an instant.


He closed his eyes subconsciously, and when the wind with water vapor hit him again, the iron and steel dragon body had directly pierced the floating bag. The sparks generated by the friction ignited a large amount of hydrogen gas inside, and the flame spread, and quickly enveloped the entire pontoon. The supporting steel frame was exposed, and the airboat over a hundred meters long immediately sank into the forest below.

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