Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 404: Out of control

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The movement in the conference room had already shocked the staff on the same floor to look out. They saw Shen Huai walking down the stairs with his hands behind his back. connected.

Shen Huai went downstairs "dong dong dong", but his last words directed at Tan Qiping reverberated in the hearts of everyone.

When Tan Qiping was in power in Donghua for two years, when did he scold people like this, when did he reprimand them in person, and when did he lose his prestige like this?

I don't know about other places, but in this building, everyone has never seen today's situation happen, but watching Shen Huai leave, it's like a sharp sword that was angered and unsheathed.

Next, Tan Qiping's thunderous rage, smashing Chen Kehua angrily, and yelling angrily made everyone panic, knowing that Tan Qiping had completely angered Shen Huai at this moment, and his temper was full of rage.

When he saw Tan Qiping walking out of the conference room, poking his head into the corridor to see what was going on in the hallway, and meeting Tan Qiping's anger and resentment in his eyes, he couldn't help but suffocate, and hurriedly returned to the office in a hurry, not daring to look for bad luck at this time. .

Watching Tan Qiping leave the venue, he was about to convene a meeting of the Standing Committee in a small conference room to discuss severe punishments for Shen Huai and Chen Kehua. Gao Tianhe and other members of the Standing Committee also looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

As the secretary of the municipal party committee, Tan Qiping had his privilege to convene a meeting of the Standing Committee temporarily.

The incident happened in a short period of time. It didn't take five minutes for everyone to enter the venue and sit down. The high-end work meeting was disrupted by unexpected events. Gao Tianhe felt that all this was too dramatic.

Before he left the venue, he glared at Chen Kehua viciously, and shouted in his voice:

"You bitch, you just need to clean up"

Shen Huai could no longer be seen in the aisle. Seeing Shen Huai's reaction to this matter so much, Gao Tianhe couldn't help but wonder if the previous rumors were really created by someone behind the scenes.

Gao Tianhe looked at Tan Qiping's background as if a sharp sword was unsheathed, knowing that he was completely angered by Shen Huai's words and deeds just now, and he wondered what punishment he might suggest to Shen Huai.

Although he once hoped that Shen Huai would attract Tan Qiping's firepower, Gao Tianhe did not intend to stop Tan Qiping this time. Gao Tianhe did not expect him to go further in the officialdom, nor did he have the ambition of taking Tan Qiping to become the secretary of the municipal party committee. He knew in his heart that even if Tan Qiping was transferred to the province, the vacant seat would not be his turn. He went to sit high on the Tianhe River. Donghua's economic structure has created a new atmosphere and new horizon for Meixi New District, and there will be many people in the province vying for this position.

Gao Tianhe wanted to keep himself from making a comeback in the last few years, so he had been fighting with Tan Qiping cautiously all the time.

Gao Tianhe didn't want Tan Qiping to step on his feet and couldn't turn over at all, nor did he really want to pull Tan Qiping's beard.

Seeing that Tan Qiping completely angered Shen Huai, Gao Tianhe felt that there was no need to add fuel to it.

Another, Tan Qiping caused Shen Huai a big mess, even if Tan Qiping kicked Shen Huai completely from the place at this time, it would be difficult to re-establish the prestige Gao Tianhe who was knocked down, and he didn't have to worry that he would be threatened immediately. In fact, after the conflict between Tan Qiping and Shen Huai became public, Tan Qiping's prestige in Donghua has been seriously affected. Like just now, Tan Qiping's out-of-control attacks can be said that Tan Qiping, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, has gradually lost his control over the situation.

Gao Tianhe feels that his situation is safer than before

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Hong Kong Entertainment 1975

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

More, there is no need to do superfluous things.

Walking into the small conference room, Tan Qiping sat at one end of the long oval conference table with a livid face; the other Standing Committee members sat in two rows, all looking down at the notebooks in their hands, not touching Tan Qiping's eyes.

Tan Qiping put his hand on the conference table, the anger in his eyes did not disappear, he stared at the other members of the Standing Committee, and finally said to the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee Chen Mingjing:

"When such an important meeting was held today, almost half of the members of the Municipal Party Committee were present. Shen Huai ignored organizational discipline, openly abused others, disturbed the order of the meeting, caused the meeting to be interrupted and could not go on, and caused a very bad influence among the cadres and the masses. The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection must deal with this kind of behavior seriously in order to curb the growth of this ethos. At the same time, Chen Kehua’s frivolous attitude when an important meeting was held, we must also deal with it seriously.”

Tan Qiping really wants to punish Shen Huai through the Disciplinary Inspection Commission and restore his prestige. At least he has to start with fine punishment within the party, and if it is more serious, it is to revoke his position in the party.

Shen Huai currently only has a local party position, that is, a member of the Tangzha District Committee and a member of the Standing Committee. If Shen Huai's position in the party is revoked, it means that Shen Huai will be kicked out of the local government completely, and he will no longer have the opportunity to intervene in local affairs.

Gao Tianhe and other members of the Standing Committee couldn't help but secretly said: Tan Qiping finally couldn't bear Shen Huai's continued provocation of his prestige this time.

Gao Tianhe couldn't help but think to himself, if they really made a decision to revoke the positions of Shenhuai Tangzha District Committee Member and Standing Committee, how would the Song family view this matter?

If such a serious intra-party punishment is really formed, it may have a serious impact on Shen Huai's future career promotion.

Shen Huai's current level is low, and when he develops below the department level, he can be well protected by the Song family; in a few years, Shen Huai will enter the department level, and the competition with other factions will become fierce. Any flaw will become a handle and weakness for others to attack.

Can the Song family tolerate Tan Qiping's use of the topic to leave such a serious flaw in Shen Huai's resume?

"Will it be too serious?"

In the silence, someone suddenly interjected, causing everyone to turn their faces and look involuntarily, but Yu Chengzhen, the head of the organization, pressed his hand on the record book, turned his head over, looked at Tan Qiping calmly, and asked in a voice, "What happened? It's not for no reason. If it wasn't for Chen Kehua's unreasonable use of chasing things out, Shen Huai wouldn't have had such a big reaction. Shen Huai was young, throwing dirty water on people in public and getting angry, and he couldn't say it completely. It's his fault. Who doesn't have a temper, we members of the Standing Committee did not stop Chen Kehua's frivolous words and deeds in time on the rostrum, and we did not criticize Chen Kehua in time. I think our members of the Standing Committee have lost control of today's situation. a certain responsibility."

"Minister Yu, do you mean that I, the secretary of the municipal party committee, have the greatest responsibility? Do I have to take care of the following things?" Tan Qiping thought that Gao Tianhe would jump out to stop him, but he did not expect that it would be Yu Chengzhen suddenly He rushed out to speak for Shen Huai, staring at him angrily.

He buckled a hat on Shen Huai before he left, and his prestige had already been wiped out. He didn't expect Yu Wanzhen to use the topic at this time, and he felt extremely unhappy.

"That's not what I mean. To say there is responsibility, I think we all have some responsibility here." Facing Tan Qiping's arrogance, Yu Chengzhen was not guilty. Shen Huai dared to cut Tan Qiping's face in front of him. Naturally, he could not. More timid, he said **** for tat, "I have worked in the organization department for several years. The experience I have learned is not comparable to that of Secretary Tan, but I also have some experience. When dealing with young cadres, we hope that they have the characteristics of maturity and complete maturity. There are no edges and corners, but they have some minor flaws. In this regard, maybe I don’t have exactly the same views as you, Secretary Tan. Shen Huai’s behavior today can’t be said to be correct. That's true. After all, it's still young and energetic, yes

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Hong Kong Entertainment 1975

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

The common small faults and small temper of young cadres. I think it is necessary to discuss whether to criticize and educate the young cadres for these minor faults, or let the Disciplinary Inspection Commission go out and impose severe punishments and beat them to death with a stick. We help young cadres overcome their own minor ailments. This is of course important, but it is not necessary to consider that the young cadres have aggressiveness and drive to do things. However, Chen Kehua's behavior of using rumors to catch up with other party members and cadres publicly insults other party members and cadres. This trend must not grow. On this point, I agree with you, Secretary Tan. "

Gao Tianhe was also dumbfounded. Yu Chengzhen took the wrong medicine today. For Shen Huai's sake, he went straight to Tan Qiping. He had never seen him so strong before. However, Yu Chengzhen said this from the perspective of his organization minister. Completely leave others speechless.

Shen Huai's matter today, if it is serious, it is not an exaggeration to give a fine report to the party;

It was Tan Qiping who really wiped face and prestige today, and everyone else was actually happy to see this situation.

Tan Qiping's face was there, and before Gao Tianhe showed up, Yu Chengzhen suddenly came out and questioned him, making him very surprised, and the situation was out of his control again.

Chen Mingjing, secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, coughed lightly and said to Tan Qiping: "I also think Minister Yu's words have some truth. Did the organization department come forward to talk to Shen Huai and Chen Kehua to criticize and educate?"

Seeing that the situation was out of his control again, Tan Qiping couldn't care less about Li's mother and severely investigated Shen Huai's responsibility at this time. He can't even let this topic continue, otherwise, the standing committee members will come out against him in anger, and his situation will be even more passive.

Tan Qiping had to think about why it suddenly became like this, but one thing is certain, that is, Shen Huai's confrontation with him just now has directly shaken his prestige and gave Yu Chengyu and others the confidence to openly confront him.

If he didn't take care of Shen Huai this time, he would remove his prestige from the municipal party committee in Donghua. Shen Huai did not go back to but asked Shao Zheng to drive him to Xiapu.

On the Xiapu Fanghai Highway, Shen Huai asked Shao Zheng to drive for him.

Shen Huai knew that what happened today would definitely spread out soon and would be very disturbing. He didn't want to explain anything, so he threw the phone to Shao Zheng and let him find excuses to deal with it.

There are windbreak forests on both sides of the sea defense highway. The dense Metasequoia forests have withered their leaves after winter, and stand baldly on the edge of the mudflats. Occasionally, turbid sea paintings can be seen from the gaps in the trees.

The ocean to the east of Donghua is turbid. It has been the famous Yellow Water Ocean since ancient times. It is not a good place to watch the sea. The coast is full of tidal flats.

"Mr. Sun's phone number." Shao Zheng raised the phone to Shen Huai to see the phone number.

Shen Huai parked the car on the side of the road and replaced Shao Zheng to drive, and he answered Sun Yalin's call.

"You're going crazy again today," Sun Yalin laughed on the phone, "wait to accept the roar of your trashy dad. To be honest, if I didn't know the bottom line of your kid, it would be true to see your performance today. You will mistakenly think that you have been wronged. I don't understand, Xiong Wenbin deserves such a fight for him."

"It's not a question of whether it's worth it or not. If I don't stand up today, there will be no way for Xiong Wenbin to survive in Donghua's officialdom. This is very unfair to him," Shen Huai said, "As for the consequences of this incident, I can bear it. By the way, since you made this call, I will let you know that there will be a board meeting in the evening. Before Tan Qiping starts to deal with me, Meigang will make some personnel adjustments. How about you join the chairman of the second factory?"

"Is it too early to make personnel adjustments now?"

"The timing won't come as soon as we say, even if the timing comes, don't delay it any longer." Shen Huai said decisively. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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