Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 449: 2 on 1

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On the morning of the second day when Luo Qing and Feng Yumei had dinner, Shen Huai went to Gao Yang's office to talk about some of his work arrangements when he left Yushan during the Spring Festival.

Shen Huai has only been in office for less than a month, and he is not in charge of many affairs, and he has no urgent matters to deal with. However, when he returns to Beijing for the Spring Festival this time, he has to travel to the United Kingdom, and the time to leave will be relatively long. The executive deputy county magistrate has been away from the county for such a long time, and the necessary work transfer must also be arranged.

"It turns out that Magistrate Shen's girlfriend is studying in the UK. My old Yu asked me two days ago to see if Magistrate Shen has a match for you. I want to introduce you enthusiastically." Gao Yang said with a smile, pondering. Shen Huai can leave Yushan for half a month, and the joint rectification will probably end without a hitch.

"It's just a blind date introduced by my family. If it's my girlfriend, I hope to fly over this Spring Festival and work hard," Shen Huai said with a smile, and joked with Gao Yang, "If I don't go to London this time, When I come back to Yushan, I have to ask Sister Yu to help me find someone."

Shen Huai is now at a higher level, and he needs to report to the organization department when going abroad. He has to ask Liang Zhenbao for leave at the party committee, and he needs to ask for leave from Gao Yang at the government. There is no way to go abroad with a backpack casually.

Shen Huai had to rush to the UK to "visit relatives" during the Spring Festival, so he could only use Cheng Yi as an excuse, so he had to take the initiative to tell Gao Yang that his blind date was studying in the UK.

The Song Department hopes that he and Cheng Yi will have a successful blind date to strengthen the internal cohesion of the Song Department. Shen Huai believes that Governor Zhao Qiuhua is clear.

But for Zhao Qiuhua, Yu Chengzhen was a Noto who came over halfway through after all. It is unlikely that he would tell Shen Huai all the secrets in the capital circle to Yu Chengzhen. He believed that Gao Yang could know more things. is limited.

"" Gao Yang laughed, shook his head and smiled, "Xianxian Shen, you have really seen the big world outside. I don't believe you can find the grass-headed phoenix that flew out of this poor nest in Yushan."

Gao Yang only knew from Yu Chengzhen that Shen Huai was the son of Vice Governor Song Bingsheng, and the relationship between father and son was not harmonious. Even Shen Huai's transfer to Yushan this time was probably Song Bingsheng's will.

However, in China, your own children have always beaten casually. You try to beat my son.

Gao Yang didn't think he was qualified to do anything by taking advantage of the father-son discord between Shen Huai and Vice Governor Song Bingsheng. What Yu Chengzhen said to him was also obvious, that is, Shen Huai was tossing around Yushan, and he hoped Yushan It can bind Shen Huai's hands and feet, so that he can't be mixed into the muddy water in the city.

The explosion accident on 12.9 directly led to the reorganization of the Shigang Group and the downfall of the executive vice mayor Liang Xiaolin and others, but the power adjustment of Donghua City did not complete the curtain call.

At this delicate moment, neither Tan Qiping, Gao Tianhe, nor Yu Chengzhen wanted to face the variable Shen Huai, who often played his cards unreasonably.

Gao Yang wished that Shen Huai would go out to play in the mountains and water, pick up girls and beautify, even if he took a half-year leave, he would not say a word.

"Bang bang bang", Gao Yang and Shen Huai were chatting happily, when they heard the knock on the door, they didn't want to take him too seriously.

--0---0---Small--says---this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Biochemical Heroes Crossing the Line of Fire

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The county magistrate raised his **** and walked over to open the door. When he saw Liang Zhenbao standing in the aisle, he was surprised: "It's you, Secretary Liang."

Liang Zhenbao laughed and said, "I was in the aisle, and I heard you chatting and laughing with the county magistrate Shen. Did you talk about something good? Tell me about it."

"I'm talking about the fact that Magistrate Shen went to the UK to spend the Spring Festival with his girlfriend this time. However, Magistrate Shen is not confident enough. This time he plans to attack London by surprise, and he has no confidence that he will be able to capture the fort. He wants to find my house. Lao Yu will find some reserve teams for him." Gao Yang said with a smile, asking Liang Zhenbao to sit down in his office, and was not busy asking Liang Zhenbao what was going on in his office at this time.

"This is a young man's apology," Liang Zhenbao laughed in agreement, "the girl asked him to accompany him over the Spring Festival. This is generally a story, we just have to wait for a drink."


Gao Yang laughed along with him; Shen Huai followed suit.

Shen Huai noticed Gao Yang's suspicious look behind his hidden smile, thinking that he is really an old fox, but he was suspicious when he saw that there was trouble.

"Mayor Shen is the best here. I just want to talk to you before you leave, Mayor Shen, just to save trouble." Liang Zhenbao said.

Shen Huai saw that the smile on Gao Yang's face had faded, and he knew that he should have realized that no matter what Liang Zhenbao was going to talk about, it might not be good for him.

"Alright then, I'll listen." Shen Huai smiled and sat back on the sofa.

Gao Yang could only hold down his suspicions and sat down to listen to Liang Zhenbao talk about things.

"It's still about the Yushan Lake Reservoir," Liang Zhenbao said, looking at Gao Yang, "the problem is to find out. Although it was caused by many objective factors, the deputy county magistrate Huang and Wang Shibing of the Water Conservancy Bureau did not report the relevant issues to the public in time. The county party committee and county government reacted so closely that Secretary Tan, Mayor Gao and Deputy Mayor Yang paid close attention before the county reacted. It was very passive. The county can't take any responsibility for this matter. It is only one aspect that I have to review with you, Magistrate Gao. On the other hand, how to solve the problem of the Yushan Lake Reservoir? Whether the county should take the initiative to release water now and lower the water level of the reservoir is only a temporary measure, it is the right to In addition, the failure of the hydropower station to operate will also cause some problems. On the one hand, the county's electricity shortage is on the one hand. On the other hand, if the hydropower station is lacking, how can the county make up for it financially? some way"

After listening to Liang Zhenbao's words, Gao Yang looked at Shen Huai.

When Yang Yuquan organized an expert team to investigate the problem at the reservoir site, he asked two experts to be seconded from Huineng Group. Now that Liang Zhenbao spoke so clearly, how could Gao Yang not be able to guess at all?

Gao Yang didn't know whether Liang Zhenbao was looking for Shen Huai or Shen Huai's looking for Liang Zhenbao. Anyway, he was caught in the middle, like a sandwich biscuits, and he wouldn't feel good.

Gao Yang pondered for a while, and said to Liang Zhenbao: "In the past, the county's electricity and water conservancy systems were maintained without the county's funding, and the hydropower station and reservoir could get an extra two million yuan. The situation in the county, Secretary Liang, you are clear. We want to change the current passive situation, and the measures we can take are very limited. Secretary Liang, if you don't come to me, I will also ask you for advice. For this I haven't been able to sleep for several nights. I really can't.

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Biochemical Heroes Crossing the Line of Fire

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

, we can only ask the city for help, and what responsibility should we have, it is also my responsibility as the county magistrate. "

"Now is not the time to fight for who is to blame. The cover of the Yushan Lake Reservoir was lifted by Luo Qing, the deputy head of the hydropower station," Liang Zhenbao said. "I asked him yesterday to learn more about the problem of the reservoir. During the investigation of the problem, , Luo Qing has been in contact with the experts of the Huaineng Group, and I find it very useful to know that the Huaineng Group is planning to develop hydropower. We want to solve the problem of the Yushan Lake Reservoir, and we should invite the Huaineng Group to come in. Thinking, Magistrate Gao and Magistrate Shen, what do you think?"

Shen Huai looked at Gao Yang unhurriedly.

Gao Yang straightened his back a little and exhaled lightly, not wanting to tell Liang Zhenbao and Shen Huai to see his abnormality, and said, "If Huaineng Group really has the will to develop hydropower, Secretary Liang's idea is really brilliant. Ah. I remember that when the county magistrate Shen was in Meixi, he had cooperated with the Huineng Group. Did you ask the county magistrate Shen to work hard and come back after the Spring Festival to be responsible for the contact with the Huaineng Group or the water conservancy work. Mayor Shen, come and take charge."

"No, no, no," Shen Huai hurriedly refused, "I'll be back after the Spring Festival, and I have to carry out rectification. This mess has not been settled, and I don't have the confidence to take over the matter of Yushan Lake. Secretary Liang, Gao County magistrate, you should choose another talented person, if there is any need for my help, I will not try my best."

Gao Yang looked at Shen Huai suspiciously, and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand him.

Luo Qing poked open the lid of Yushan Lake Reservoir. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Lei Ting was furious. The Deputy Mayor in charge decided to thoroughly investigate the problems of the County Water Conservancy Bureau. Shen Huai took over the water conservancy work at this You can clean up the county's water conservancy system from top to bottom, and replace it with people who listen to his words. This is much better than doing rectification and burning your eyebrows with a fire. It is also Shen Huai who quickly stood firm in Yushan. The best chance for your feet.

Shen Huai and Liang Zhenbao came together, isn't it for this?

"Since Magistrate Shen refuses to help us share some of the burden," Liang Zhenbao said resentfully, "and Deputy Magistrate Huang really shouldn't be in charge of water conservancy work, should Song Yunhua take over temporarily? I remember he was in the reservoir in his early years. I have had a job over there, and I have a better understanding of the situation of the reservoir. Also, Luo Qing is still used in the county."

Song Yunhua was promoted by Liang Zhenbao. Liang Zhenbao wanted Song Yunhua to be in charge of water conservancy. Gao Yang could understand, but Gao Yang couldn't understand. Since Huaineng Group wanted to get involved in Yushan, water conservancy was obviously a piece of fat. Shen Huai didn't eat it, but gave it to Liang Zhenbao. In the transaction between Shen Huai and Liang Zhenbao, what are the conditions that Liang Zhenbao promised to Shen Huai?

Shen Huai will not stay in Yushan for long, so naturally he cannot do half-hearted things. He will actively promote the Yushan Lake Reservoir and the construction of the Yupu Highway, but he will not take over.

Therefore, the conditions he offered to Liang Zhenbao are quite favorable. Not only will he be consistent with Liang Zhenbao in many things in the future, but also the construction of the Yupu Highway will make the transportation department the most fertile and powerful in Yushan in the next three or four years. The county-level department, Shen Huai also has no intention of arguing with Liang Zhenbao, but needs to nominate Hu Zhijun as the county water conservancy director after Song Yunhua is in charge of the water conservancy bureau. Qing was transferred to the Huaineng Group; the third is that Liang Zhenbao, in the name of the county party secretary, supported Xiao Haomin in rectifying Dongyu Town, so that it was possible to suppress Zhang Youcai. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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