Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 361: encounter at home

(I wish everyone a happy Christmas Eve, and I wish my brothers can hold the hand of my sister; I also take a leave of absence to go shopping with my wife in the evening)

Even if Tan Qiping is willing to let go, the interest groups surrounding the Tianshenggang Power Plant cannot sit still and let this piece of pastry fall into the hands of others.

In front of Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe, Shen Huai mentioned the plan of Huaineng Group to acquire Tianshenggang Power Plant, which was the first step to ask for directions.

The Huaineng Group has not been formally incorporated yet. Is this model feasible or not in line with the interests of Dongdian, and the senior executives of Dongdian do not have full confidence and dare not take too big steps.

Shen Huai discussed with Chen Bing and Hu Shuwei that in addition to Meixi Power Plant, as a power asset that Huaineng will directly operate in the future, the next target to try out is Xiapu Power Plant.

Xiapu Power Plant is an old thermal power plant built in 1968. After several expansions and renovations, the installed capacity is 40,000 kilowatts, which is even less than half of the Meixi Power Plant after completion.

More importantly, Xiapu Thermal Power Plant, as an electric power enterprise integrating power generation, heating supply and distribution in Xiapu County, has aging equipment and serious defects, and there are also great defects in management, which makes it impossible to achieve profitable operation in the current power shortage.

The Xiapu Power Plant is small in scale and continues to lose money in operation. If the Huaineng Group acquires such a power plant for technological transformation, there will be much less local resistance - this is also a feasible way for the Huaineng Group to rapidly expand the scale of its power assets.

Everyone on different hills has different interests.

Although the established Huaineng Group is also a wholly state-owned enterprise, no place will be willing to assign high-quality assets to other hills for free; the burden is another matter.

Tan Qiping didn't know the situation of Xiapu Power Plant, but after hearing that Gao Tianhe offered to take out Xiapu Power Plant as a pilot project, it was inconvenient to object in person. I also want to delay things for a while.

In the early stage of Huaineng Group, it was mainly to ensure that the Meixi Power Plant was completed as scheduled, and the work including the relevant equity and business division and adjustment would continue for a long period of time.

Huineng Group can build a framework in half a year, thank God, we can talk more about the acquisition of power assets, but it is not necessary to immediately enter the implementation stage. ??part.


After reporting the situation of Huineng Group to Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe, Shen Huai directly asked Shao Zheng to drive him back to the house. After more than a month in Waidanbo, Shen Huai was worried that the house would grow grass.

When Shen Huai went home, he planned to take a hot bath first to regain his vitality, and then deal with other things. When he arrived at Wenshan Garden, he would let Shao Zheng go back first, and then went upstairs with his luggage.

Passing by Sun Yalin's door, listening to the "giggling" laughter inside, a woman was laughing and shouting: "Give it to me, give it to me, if you don't give it to me again, I'm going to **** it..." Hearing familiar voices , but definitely not Sun Yalin.

Shen Huai couldn't help but wonder: Who is robbing Sun Yalin in the house at this time?

Shen Huai was about to knock on the door, but he thought that every time Sun Yalin returned to his residence, it would be like a no-man's land, when he didn't exist, if he knocked on the door and went in, he might not be too useless.

Shen Huai took out the key to open the door. Seeing the situation in the living room, blood almost spurted out of his nose:

Sun Yalin was pressed on the sofa, Yang Lili was straddling her waist, her hand on her chest, and she was excitedly grabbing something in her hand.

Sun Yalin was deliberately teasing Yang Lili and raised her hand back to prevent her from getting it.

Sun Yalin was wearing a cotton sweatshirt, but it was nothing, but Yang Lili's posture was too unsightly: the knee-length tight skirt was turned upside down during the play, and she didn't realize it, revealing her white thighs on black stockings and the sturdy beauty wrapped in purple panties. /hip.

The snow-white buttocks were so full that they overflowed from the edge of the panties, but they were so tight that there was no fat at all.

Because she wanted to grab something from Sun Yalin's hand, Yang Lili almost lay down on Sun Yalin's body, and her shirt was hung up, revealing a small waist that was as white and tender as suet jade.

Yang Lili was a little petite, but her body proportions were excellent. She was almost half-naked, and she was wearing a snow-white shirt with lace trims on her upper body. When she heard the door open, she and Sun Yalin looked over, face-to-face.

The two beautiful faces are stuck together, saying that as charming as they are, they are as charming as they are.

Yang Lili was stunned, lying on Sun Yalin's body, her beautiful face, wavy hair down, white-collar-like lace shirt, snow-white crotch and slender right leg extending beautifully from the edge of the sofa to the floor, the whole person is **** Unprovoked - even worse, she was riding on Sun Yalin's waist. Although she was shorter, her chest was just close to her chest at this time. The two pairs of breasts, which are not separated from each other, extrude perfect solitary shapes from the edges.

"What are you playing, is it fun?" Shen Huai restrained his saliva, pointed at Yang Lili and Sun Yalin, and couldn't help but want to ask them if they would bring him to play with them.

"Why are you back?" Sun Yalin asked, leaning back on the sofa, her elbows resting on the sofa, her whole body was once gracefully solitary, her long dark brown hair was draped like a silky waterfall, her face was full of surprises.

"Why can't I come back?" Shen Huai asked rhetorically.

"Ah?" Only at this moment did Yang Lili realize that the skirt was turned up, and her lower body was almost in front of Shen Huai's eyes. She sat up in a panic and wanted to turn the skirt down - but she was still riding on Sun Yalin's waist with her legs spread apart. , the thing that pulled down the skirt suddenly would only make her clamp Sun Yalin's waist more tightly, and if she moved a little, the whole person lost balance and turned to the side.

"Bang", Yang Lili knocked her head on the corner of the coffee table and fell to the floor, knocking the coffee table over.

This knock was so hard that Yang Lili couldn't get up for a long time, and the pain was so painful that she burst into tears.

"This, this," Shen Huai put down her luggage, walked in and helped Yang Lili up, and said, "What are you doing, I didn't say what you did, why are you panicking, why are you crying?"

"Who did what? Who did what? It hurts so much, what do you say?" Yang Lili sat up, rubbing her head against the corner of the coffee table, grinning in pain, tears hanging on her face, pear blossoms with rain It seems that, for a while, he didn't care about tidying up his skirt, and his legs were more exposed in front of Shen Huai's eyes - the skin on his thighs was snow-white and tight, slender and tightly closed without any gaps, only a few curly hairs from purple. The front edge of the **** sticks out and sticks to the depths of the dazzling white abdominal muscle groove, which makes people feel good.

It took a while for Yang Lili to stand up with her legs on the coffee table, she straightened her skirt with a blushing face, and asked Sun Yalin to show her the head bumping her bag, and said, "Why did you give him the key to your room? ?"

"Yes, why do you have the key to my room?" Sun Yalin raised the overturned coffee table and asked Shen Huai in confusion.

"You can steal the key to my room; can't I have an extra key for your room?" Shen Huai said triumphantly.

At that time, Chen Dan rented these two houses. After changing the locks, there were a total of four sets of keys. Sun Yalin occupied the room. Naturally, Shen Huai would not give her the keys honestly—otherwise, there was no chance to see it. To this fragrant / beautiful scene.

Just seeing that Sun Yalin and Yang Lili looked normal, and Yang Lili was more concerned about disappearing in front of him, it seemed that it was just a joke, and there was no more ambiguous atmosphere, Shen Huai felt a little disappointed.

Shen Huai looked at his watch, it was already four o'clock, and asked Yang Lili, "Why are you here, isn't Wanziqianhong ready for business hours?"

"I was about to take a shower and change clothes before going to the store when you suddenly broke in. I thought it was a thief, and I almost scared me to death." Yang Lili called Shen Huai to look at it with ambiguous eyes, her heart inexplicably panicked. Yes, look carefully and see that no part of the body has disappeared, clutching his chest and picking up the snow-white papers scattered on the ground.

"You've always lived here?" Shen Huai asked suspiciously. He remembered that in the first month of the first month, the house that Yang Lili and Kou Xuan rented in Xinjia New Village leaked, and they temporarily borrowed Sun Yalin's house to live for a few days, which lasted for more than two months. In the past, I didn't expect Yang Lili and the others to move out.

"Yes," Yang Lili said, "the waterproofing quality of the house we rented before was too poor, and the bathroom upstairs leaked. No matter how we repaired it, the house was returned. Anyway, Mr. Sun has spare rooms here, so we can live together. It’s also a little more lively. Just in time to help you clean up the house…”

Shen Huai probed and saw the steam in the bathroom. He didn't expect that he had been away on business for more than a month, and the water heater had already been installed in the house. He also didn't expect that Yang Lili and Sun Yalin had become as close as "sisters", and they were still playing together on the sofa.

"Look at how clean you are, what kind of bath are you taking? Why don't you let me take a bath first with this tank of hot water?" Instead, Huai said to her, "Since you have the key to my room, help me get another set of clothes to do laundry."

"Don't pay attention to him; the more you pay attention to him, the more excited he will be." Sun Yalin said to Yang Lili.

Yang Lili was finally timid in front of Shen Huai, she brought Shen Huai's luggage into the living room first, and then ran upstairs to help him get a change of clothes.

Shen Huai slipped into the hot tub, while Sun Yalin spoke to him through the half-closed door:

"Why are you back at this time, didn't you call and say to go to town first in the afternoon?"

"I originally wanted to go directly to the town, but I didn't want to call Tan Qiping halfway to the city..." Shen Huai told Sun Yalin about the conversation with Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe in the city.

"Why did Gao Tianhe change his **** this time?" Sun Yalin asked strangely.

"The more I fight with Tan Qiping, the more tense we fight, so Donghua will have the space to live for Gao Tianhe." Shen Huai knew that Sun Yalin didn't pay much attention to the past stories of Donghua's officialdom, and explained some reasons to her. "Donghua used to be a poor place, and the biggest mountain in the province was Ye Chengming, the former secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. Ye Chengming was a very powerful official. After the Cultural Revolution, he served as Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in Donghua for ten years. The former Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Gao Tianhe were both promoted by him. After Ye Chengming served as Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee in the province, the entire Huaihai Province discipline inspection system was called the Donghua Gang—probably because Donghua was poor. It is inconspicuous and is not valued by the province, so the local officials of Donghua and the province are almost all connected to Ye Chengming. The problem is that Ye Chengming died suddenly in a car accident in 1992, and the entire Donghua If you help a group of dragons without a leader, and they are helpless in the province, it is inevitable that they will be trampled. Gao Tianhe wanted to go the route of Charles Taylor, but after the Emperor's case, Gao Tianhe was not seen by Charles Taylor. Zhao Qiuhua at the end of February Came to I lived in the South Garden at night, and Gao Tianhe visited it, but then Zhao Qiuhua's nephew came to Donghua and had no contact with Gao Tianhe and Gao Xiaohu and his son. Tianhe has the intention of taking refuge, but Zhao Qiuhua has no intention of sheltering. Gao Tianhe may call Donghua at any time, do you think he can use snacks?"

Yang Lili came back with her clothes, and saw Sun Yalin sitting at the door talking to Shen Huai, and the bathroom door was only half-closed. She thought that Shen Huai hadn't started taking a shower, so she pushed open the door and went in to hand over her clothes. Shen Huai soaked in the bathtub naked.

Since the weather was getting higher in mid-April, the temperature of the hot water was not particularly high, and there was not much hot steam, so Yang Lili saw a black giant snake lying between Shen Huai's legs - she was a visitor, and she would not be as sharp as a little girl Yelling, blushing and bowing his head, he put down his clothes and went out, complaining, "Why don't you close the door when you take a shower, so you're not afraid that others will see long needles?"

"It was you who took revenge and suddenly rushed in to peek at me, okay?" Shen Huai bowed his body and bowed.

"Skinny or not, there's not much meat, what's so beautiful?" Yang Lili didn't show weakness, standing outside the door and sneered.

Sun Yalin laughed heartlessly and asked Yang Lili, "Have you seen his meat?" (83 Chinese website)

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