Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 696: 10 secrets

(I hope that when I wake up, the monthly pass will be full of 100; I beg with tears in my eyes)

Shen Huai wanted to slip away in the middle, but he stopped it, and then he could only follow everyone to the next reception dinner.

The special chef of the Provincial State Guest House's banquet is first-class, but Shen Huai saw that the conference affairs team arranged his seats with Ye Xuanfeng and Xie Haicheng, and his head was three points bigger.

Ye Xuanfeng and Xie Haicheng also didn't want to sit with Shen Huai, but the conference affairs team arranged it so, if they deliberately changed the seats, they would have marks, and they would bite the bullet and sit down.

At the end of the seminar in the afternoon, Ye Xuanfeng and Xie Haicheng saw Shen Huai walking out of the conference hall with the record book in hand and walking towards the parking lot. There were some doubts in my heart, I don't know why Zhao Qiuhua called Shen Huai in the past after the meeting.

However, seeing that Li Gu, Yu Wei, Fan Wenzhi, Liang Rongjun and others all came out with Zhao Qiuhua, I knew that Zhao Qiuhua was looking for Shen Huai temporarily. It should not mean that there was any private conversation. I thought that maybe they were all looking for Zhao Qiuhua. , hold a small meeting on the current financial situation.

Thinking like this, Ye Xuanfeng didn't feel good in his heart.

Everyone knows that Shen Huai and Zhao Xi have never urinated in the same pot, so Shen Huai also called Zhao Qiuhua to hold a small meeting, not because of relationship, but because of qualifications.

In this way, in the eyes of outsiders, Shen Huai, who also came from the Song clan, is more qualified to be the guest of the provincial governor Zhao Qiuhua, while Ye Xuanfeng is not qualified, which of course makes him feel awkward in his heart.

Xie Haicheng was thinking of other things, his eyes were rolling on Li Gu and Shen Huai's faces, but when Li Gu and Shen Huai entered the banquet hall, they were far apart, and they looked abnormal.

After the reception dinner, there were no activities planned today, so Shen Huai also waited for Zhao Qiuhua and others to speak, and left the wine table halfway...


Xie Haicheng and Ye Xuanfeng insisted on leaving after the dinner was over.

Song Wenhui made a clear decision within the Song Department to be transferred from the Huaineng Group, but Song Qiaosheng and Dai Chengguo both hoped for a smooth transition, so Ye Xuanfeng only served as the executive deputy general manager for the time being, and gradually took over the group's affairs without a single step.

This is also to avoid any unnecessary negative impact on the current development situation of Huaineng Group.

However, Ye Xuanfeng had already moved his home. After leaving the guest house, Ye Xuanfeng and Xie Haicheng parted in front of the hotel, and went home directly by car.

Xie Haicheng sat in the car, blowing the air conditioner, and after watching Ye Xuanfeng leave, he let the driver drive back to his residence.

Over the years, Xie Haicheng has stayed in Xucheng for quite a long time every year, but he was used to staying in hotels before, and it was only after Song Wenhui made it clear that he would give up the Huaineng Group, he bought a mansion in Xucheng from the Republic of China. as a residence.

The former owner of this mansion was an old returned overseas Chinese. In the mid-1980s, he returned to China to buy this residence and renovated it, which took a lot of thought. Xie Haicheng didn't see it with his own eyes at first, but his daughter Xie Zhi was very eye-catching after seeing it. He didn't hesitate to pay 4 million for the house to the former owner, and put down the house, which is called a mansion and has a historical charm. When his family lived in Xucheng.

The residence is on the north side of Yuyuan Road. When the car passed the intersection of Yuyuan, Xie Haicheng saw Shen Huai passing by him in the car and turned into Yuyuan Road.

Xie Haicheng glanced sideways at Yuyuan Road intersection. He knew that Shangxiyuan Xiyuan Road branch was already a very famous high-end restaurant in Xucheng. Chen Dan's, but he thought that Shen Huai had left the Provincial Guest House half an hour before them, who did Shen Huai meet with for half an hour?


The car stopped in the yard, Xie Haicheng got out of the car, and just walked two steps, he heard Xie Zhi and Xie Tang talking in the room, opened the door and saw his sister Xie Jiahui also, smiled and said: "Jiahui and Xiaotang is here as a guest, what about Bingsheng?"

"I don't know either. At the beginning, I said that I was going to attend a seminar on financial situation. I don't know how I changed my mind to go to Gushan to socialize," Xie Jiahui said. "I don't know where the others went?"

Hearing that his sister was suspicious about Song Bingsheng's itinerary, Xie Haicheng smiled and said, "Shen Huai is at the Provincial Guest House today. Bingsheng probably doesn't want to meet Shen Huai..."

Hearing what my brother said, Xie Jiahui no longer complained about anything, and it was not too early, and said, "Xiaotang and I will go back first..."

It was really late, Xie Haicheng ordered the driver to drive his sister and Xiaotang back, thinking about going to Song Bingsheng tomorrow to talk things over.

After nine o'clock, it was not too early for Aunt and Xie Tang, and it was time to go back to rest, but Xie Zhi was surprised that his father was with Ye Xuanfeng at night, so he could come back so early and asked, "Dad, why are you like this? come back early?"

"Ye Xuanfeng went back after dinner. If I don't come back, where can I go?" Xie Haicheng asked, "Where is your brother?"

"Who knows him? It's not that he doesn't have a place to live in Xucheng, so he won't run here if he has nothing to do." Xie Zhi pouted, dissatisfied with her brother's suave life, and asked, "You said Shen Huai also went to Xucheng to participate in this seminar today?"

"Yeah," Xie Haicheng sat down on the sofa and said to his daughter, "After the meeting, I asked Zhao Qiuhua to hold a small meeting. Ye Xuanfeng didn't enjoy this treatment today, and he felt a little unhappy, so he went back early."

Whether Shen Huai had a secret conversation with Tian Jiageng or angered Zhao Qiuhua at the Huaihai Hotel, Xie Zhi was completely unaware of it. Hearing her father say that Zhao Qiuhua held a small meeting with Shen Huai, she asked suspiciously, "The two of them have eight lifetimes. We can't fight together, why are we so close?"

"It's not for this reason, it should still be about key construction projects. Li Gu, Fan Wenzhi and Yu Wei from Baohe Group all invited Zhao Qiuhua to talk in a small area..." Xie Haicheng knew that his daughter had misunderstood and explained his guess. listen to her.

"Oh, so that's it," Xie Zhi asked, after realizing that the provincial party committee and the provincial government put forward the goal of maintaining a growth rate of 10, even if Zhao Qiuhua hated Shen Huai again, it was normal to have contact with Shen Huai, and asked again, "By the way, Shen Huai and Shen Huai Between Li Gu, Dad, have you noticed anything unusual?"

Xie Haicheng shook his head and said, "I didn't see it..."

"I always feel very strange," Xie Zhi said, "Shen Huai went back to Yanjing last time, Mingli asked Cheng Wenguang for help, and later contacted the Ji family for Cheng Wenguang, but for Mei Gang, Shen Huai's trip to Yanjing The biggest achievement of the project was to bring CNOOC in to participate in the cooperation of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project. A few days later, Provincial State Investment Corporation also made it clear that it would also inject capital and hold shares in Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project, and at the same time participated in the cooperation between Meigang and CNOOC. Negotiations. Dad, don't you think there is something strange behind the scenes?"

Xie Haicheng was of course surprised, so he paid attention to the situation between Shen Huai and Li Gu during the dinner.

From the beginning of preparation, the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project has been uncertain for more than half a year. After Xiapu County was reported to the Ministry of Agriculture due to excessive land acquisition, the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project seemed to face the crisis of premature death at any time. However, to CNOOC, With the provincial and national investment bureau, the prospects suddenly became brighter, and the situation was completely clear.

Later, Tian Jiageng made it clear in the province that Xiong Wenbin and Wu Haifeng would be transferred from Donghua. In early August, Wu Haifeng was the first to be transferred to the provincial government, and the organizational review process for Xiong Wenbin's transfer has also been launched. This is entirely because Tian Jiageng wants to beat Meigang and completely dismantle the Meigang department. The first-level power structure in Donghua City strong control.

Tian Jiageng and the Song clan have always been against each other. Tian Jiageng found an opportunity to severely beat Meigang, which has the same origin as the Song clan. It is considered that Tian Jiageng is asking provincial capital to infiltrate the entity enterprises of Meishan Iron and Steel.

In the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project, Meishan Iron and Steel took the Offshore Oil Corporation directly under the central government as a strategic partner. After obtaining a large amount of yen loans from the Japanese headquarters of Yasuda Bank, there was no shortage of construction funds. The purpose is not infiltration, what is it?

However, Xie Haicheng has doubts about this:

The power structure of the Meishan Iron and Steel Department at the level of Donghua City was dismantled, and the Provincial State Investment Corporation invested in Xinpu Refining and Chemical to seek penetration. Shen Huai had little resistance to this, which was something Xie Haicheng did not understand.

Not to mention that Shen Huai has now received the support of Cheng Wenguang, and there is such a strong strategic cooperation as CNOOC in the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project. It is even possible that because of his support for Cheng Wenguang, he will go to work in Hebei Province and have economic and political interests with the Ji family. In exchange, it should be considered that Shen Huai is relatively strong at this time, how could he easily bow his head to Tian Jiageng's beating?

Even without these, with Shen Huai's stinky temper, when has he softened?

In the Xucheng oil refining incident a few years ago, their actions were not too big. They just wanted to use Meigang to restructure and list some shares. Shen Huai had such a big reaction at that time, and he wanted to flip the table on the spot. stand up?

Another is that there is a strange timing - the Provincial State Investment Corporation clearly intends to invest in the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project, only a few days after the negotiation between Meigang and CNOOC.

If Tian Jiageng made such a request after CNOOC decided to participate in the cooperation, Shen Huai could cooperate with CNOOC to reject Tian Jiageng's request - Tian Jiageng would not have forced Shen Huai to bow his head at that time.

If Tian Jiageng decided to let the Provincial State Investment Corporation participate in the construction of Xinpu Refinery before CNOOC decided to participate in the cooperation, this would be even more unreasonable.

Seeing her father sinking into deep thought, Xie Zhi added: "The province has put forward the goal of maintaining 10 percent growth this year. I heard that Tian Jiageng clearly put it forward at the provincial standing committee meeting, saying that he is leaving Huaihai Province, and he wants to help Huaihai stands for the last shift. However, the situation of the foreign trade industry is bad this year, and the financial turmoil may also hit the mainland. Other provinces and cities proposed to protect 7 and 8, but Tian Jiageng proposed to protect 10 in Huaihai Province. I think , which is simply to **** the comprehensive construction of the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project as soon as possible."

Xie Haicheng nodded and admitted that his daughter's analysis was reasonable.

The economic foundation of Huaihai Province is already weak, and the growth rate has been rapid in recent years, but there are many hidden dangers to be eliminated.

Tian Jiageng's goal of maintaining a growth rate of is relatively easy to achieve; if the provincial party committee and government really want to maintain a growth rate of more than 10, the most realistic way is to put the Xinpu Steel Plant into operation as soon as possible without delay. Xinpu refining and chemical construction should be fully launched before the end of September at the latest.

For industrial projects with a total investment of more than 5 billion yuan, during the full-scale construction period, the monthly investment in construction funds is as high as 300 million to 400 million yuan. In addition to being directly included in the construction output value, it is also inadmissible for the economy in other areas of the province to increase greatly. ignore.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Xie Zhi to link Tian Jiageng's proposal to maintain a growth rate of 10% with the promotion of Xinpu Refining and Chemical Construction as soon as possible.

However, although the guess is clear, Xie Haicheng couldn't see what Tian Jiageng was thinking at this time. He wanted to see something from Li Gu, Tian Jiageng's direct descendant, at the wine table, but he couldn't.

Let's not beat it, Tian Jiageng decided to transfer Xiong Wenbin and Wu Haifeng, two heavyweights of the Meigang Department, out of Donghua, so that the Meigang Department would no longer be a dominant force in Donghua's power structure.

Speaking of beating, Tian Jiageng's many actions in the province are all helping to promote the comprehensive construction of Xinpu Refinery as soon as possible. l3l4


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