Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 428: Suspicion

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It snowed heavily last night, but the road infrastructure in Jiangdong Province on the south bank of the Zhujiang River is much more complete than in Huaihai Province. Song Hongjun and his sister-in-law Song Wenhui drove from Jiangning in the early morning and crossed the river before noon.

Along with Song Wenhui and Song Hongjun, there were more than a dozen Hong Kong investors invited by Song Hongjun, in addition to the top executives of Tepco.

Among these Hong Kong investors, seven or eight people accompanied Song Hongjun to Meixi in mid-March to personally inspect the investment environment.

At that time, the pavement of Zhuxi Avenue had just been completed and was not officially opened to traffic; the cooling water tower of the power plant had just been built above the ground, the first phase of the Meixi Port Wharf project was in the final stage, and no ships had docked; The fence has just been built to lay the foundation, and all the steel-making equipment has not been dismantled from the West Ummings Industrial Group Steel Plant. Who can imagine that in just ten months, a steel-making line like a giant dragon will be located in Nagisa. Jiangbei Bank was erected.

Although the first city in the south to open up has set a construction record of "one floor in three days", the speed of Meigang's efficient plant construction still amazes Hong Kong investors.

The brand-new and well-planned new towns stand row by row on the east bank of the Meixi River, unfolding like a picture scroll. If they hadn't come to see it with their own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such a huge change was completed in such a short period of time.

Looking at the construction results of Meixi Town in just two years, some people regret their hesitation before, and some people regret being too cautious before.

In late March, the Hong Kong Tigers Group, which decided to invest 50 million Hong Kong dollars in Meixi Town and moved quickly, has built a garment manufacturing base with a total of 3,000 employees after two phases of construction in eight months. , and become a Hong Kong investor who is vying for the first layout and one step ahead in Donghua.

Xie Haicheng, wearing a safety helmet, accompanied everyone into the control room of the steelmaking section of Meishan Iron and Steel Plant No. 2. Through the window glass, he observed the situation of the workers in the workshop making a huge intermediate frequency furnace to smelt molten steel.

Although West Ummings Industrial Group's steel plant in Birmingham used the electric furnace steel technology in the mid-to-early 1980s, Meigang took over the second-hand steelmaking line that was eliminated. However, from the discussions of John Butler, David Allen and others, Xie Haicheng could still hear that, in the eyes of these experts, Meishan Iron and Steel Plant No. The level achieved by the trial production is not even slightly worse than the mature operation period of the Birmingham Steel Plant.

John Butler, as the senior vice president of West Ummings Industrial Group, did not hide his praise, saying that the second factory of Meishan Iron and Steel can be said to have created a miracle in the steel industry. level.

Seeing that Sun Qiyi's face was tense from the moment he entered the workshop, and never eased, Xie Haicheng knew that he was not feeling well.

Even if this investment is missed, it will not have a fundamental impact on the Evergreen Group's business in the Asia-Pacific region, but the effect of the completion of the Meishan Iron and Steel Plant No. 2 is different from Sun Qiyi's judgment, which has a negative impact on Sun Qiyi's position within the Evergreen Group. The blow is fatal.

Once Sun Qiyi's judgment on the industrial development in the Asia-Pacific region and his ability to control Asia-Pacific affairs are no longer trusted by the senior management of the Evergreen Group, why would the senior management of the Evergreen Group continue to ask him to stay in the position of the Asia-Pacific president? Continue to lead the Asia Pacific business

Sun Qishan doesn't want to attack Sun Qiyi. Once attacked, he can be pulled from the position of Asia-Pacific president based on his major mistake this time.

Xie Zhi followed her father, and when she saw Shen Huai approaching, she subconsciously wanted to avoid him, but it might not be too obvious to turn and walk away.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Snow Continent

-0---0---Small---say---this is gorgeous dividing line---

Walk away wisely.

Shen Huai, of course, was ignorant, and said with a smile, "Mr. Xie is used to pointing out Jiangshan in the office. Wouldn't it be as boring to visit the operation of such a thick-line steelmaking line as playing at home?"

Xie Zhi ignored Shen Huai's words, Xie Haicheng was just as embarrassed, the so-called "playing the house" was what he said earlier when he judged that Shen Huai's factory was doomed to fail. .

Shen Huai smiled and said to Sun Qiyi, "If I invite the Evergreen Group to invest in industrial projects next time, can Mr. Sun's evaluation of me be slightly improved?"

Sun Qiyi didn't speak, Sun Qishan smiled heartily, and said to Sun Qiyi: "Actually, I don't blame you for being wrong. To be honest, before I came to Meixi, I still had great reservations about what Yalin said. I originally planned to be there today. Meixi will stay for one night and go to Xucheng tomorrow, now it seems that Meixi still has something to see."

"I'm going to Yushan tomorrow to report, so there's no way I can stay and accompany you." Shen Huai said.

Sun Qishan asked Sun Qiyi: "I plan to stay in Meixi for two more days, Qiyi, how about you?"

Hearing his elder brother's words, Sun Qiyi seemed to want to justify his mistake in judgment, but he knew that his true intentions could never be determined from what others said in person. The cooperation plan is now facing some major adjustments, and I have to stay in Donghua for two more days for this matter. Brother, since you are in Donghua, you can also take a look at this matter. "

"Don't give me a headache," Sun Qishan said, shaking his head, "I don't want to get involved in the affairs of the Asia-Pacific region; besides, I'm here on vacation this time, just to meet old friends in China and have a drink. Drinking tea and chatting, but there are no plans to arrange work."

After the dinner, Sun Qiyi, Xie Haicheng and Xie Zhi, accompanied by their entourage, returned to the South Garden.

They couldn't rest at night, and they had to further discuss the details of the new plan with Provincial Steel.

The misjudgment of the Meishan Iron and Steel Plant No. 2 project was wrong, and the points were lost too much. Whether the equity investment in the joint venture steel plant project can be successful and whether it can obtain favorable conditions for the Changqing Group is related to the question of how many points can be recovered. At this time For Sun Qiyi, it becomes inevitable.

Even equity investment is not just a matter of transferring equity, but also involves a series of adjustments in financial relationships, supervision of the construction and operation of joint venture steel plants, and even deeper participation in operations. These details need to be signed before the formal signing. Undergo verification.

Even if Sun Qiyi understood that all of this was probably Shen Huai's calculations, Shen Huai's purpose was probably to pull his elder brother over to force him to submit, but at this time he had no choice.

Xie Haicheng could also realize Shen Huai's intentions at this time, and was worried that Shen Huai's purpose was to drag them into Donghua first. Tan Qiping's prestige in Donghua has suffered a severe setback at this time, and any subsequent mistakes may cause him to fall into even greater passivity.

Furthermore, there are differences in the views of Tan Qiping within the Song Department, and Tan Qiping's position as Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee is actually unstable.

Xie Haicheng wanted to help Tan Qiping stabilize his position, but at the same time he was worried that Haifeng Industrial was too deep in Donghua. Once Tan Qiping transferred Donghua, it would be very difficult for him to escape.

As for the other path that the Meigang Department has taken completely, Shen Huai seems to have been transferred away and kicked into the poor valley of Yushan to take up a post, but from today's scene, has the Meigang Department been weakened in the slightest?

Shen Huai's interception yesterday afternoon was not just to announce to them that the others were not in Meigang, but Meigang was always under his control.

Sun Qiyi had no choice, but Xie Haicheng could still choose to leave at this time.

However, if SITC can get out of this project, what about other cooperation projects with Changqing Group?

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel Netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Snow Continent

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

; Sun Qiyi can't keep his seat, which is absolutely harmful to Haifeng Industry.

However, Haifeng and Evergreen Group cannot bear the equity of the joint venture steel plant. The plan proposed by Tan Qiping to solve the steel crisis in Donghua City will be partially aborted, which will further damage Tan Qiping's prestige in Donghua.

If Tan Qiping used such a simple method for Shen Huai to capsize the ship in Donghua, no matter who was right or wrong, Tan Qiping would no longer be valued within the Song clan. How would that affect the Xie family's position in the Song clan?

Xie Haicheng had to think about too many related things, and his head was as big as a bucket.

At this moment, he also had to admit that he had been so contemptuous of that guy before, and before he knew it, he fell into his trap and could not extricate himself.

"I have studied Donghua City Steel. In addition to the equity held in the joint venture steel plant, there are so many tertiary production companies under Donghua City Steel, and it is not that there are no high-quality assets worth investing in."

Xie Zhi had no idea of ​​withdrawing at all. Today, she was in a situation where she was ruthlessly ridiculed and unable to respond. She had to face that disgusting face again and again. After all, it was they who treated Shen Huaitai before underestimated. It didn't mean that they had already defeated Shen Huai, and even before the whole game started, it was far from being a winner.

She was unwilling to not fight, and ran away timidly under Shen Huai's pretense. Then, wouldn't she be able to raise her head in front of this guy for the rest of her life?

Shen Huai's luck in running Meigang has some achievements, but it doesn't mean that Shen Huai can always get away with it. Only face-to-face competition, and only direct participation in this competition, can we compete against each other. This is what Xie Zhi was thinking at this time.

In fact, Xie Zhi has always studied Donghua's economy, but the focus of Haifeng and Evergreen Group is not Donghua. She is only an executor at this time, not a decision-maker, and she can't decide between the two groups. The direction of industry development in the Asia Pacific region.

The current predicament was an excuse for her to persuade her father and Sun Qiyi.

Sun Qiyi was also worried about Xie Haicheng's intention to quit, leaving him to face the current situation alone. After hearing what Xie Zhi said, he raised his head and motioned for her to continue Qiyi knew that Xie Haicheng had a crush on this daughter. It is very important, and another, Xie Zhi's marriage relationship with Song Hongqi will also determine that her status in the Song family will not be a mediocre generation in the future.

"Provincial Steel is only willing to accept the steelmaking business of Shigang, and wants to spin off all the tertiary production companies under Shigang and hand it over to Donghua City to digest it," Xie Zhi said, "Xiamei Highway Reconstruction Project and Xiamei Highway The development of commercial plots on both sides was previously undertaken by the construction company affiliated to Donghua City Steel, which is also the business that Donghua City Steel will divest this time. Affected by the city's steel crisis, this project has been suspended, but considering the With the development of Meixi Town and the large-scale construction of Meixi New District in the future, the prospect of this project is very promising. Provincial Steel retains part of the equity of the joint venture steel plant, and it is not because it wants to have the opportunity to intervene in the construction of Meixi Port Wharf in the future. As a provincial state-owned enterprise, as long as there is a willingness to invest in the construction of the second phase of the Meixi Port Wharf, I believe there is no excuse in Donghua City to refuse. Even if Shen Huai firmly controls the Meixi Port Company, the remaining resources of the river bank will not be accepted. Approval and development are decided by the government, not by the enterprise. We are now taking over the reconstruction project of Xiamei Highway and the development of commercial plots on both sides. As long as the provincial steel is willing, we can unite with the provincial steel in Meixi Town in the future. To build a port terminal on the south side will not allow the port resources to be exclusively owned by Meigang. I believe that Fuji Steel will not hope that the ports and terminals in the surrounding areas will be controlled by Meigang.”

Sun Qiyi looked at Xie Haicheng, Xie Zhi's thinking was very clear, they were temporarily weak in Donghua, but they could cooperate with Provincial Steel and Fuji Steel to suppress Meigang; and this would also help consolidate Tan Qiping's position in Donghua.

"Yeah, we can't call a hairy boy to put on a pretense to frighten him." Xie Haicheng also wanted to understand, and said with a smile. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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