Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 358: No one is a naive Lord

(Thanks to the Sanshan Sanshui brothers for their enthusiastic support, thank you)

Cheng Yi was still in jet lag and had to go back to rest first. Xiao Wu could only squat and leave with Cheng Yi. Before leaving, he threatened Ji Chengxi: "I must tell my sister-in-law that you forced me to leave first. , I don't know what bad things you will do next..."

Ji Chengxi waved his fist at Xiao Wu.

Zhang Biqiang also knew that there were some occasions that he couldn't get involved in, so he also said goodbye and left.

Although Zhang Biqiang is an agent trader whose strength is not very strong, it is not easy to compare his wealth with Song Hongjun, but considering the current economic development of Donghua City, no matter how small mosquitoes fly over, they are meat, and Shen Huai will not pick fat. thin.

Zhang Biqiang has the problem of being jealous, but at least he knows some sense of proportion; As an agent of analytical instruments with a narrow professional level, Zhang Biqiang can also be regarded as an intellectual among the few who got rich first.

In Shen Huai's eyes, such a person is much more useful than a second-generation official like Liu Fulong, who is flattering to his superiors and domineering to his inferiors.

Shen Huai left a business card for Zhang Biqiang and said to him, "You also leave a business card for Lao Ji and my eldest brother, so we can get in touch in the future..."

After Zhang Biqiang entered the box and ate, he didn't give a special introduction, so he didn't have the opportunity to exchange business cards. Before leaving, he couldn't find an excuse to hand over the business card. Hearing what Shen Huai said at this time, he hurriedly shared the business card with Ji Chengxi. , Song Hongjun, even more grateful to Shen Huai.

Zhang Biqiang, as an instrument sales agent, earned 1.8 million annually in this era. Although it is not enough, it is more than enough, and there is nothing lacking in life. However, Shen Huai's respect and easy treatment make him feel especially precious.

Ji Chengxi and Song Hongjun did not refute Shen Huai's face, and both left business cards for Zhang Biqiang.

"Brother Hongjun, have you changed your business card?" Ji Chengxi took Song Hongjun's exquisite business card holder over, took out a business card and looked at it, and said with a smile, "Hey, why are so many titles not written before, just write Hongji Industry. A title of investment chairman? It's not prestige, it's not your style."

"Hey, don't mention it, it was a bad joke in the past; now I know that pretending to be a boy is also a different level." Song?" Song Hongjun patted his thigh, looking like he couldn't look back.

Ji Chengxi laughed; Shen Huai sent Zhang Biqiang out of the VIP lounge and walked back after watching him leave.

Ji Chengxi said to Shen Huai, "You also leave me a business card? After a while, I want to organize cadres from the county to go to Meixi Town to inspect Meigang's development model, and I can't do without your contact information."

Shen Huai also exchanged business cards with Ji Chengxi.

Ji Chengxi made an appointment to meet with officials from the ministries and commissions in the afternoon, and also invited officials from the Ministry of Railways to dinner in the evening. Naturally, Shen Huai and Song Hongjun did not join in the fun, and then left.


After coming out of Qinghe Hotel, Shen Huai got into Song Hongjun's car and said, "Let's go to Donghua Hotel."

"Can you find a higher-grade home?" Song Hongjun complained, "I'll drag you to Donghua's site all day long, making me feel like I'm contributing to Donghua's development all day long, which will lower my level. , I want to contribute to the locality, no matter what, it must be at the provincial and ministerial level."

"Just like you, a capitalist who exploits our surplus labor force, how can you talk about contributing to local development?" Shen Huai said with a smile, and asked Song Hongjun, "Do you have any familiar people who know the foundation of Qinghe City?"

"Why, do you have reservations about what Ji Chengxi said today?" Song Hongjun asked.

"..." Shen Huai smiled, Ji Chengxi should be a person with a practical spirit, and he is relatively different in the circle of young masters in the capital, but because of this, he thinks that Ji Chengxi is a harmless master, trust him without reservation, Shen Huai It was too naive, he said to Song Hongjun, "Who knows, there is no harm in asking more."

"Then you can drive." Song Hongjun and Shen Huai changed seats. He went to the co-pilot and concentrated on calling to find out the details of the Qinghe area.

Officialdom is like a network. Although Qinghe City is a local area, Song Hongjun has a wide range of contacts. If he wants to find out the doorway of Qinghe, he can always find someone.

When he was about to arrive at the Donghua Hotel, Song Hongjun covered the microphone and asked Shen Huai, "Did Ji Chengxi tell you that Liu Chuandong has worked in Jihe County for ten years?"

Shen Huai shook his head and frowned.

Song Hongjun hung up the phone, put the phone on the dashboard, and sighed: "Ji Chengxi, this kid, the yin man's kung fu is really deep, and he quietly wants us to jump into his pit."

Shen Huai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Because it was judged that Ji Chengxi would be in Qinghe in the future, and there might be conflicts with Liu Chuandong and other Qinghe local snakes, Shen Huai decided not to accept Liu Fulong's apology, and wanted to use this conflict with Liu Fulong to make Cheng Wenguang also break away from Qinghe officials to ensure that The Song Clan was not involved in local disputes in Qinghe City - doing so might even make Cheng Wenguang feel unhappy, but in any case, this was Shen Huai's active choice.

The actual situation was somewhat different from Shen Huai's judgment.

Ji Chengxi is in Qinghe, it is not that he may have conflicts with Liu Chuandong and other local snakes in the future, but now he is very likely to have deep conflicts with Liu Chuandong and other local snakes, and even intensify and cause conflicts immediately - Ji Chengxi deliberately concealed Liu Chuandong in Jihe Not to mention the long-term tenure of the county party committee, there is more or less the intention of using Shen Huai to achieve his intention to isolate Liu Chuandong and other local leaders.

"Hey, there aren't any good birds in the Ji family," Song Hongjun wasn't worried about any serious consequences, but for others to take advantage of, he was always uncomfortable, and his cheap mouth also dug up the Ji family's old foundation, "But the Ji family The old man's health has not been as good as before, and he seldom comes out for activities, and he will not be able to toss for a few years. Once the old man of the Ji family leaves, the two people in the bureau will definitely take care of the children of the Ji family, but he wants to More extra, I'm afraid it's a dream..."

The inheritance of power has always been the core issue of the struggle.

The Ji clan is in the center, and although it is more powerful than the Song clan, in terms of faction inheritance, the situation they face is actually more serious than the Song clan.

The old man of the Song family is only over eighty years old, with a strong body and a vigorous spirit. Today, when the meritorious old people have passed away one after another, this is becoming more and more rare.

However, even if he knew that he gave Ji Chengxi a hand, there was nothing else he could do except for his resentment. Song Qiaosheng and Tian Jiageng failed to fight for the secretary of the Huaihai Provincial Party Committee, and they had a bad relationship with Wang Yuan. Department is not happy.

Shen Huai thought about it carefully, since Ji Chengxi wanted to make a difference in the local area, it was inevitable to move Liu Chuandong's foundation in Jihe County, and it was also the correct choice for the Song Dynasty to break away from Liu Chuandong and other local snakes in Qinghe.

But thinking of using it, Shen Huai felt somewhat unhappy, so he could only follow Song Hongjun to the Donghua Hotel with a wry smile.


Shen Huai planned to stay at the Donghua Hotel at night, opened a room directly at the front desk, then called Chen Bing and asked him to come to the room to talk.

Before Chen Bing came, an unfamiliar call came to Shen Huai's mobile phone.

Song Hongjun took a pot to boil water and smiled at Shen Huai: "Are you busy with your business in Yanjing?"

Shen Huai walked to the window and answered the phone, Er covered his mouth and whispered to Song Hongjun, "Is it Ji Chengxi?"

Song Hongjun was also surprised. He didn't care about making tea and walked to the window sill to watch Shen Huai answer Ji Chengxi's call.

"How come it's such a long time that Brother Ji remembered me again?" Shen Huai pretended to be ignorant and had no grudges while talking on the phone with Ji Chengxi.

Ji Chengxi's voice over the phone was slightly lower than he had imagined.

"After you and Brother Hongjun left, I thought about it again and again, and felt that there are still some situations in Jihe County, and I should tell you."

"What's the matter?" Shen Huai asked calmly.

"Shortly after I arrived in Jihe County, I received a report letter from the county material company and some private enterprises involved in smuggling. The report letter is with real names, and the problem uncovered is relatively serious, the data is large, and it lasts for a long time, although it does not directly involve I went to Jingrui and Liu Chuandong, but the person in charge of the county material company was initially promoted by Liu Chuandong when he was the secretary of the county party committee in Jihe. I have no one I can trust to investigate in Jihe County, so this report letter is still here. In my hands, it was not transferred to the relevant departments for processing. I know that Secretary Cheng Wenguang has always been concerned about the development of his hometown. I just called and reported to Secretary Cheng. Secretary Cheng instructed that such vicious cases must be investigated to the end... " Ji Chengxi said.

"Naturally, we must resolutely dig out the moths of these countries and society." Shen Huai said, chatted a few more words, and hung up the phone with Ji Chengxi.

"Ji Chengxi is usually a character with eyes above the top, but he takes you very seriously!" Song Hongjun was quite surprised, stared at Shen Huai several times, and asked suspiciously, "Why didn't I see that you are a villain? What's the difference?"

Shen Huai smiled slightly, and Ji Chengxi called to explain at this time, which was also to make up for the fact that he deliberately concealed Liu Chuandong's long-term tenure in Jihe County.

Although I don't know if Ji Chengxi made a decision after weighing the pros and cons, Shen Huai felt more at ease. Besides, even if Ji Chengxi weighed the pros and cons before making the decision to make up for Shen Huai, this just shows that Shen Huai has enough weight in Ji Chengxi's heart.

After changing a role like Liu Fulong, don't give him a slap in the face. Even if he slaps him, he doesn't apologize. More importantly, Ji Chengxi called Cheng Wenguang directly to respond to the problem in Jihe County. Forcing Cheng Wenguang to draw a clear relationship with Liu Chuandong and other local snakes in Qinghe, so that Shen Huai and Song Hongjun would not be caught in the middle. In this way, Ji Chengxi took the negative impact that he had deliberately misled Shen Huai before, and directly accepted it, which was also an open and honest expression of friendship and sincerity.

Just from this point of view, Shen Huai and Song Hongjun couldn't help but look at Ji Chengxi higher after their grudges were eliminated.

When the water boiled, Song Hongjun pulled out a tea, made two cups of tea, and chatted with Shen Huai on the corner chair in the room. There was a knock on the door, Shen Huai walked over to open it, and besides Chen Bing, Hu Meisheran was also standing outside the door.

Song Hongjun also felt strange that Hu Mei also appeared outside the door. He stared at Shen Huai and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Cheng Yi will come here with you?"

Shen Huai was full of grievances and couldn't say anything. He never contacted Hu Mei at all, and asked Hu Mei in confusion, "Why are you here?"

"Hey," Hu Mei was still surprised, staring into Shen Huai's eyes and asking, "Did Mr. Sun tell you?"

"What, Mr. Sun, what did you say to me?" Shen Huai asked.

"Ah," Hu Mei suddenly found it difficult to explain, she took out her business card from her handbag and said, "This is my business card."

Seeing the business card that Hu Mei handed over, Shen Huai was dumbfounded.

Song Hongjun held a teacup, leaned his head over, and looked at the business card with the words "Zhongxin Investment Company, Special Assistant to the President, Manager of the Yanjing Office" and other managers. A sip of tea was sprayed directly onto the makeup mirror, splashing half of Shen Huai's face. . (83 Chinese Network)

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