Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 747: preaching

Everyone sat around the long dining table and chatted while eating. Li Gu asked Song Hongjun somewhat confused: "Why is Mr. Song free in Xucheng today?"

Of course, it's not surprising that Song Hongjun and others will appear in Xucheng. What's strange is that he and Shen Huai and Cheng Yi are having lunch in the canteen of the Provincial People's Bank.

Li Gu knew that Shen Huai and Cheng Yi had been dating for two or three years, and they had reached the point of talking about marriage. When Shen Huai and Cheng Yi were together, there was no need to deliberately go to a high-end restaurant for a date. It was only after a light meal that it showed that the two wanted to live together, but Song Hongjun had nothing to do to join in the fun?

Li Gu guessed that Song Hongjun should have rushed to Xucheng temporarily to find Shen Huai, and since Shen Huai and Cheng Yi were already eating here, Song Hongjun made do with it, otherwise the three of them would just find a more elegant restaurant. It is more convenient than eating and talking in the public canteen of the Provincial People's Bank.

Mei Gang has gradually become a force around Shen Huai, and Song Hongjun is also an important person. Shen Huai and Song Hongjun can contact by phone at any time. Li Gu wondered what would require them to make an appointment to meet in Xucheng temporarily?

Song Hongjun said with a smile: "I was originally in Hong Kong, and Zihua Industrial had an unusually high daily limit in the morning. I thought there was something lively, so I rushed to Xucheng to see the liveliness - but I haven't seen the liveliness yet."

Li Gu holds many concurrent positions, most of which are related to financial securities, asset restructuring of provincial state-owned enterprises, etc. As the deputy head of the provincial government's working group to promote corporate listings, he also pays attention to the securities market.

After Tianyi Group controls Zihua Industrial, a listed company, it has launched two pharmaceutical industrial park projects with an investment scale of over 1 billion, both of which are located in Huaihai Province; in terms of asset distribution, Zihua Industrial can be said to be listed in Huaihai Province Company - Li Gu also noticed the abnormal daily limit of Zihua Industrial in the morning.

Li Gu's energy is also limited, and it is impossible to notice anything, so he will spend all his energy to find out.

Even if you know that the stock price of a listed company is abnormal, it usually means that there is sensitive information, but it is really necessary to trace the source to find out. The resources and procedures used are not simple things, and the disturbance is also great, which may cause related issues. Disgust and backlash.

Therefore, Li Gu knew about the abnormal daily limit of Zihua Industrial in the morning, but he did not take it seriously? Seriously pay attention to it.

Behind Zihua Industrial is Tianyi Group, and behind Tianyi Group is Hu Lin - in the past year, Hu Lin has made a lot of stumbling blocks for Meigang, and now Zihua Industrial's stock price fluctuates abnormally, causing Shen Huai, Song Hongjun and others noticed that Li Gu was not surprised at all.

Li Gu just wanted to say something, and suddenly realized the deliberate flaw in Song Hongjun's words.

Li Gu glanced at his watch. It was only 12:30. It would take at least three hours for Song Hongjun to fly from Hong Kong. That is to say, Song Hongjun was full of calculations. He should have known that Zihua Industrial was going to increase the daily limit before the stock market opened this morning. thing.

Could it be that Shen Huai had already noticed what Tianyi Group was doing behind the scenes?

Li Gu glanced at Shen Huai, Shen Huai just smiled at him, and then continued talking to Lin Shijie.

Seeing Shen Huai like this, Li Gu smiled and didn't ask any further.

Just like what news he conveyed to Shen Huai, he would not explain it easily, Shen Huai would obviously have to play a riddle with him this time, and it was impossible to tell him the source of the news clearly; You have to follow this thread to find out.

After eating in the cafeteria, Li Gu said goodbye to Shen Huai and Song Hongjun, and returned to Lin Shijie's office to continue talking about work.

After talking about things in Lin Shijie's office, two o'clock passed. On the way back to the office by car, Li Gu asked his secretary to call to inquire about the abnormal fluctuation of Zihua Industrial's stock price.

Li Gu didn't care about this at first, but Shen Huai and Song Hongjun mentioned it deliberately, which aroused his interest again.

He also realized that Hu Lin and Tianyi Group have made a lot of moves in Huaihai Province, and it is better to be able to grasp the movements of Hu Lin and Tianyi Group in time than to be passive in the future.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zihua Industrial's share price was still firmly hitting the daily limit, and the gossip in the market was confusing. Li Gu knew that these could not be taken seriously and needed to be screened.

Li Gu's subordinates are still quite capable. In addition to the two brands of the provincial state-owned enterprise working committee and the provincial government's financial office, the resources that can be used are far beyond the reach of ordinary institutions. When Li Gu returned to the office, the stock price of Zihua Industrial was fluctuating and abnormal. Some detailed data reports on the transaction are placed on his desk.

Abnormal fluctuations in stock prices usually mean abnormal inflows and outflows of funds. From the transaction data fed back by the stock exchange, it can be clearly seen which operating departments of securities companies these abnormal funds come in and out of.

From this aspect, relatively speaking, it is easiest to find the beaded horse traces.

This simple two-page report naturally cannot trace the real facts, but it can be found that there are seven securities company business departments that have abnormal funds involved in raising the share price of Zihua Industrial.

Among the seven business departments involved in raising the stock price, three are located in Xucheng, and they belong to three different securities companies. Among them, Dongjiang Securities is also a local enterprise in Xucheng.

Dongjiang Securities?

Xu Pei served as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee in Xucheng for more than two years, but it did not mean that he could fully grasp the situation in Xucheng; quite a number of local factions, including many members of the Standing Committee of the Xucheng Municipal Committee, actually revolved around Governor Zhao Qiuhua, At the side of Dai Lesheng, Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee.

The situation in Huaihai Province is almost the same. For example, in Donghua, the party secretary Chen Baoqi and the deputy secretary Yu Chengzhen belonged to Zhao Qiuhua.

Obviously, even if Hu Lin and Tianyi Group wanted to manipulate the stock price of listed companies, they would definitely find related securities companies to work together. TK Securities and Xucheng SDIC, the controlling shareholder of TK Securities, are obviously controlled by people from the Zhao family.

For a while, Li Gu didn't know how to dig from the clue of Dongjiang Securities, but the secretary reminded him: "Pucheng Electric seems to be a shareholder of Dongjiang Securities..."

After being reminded by the secretary, Li Gu's eyes lit up:

Although Pucheng Electric is not the controlling shareholder of TK Securities and cannot directly interfere with the normal operation of TK Securities, Li Gu believes that Zhao Moshi, according to his temperament, will probably have one or two insiders within TK Securities so that he can keep track of TK at any time. The operation of the securities.

When Dongjiang Securities was restructured, Xu Pei advocated for Pucheng Electric Group to take a shareholding. In the final analysis, he did not want the only securities institution in Xucheng to be completely out of his control.

Thinking of this, Li Gu came to understand that Shen Huai and Song Hongjun didn't want him to guess some riddle for no reason, but hoped to use his mouth to spread the news to Xu Pei and Zhao Moshi's ears.

Li Gu looked at the sunlight coming in from the window, the wind blew the treetops, the leaves fell silently, and thought about the various possibilities behind the change in Zihua Industrial's share price. After a long pause, he picked up the phone and dialed Xu Pei.

Li Gu only told Xu Pei on the phone that he was concerned about the stock price change of Zihua Industrial today and some situations he traced to the involvement of Dongjiang Securities. He did not say that the source of the news was from Shen Huai, nor did he say it in detail. He believed Xu Pei. As long as Pei notices these anomalies and wants to investigate, some have more means than him and can find more detailed information than him.

What's more, Zihua Industry currently invests and builds two pharmaceutical industrial parks in Huaihai Province. Among them, the pharmaceutical industrial park in East China's Xipizha Port is the largest. The relationship is very tense - Li Gu believes that Xu Pei will not ignore Zihua Industrial's changes, but he has nothing special to care about.


Shen Huai is really unwilling to do things that are harmful to others and benefit others, and that Tianyi Group contacted several securities companies to raise Zihua Industrial's additional share price. He will not disclose the news to Xu Pei, Guo Chengze, Meng Jiansheng and others.

Of course, if Shen Huai directly called Xu Pei or Guo Chengze or Meng Jiansheng to tell him about this, he would probably think it was ulterior motives - even if Xu Pei and the others wanted to interfere in this matter, they might do everything possible to drag him in.

However, Shen Huai passed the news to Xu Pei through Li Gu, and believed that he would be able to pick everything up and simply stand aside to watch the excitement.

Cheng Yi still had to work normally in the afternoon, and Shen Huai and Song Hongjun couldn't always stay in the provincial dormitory building.

Hongji Investment has long established a branch in Xucheng. Shen Huai and Song Hongjun went to the branch of Hongyunji Investment for a long time in the afternoon.

By the time the securities market closed in the afternoon, Shen Huai had also obtained considerable data on the abnormal fluctuations and transactions of Zihua Industrial's share price: the seven business departments participating in the share price increase belonged to three securities companies, and Shen Huai also believed that Hu Lin must be united with his absolute trust. of securities companies involved in the operation of Zihua Industrial's share price.

Except for Dongjiang Securities, which is somewhat familiar, the other two are securities companies registered in Quangnan Province and headquartered in Quangnan Province.

In the afternoon in Hongji Investment Branch, Shen Huai did not do any other business, that is, to collect materials about Jinshi Rongxin Group through as many channels as possible.

As one of the first six central SOEs established by the State Council in Hong Kong with capital injection, Goldstone Rongxin International Group is currently ranked among the top enterprises directly under the central government. Financial Industry Investment, its subsidiary Rongxin Bank, as one of the earliest joint-stock banks, is slightly larger than Yexin Bank in terms of overall scale, although it is far worse than that of the four major state-owned commercial banks such as China Construction Bank and ICBC. , the bank's total assets in 1996 exceeded 100 billion.

In addition to the shares held in Ronshine Bank, the assets accumulated by Jinshi Rongxin Group in other businesses also amount to 30 to 40 billion yuan.

Although Goldstone Rongxin Group is a state-owned and central enterprise, since its establishment, it has been controlled by the Hu family and state-owned enterprise officials who are close to the Hu family. Therefore, Hu Jiaming does not have a share in Goldstone Rongxin, but no one can say that Goldstone Rongxin is not. Hu Family's Rongxin - just like no one can say that Mei Steel is not Shen Huai's Mei Steel.

Jinshi Rongxin mobilized funds to move north on a large scale to participate in the battle between Chen Baoqi and Guo Chengze to take the lead. It did make Donghua's struggle situation more strange and complicated, and Shen Huai had to choose to stand aside and take a look first. Let's talk for a while.

However, Song Hongjun flew from Hong Kong to Xucheng this time, obviously he still has other tasks, he persuaded Shen Huai in the office: "Ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her parents-in-law, my aunt is afraid that you will be awkward with Cheng Yi and make a special call. Give it to me and ask me to take you back to dinner and talk about the engagement." l3l4


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