Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 715: muzzle

When Zhou Qian woke up, her head was still aching, and her fragmented consciousness was pieced together. Only then did she realize that she was lying on the bed, she sat up in shock, and pulled the iron shelf next to the medicine bottle and fell to the ground with a "clang", and the needle inserted in the back of her hand fell to the ground. Also tear off.

Zhou Qian felt a tingling pain in the back of her hand, which also woke her up. Only then did she see herself lying on the hospital bed, lifted the quilt, and saw that her clothes were still in order. There were several vomit marks on her shirt, and it gave off a fishy smell. , there were several bruises on her arm, and the pain was faint, which reminded her that she had fallen when she left the wine table, and she had no memory at all after that.

Zhou Qian was relieved a little, but she couldn't remember who sent her to the hospital.

Xu Sheng?

Thinking of Xu Sheng's squinty and courteous appearance at the dinner table, Zhou Qian was always afraid, thinking that he would never kindly send her to the hospital, not the hotel or his home.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian's heart also tightened for a while, and she reached under the quilt and touched her jeans uneasy. Apart from the headache and the abrasion on her arm, there was no other abnormality in her body, but her scalp was not numb. Way to completely relax.

At this time, the nurse who heard the movement pushed the door and walked in, and the bottle holder on the ground was lifted up. Seeing that there was not much liquid left in the infusion bottle, she did not help Zhou Qian to insert the needle back, and wiped the blood with cotton wool. The back of the hand is about to leave.

Zhou Qian was about to ask who sent her to the hospital, when she saw Xu Huili pushing the door and walking in, she shouted hoarsely, "Sister Huili..."

"You are a girl, why do you drink like this? There is no need to abuse yourself if you have any emotional barriers." Xu Huili frowned and blamed her.

Xu Huili's dissatisfaction with her was beyond words. Zhou Qian was speechless. Even if there was an accident today, it would be entirely her own fault. Thinking of this, she felt weak in her heart, unable to say anything and didn't know how to talk to her. Xu Huili asked herself how she got to the county hospital.

At this time, the nurse who just walked out brought a set of clothes worn by the patient and handed it to Xu Huili: "Director Xu..."

Later, a male doctor came over, got a closer look at Zhou Qian's condition, and said to Xu Huili, "Mr. Xiao Zhou better hang up another bottle of water, otherwise the reaction will still be strong after drinking..." </..."

Wang Weicheng was promoted, and Xu Huili didn't have to stay in the hardest front-line work in the county hospital. She was transferred to the medical and nursing department to do administrative work, handed the patient's uniform to Zhou Qian, and said, "Put your clothes on first, and sleep here. One night, we will go back to school tomorrow. Your sister and Sun Xun will be going back to China next week. If something happens to you, will your sister not put your grievance on us? You are not too young, you should know how to protect yourself. Otherwise, if something really happened, who do you have to talk to?"

Listening to Xu Huili's severe lesson, Zhou Qian lowered her head and listened, thinking that she hadn't told Wang Weicheng about her sister's return to China, and she thought that it was her sister or her brother-in-law who had an extra phone call with Wang Weicheng.

Seeing Zhou Qian like this, Xu Huili also knows that she is not completely indifferent, but she is stubborn sometimes. When encountering something, she will inevitably go to the top of her horns and give up on herself. She can't bear to say anything about her, so she asked the previous nurse to bring an infusion bottle and insert it for her. He took the needle and said, "Go to sleep, don't think too much about it..."

Xu Huili went out. Zhou Qian listened to her talking to a person in the aisle. The other person's voice was very strange. She wondered if this stranger sent her to the hospital? Why didn't he come in?

Zhou Qian guessed wildly in her heart, and there was no sound in the corridor for a while.

Zhou Qian couldn't sleep, and she didn't know what medicine the hospital gave her. Except for the weakness around her, there was no violent reaction after a hangover. She watched the infusion bottle drop by drop into the rubber tube. down.

It was quiet outside the room, and the street lights outside the window came in, making her have no way of knowing what time it was. When the bottle of water was hung up, the nurse came in to help her pick the needles, only to know that it was just past ten o'clock.

Thinking about it, she and Xu Sheng went to the hotel and sat down at the dinner table, and then they coaxed her to drink heavily. She was in pain and wanted to use alcohol to indulge herself and indulge herself. Nothing happened in the middle, and she was directly sent to the hospital. Even if it was not too late to hang up two bottles of water, she still came to the hospital somehow.


In the early morning, Zhou Qian also fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up in the morning, it was almost eight o'clock.

The nurses also changed shifts. Before Xu Huili came to the hospital, Zhou Qian went to the nurse station to borrow a phone and called back to the office, asking her colleagues to bring suits from the dormitory. She saw Zhang Bin, the principal, and two female teachers in the same office walking in.

The two colleagues were carrying plastic bags for changing clothes, probably because she was drunk and spit out her clothes last night.

"Principal..." Zhou Qian didn't expect that the drunken incident would be reported back to the school so quickly, thinking that Zhang Bin's attitude towards her might become frivolous in the future, and even if she regretted yesterday's "indulgence", it was irreversible at this time.

"Fatty Xu and Zhang Junqiang are too inauthentic. A few big gentlemen, you are drinking a girl's wine, you know, understand that they are fooling around, and I don't know if they think they have some plans. Fortunately, the county magistrate is also there. Beishan accompanies the guests to dinner, and sees that he has taught them a few **** a lesson, otherwise I don't know what to make of you!" Zhang Bin said indignantly.

Mayor Zhao? Zhao Tianming?

Of course, what shocked Zhou Qian even more was that Zhao Tianming saw her drunk at the Beishan Hotel. Yesterday, Xu Shengming was at the Dongfulou Hotel on East Street and asked Zhang Junqiang of the health school to have dinner. She was also unconscious in the Dongfulou. .

Thinking of this, the hairs on Zhou Qian's back stood up in fright, and only then did she understand why Xu Huili spoke to her so harshly last night.

If the county magistrate Zhao happened to see her being drunk at the Beishan Pengyue International Hotel, and after reprimanding Xu Sheng and Zhang Junqiang of the medical school, he sent someone to take her to the hospital to hang water, how could Sister Huili come back after get off work? Why did he make a special trip to the hospital, why did he know that Xu Sheng had the wrong intention to take her to the Beishan Hotel when she was drunk?

Zhou Qian knew that there were twists and turns that she didn't know, but she wouldn't just tell Zhang Bin about it without any scheming. She only said that she hung up two bottles of water at night and slept again. There was nothing to change. Clothes are ready to go back to school.

Zhang Bin was also surprised, how could Zhao Tianming care about Zhou Qian's drunkenness, and scold Xu Sheng and Zhang Junqiang on the spot. Did Zhao Tianming also see Zhou Qian, but Zhao Tianming also scolded Xu Sheng and Zhang Junqiang last night. Didn't you send Zhou Qian to the hospital in person?

"In the morning, the Education Bureau will hold a meeting of the preparatory group. The county was in a hurry with the notification received in the morning. The plan has been adjusted according to the opinions of the county magistrate, and it will be reported to the county for approval in the next two days. I am afraid that you will not be able to make it in time. Teacher Zhang and Teacher Gu come directly to your dormitory to get a change of clothes. If you have nothing to do, we will go directly to the Education Bureau for a meeting later..." Zhang Bin said.

"It's really okay." Zhou Qian smiled reluctantly.

Zhang Bin asked again with concern: "Xiao Zhou, have you encountered any setbacks in your personal relationship, or something happened at home - if you have any difficulties, you can talk to your colleagues, or come to talk to me. Okay, don't be bored in your heart, drinking like this is not good for your body."

"It's nothing, I drank a few more drinks yesterday, and I don't blame Principal Xu and the others." Zhou Qian can only say the same thing. Now that she wakes up, why would she lose her head again and ask Zhang Bin to complain about her emotional pain. ? Afraid that Zhang Bin was too eager, she hurriedly took the clothes from her colleagues and went back to the ward to change clothes first.


Zhou Qian took Zhang Bin's car and rushed to the Education Bureau to participate in the preparatory meeting of the education group. Xu Sheng and Zhang Junqiang, the principal of the health school, were also notified and rushed to the Education Bureau for a meeting.

Seeing Zhou Qian and Zhang Bin coming over, Xu Sheng came over casually and asked with concern, "Is Xiao Zhou all right? Did you drink so fiercely yesterday?"

Seeing Xu Sheng's face now, Zhou Qian felt as if she had been stabbed with a needle, and felt both fear and disgust in her heart.

Disgusted with Xu Sheng, disgusted with herself, and disgusted to think about the drunken incident yesterday, Zhou Qian bravely entered the conference room and sat in the corner far away from Xu Sheng.

Except for the Xiapu County Middle School, the establishment of the education group is mainly to integrate the secondary vocational education resources in the county. The leaders of the secondary vocational schools such as Xu Sheng and Zhang Junqiang have all been in the conference room; it is only the officials within the Education Bureau. Holding on to his butt, he didn't see a single person in the conference room.

After pinch, I saw Zhang Wenquan, director of education, and several deputy directors, accompanied by two people with unfamiliar faces.

"How come Bureau Ye of the Finance Bureau and President Xu of Xinpu Group are here too?" whispered at the conference table, wondering about the addition of two outsiders to today's preparatory meeting.

Zhou Qian is also a little puzzled, but it makes sense after thinking about it. The education group is injected by Xinpu Development Group on behalf of the county. It makes sense - as for the Finance Bureau, the Finance Bureau is responsible for overseeing and auditing the finances of all county-owned enterprises, and the Finance Bureau sends people to participate in the preparatory meeting, which makes more sense.

However, as a result, the Finance Bureau and Xinpu Development Group will be included in the list of member units of the preparatory team.

Zhang Wenquan sat down and said with no expression on his face: "Ye Kuangming, deputy director of the Finance Bureau, and Xu Jian, deputy general manager of Xinpu Development Group, do you all know each other? There have been several preparatory meetings before and after the education group. Yesterday Shen The county magistrate has made some important instructions on the preparatory plan and will inform you all. At the same time, you will be informed that before the assets of each school are merged into the education group, the county finance bureau will audit the assets and finances of each school, and the audit work will be carried out by Ye bureau in person In charge, I personally lead the team from the Education Bureau, and I also ask everyone to cooperate..."

The county integrates educational resources, and after the establishment of an education group, the capitalization reform is carried out. Asset and financial auditing is a necessary procedure. There is no doubt about this.

It's just that the audit work is tight and loose. If the Finance Division of the Education Bureau presides over the audit work, it can be done so-so. We all belong to the education system, look up and see, no one will deliberately embarrass anyone, but now the county finance bureau is responsible for the audit work, this level may not be so easy.

Zhang Bin was also a little stunned. There was no problem with the Finance Bureau being in charge of auditing. The key is that there was no relevant rumors before.

Zhang Bin is a very meticulous person, but he does not dare to say that there are many problems with the school's financial accounts. There are indeed problems with some reimbursement items, and Ye Kuangming is the most difficult person to serve in the Finance Bureau. And most of the baskets caught in the finances of the townships below came from Ye Kuangming's hands.

Zhang Bin looked at Zhang Wenquan with some incomprehension. Seeing Zhang Wenquan's face was also a little stiff, he thought that maybe he also knew that the county finance bureau was directly responsible for the audit work...


Shen Huai was so busy last night that he slept very late, and woke up late. He arrived at the street after nine o'clock and took a walk around. He finally got into a breakfast cart that was confiscated from a stall, bought soy milk, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns, and talked to Shao. Zheng squatted on the side of the road to eat breakfast.

"Last night, you worked so hard, Lao Shao," Shen Huai said to Shao Zheng while biting the fritters, "but don't talk about leaks, I owe someone a favor before, and I need to take care of that stupid and stupid girl. . Now it's more human, but I don't want to cause any trouble..."

Shao Zheng laughed, knowing exactly what the trouble Shen Huai was talking about, and said, "I'm afraid she doesn't understand, she can't gain wisdom from one bite."

"It's not like she's stupid, but she doesn't have any scheming," Shen Huai said, "but even if she doesn't grow up smart, it's up to her, no one owes her forever..."

Yesterday, Zhou Qian left the bag in the car after getting off the car. Shen Huai really avoided suspicion, so he asked Wang Weicheng to send the bag back later. I didn't expect that he asked Wang Weicheng to make a special trip back to deliver the bag. He wanted to go to school and want to reconcile with Zhou Qian. The good Xu Zhi saw that and asked Xu Zhi to have a big quarrel with Zhou Qian.

Shen Huai originally asked Shao Zheng to come and take him to the city, but he couldn't worry about it, so he went back and saw Zhou Qian getting into Xu Sheng's car - Shen Huai didn't have the time to stare at Zhou Qian's every move, so he let him go. Shao Zheng did it for him, and Zhou Qian brought Xu Sheng to Beishan to open a room after being drunk at the Dongfulou Hotel, and only then asked Zhao Tianming, who happened to be meeting guests in Beishan, to stop him.

For the sake of Zhou Qian's future reputation, this kind of thing is not easy to expose directly, but Zhou Qian was intercepted and sent to the hospital to sober up without further investigation on the spot.

Of course, this matter won't just end like Wang Weicheng and the driver drove Shen Huai's special car and rushed here to pick up Shen Huai to the county.

Wang Weicheng got out of the car and reported to Shen Huaihui: "Deputy Director Ye and Vice President Xu have already met Zhang Wenquan at the Education Bureau..."

"It's all about male thieves and female prostitutes behind the scenes. Some cadres are very courageous in broad daylight. It's not good to not kill their arrogance." Shen Huai sighed lightly, stood up and patted his buttocks, eating a lot of leftovers. Plastic cups of soy milk, throw them in the trash.

He didn't plan to check the school's accounts before. He also knew that in the past ten or twenty years, the accounts of many enterprises, institutions and townships were messed up. It may take several months for a village's finances to be clarified. , For the sake of efficiency, some thin mud still needs to be mixed, and the water is too clear to raise fish.

It's just that the daring actions of some grass-roots officials below also shocked him. He went to Xiapu, suppressed Xu Fulin, Qin Bingkui, and squeezed out Ge Yongqiu. He had personal power, but if he wanted to tell the grass-roots cadres to abide by the rules, he would still openly arrest one or two major cases.

Now, who told Xu Sheng to hit the gun and come up? l3l4


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