Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 709: seems simple

The county's teacher salary reform plan was discussed and approved by the county executive meeting, and the county finance bureau cooperated with the education bureau to quickly implement it.

Shen Huai didn't know how the city and other districts and counties reacted to this. For the next half a month, Shen Huai stayed in the county and had no contact with officials outside Xiapu County; when Chen Dan returned to Meixi for a few days, he also drove back at night, and drove away early the next day. .

Zhang Wenquan’s actions were also very fast. He cooperated with various schools to study and discuss many times. In less than a month, he put together the preparatory plan of the Education Group, and delivered the plan report to Shen Huai at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the operation of Xinpu Bus Terminal. hand.

The reconstruction project of the Xudong Railway and the planned connection of the Linhai Railway to the Xudong Railway have not been officially introduced. The Xinpu Passenger Station built at this time is only for transitional use. The station building area is less than 2,000 square meters. It is on the north side of the Hong Kong Highway, but it also ends the history of people in Xiapu County traveling without trains.

After the demolition of the surrounding residential buildings, the surrounding greening projects have not kept up in time. Shen Huai stood in front of the platform, looking somewhat desolate, and there was no bus passing by the bus station on the Shugang Highway for a long time.

Since the Shugang Highway is the main road leading to Xinpu Refining and Petrochemical Industrial Park, there are a lot of construction vehicles in the past, and the speed is extremely fast. The vehicles pulling the sand have no protective measures. The phenomenon of falling and falling along the road is very serious. If you look at the newly-paved road from a distance, you can see a layer of falling soil, the wind blows, and the dust is flying. frown.

Zhang Bin couldn't get close to him, and Zhou Qian could only stand on the periphery of the crowd, but vaguely heard Shen Huai talking to the people around him about the problem of the bus not being allowed to order.

Seeing Wang Jisheng, a teacher from the same school who was transferred to work in the county, stood aside and lowered his head to write down Shen Huai's words, Zhou Qian wondered: Does the county magistrate personally watch over such trivial matters?

Not seeing Wang Weicheng beside Shen Huai, Zhou Qian looked around again, but didn't know if Wang Weicheng would look at her sister's face and say a few words for her.

Shen Huai walked in front, and the crowd followed. Zhou Qian saw that the sun was quite strong outside the platform, so she took out the sunshade from her bag and wanted to hold it up. She was a little behind, when she heard someone whispering behind her:

"Where birds don't poop, there are not a few ghosts coming over a day, and the bus has to be strictly guarded. I'm really full and support..."

Zhou Qian didn't look back to see who was complaining. She opened the umbrella to keep up with the crowd, and followed closely by the principal Zhang Bin.

It was only at this time that Zhou Qian saw Wang Weicheng coming from behind, and Wang Weicheng's unintentional passing made the few people who were complaining in the back froze.

"Whether the bus is on time or not, the county government has to come forward and watch. Director Wang, you are really working hard." Zhou Qian whispered to Wang Weicheng.

It was only then that Wang Weicheng realized that Zhou Qian had heard the complaints of those few people just now. Seeing that she could hold on to her curiosity without looking back, she sighed in her heart: The little girl back then wasn't completely scheming.

Zhou Qian was cautious, afraid of offending someone unintentionally, but Wang Weicheng had no such scruples. He turned his head and glanced sharply at the grumbling grass-roots cadres as a warning, and then turned around and said to Zhou Qian:

"A year ago, Xiapu was only a remote and backward agricultural county. Not to mention ordinary people, even many people in the administrative organs were still at the cognitive level of a year ago, and many jobs could not keep up with the county. The requirements of the county are stricter, and there are a lot of complaints from below, which is normal.”

Wang Weicheng glanced at Zhang Bin next to him and said, "Comparatively speaking, Magistrate Shen is still the most satisfied with his work in education..."

When Zhang Bin heard Wang Weicheng say this, he was overjoyed and said with a smile: "That's why you and Jisheng and the others won glory for our education circle in the county..."

Zhang Wenquan was talking beside Shen Huai, Zhao Tianming, Dai Quan and other county leaders. Zhang Bin couldn't get close to him and was anxious. At this time, he was by Wang Weicheng's side, thinking that if Wang Weicheng walked to Shen Huai's side, he would Pulling Zhou Qian to follow closely.

Wang Weicheng seemed to understand Zhang Bin's thoughts. Seeing that Shen Huai was talking to Zhao Tianming, the executive deputy county magistrate, he didn't rush to follow, but stood on the periphery and talked to Zhang Bin.

Although Zhang Bin couldn't get close to Shen Huai immediately, he felt comfortable standing outside talking to Wang Chengwei.

At present, the aging of district and county officials is serious. As far as Xiapu County is concerned, in the next three to five years, there will be almost 40% of the county-level officials at the top of the county's power pyramid, including Tao Jixing, Gu Jinzhang and others. To retire or just retire.

In the replacement of county-level officials, judging from the trend since last year, almost all the officials who can be promoted are the backbone of the forty-year-old represented by Zhao Tianming, Dai Quan and others.

The thoughtful Zhang Bin, of course, is not difficult to see. If he misses this wave of promotion opportunities, the main positions vacated in the county will be filled with young and middle-aged officials, and future promotions will become more difficult for him in the future. getting narrower. Next, he is likely to continue to work as the principal of the county, and he will keep stumbling and secreting those who are staring at this position.

As far as Zhang Bin is concerned, the most ideal promotion path is that Zhang Wenquan can be promoted to be the deputy county magistrate, and he will fill the seat vacated by Zhang Wenquan.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is far away.

Not to mention that there are four deputy directors of the county education bureau who are looking forward to the top position of the education bureau, and those who are qualified to compete externally, as well as Xu Sheng, the principal of the county vocational middle school, and others - this bunch of people are waiting in line to go up without saying, what? At that time, a few dark horses with background and background suddenly stood up and joined their team. What could he do with Zhang Bin?

Of course, it's not that there are no shortcuts, it's just that this shortcut doesn't have the qualifications for everyone, and everyone has this **** to run away...

Don't say that Wang Wei has become a success. It was at this time that Wang Jisheng, who was recording conversations with Shen Huai and Zhao Tianming in a notebook, also called Zhang Bin extremely envious.

Wang Jisheng was two years younger than Wang Weicheng. Before he was transferred to the county, he was just an ordinary English teacher in the school.

Wang Jisheng graduated from Huaihai Normal University. He has a good level of English teaching, and he has a brain in his work. He is considered a high-chief talent in the county, but there are not 18,000 such talents in the county; it is not difficult to catch 1,000 people at will.

In the past, Zhang Bin would never put such a young man in his eyes at all.

Who knows, Wang Jisheng caught up with the shortage of foreign language talents in the county, and was seconded to the county with Wang Weicheng and the others, first assisting in the investment promotion work, and the personnel relations were transferred directly. He is already the director of the department at the deputy township level.

He Zhang Bin has a very high self-esteem, and at this time, he is only at the deputy township level. If he stood with Wang Jisheng, others would most likely greet "Director Wang" at the front.

As for Wang Weicheng, Zhang Bin doesn't even expect a comparison.

Zhang Bin didn't dare to have too many extravagant hopes, but if Zhang Wenquan could really be transferred to the county to serve as the deputy county magistrate, would he have any hope of taking Zhang Wenquan's seat, or in the newly established education group. Whether he can suppress Xu Sheng, the principal of the vocational high school, and Wang Weicheng are the cards that he can hardly grasp at this time.

Of course, it would be even better if Zhou Qian could play this card.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin glanced at Zhou Qian and asked Wang Weicheng: "Director Wang, you're giving me a bit of a leak. Is the county magistrate Shen satisfied with the list of members of the education group's preparatory team?"

Wang Weicheng saw that Zhou Qian also had concerns in his eyes, scratched his forehead, and said, "Since Director Zhang has officially handed in the plan today, I think the county will formally discuss this issue soon..."

Wang Weicheng's answer to Ling Liangke was hardly satisfactory to Zhang Bin, but there was no way to keep asking.


At this time, a few cars drove over from the parking lot; after the ceremony here, Zhao Tianming was going back to the county, and Shen Huai was going to Lingang New City to see the construction site, and turned back to signal Wang Weicheng to follow.

I don't know if Zhang Bin was wrong, or if he did it intentionally. Looking at him, he motioned Wang Weicheng to go over, and he followed, and Zhou Qian, who was a little later, followed closely. In the eyes that looked over, there was a shyness in his eyes. There is also an undisguised eagerness.

Seeing this situation, Shen Huai frowned slightly.

Zhang Wenquan gave him the preparatory plan for the education group. He had a rough look on the way he came. In the recommended list of members of the preparatory group, in addition to Zhang Bin and Zhou Sheng, the principal of the vocational high school, he was the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the county high school. Zhou Qian was not qualified, but she was listed.

Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin wanted to take advantage of Zhou Qian's superior But why didn't Zhou Qian take advantage of Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin's thoughts?

Shen Huai also smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that when he first saw Zhou Qian, he only thought of that thirteen- or four-year-old girl who had no intentions of that year, and didn't think much about it - if he thinks about it seriously at this time, if he still thinks that at this time Zhou Qian was as simple as the little girl back then, but he was actually too simple.

Of course, Shen Huai doesn't discriminate against women. Men have ambitions, and women can also have them. Although he doesn't want the current little girl to step into this unclean vortex, some things are not easy to solve. His will is to transfer.

Thinking of this, Shen Huai said to Zhang Wenquan next to him: "The county magistrate Zhao will go back to the county, and I will go to Xinpu to see the construction site. If you have time, go there together; tell Xu Sheng from the vocational high school and ask him to go see it too. The new school’s planned location…”

In the morning, Zhang Wenquan did not simply hand in the preparation plan of the education group and wait for the result, but dragged Zhang Bin and Zhou Qian to the scene.

Wang Weicheng took Shen Huai's car, Zhang Wenquan let Zhang Bin and Zhou Qian take his car, contacted Xu Sheng, the principal of the vocational high school, and rushed to the construction site in the east area of ​​Lingang New City. l3l4


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