Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 937: Eve (5) go

Snow and fog began to rise from the ground in a large amount, and the sky would soon be completely dark, and the visibility further reduced to fifty or sixty meters. The effect of the strong beam of the headlight is getting smaller and smaller, and it is only the inner function that illuminates the surroundings more and more. In order to prevent emergencies, the speed of both vehicles has slowed down a lot.

There was music playing in the car, and the smell of wine filled. On the eve of the blizzard, the second-class creatures here sensed in advance and hid early. There are probably only these two snow vehicles still driving in the white wilderness.

Without worrying about what might catch up behind him, the man shook his body with the vehicle while looking forward with peace of mind, identifying the best driving route. Originally, they would set off earlier, but something interesting happened during the journey, which delayed a lot of time. But in no rush, the high-strength performance of the vehicle made him not worry about what is coming. Even if the snowstorm is coming, find a place leeward, and be careful not to be buried by the blowing snow. Some food accumulated in the car is enough to make them survive. About a week.

"Is that really okay just now?" The woman touched her face and stayed outside for a while, her skin seemed to become more rigid. He said it, but there was no hint of apology in it. It was just a sentence raised to spark the topic, "It's pitiful, a man drags a big iron box on foot, and there is no car. It is cold-proof. If you don’t have any clothes, just rely on your body to resist. It’s okay in normal times. When a snowstorm comes, things will definitely not get better."

Then the tone changed, and the woman glanced at the man next to her: "It's a pity that we didn't explode the contents of the iron box, otherwise we would really help him."

"Yes, I think so too. If there are really weapons and ammunition inside, a few bullets should have a chance to detonate. If it blows up, it will prevent him from dragging the iron box away." The man laughed with the woman. Get up, "But I am still a little curious about what is in his iron box. I think it should not be as simple as weapons and ammunition. We should just drive over. The five of us are not afraid of anything. We just opened the lid and took a look. it is good."

"What good things can be, it's a layer of iron sheet welded together. I'm thinking about another thing. You said he won't really catch up. That would be fun. There is a big chance that we will not be able to avoid the blizzard. Staying in the car for a week is really torture."

"Catch up? What chase?" The man said mockingly, "The legs? Or, do you really think he has a car? Obviously, he didn't. Those words just wanted us to leave by ourselves. I don’t need snowmobiles, but I have to rely on a pair of legs to walk around. I’m either a fool or I’m fine looking for something to do. I’m thinking about exercising now. Is the time late?"

"Don't you think?" the man turned his head and asked. The woman was about to nod her head, but she came in through the window with a flashing light of a specific frequency, and the car on the side was signaling them.

"Behind, it seems, follow things." The woman interpreted the signal, and the two quickly turned their heads to look behind them. Almost at the same time, a rumbling sound penetrated the sound insulation of the vehicle. On the snow reflecting the light, the vehicle on the side soared in mid-air, and then fell heavily on the snow, rolling several times before stopping.

The man hurriedly stepped on the brakes and asked the woman to take up a weapon: "It seems to be a second-class creature, stay in the car and don't go out."

"Bang bang bang,, ,," a knocking sound came from the vehicle that overturned and stopped, and the solid body structure was slightly deformed, completely locking the door. With great force, the door was finally kicked open, and then he was pulled up again. Only a gap was opened, and the rearview mirror of the car that was pulled down came out first to check the surrounding situation.

"Boom" then there was a loud noise again, and the chassis of the overturned vehicle was hit again and moved a few meters away. The next moment, the opened car door was suddenly pulled open, and before the hand holding the rearview mirror had time to withdraw, his wrist was pinched by a white hand that was so cold. With the sound of "crashing", the man was pulled out of the car, and the sound of dislocated arm bones could be heard in the process.

The man struggled violently and yelled. At the corner of his eyes, a tactical knife with hoarfrost on its surface immediately pierced his chin and into his brain. The sound stopped abruptly when it reached its highest point, and then only the sound of wind remained.

The two remaining in the car saw that something was wrong, one stared at the opened door, and the other shot the rear window glass with firecrackers, trying to escape from there. But the strong structure that was originally used as a defense turned into a kind of cage, and it took a few seconds to make an exit on the bulletproof glass. At the same time, a revolver seemed to know the blind spot of the two men's vision, and then it bypassed their sight and shot into the car from the door.

After two gunshots, all the movement in the car disappeared.

On the other side, the man was driving the car over. The burst of gunfire made his heart jump, and immediately reduced his speed. The gunshot stopped afterwards, and his body shook suddenly at this moment.

"Can't go there!" he said to the woman, but more like to himself. He hurriedly hit the steering wheel with his hands, and when the valve was being enlarged, there was a knocking sound from the glass window. He looked over and didn't know when, the man just now came to the side of the car and was walking with the turning traffic.

The field of vision was immediately covered by the expanding muzzle flame, and several bullets were shot out, all hitting the upper right corner of the car window. With a crash, the bulletproof car window shattered. The man immediately opened the door of the car and kicked it hard at the same time, trying to make the door hit someone outside. The woman on the side held the firecracker steadily, aiming to shoot outside. But when the window glass shattered, the outside scene was only a dim white. Apart from the cold wind that came in, there was nothing else.

"Go!" The man directly turned the main valve to the maximum, the engine roared, and the wheels covered with short spikes wiped out pieces of ice and snow particles on the ice surface. The vehicle was about to accelerate and rush out. A steel bomb came from the side of the vehicle. The rear flew over, anticipating its forward position, and preparing to get into the car from the broken window, hit the front window, and exploded in an instant of rebound.

The vehicle began to spin in the snow, and stopped where it was after a few breaths. The heavy gray smoke was sucked out of the car by the cold wind, and Cassia walked over while changing the bullet for the revolver.

There was a noise in his throat, and he could still roughly recognize some images under the influence of the wind. Both of them are lying on the seats of the car, their bodies are still moving in a small range, probably because they want to sit up. But the steel bomb from another car seems to be a reinforced model, which is even more powerful. The space in the car was limited, and the impact force oscillated back and forth several times, which in disguised form enhanced the power of the explosion.

When he came to the car, Cassia opened the door, and the two of them were covered with blood, and fragments of the cartridge case were all over them. But fortunately, the reaction ability was satisfactory, and the face was covered with the arm in time, which made the two of them not look hideous.

The flesh could not stop the power of the reinforced steel shell bomb, and the two of them were just ordinary examiners, and the surgical development of full bone coverage would not appear on them. Blood was pouring out of his mouth, and the man's face was full of pain. He opened his eyes and looked at Cassia.

"My friend, it's all a misunderstanding. Just now the gun accidentally went off. I can compensate you for any money. I am a member of the Yisuna family. My credibility can be guaranteed." The man raised his hand with difficulty. , To show their sincerity.

"Your speed seems to be a little slow, you see, within a few minutes, I will catch up with you." Cassia nodded, her face frozen stiff, without any expression.

"Boom!" A cloud of gunpowder was immediately taken away by the cold wind. Cassia then looked at the woman in the passenger seat. The cross pupils in his eyes were like candlelight in the wind, beating violently: "Sorry, the gun accidentally escaped. . You also know this must be a misunderstanding, right?" Unfastening the seat belt with his hands, Cassia stared at the woman, and dragged the man's body out of the seat with one hand and threw it aside. When one cannot breathe, the blood flowing out is completely frozen into ice, and the bare skin is covered with hoarfrost.

"Yes, wrong..."

"Sorry, fire went off again." Regardless of whether the woman could hear or not, Cassia said to herself when she closed the gun. At this time, he took a few deep breaths. He looked around, and the cold wind had unknowingly increased, and the night would come in the next moment. After standing still for a minute or two, Cassia's stiff body began to move. The eyes returned to black and white, the redness on his face faded, and he was quickly turned pale from the cold.

Patting his forehead, Cassia already knew what was going on in his body, after all, he did everything in front of him. But at this moment, no matter how I searched in my head, I can't find the same mood just now. In less than a minute or two, he himself seemed to be a bystander, with all the details impressed, but his mood and feelings were completely blank.

"Can't stay here for too long." As he warned herself, Cassia exhaled a few breaths. He felt the blood in his body still boiling, which has been the case since entering the radiation range of the tundra a few days ago. Thought it was just a very common phenomenon, but the current situation made him vigilant.

Throwing all the corpses down, Cassia removed the glass from another car and installed it, threw all the available things on the back seat, and stepped up time to return to his iron box.

Soon afterwards, a vehicle with an iron box drove hard in the snow and wind.

Three days later, Cassia buried the iron box in a small cave and covered it with rocks. After clearing the traces, he began to consider returning to the military school. In the iron box are pre-prepared medicine and concentrated dragon blood. The medicine has been pre-treated, and it can be the same as the concentrated dragon blood, and it will not freeze under such low temperature.

Back in the vehicle, there was a thumb-sized ice block in the wind and snow, banging on the vehicle. For three days, the blizzard showed no signs of reduction, and the snow and fog spread all over the world. At noon during the day, it was dark outside and visibility was almost zero. Even if Cassia turned on the headlights of the vehicle, he could only catch a faint light.

"It's all blocked by snow." He felt that it was a good description, and the wind was the same. Blocked by snow, he repeated. The extremely low temperature caused the snowflakes to rub against each other in mid-air into dusty ice crystals, and all the water became solid, freezing everything.

The snow vehicle was driven by Cassia on a low rock to avoid the powerful wind. You have to move every once in a while to prevent being buried by the accumulation of snow. The vehicle will make a "creaking" sound from time to time, and the low temperature has been looking for the limit of the steel alloy of the car body. But its quality did not disappoint Cassia. In three days, the creaking sound became more frequent, but none of the alloy plates on the car body became fragile.

The air circulation system failed yesterday. It should be that the snow blocked the vents, and then they stuck together and froze into blocks. Now it can only achieve air circulation heating, Cassia has to open the windows every time to exchange fresh air. Keep the temperature in the car at about zero degrees Celsius all the time, and the water in the car turns into a layer of ice condensed on the car windows. Under the snowstorm, the interior of the car is almost white, and the roof, windows, doors, etc., may be frosted or frozen into ice.

Leaning on the seat, Cassia drank cold wine and ate hard food. During the break, he took out the map on the vehicle and studied it. It was a detailed map of the area of ​​the assessment area, and he found it in the materials carried by the five people. It's just that after this blizzard it can play a big role, no one can say.

I saw the place marked by the man above. It should be the materials buried by the five dead. Cassia took down the surrounding landmarks and tried to calculate its exact location while waiting, so that he could use it as his own supply.

Two days later the momentum of the blizzard weakened a lot, and the visibility returned to more than ten meters away. Cassia calculated the time and began to drive back.

The nearest imperial resident here is a few hundred kilometers away. In bad weather, Cassia hopes that he can go back in three days. The first day was fine, the blizzard continued to weaken and there were signs of cessation. But starting the next morning, the gusty wind continued to scream, and the vehicle finally let out its last breath in the continuous creaking sound, and could no longer move. The reinforced metal plate on the roof of the car also cracked, and after less than ten minutes, it was completely lifted by the wind.

Fortunately, the hail only happened a few days ago. Cassia had to abandon the limo, found something that could be used as clothes in the car and wrapped it around her body, and walked forward in the world of snow and fog.

I wanted to find a suitable location nearby, relying on the vehicle to barely support the blizzard. There is not much time left for Cassia, and there is no star sign, and it is impossible to receive any signals. When the blizzard will stop has become an unknown thing. Don't want to wait any longer, Cassia estimated that he was still more than a hundred kilometers away from the nearest imperial resident, and relying on his physical strength, there would be no danger.

In the dust of gray-black snow, Cassia moved forward with a sense of direction. It is not only low temperature that must be resisted on foot, but also violent hurricanes. I walked with my body hunched all the way, and the clothes on my body froze within a few hours after leaving the vehicle, and then became fragments and were taken away by the hurricane. Now the only thing used to cover the body is a piece of cloth taken out of the vehicle, some of which are like blankets, just enough.

"Buzzing..." Under the unnatural sound of the wind, the grayish black in front of me suddenly turned into white gray, and the hurricane suddenly reduced. In front of him, an alloy plate that stood up high finally made Cassia smile dryly.

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