Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 402: The base is too thin

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After Cheng Yi returned to Yanjing, the impact of the collapsed bed incident did not disappear with the passage of time.

With the help of Robi and Yuan Hongjun, Su Kaiwen became more comfortable in Meixi Town. In the first ten days of November, he adjusted his personnel one after another. A new deputy mayor was transferred from the district to be in charge of urban construction, divided Huang Xinliang's power, and Remove Zhou Ming from the post of deputy mayor.

At present, Zhou Ming's main energy is on the construction of the joint venture steel plant. In Meixi Town, he only hangs the name of the deputy mayor, and he does not even attend the party and government meetings.

Even if Shen Huai asked the district to directly remove Zhou Ming's post as deputy mayor, it would have no effect at all.

It's just that Shen Huai didn't do this, and let Zhou Ming continue to hold the post of deputy mayor in Meixi Town; in addition to preventing him from interfering in the party and government affairs of Meixi Town, there is not even a shortage of wages and benefits that the deputy mayor should have. he.

In the hands of Su Kaiwen, Zhou Ming's post in Meixi Town was suddenly cancelled, and some sensitive people were called to see some ominous signs for Zhou Ming.

Of course, outsiders didn't know the inside story, and some even thought it was because of the pressure Shen Huai exerted on the Tangzha District Committee after the collapse of the bed, that Zhou Ming had to lose a job.

Shen Huai didn't know what Zhou Ming was thinking, but if he wanted to blame Zhou Ming for all this, he would be really stupid. He now hides from Xiong Wenbin, and doesn't care whether Zhou Ming is happy or not.

For Yuan Hongjun, the most direct gain from climbing Gaozhi was that he had his name on the list of the preparatory work team for the Meixi New Area.

The preparatory working group is a temporary organization between the leading group of Meixi New District led by the Municipal Party Committee and the three townships of the new district. The members who entered the group are all candidates for the future party working committee and management committee of the new district. They are responsible for the leading group.

In this working group, Su Kaiwen served as the team leader, Huang Xinliang and the party secretaries of Huangqiao Town and Zhushe Township were the deputy team leaders, and then a total of four people were selected from the three townships as team members.

In this way, if Su Kaiwen wanted to be assertive and professional, he convened a preparatory work meeting for the new district, and discussed the affairs of Meixi Town within the framework of the preparatory work for the new district.

Although Huang Xinliang will also attend, but other members of the party committee in Meixi Town are excluded, it is difficult to prevent Su Kaiwen from acting arbitrarily in many affairs in Meixi Town.

However, the current situation is not always easy for Su Kaiwen.

Deputy Governor Luo Chenghui's convoy was blocked, although with the assistance of Yuan Hongjun, six people were detained and settled, but Du Gui, the commander behind the scenes, was never able to catch it. The six merchants who were arrested disappeared together on the night they were released after a month of detention.

Among the petitioning households of the district government, there are also more family members of the merchants on the Xiamei Highway, and the scale is growing day by day.

In late November, the renovation of Xuetang Street and Xincheng Park were completed simultaneously.

The new city park is one of the main bodies of the town center village reconstruction project.

Central Village is one of the two neighborhood committees in the early days of Meixi Town and one of the old districts of Meixi Town. It is located on the south side of Xiamei Highway.

To the east of Xuetang Street, there are mainly town center primary schools, town center kindergartens and other institutions. Since teaching cannot be interrupted, they can only be renovated one after another.

The construction to the south of Meixi Old Street has been completed, and the reconstruction of the southern part of the township is mainly the new city park project in the area between Xuetang Street and Yanhe Road commercial area and the Yanhe Road commercial area project developed by Zhujiang Construction Duli.

In order to keep the surrounding environment and architectural style of the old street consistent, the renovation of the new urban area is similar to that of Zhuyuan Garden. However, compared with Zhuyuan, which is a single-family building, the grade of the new urban area is slightly lower, but it is also higher-end than ordinary apartment buildings. --0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: The three princesses fall in love with the third prince

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It is also necessary to further improve the efficiency of land use. Nearly 300 sets of medium-to-high-end large-area rough houses have been built in the area of ​​80 acres of land in Xincheng Park; Meixi New Town Investment Group is responsible for development and sales; Zhujiang Construction undertakes the construction.

In addition to the construction quality of the new city park itself and its positioning at the mid-to-high end, the development of the southern area is almost completed. The renovation of Xuetang Street, Meixi Old Street, Zhuxi Bridge and Zhujiang River are all high-standard projects. The commercial plot of He Road, which is also being developed by Zhujiang Construction duli, determines the quality of Xinchengyuan residences, which is higher than that of ordinary residences.

When the reconstruction of Xiamei Highway is completed and closed, Xinchengyuan can be said to be a central area that is quite suitable for living and living. Even in the urban area of ​​Donghua at this time, there is no new residential project comparable to Xinchengyuan.

A large amount of investment has poured in, and because the living environment in Donghua City is not ideal, the housing needs of many middle and senior managers of many enterprises are concentrated in Meixi Town.

Meishan Iron and Steel, including the first factory, the second factory and the research institute, has introduced more than 20 senior management and technical personnel this year. In the agreement for the introduction of these high-end talents, they promised to give housing benefits; at the same time, as many as 300 postgraduates, college and technical secondary school students were introduced this year, and they promised to give different accommodation benefits.

This makes Meishan Iron and Steel's investment in employee housing as high as 30 million this year, but most of them are included in the supporting projects of Meishan Iron and Steel's new factory, which do not account for the profits of the first factory.

As a state-owned enterprise, Huineng Group may not directly pay outrageous salaries and bonuses to middle and high-level managers, but housing and other benefits are equally generous.

While companies such as Hongji Electric and Changqing Electromechanical are more demanding on grass-roots employees, the treatment of middle and high-level employees is relatively much better.

After Zhuyuan has been divided up, although Xinchengyuan can provide 300 sets of mid-to-high-end residences, before it is completed, it will be divided equally.

The last remaining 40 residential units before completion were all collected by Meixi Industrial Investment Group.

The US$30 million bond financing has been received, and the construction funds of Meishan Iron and Steel's new plant are guaranteed, and there is no intention to expand at present. The monthly profit of 1 million dollars generated by Meishan Iron and Steel Plant 1 is mainly used for dividends and loan repayment. Reduce debt ratio.

Meixi Industrial Investment Group holds a 45% stake in the first factory, and a large number of dividends are received every month. According to the resolution formed by the early town party and government meeting, the industrial investment will only allocate a fixed proportion of 20 per year to the town's unified financial support, and the rest of the profits will be accumulated within the industrial investment and used for the light industry industrial park. , science and technology industrial parks and other industrial projects.

It is also to prevent Su Kaiwen from reaching out and taking money from Gongtou, Gongtou signed an agreement with Xinchengtou, and all the excess and temporarily useless funds were transferred to Xinchengtou to pay the construction company for the project.

Xincheng Investment transferred some of the excess properties to Gongtou to write off debts and ensure that Su Kaiwen could not reach Gongtou and Xincheng Investment.

However, Huang Xinliang and Guo Quan will also make more or less concessions, so that Su Kaiwen has no excuse to press harder.

The forty houses that Gongtou obtained in Xinchengyuan were given half to Su Kaiwen.

Su Kaiwen took these 20 houses, and duli separated a large courtyard, which was used as the dormitory area for the family members of the Party Working Committee of Meixi New District.

To put it bluntly, these houses are used to distribute welfare, and both Robi and Yuan Hongjun have been allocated a suite.

To gather people's hearts, nothing more than to rely on kindness and power.

Intimidation alone won't do, it's no good who will follow you

The so-called benefits, one is to give power, and the other is to give benefits.

Party and government officials like power, but their seats are limited, and not everyone can be promoted.

For the benefit, the party and government officials directly send too much money, which has a bad influence.

In terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, the most important thing for Chinese people is to live alone.

Moreover, women have a keen sense of "living", but also the cost of "living" is the largest, the most difficult to improve, and the best way to reflect the difference in status. Live well, in a mansion, superior to others, accommodating

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: The three princesses fall in love with the third prince

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Yi Satisfaction, husband and child, just stare at his man and follow the leader to work hard, don't be halfhearted.

Su Kai heard the family teaching, and he is very old-fashioned about the Taoism here.

Su Kaiwen took 20 houses from the assets of Meixi Town and distributed welfare to the members of the Party Working Committee of the new district, which was equivalent to giving people in Huangqiao Town and Zhushe Township an advantage in Meixi Town; Cadres are naturally dissatisfied.

Huang Xinliang took advantage of the situation and proposed at the party and government meeting to take a group of his own cadres in Meixi Town as the family dormitory area.

In Shen Huai's words, those who can unite can be united, but those who can't be united, so leave him alone.

Su Kaiwen couldn't stop him, so he could only ask Huang Xinliang to succeed.

The selection of the top ten towns in Huaihai is almost over by this time. This has always been the responsibility of He Qingshe and Huang Xinliang. Shen Huai didn't ask about it before, and Su Kai couldn't get involved after hearing Meixi Town; even if he got involved, he didn't have the face to take the credit.

Meixi Town has a resident population of more than 94,000 people, and the whole town covers an area of ​​48 square kilometers. After adjustment, it has 17 administrative villages, three residents' committees, and three industrial branch parks. From 1995 to the end of November, the introduction of Foreign capital of 180,000 US dollars.

Due to the start of construction of successive large-scale projects, Meixi Town achieved the goal of exceeding one billion yuan in regional GDP in the first eleven months. On the basis of doubling last year, it has doubled by 1.5 times, becoming the first township in Donghua City with a per capita GNP of over 10,000 yuan. It has quadrupled two years ago.

In 1995, the total investment in Meixi Town is expected to reach 2.5 billion yuan or more, the tax revenue will be nearly 100 million yuan, and the total financial revenue including land transfer income will exceed 250 million yuan.

These hard indicators make Meixi Town become the first town in Donghua City and one of the top ten towns in Huaihai Province before the end of 1995.

At this point, the framework of Meixi Town has almost been formed. Without a major breakthrough in Meixi New District, Su Kaiwen can only wander around in the framework built by Shen Huai. It will undoubtedly be extremely difficult to make Meixi Town's economy grow so exaggeratedly.

In early December, before the municipal party committee held the meeting of the preparatory leadership working group for Meixi New District, Tan Qiping received the budget and final accounts of Meixi Town in 1995 and the next secretly sighed.

After incorporating the data of Meixi Town, Donghua's local fiscal revenue will break the one billion mark for the first time in history. Compared with last year, the increase will reach 40%, but after deducting the newly added data of Meixi Town, The numbers will fall back to a pitiful 16.

Donghua's regional gross domestic product will almost increase by more than 20% this year, but after deducting the new data in Meixi Town, the number will fall back to 14.

On the surface, even without Meixi Town, Donghua's fiscal revenue this year can increase by 16, and the GDP can also increase by 14. This result will also be at the top of the province's ranking this year, but there are also factors that directly promote the economic development of the surrounding areas by the rise of Meixi Town.

If these factors are deducted, Donghua's economic growth rate will fall back to the level of two years ago.

In terms of new regional investment and investment attraction, the proportion of Meixi Town is even more exaggerated.

The data Tan Qiping can get, Shen Huai can get it naturally.

Shao Zheng helped him drive. He sat in the back seat and watched the annual budget and final accounts of Meixi Town handed over to him by Huang Xinliang.

Although Meixi Town's economic growth this year has been impressive, and this speed is not ranked first in the province, it is also the second place, but it is not something to be proud of.

Donghua's foundation is too poor and its foundation is too weak. In the past seven or eight years, when other places have been developing rapidly, the pace of development of Donghua has slowed down, which has delayed other cities too much.

Even if Donghua's local fiscal revenue increases by 40%, the total will still be less than one billion; Shen Huai even doubts whether Donghua's urban and rural per capita income can break the figure of 2,000 this year. The overall economic environment and strength of Donghua City are still in the full range. It ranks among the bottom five in thirteen prefectures and cities in the province. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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