Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 940: Eve (8)

The school is still the same, there will be no change for more than ten years, only the faces inside will continue to overlap over time. Just walking through the metal tunnel and coming inside the school, for the first time, Cassia felt the same thing as on the tundra. I hadn't noticed it at all before, just like when I was in the tundra, my body and perception were penetrated, covering the upper layer of memory in it.

Without thinking about it, Cassia suppressed the doubt in his heart. I didn't carry anything with me, so I didn't go back to my dormitory immediately. Going directly to the office building where the coach is, Cassia wants to know if the coach is back.

When knocking on the door, Himia's voice came from inside, and Cassia sighed before opening the door. But it seemed that Simia had heard it. She closed the document she was working on and motioned to Cassia to sit down first.

"Why, I was disappointed to see that?" Shimia rubbed his forehead and said, "It will take a while to come back. It should be that the mission has encountered trouble and needs time to deal with. Don't worry, his strength is better than me. You know better, if you want him to die, it is impossible to carry enough people without adequate preparation. After the war, he knows the importance of life better than any of us."

"Of course, I can still answer your questions if I take over for him temporarily." Himia looked over, but then asked about other things, "I'm back today? Tomorrow night is the boarding time, no matter what the reason. , I want to know if you are ready?"

Cassia nodded: "There won't be a big problem. The snowstorm in the tundra has been delayed for a few days. In fact, this time, besides looking for the coach, I still have some things to ask for you, coach Himia."

"Oh,,," stretched her voice, and Simia was a little surprised. She used to be in charge of the Second Samsung Academy. Although Cassia is not a student of her, she still knows roughly because of family reasons. She also believes that it is impossible for Cassia not to know the things and powers she has in her hands, but she does not understand her style of doing things.

After receiving the paper that Cassia fetched from his trouser pocket, Himia opened it, and there were only a few lines of words, it was a place name, with a detailed address.

"I don't know if it is too much demand, I hope to be a member of the empire management organization to settle here."

Himia shook her head and looked at Cassia strangely: "I think you must have a better choice. This is obviously a sub-frontier region. The prosperous region is not better. It is definitely not an excessive requirement. It is only time to complete it. Questions, we will strictly follow the entire process, except for a few people who will know that all information about the appointment will be eliminated later."

"In another capacity, Molymoya?"

Cassia nodded: "This is enough, I think it suits me." Without explaining the reason, after receiving a reply that he can definitely handle it in three months, he left the office building, walked a short walk, and went straight. To the biological laboratory building.

A group of professors were very happy to see Cassia back. This not only means that used blood materials can be replenished, but new data and information can also be updated at this time. But considering the time issue, a group of old professors immediately moved out the equipment specially prepared for him. While answering some questions, they began to step up to obtain his body data.

"Invisible influence?" Seeing that Professor Bruce's face did not show any surprise or doubt, Cassia was sure that his guess was correct. There are indeed strange places in the extreme region.

Putting down the record book, Bruce walked over and sat down in the chair next to Cassia: "I want to know whether your body has changed under that influence?"

"The main change is that my strength has increased a lot. In addition, it also affects my spirit to a certain extent. I have become a little more irritable and my patience has decreased. Other aspects have not been seen yet. Maybe the physical change will require Even more, it’s just that I haven’t noticed it for a short time there."

Bruce was lost in thought. He remembered the data he had obtained from Cassia before, and finally seemed to have the answer. He raised his head and stared at Cassia: "Let’s put it this way, now I don’t know whether this phenomenon is good or bad for you. , But I can tell you that that kind of influence is called the "sensing force field" here, and it has always existed inside the military school. Through artificial control, it can help you remember this feeling during your stay in school. Of course, I think the school has been here for such a long time, even those graduating students may not be able to feel it. You are not the first, but you are definitely one of the few."

"Bio-inductive stress field?" Cassia remembered Sucarius' words, that was the warning it gave herself when she escaped from the dream.

"It seems that you know a lot. These materials are not available in the library of the military department." Professor Bruce showed curiosity. "It has something to do with the bio-inductive stress field, but not much. You can think of the sensory position inside the school The initial raw material of a product, and the bio-inductive stress field is the final product that has been exquisitely processed and packaged. And the school’s construction of the induction force field network is also to let you have this kind of memory in your body before the operation. help."

"Just know the name."

"Although it's just a name, knowing it also requires identity and strength." Bruce replied, "Go back to influence. I think your change is probably because your body hasn't adapted well to the presence of the sensory position. I have already said that. , The induction force field in the military school is artificially controlled, and the intensity is very small. It is not an exaggeration to think of a vaccine that a child will be injected after birth. But the extreme area is different, where the intensity is far greater than that in the school. When I feel this kind of thing, how to avoid its interference, and how to apply it in the end, these aspects are blank, and it is normal for maladaptation to appear."

"But..., is not Bruce touched his head. He is thinking about how to explain it clearly. He understands that this stage is very important for every surgeon." Cassia, about the new Do you know the information about the operation? "

After thinking about it, Cassia shook his head. In my memory, there is nothing close to it.

"That is the technology that Avalon researched and proposed by the Empire more than a year ago. Now it has begun to be used by a small number of surgeons. As for the reason, I am not very clear, I just know that something has weakened. My own understanding is that the induction force field that originally only existed in the extreme region will gradually go out of that range and spread to all continents. The effect of the new operation can be seen as a patch on the tattered clothes, but this patch is The improvement of the operation lasted for thousands of years and it was marked again."

"It can help the surgeon directly avoid the influence of the natural induction force field, so as not to reduce their own strength. It is a preparation for the future, and it is not very useful now. I guess it is. I am not very concerned about Avalon. To understanding."

"So, now let’s talk about your situation. I have a guess based on your physical data. I don’t know if it’s correct. But for you, it’s not appropriate to apply the rules of ordinary surgeons directly. As I said earlier, The function of the new surgery is to counteract the influence of the induced force field in nature. That is to say, it can currently allow the surgeon to exert his true strength in the limit area, whether it is strength or speed perception, it is in it. But absolutely not Will strengthen!" Bruce said the last few words very hard, he was emphasizing.

"The situation in your body is that the induction force field strengthens yourself. This is not a special case. It is just those who benefit, all of which are Type 2 creatures and true Type 2 creatures."

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