Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 365: Tian Jiageng's phone number

In the small lounge, Liu Weili, Su Kaiwen, Pan Shihua, and Zhou Qibao, the new deputy secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee and acting district chief, are all direct descendants of Tan Qiping who were promoted and appointed after he arrived in Donghua. The backbone of Donghua, they all know the relationship between Shen Huai and Song Bingsheng.

They watched Song Bingsheng scolding him, and they thought that this would always make Shen Huai's unruly temperament a little frustrated. How could they have thought that Shen Huai would directly ask his father to stop pointing at Mei Gang in the future. Struggling.

Su Kaiwen and Pan Shihua had learned how Shen Huai would slap their hands on the opponent's face if they disagreed. Although they were a little surprised that Song Bingsheng and Shen Huai, the father and son, quarreled in front of them, but they were able to restrain themselves from looking left and right.

They even had a kind of expectation of watching a good show. Looking at Shen Huai, they laughed secretly: Others can't take care of you, but your father can always take care of you, right?

Liu Weili and Zhou Qibao were cadres who had been assigned to Donghua for training in the early days as the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. Recently, they have directly promoted Tan Qiping to important positions such as Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Tangzha District Party Committee, and Acting District Chief. Hearing its name, the contact is not deep.

The rumors that you have heard are always innumerable, and you can only know the truth by seeing them with your own eyes. The two of them listened to Shen Huai's "crazy words" to his father, and they both looked at Tan Qiping subconsciously, their faces hard to hide.

Seeing Song Bing trembling with anger, Tan Qiping said with a smile, "Young people today really have a lot more character than our generation. Of course, having character is a good thing, and having character can be aggressive." He is the leader of Donghua City, but Shen Huai and Song Bingsheng quarreled with each other as a father and son. Apart from persuading him to make peace, he could not reprimand Shen Huai for not understanding the rules in front of Song Bingsheng.

Song Bingsheng knew how twisted his son was, so he endured all the way without making any comments on Meigang's new factory. It was also after he arrived at Shangxi Garden that he saw that there were no outsiders around him, so he couldn't help but say something. In his opinion, he also hoped that Shen Huai could restrain himself a little, so as not to let the situation collapse to the point of being completely unmanageable.

He didn't expect that Shen Huai not only didn't take his good intentions, but in front of these people, asking him to stop pointing fingers at Mei Gang in the future, how could his old face be able to hang on? ??live?

Song Bingsheng was really so angry that a Buddha ascended to the sky, and there was an evil fire in his chest that rushed up, his brows were angry, and he was about to burst out if he couldn't restrain it.

Of course Song Wenhui knew that her fourth brother was taking the blame on her own. It was enough to pretend that she did not understand. She was not satisfied with Shen Huai and wanted to find a chance to teach him a lesson. What a bad influence.

However, Song Wenhui couldn't really let Shen Huai and his father fall out in public at this time.

In addition to a few people on their side, in the rest hall outside, there are officials from provinces, municipalities and towns, as well as representatives of investors from the Birmingham Economic and Trade Mission, and representatives of companies such as Fuji Steel who were invited to accompany them.

If Shen Huai and his father had a public fallout at this time, he would completely call his father out of power, which would have a worse impact on Shen Huai and on Mei Steel.

Song Wenhui wanted to let her fourth brother go down the steps, so she had to keep a straight face, pulled Shen Huai, and said sternly, "What kind of attitude are you, how can you talk to your father like this?"

Shen Huai knew that the little aunt was kind to him, but he was also sullen in his heart. He sat there, staring at the big blue bricks on the ground, without saying a word; Sun Yalin lowered his head and fiddled with the bright red nails on his fingernails. Oil, at this time she knew that she could no longer add fuel to the fire.

Song Wenhui and Tan Qiping sang the red face, and the other sang the black face, Song Bingsheng's face was a little better.

At this time, Zheng Feng, Song Bingsheng's secretary, came in from outside with his cell phone in his hand. He noticed something unusual in the room and felt strange, but he didn't ask any more questions, but walked directly to Song Bingsheng, handed over the cell phone, and said : "The call from Secretary Tian's office, Secretary Tian wants to call you."

Song Bingsheng didn't care about his son who was arrogant and embarrassed in public. He took the phone and told Tan Qiping and the others to sit and not move. He walked aside to answer the phone.

When Tan Qiping saw Song Bingsheng answering the phone, he had a puzzled look on his face, and felt strange in his heart: What did Tian Jiageng call Song Bingsheng at this time?

Song Bingsheng hung up the phone, handed the phone back to Secretary Zheng Feng, and said to Tan Qiping with an ugly face: "Secretary Tian attaches great importance to this economic and trade negotiation and requires Donghua City to maintain regular economic, trade and cultural exchanges with Birmingham as much as possible. ; It would be a better result if we could strive for the conclusion of sister cities..."

Tan Qiping stood there in a daze, his face sullen.

To be honest, Tan Qiping felt a little chilled when he saw Shen Huai going his own way, only to bring back a pile of "ragged copper and iron" from Birmingham to fill the wharf. But at the same time, he thought that Shen Huai was going to make a big somersault on the new factory of Meishan Iron and Steel, and it would be a good thing that his arrogant temperament could be completely extinguished, so he could take everything he saw today indifferently. After all, he even advised Song Bingsheng not to be annoyed by this matter, and to pay the tuition to learn a lesson.

What does Tian Jiageng mean by this phone call suddenly?

Tan Qiping was also surprised and suspicious at the moment.

Liu Weili, Pan Shihua, Su Kaiwen, Zhou Qibao and others were deeply surprised.

As the second largest city in the UK, Birmingham has a much higher international status than Donghua and even Xucheng.

In this economic and trade group, apart from Mark Allen who is a heavyweight as a Birmingham City Councilman, Dima Brook, Green Field and others are all well-known industrial investors in Birmingham.

Therefore, after receiving the news, the provinces and cities increased their reception standards accordingly. Tan Qiping and Gao Tianhe directly came forward in the city, and Song Bingsheng led a team to Donghua from the province to meet the members of the economic and trade delegation and hold high-level economic and trade negotiations.

However, Tian Jiageng's phone call reminded everyone once again that the Birmingham Economic and Trade Mission was not for other reasons, but was invited by Shen Huai in the name of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Tangzha District; It is due to the influence of cooperation in the past six months.

After seeing the pile of "broken copper and rotten iron" at the dock of Meixi Port, everyone was thinking that Meigang paid 30 million US dollars for this pile of "broken copper and rotten iron", and Birmingham sent several prominent figures. It's really normal to come over to help fill the scene...

Tian Jiageng's intention is hard to figure out, but on the bright side, Tian Jiageng personally made this call as the provincial party committee secretary, and through Song Bingsheng gave the Donghua municipal party committee and municipal government direct economic and trade negotiation work instructions, which is to Shen Huai, The most direct affirmation of Meigang's work.

Song Wenhui glanced at her fourth brother. Tian Jiageng had been on the phone with him for a long time. It should be more than just a few simple sentences. By looking at the fourth brother's face, you could also know that Tian Jiageng was likely to have achieved Meigang's achievements on the phone. Make some verbal affirmations.

The fourth brother can of course ignore some of Tian Jiageng's insignificant words and not communicate it to Tan Qiping, but everyone can still understand the actual meaning of Tian Jiageng's phone call.

Song Wenhui couldn't help sighing lightly. Just now, the fourth brother and Tan Qiping had a tuition fee on the left and a lesson on the right. They wished to deny the achievements of Meigang's new factory project from the preparation to the present. Tian Jiageng made this phone call. Come here, even if they are disdainful of the Meigang new plant project in their hearts, they will force them to swallow what they just said.

Song Wenhui didn't care whether her fourth brother and Tan Qiping felt good or not, and no matter what intentions Tian Jiageng had, she was relieved to think that at least the current situation could be overcome.

Sun Yalin turned her hands, her eyes seemed to be fixed on the back of her white and flawless hand, and she said casually, "It seems that Secretary Tian of the Provincial Party Committee is quite satisfied with the work of Meigang's new factory. But, let me tell you the truth, as the representative of investors , I have no dissatisfaction with the current work of Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory..."

Song Bingsheng's chest was churning with blood again.

Although Sun Yalin spoke disrespectfully, he was tit-for-tat to him, which was quite rude, but he was even less angry with this girl's film from the Sun family. Although the relationship was a little far away, in terms of relatives, he still counted as Sun Yalin. 's distant cousin.

Song Wenhui gave Sun Yalin a wink and asked her to restrain her sharp-toothed and sharp temperament. If her fourth brother passed Xie Haicheng and sued her father and the Sun family, the situation might not be easy to fix.

"Don't you want the guests and Mayor Gao to wait outside for too long?" Song Wenhui turned around and said that as long as she went outside, it was possible to press down everyone's choking gunpowder.

Song Bingsheng glanced at Shen Huai, feeling the most depressed.

He did not dare not to convey Tian Jiageng's instructions to the Donghua Municipal Party Committee and Municipal, but he had conveyed Tian Jiageng's instructions, so he could no longer publicly deny the work of the new Meishan Iron and Steel Plant and prevent Shen Huai from making mistakes. the road continues.

He was so angry that he pointed at Shen Huai's face, hating the lesson that iron is not steel, and said, "You, you, you want me to say hello."

Shen Huai had a sullen face, as long as they no longer publicly denied Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory, and did not block the next construction of Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory, it would not matter if he was a little angry.

It's just that this matter makes Shen Huai depressed. All the mountains are trying hard to turn over, but there is a stumbling block that he can't beat or scold, and even has the ability to directly pin him down - Song Hongjun has already tended to invest in the industry. But it is not afraid to bet too much investment on Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant. After all, there is this layer of worry.

At this time, Shen Huai had to secretly thank Tian Jiageng, at least let him get through the disaster in front of him. Looking at Tan Qiping and others with complicated expressions, he thought again: When the new factory is built, it will be up to you alone. Where can you put your face?

Gao Tianhe and the guests of the economic and trade delegation could not be asked to wait outside for too long. Shen Huai rubbed his face hard to ease the stiff face a little, so that his face was not so ugly. (83 Chinese Network)

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