Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 341: direct line

After the first month of 1995, the new project of Meishan Iron and Steel's second factory was called, and the infrastructure project officially kicked off. #

At the same time, the restructuring of the municipal steel plant called Donghua Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. and the joint venture project between Meigang and Fuji Steel have also been approved by Fuji Steel and relevant departments of Huaihai Province and Donghua City. The three parties chose February On the 28th, a signing ceremony was held at the Nanyuan Hotel.

The amount of foreign investment directly and indirectly introduced by the joint venture factory will be as high as 60 million US dollars. As a rare key investment attraction project in Huaihai Province in recent years, Governor Zhao Qiuhua and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee Su Weijun and other leaders of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government were also invited to attend the signing ceremony.

Su Weijun arrived in Donghua a day earlier, and he never showed up after staying at the Nanyuan Hotel; Governor Zhao Qiuhua had an emergency and could not delay his schedule a day later, so the schedule on Donghua's side was completely messed up.

Shen Huai rushed to the Nanyuan Hotel at 8:00 in the morning to attend the signing ceremony, and waited until 9:30 before receiving a notice that Zhao Qiuhua's motorcade had just left the toll gate of the national highway.

Su Weijun, Tan Qiping, Gao Tianhe, Wu Haifeng and others all rushed to the national highway toll station to welcome Zhao Qiuhua. Shen Huai raised his wrist, tapped his watch, and said to Yang Yuquan, "A large group of them greeted at the national highway entrance, and then said to Yang Yuquan. Going through the city, at least half an hour. Let's go in and smoke two cigarettes, don't wait here stupidly."

In addition to the ceremonial staff who lined up to greet him, there are also staff from the Municipal Party Committee. Yang Yuquan developed severe arthritis while in the army. The weather was warm and cold, and the humidity was high. He had been standing for a long time, and his knees were numb and painful. , can't wait to find a place to sit.

However, Liang Xiaolin, Gu Tong, Pan Shihua and others accompanied representatives of Fuji Steel in the main building to wait for the arrival of Governor Zhao Qiuhua. Yang Yuquan did not want to join them, so he pulled Shen Huai to the grove to the left of the gate to smoke. .

Several staff members of the city government hid in the grove and said that they were happy. Song Xiaojun and Chu Qiang, who accompanied Yang Yuquan to work in the city, were also inside when they saw Shen Huai and Yang Yuquan approaching and said hello, "Mayor Yang is here with you. District Chief Shen, why did you go to the woods to check the work?"

"Come here to check on your grooming," Shen Huai took the cigarette and lighter from Song Xiaojun's hands, and nodded with Yang Yuquan, smiling, "Look at how dignified you are? I will punish each of you. Tell a joke..."

Song Xiaojun and Chu Qiang were more casual in front of Shen Huai, mainly because of their age, but they didn't dare to talk nonsense in Yang Yuquan, who was usually stern, and said with a wry smile: "It's not appropriate to talk about dirty jokes on such an important day. It seems too unserious, why don't we report to you, Mayor Yang and District Mayor Shen, what you have learned from the provincial party committee documents?"

"Yesterday I held a half-day meeting for the district, and I was tired of learning about the provincial party committee's documents," Shen Huai said with a smile, "If you are tired of me again, I'm going to beat someone..." Knowing that Yang Yuquan's legs have Arthritis, so he sat with him on the stone bench by the river, and talked to Song Xiaojun and the others.

"Secretary-General Su and Secretary Tan are about to welcome the governor to Nanyuan, how come the staff of your municipal government are all hanging around?" A stern voice suddenly came from the edge of the grove, "Where is Director Gu of your municipal government? , how do you usually manage you?"

Shen Huai tilted his head and looked at it, but Liu Weili, the deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, walked over quickly, his brows widened, and he couldn't wait to reprimand him when he saw Song Xiaojun and the others standing in the woods joking.

"Director Liu, don't be so serious, Mayor Yang is listening to their report on learning the provincial party committee's documents." Shen Huai greeted with a smile, "You also come and listen..."

Only then did Liu Weili see Shen Huai and Yang Yuquan sitting on the stone bench inside, and his face changed suddenly. Looking at the expressions on Song Xiaojun and others' faces, he thought he was nosy, so he could only move towards Yang Yuquan first. He squeezed out a smile and said: "It turns out that Mayor Yang and District Chief Shen are also here. I thought these **** were hiding here and being lazy. If there is nothing else, I will wait at the gate first, Secretary Tan and the others will come back soon. now..."

"Okay, Secretary Tan and the others are back, you send someone to tell us." Yang Yuquan said.

Watching Liu Weili leave, Yang Yuquan said to Shen Huai, "Tan Qiping is likely to let Liu Weili take over as director of Xiong Wenbin's Municipal Party Committee Office..."

"Isn't Liu Weili a temporary cadre from the province?" Song Xiaojun asked, "He's not going back to the province?"

A temporary post is to keep the original administrative organization relationship without mobilizing it, and entrust the post to other places for training and exercise.

Generally speaking, taking a post in a higher-level department is called hanging. Song Xiaojun and Chu Qiang are all transferred to the municipal government with Yang Yuquan in this way. Often, administrative-organizational relationships can be subsequently transferred to a higher-level department, which is also a convenient way to advance.

Liu Weili's temporary cadres who came down from the province are called xiahang, and usually return to the original department for promotion during the temporary post. Of course, if Liu Weili and others are willing to work in the local area, the relationship between the administrative organization can still be transferred, but it is usually said that Come on, water flows to low places and people go to high places. Unless they can get a seat of real power, few people are willing to stay in the lower departments.

Like Liu Weili, at the age of thirty-five or six, he can be promoted and serve as a director-level official, with a certain background behind it. He returned to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee or stayed in Donghua City as the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee. If Tan Qiping has other permission, Liu Weili may have more room to stay in the local development.

Through the gaps in the trees, Liu Weili could be seen walking like a flying figure. Shen Huai was not surprised by this result. Xiong Wenbin had not appeared with Tan Qiping for a while, and he did not have the opportunity to attend today's venue. Seeing that Xiong Wenbin had been abandoned by Tan Qiping, he smoked a cigarette and said to Yang Yuquan, "Tan Qiping is probably going to support his direct line in Donghua..."

Yang Yuquan nodded and said, "Tan Qiping may also fill in the position of the head of Tangzha District with a cadre from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee..."

Tan Qiping has been officially working at Donghua for a year. In the past year, although he has adjusted the city management cadres many times, in order to balance the interests of the members of the city standing committee and the local factions, the local system is mainly used. Move local officials who listen to him to more important posts.

However, Tan Qiping also transferred a group of cadres from the Provincial Party Committee Office and the Provincial Organization Department through temporary appointments.

Provinces and cities usually maintain a certain number of temporary cadres, including the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Donghua City, who are also temporary cadres from the province. A group of young cadres of lower rank, who are assigned to municipal, district and county party and government departments, are naturally not very conspicuous.

However, after Tan Qiping established a firm foothold in Donghua and opened up the connections from the province to the districts and counties below, he formally appointed some temporary cadres with outstanding abilities, close to him, and more or less background. As well as the important key positions in the districts and counties, the resistance will be much weaker, and it will be more beneficial for him to grasp the situation in Donghua.

Shen Huai sighed softly, even if Zhou Ming's peach-colored incident did not happen in the first month, Xiong Wenbin used it, and in Tan Qiping's opinion, he couldn't squeeze too much residual value from Xiong Wenbin, and kicking it away would be a natural ending.

After Yang Yuquan was transferred to the city, both the secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee and the district chief were held concurrently by Pan Shihua, which was obviously not a normal party and government state.

Shen Huai did not hesitate to guess who Tan Qiping would send to Tangzha District to serve as the deputy secretary and district chief. Although he knew that Tan Qiping would not make him feel good, the first thing he had to consider when he came to Tangzha District was his relationship with Pan Shihua. , Shen Huai didn't worry about the discomfort that this person could find him everywhere as soon as he came over.

A staff member from the Municipal Party Committee Office ran over and told them that the convoy was coming. Shen Huai and Yang Yuquan also ran out of the grove to report to Liang Xiaolin and the others to welcome the arrival of Governor Zhao Qiuhua.

At the signing ceremony, Shen Huai and Gu Tong represented Meigang and the municipal steel plant respectively. Zhou Ming, as the general manager of the Chinese side, should have been the protagonist with the representative of Fuji Steel, but there were too many leaders from provinces and cities. Huai wanted to stand behind Pan Shihua, and didn't even squeeze in.

Shen Huai was standing on the periphery, watching a large group of people enthusiastically accept the handshake and condolences from Governor Zhao Qiuhua and Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee Su Weijun, and he didn't bother to join up.

Zhao Qiuhua and Su Weijun are both members of the Provincial Standing Committee, but their political status is still vastly different——

Governor Zhao Qiuhua is the deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and one of the only two Central Committee members in Huaihai Province. Among the four major factions of the Central Committee, Zhao Qiuhua is a member of Premier Hu Zhicheng of the State Council; Tian Jiageng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, is a member of Vice Premier Wang Yuan. people.

Although Su Weijun promoted the former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to the position of Secretary General of the Provincial Party Committee, he lacked confidence. Except for the former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee who had completely retired, he had no connections in the central government, so he naturally did not dare to have the ambition to keep pace with Zhao Qiuhua. Even when shaking hands with Donghua officials, Su Weijun had to subconsciously look at Zhao Qiuhua's face first, and he was really used to the role of a "secretary".

"Shen Huai," Zhao Qiuhua shook hands with the people in the circle, and after a while he noticed Shen Huai standing on the periphery and greeted with a smile, "You are also one of the people who will sing the leading role in today's why? Hiding in the back? Did you do something wrong, I'm afraid that I will go back to the province to give you a 'tip'?"

Hearing that Governor Zhao Qiuhua greeted Shen Huai directly, a circle of people around him immediately made a gap for Shen Huai with their hands and feet.

Most people don't know Shen Huai's family background. Seeing that the governor not only knows Shen Huai, but also greets him so kindly, their eyes are full of envy and jealousy; while those who know Shen Huai's identity are relatively calm.

Shen Huai is the son of Vice Governor Song Bingsheng and the main promoter of this joint venture project. Zhao Qiuhua must speak directly to Shen Huai this time, and he can't look away and pretend he doesn't know each other. For Zhao Qiuhua, it is not difficult to guess whether Shen Huai is a condescending high official, or a kind and friendly elder. There is no fuss.

Seeing that Tan Qiping and Su Weijun were all looking over, Shen Huai smiled, pulled up Gu Tong and Zhou Ming who were standing with him on the periphery, and said, "Governor Zhao, this joint venture project, Meigang contributed very little, and Mr. Gu and Mr. Zhou. The one who really plays the leading role..."

Gu Tong was a little flattered; Zhou Ming was surprised and suspicious, unable to guess what Shen Huai was thinking, so he could only passively pull Shen Huai to the governor Zhao Qiuhua. (83 Chinese Network)

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