Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 738: Return (2)

Crying and begging for a monthly ticket——Brothers, the guaranteed monthly ticket in your hand, vote for me!


At the ticket gate here, the next wave of passengers entering the station is the train coming from Yanjing, passing through Shimen for a short stop, and heading for Xucheng - now the trains are gathered in front of the ticket gate along the two rows of benches and the middle aisle. For passengers going to Xucheng or cities along the route.

Shen Huai listened to the young girl's question and guessed that she should also go to Xucheng by train. Seeing that she was only twenty-five or six years old, she looked like Cheng Yi, and nodded: "Well, we also take this train. Going to Xucheng..." Seeing the girl in front of her eyes flashing backwards, he turned to see that the teenagers did not leave the waiting hall, but stood in the distance and looked here, with fierce eyes.

Shen Huai frowned. He knew that train stations in many places were blind spots and difficult points for public security, but he didn't expect that Shimen would become such a mess.

The young girl was insulting and spitting just now, and when she saw that these teenagers were trying to steal her things, she was irritated and smashed at these people with the satchel in her hand. At this time, she calmed down a little, thinking about it, but she still had lingering fears. Goodbye, these children did not run away, but instead looked here, as if they were still waiting for an opportunity to take revenge, and they became afraid.

The young girl also went out alone, with no help left or right, and had nothing to rely on. At this time, she could only pin her hopes on Shen Huai, who reminded her just now, subconsciously hiding behind Shen Huai, watching vigilantly and nervously. with those teenagers.

Seeing this situation, Cheng Yi also felt uneasy in her heart, and asked Shen Huai worriedly, "Will they come to ask for trouble?"

Shen Huai shook his head, pointed to the station staff with red armbands not far away to show Cheng Yi and the women around him, and comforted them: "There are station staff watching over there, as long as we don't look at the places the staff can't see Walk around the corner, they won't mess around..."

Cheng Yi rarely has the opportunity to contact the people at the bottom, but Shen Huai is not too worried. After all, these children just wanted to anger and lure the young girl away, so they stole her bag and played hide-and-seek with her in the waiting hall. It has developed to the level of public **** or robbery, so at this time, just be careful not to block this group of lawless teenagers in any corner.


The train was also about to enter the station, and Shen Huai couldn't delay at Shimen.

Probably Cheng Wenguang's driver responded to the situation with the station police station in time, and soon several uniformed policemen walked in through the side door - seeing the station policeman appearing, these teenagers completely dispersed, no longer in a hurry. Dare to stir up trouble again.

Shen Huai knew that behind these teenagers and begging children, there should be people who control them. After looking around, he couldn't see any suspicious people. He thought that he would have the opportunity to tell Cheng Yi's father. They also did not come forward to tell the station police about the situation just now.

Watching the police drive out the begging children and stealing teenagers from the waiting hall, and then start to check the ID cards of the waiting passengers from the other side, the young girl was completely relieved and took out her mobile phone to report safety to her family.

Shen Huai saw that the young girl was also quite smart. She didn't take out her mobile phone to make a call before the police came over. She was probably afraid that these lawless teenagers would rush up to **** her, and looked at her:

The face is also quite beautiful, with a floral silk scarf tied around the neckline, a beige short-swing windbreaker, a light brown thin belt tied around the waist, skinny jeans, slender legs wrapped around her legs, and brown high-heeled shoes. She looks like a fashionable white-collar girl.

Whether it is a trolley case under the bench or a carry-on bag, they are all high-end goods with exquisite workmanship. Such a fashionable girl who is single outside is indeed easy to become the target of some juvenile criminal gangs.

The girl still has lingering fears about what happened just now. She is still grateful to Shen Huai. When she is on the phone with her family or friends, she exaggerates that Shen Huai is a hero of righteousness and courage - Shen Huai stood by and listened to it. Smile.

At this moment, a staff member appeared at the ticket gate and started to check the ticket. Shen Huai, Cheng Yi and the young girl lined up to go to the ticket gate while chatting.

The young girl was very grateful to Shen Huai. Seeing that he and Cheng Yi were both extraordinary in temperament and appearance, she naturally had good feelings and trust in her heart. During the chat, she poured out all of her situation.

Only then did Shen Huai know that the young girl's surname was Xu and her name was Xu Xian. Her family lived in Tunping County, below Shimen, and she went to university in Xucheng to work in a securities company in Xucheng. This time she also borrowed the weekend. I went home to visit my parents for two days. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing at the train station when I left Shimen.

Shen Huai and Xu Xian were not in the same carriage, so they were separated when they entered the platform.


When Shen Huai and the others came, Yang Haipeng helped arrange the itinerary, and specially booked several soft sleeper carriages for Shen Huai, Cheng Yi, Zhao Tianming, and Dai Quan, without any interference from outsiders.

Returning to Xucheng, Shen Huai and Cheng Yi left alone, without letting Yang Haipeng arrange it, and did not want to spread too much waste.

However, this train departed from Yanjing and headed to Xucheng. The ordinary hard-seat carriages were overcrowded and overcrowded, and the soft-sleeper carriages were very empty. Shen Huai and Cheng Yi entered the carriage, and there was only a middle-aged man with glasses sitting in the lower bunk next to the window to read the newspaper. When they saw Shen Huai and Cheng Yi coming in, they looked up and looked at them, but they ignored the stranger. look.

When they got in the car, Cheng Yi also took her mobile phone to call her mother to report her safety; Shen Huai was responsible for putting away their luggage.

Both Shen Huai and Cheng Yi were tickets for the lower bunk, but it was inconvenient to rush the middle-aged man across from them to the upper bunk at this time. Cheng Yi sat down with Shen Huai and took out her mother from her bag for preparation. All kinds of food, spread on the bed and grabbed it for dinner.

After getting on the train, Cheng Yi had nothing to fear about what happened at the station. Instead, she had a curiosity to explore the dangers of the bottom society. Facing Cheng Yi's curiosity, Shen Huai told her something from all over the world. , Talking about street children, about abduction and trafficking, about juvenile crime, about the current detention system, about the civilian society and cruel reality that she rarely has access to.

"These children are not really abducted and sold. Most of them are brought out by the same villagers or even their biological parents to control begging. For these children and their parents, as long as gang crimes are not involved, simple custody and repatriation cannot effectively solve the problem. These problems. Although the law on the protection of minors has been established, there is currently no corresponding material conditions to implement more specific procedural regulations at the operational level. Many of the problems we are seeing now may take ten, twenty years, or even more. It takes a long time to resolve..."

Cheng Yi held her chin, looked at Shen Huai's face and listened to him, she couldn't help being addicted.

When Cheng Yi was studying, many of her classmates came from the countryside, but since these classmates had not yet entered the society at that time, Cheng Yi knew that some parts of the country were poor and backward, but she also had no way of understanding the complexity of civilian society and the underclass.

In the past, Cheng Yi had more contact with Tan Jun, Ji Chengxi, Song Hongqi, Song Hongyi, Song Tong, and her brother's children from the red wall; after work, she also came into contact with well-dressed middle and high-level bankers.

Among these people, the good and the bad are mixed, some are addicted to alcohol, and there are not a few people like Ji Chengxi who are outstanding in aptitude, professionalism, and extraordinary achievements; it is said that Shen Huai is similar to these people, but Cheng Yi always feels that Shen Huai is different. the temperament of such people.

On the surface, Shen Huai is more successful in the local area and has greater achievements, but in the end is it because Shen Huai is more qualified, smarter, or some other factor, Cheng Yi has always been not very thorough, and sometimes feels that Shen Huai is more talented. There was a layer of fog on Huai's body, making it difficult for people to see through.

She now understands at least one thing, Shen Huai's meticulous observation and understanding of civilian society and the people at the bottom is definitely not something that children born in the Red Wall can easily possess.

Like today's situation, if it was someone else, such as his brother or Ji Chengxi, it might be easy to solve it with a phone call, and even asked the station police to do a special case to dig out the mastermind behind the teenagers. It wasn't too difficult, but Cheng Yi always felt that compared with Shen Huai, others were less meaningful.

Cheng Yi asked curiously, "How do you know so many things?"

"..." Shen Huai said with a smile, "I have a very bad relationship with my family. I spend most of the time hanging out outside, and the things I come into contact with are complicated - I don't want to be like this, you see, I'll start to learn it now. "

Cheng Yi glanced at Shen Huai, blaming him for not speaking seriously: Shen Huai's explanation seemed reasonable, but she cleared up her doubts.

Many people, such as Song Hongjun, Ji Chengxi, and her brother, were born in the mid-to-early 1960s and experienced national, social, and family turmoil during their teenage years—even Cheng Yi herself has the memory of being sent to the farm with her parents when she was a child. ——A little older, going to the mountains and the countryside with the educated youth, the life experience is more complicated, but Shen Huai still feels different to her.

However, Cheng Yi couldn't tell what the difference was, so she stopped asking.

The middle-aged man sitting across from reading the newspaper washed up and went to bed in the upper bunk. Cheng Yi saw that it was late and wanted to get up to wash up. At this time, the door of the carriage was pushed open from the outside, and Xu Xian, who had gotten on the train separately on the platform, looked in, with a flustered expression, and said:

" I know you are in this carriage, but I don't know where exactly - can I make do with you for a night?"

Cheng Yi gave Xu Xian a puzzled look; Xu Xian said again, "In my carriage, the three men are all drooling, and I don't dare to sleep there alone."

"There is an empty shop here. I don't know if anyone got on the train in the middle of the journey. Why don't I ask the conductor for you to see if I can transfer your shop?" Shen Huai said.

"Well, I asked, I can make up another ticket," Xu Xian said hurriedly, looking at Cheng Yi and Shen Huai sitting together, she said hesitantly, "I'm afraid it's inconvenient for you..."

She was also frightened at the station. On the train, everyone looked like a bad person, and she felt uneasy. If she could stay in the same carriage with Shen Huai and Cheng Yi, she didn't mind spending an extra two hundred yuan for a replacement ticket.

"Ah, what's the inconvenience for us?" Cheng Yi thought it was strange for Xu Xian to say that, but then she thought that Xu Xian might be bothering her and would mind. Thinking about it, it's right. She and Shen Huai are with each other. Strong, under normal circumstances, you really shouldn't like other women to come close to Shen Huai. She is dependent on Shen Huai. It seems that Xu Xian is indeed quite beautiful. l3l4


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