Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 942: Long (1)

Ye Jielin was wearing a light gray trench coat and her hair was cut short again. With a faint smile on his face, he took a closer look at Cassia, as if thinking about something, but did not speak.

Cassia remained silent and moved the suitcase: "Ready?"

"If you want to prepare, this time is definitely not enough. But it basically meets my own requirements. The family has helped a lot. Although I am not the person they expected, it is also given by the military school. The number of places is no different from other examiners in the family in terms of resources.” Ye Jielin replied, “How long did you come back? I left school three days ago and I didn’t see you at that time.”

"The day before." Cassia said, "Are there any specific plans? You should have been to the assessment area inside the tundra. If there is a snowstorm during the assessment period, the assessment time will be prolonged. After the previous stage, Those thirty-six ferocious creatures will be the main battlefield around them, and I don’t recommend that you participate in them."

"Although there are regulations in the rules to protect our second-stage surgeons, if they are really treated as prey, it is very simple to find loopholes in it. Just take a look in the past. After all, it is not an assessment prepared for us. ."

"I know that cherishing life is a natural instinct for everyone." Ye Jielin's tone was relaxed, but it also gave Cassia a little comfort, "Don't worry about me, I know the gap between myself and those people. By the way, there is one more important thing for you."

With that said, Ye Jielin took out a piece of information from the bag outside the suitcase: "The information collected so far is about the more powerful people among the examiners. Some of them are expected by many people and can get that. One of the thirty-six places. These people have to pay attention, if they accidentally run into it, try to avoid the meeting as much as possible."

Cassia put it on her lap, looking at each page. Most of them are equipped with clear color photos, and surgical development projects that have been explored are also listed. In more detail, there are specific matters recorded, some tasks that have been participated, and the difficulty and objectives of the tasks.

After remembering these, the time came to a little more than seven o'clock in the evening. At this moment, Hae and Iyeta walked into the waiting room, and after seeing Cassia and Yejielin, they walked over immediately.

"Mr. Cassia, Miss Yejielin." He said greetly and politely. The attire was still the white dress, but the line of sight distinguished it, the fabric seemed to be somewhat different, the material had been completely changed, and the only similarity was that the color was still white. In the white world of the tundra, this will be a good camouflage color. Iyetta was in the same light gray long trench coat as Ye Jielin, with her hair tied behind her head. Before coming here, I did my hair specially, and the black color turned into a light grayish silver. The hair quality is very good. Take a closer look under the light, and even some slight reflections appear. I have to say that this does think of various aspects and situations.

After coming over, he immediately sat down, and Iyeta scanned around several times, looking for something, but didn't say a word, and sat quietly while listening to their conversation.

They are all dragging their luggage. Most of the people who can participate in the assessment are the elites of their respective forces. In such an assessment with infinite possibilities, the various power families will no longer be stingy with their own money. As in the entire waiting room, all the people Cassia saw with their luggage. The special weapons, ammunition, and cold-proof clothing are indeed much better than the imperial equipment.

Soon at eight o'clock in the evening, several entry and exit passages were opened, and the staff in light blue clothing stood by the door, just using a machine to check the optically encrypted identification card. Did not ask anything, maybe some of them will get in, but this is not what they worry about. The Imperial Assembly took this into consideration, and there will be special personnel on the airship to check these. As for the luggage, everyone knew what was inside, and there was no need to check it.

When checking the ID card, the staff will tell the matching number, six digits. That was the code name of Cassia and the others in the assessment. After hunting thirty-six ferocious creatures to obtain the communicator in their body, one of the ways to obtain the final quota was to report their code through the communicator.

The room number is its own code, and the four of them are not on the same floor. Cassia dragged his luggage to find her room. As soon as she closed it, we heard a clear metal collision from the door lock. Reaching out and twisting the door handle again, it was already locked, and the identity card inserted into the assessment could not be opened again.

I didn't care, Cassia thought this should be a requirement in the assessment. After putting down his luggage, he patrolled the room, which was very wide, about three times the size of an ordinary commercial airship, and it was about 40 or 50 square meters. The bed leaned against the round window, a square table was in front of the bed, and the other area was occupied by the materials prepared by the Imperial Assembly. Weapons and clothing are available in all kinds. The list was placed on the table, and a sentence was added afterwards-if there is a need for other special equipment, you can apply to the empire resident within one day after the airship landed.

In addition to the list, there are some other documents made with special materials on the desktop. As soon as Cassia opened one of them, the electronic noise of "Zizi" emerged from the mezzanine of the wall of the room.

"Welcome examiners to board the special airship for the assessment. I am the captain of this airship and an inspector for the assessment. You can have a good rest for the next 14 days of the ~But before taking a break, I hope you will look at the things on the desktop and sign your name. In addition, the theory test in the assessment project will officially start after you board the airship and enter the room. The questions are all on the desktop. Please note that the door of the room is locked by the analyzer control. Of course it can’t close you, but the consequence of violent damage is disqualification. There is a special button behind the wall clock in your room. Press it to unlock the door. . And then, it is time to inform us that your theoretical assessment is over."

"Theoretical assessment has no time limit, and it will be counted as the effective time before the airship arrives at the station. In addition, communication is refused during the theoretical assessment, and there are inspectors outside the door. If any abnormal communication between the assessors is found, it will be cancelled. Qualifications for assessment."

"Finally, I wish everyone can get a place in the assessment."

The voice immediately disappeared, and Cassia lowered his head and continued to look at the documents in his hand, the same as when he first entered the military school, the death statement, the disposal of the remains, etc. After browsing it roughly, Cassia took the pen and signed her name. Then he picked up a thick pile of theory exam questions and opened it. A few seconds later, Cassia couldn't help sinking into thought.

"Question 1: Please use text and legends to explain in detail the ecosystem of blood flies and red-eyed rotten wolves on the battlefield."

"Second question: Please give examples of five methods for obtaining necessary information and detailed information on target persons in countries other than the Empire."

"Question 3: Translate the following paragraph into the language of the Flame Alliance and the common national language of the Far Sea, and use the recording device under the table to record the sound."


"Fortunately, I don't have any plans to get a quota." Cassia stopped writing and thought after looking through the entire question.

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