Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 935: Eve (3)

The mountain is right in front of you, and the sea surface is replaced by thick ice land at a distance of tens of kilometers. The temperature dropped suddenly in a short distance, and the iron box beside him made a crisp sound, as if it was about to bear the low temperature, and a layer of hoarfrost formed on it at an extremely fast speed.

The induction is even stronger. When Cassie Black passes a certain position along the ice layer, the two seem to have entered a range affected by invisible forces. For a moment, I kept thinking of the noise like electronic interference. When the sound disappeared, Cassiehei had come to the foot of the mountain.

The air here is almost free of water, and breathing in the body seems to be frozen into hoarfrost. The modest wind blew dusty snow and frost flying around, and the snow just reached the knees. Cassiehei was landing, and his whole body was also frozen with a thin layer of ice.

It's been a long time since Cassia hasn't felt the cold for a long time. Falling from Cassie's black back, the weight of about half a ton seems to have become easier here. I don't know why I feel this way, but one thing that can be determined is that in the surrounding space, there are always intangible things present, affecting all the materials that originally belonged here or later invaded.

I don't know if this will be a good thing, but the information the body feeds back to Cassia tells him that this kind of influence seems to be developing in a good direction. With a wave of his arm, Cassia didn't know if this was an illusion, his strength increased a bit compared to before, and the severity of rejection in his body was also slightly reduced.

"An illusion caused by the extreme geographical environment?" Cassia thought as he moved down the iron box. Cassiehe stood aside, watching around, and it felt the same way. I used to be outside, and my body seemed to have been pressing on invisible things, being firmly chained to my body. But here, the iron chains and heavy objects all disappeared in an instant, and the comfort of not knowing how to describe it made it feel a little strange.

With this doubt in mind, Cassia considered asking the group of old professors after returning to the military school. He dragged the iron box, called Cassiehei, and walked forward along the gentle ground under the mountain.

Cassiehey echoed, not knowing what he meant to express, and followed step by step.

The light dimmed very quickly, it was only about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and only darkness remained around. Fortunately, there was no strong wind, and Cassia continued to move forward relying on the sound. It was about six o'clock before finally found a natural ice cave and began to rest there. I checked the iron box in the dark, and the selected material took into account the low temperature, and the old man’s technique was very good, and it did not cause cracks in the weld at minus 100 degrees. The temperature will drop even more at night. If there is a wind and snow, even if you are affected by a giant whale in your second dream, your own tolerance to cold has become extremely strong. But at that time Cassia still had to expend some physical energy to withstand the extreme cold.

It's not that there isn't the slightest anger here, at least judging from the speed of Cassiehei's return to hunting, this frozen world is still inhabited by many adapted creatures.

Thick fur and a very dense layer of fat are almost necessary for surviving creatures, which can save a lot of unnecessary consumption. After simply eating something to fill his stomach, Cassia lay down on the rocky ice, closing his eyes and thinking about the map of the endless sea tundra in his head.

It will take about two or three days to set off from here now. After the iron boxes are set up, they have to rush to the nearest imperial station and take the airship back to the military school. Cassiehe will stay here, taking herself out of the tundra when the assessment is over.

Soon afterwards, Cassia opened her eyes, and now she couldn't rest at all. The normal semi-sleep state can not be maintained, the spirit is surprisingly excited, and the fatigue accumulated during the long journey has all disappeared after entering the tundra.

"Or is it caused by the influence of the extreme geographical environment?" Cassia stood up, glanced at Cassie Hei who was curled up in a ball, and gently came outside. The silence adapted to the darkness, the wind stopped, and there was no other sound around except for my heartbeat and breathing.

"Most of the second-class creatures and the second-class creatures live in extreme areas. Before a thousand years ago, almost no creatures would take the initiative to come out of it." Cassia walked in the snow in front of the ice cave. In the theoretical course of the military school, he remembered some words, "When he witnessed the appearance of these creatures, the records in the empire were still in the late period of its predecessor, the Mano Kingdom. Before that, the limit area was ordinary humans. The inaccessible area has also become a natural protective barrier. The two have a tacit understanding of each other without disturbing each other. It was not until the millennium passed that I don’t know which side’s environment has changed, and there was a small scale between the two. Transition zone. Some second-class creatures have begun to invade the world of ordinary humans, but they dare not go too deep."

"It's just that we know that this is not afraid of us, but afraid of things that have not yet been ascertained! Between the two, one of them must be slowly changing!"

At that time, the concluding remark was like this The teacher also told Cassia that it was our own living environment that changed. In the eyes of the second-class creatures and the second-class creatures, the extreme geographical environment is just a normal state, but not necessarily outside. They have a default sense of fear for it. During the advent of the red star, this will become another situation. There are still many things left in history that have not been explored clearly, the red star and extreme regions are among them.

We set off again at 10 o'clock in the morning the next day, and there was no obvious light until then. I have kept Cassiehe flying close to the ground, because almost all examiners will come to familiarize themselves with the environment. Under no rules, many big family forces will send airships directly to the destination.

Three days later, Cassia separated from Cassiehe at the foot of a mountain. Before leaving, I confessed a lot of things, and after making sure that Cassich took it down, he returned to the first resting place when he came.

Watching Cassie Hei gradually disappear into the white world, Cassia exhaled a mouthful of hoarfrost, and then dragged the iron box forward in the snow, leaving a deep trace. A few hours later, the three connected peaks in front of him told him that the assessment area had finally arrived.

In the sky under the black clouds in the distance, nearly hundreds of looming small dots are flying in the direction of the imperial residence, and there will be more snow vehicles on the ground preparing to leave. After calculating the time, there is only less than half a month left before the assessment begins. The remaining time is the time for each assessor to make corresponding preparations according to their adaptability.

"I should be the latest one." Cassia laughed and said somewhat self-deprecatingly. But what the final result of the assessment would be, he didn't care. From the beginning, this trial was not prepared for him.

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