Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 753: True and false news (2)

It rained heavily halfway, and it crackled on the car window. Song Hongqi parked the car in the roadway, got out of the car with an umbrella, and knocked on the courtyard door. Seeing that it was his father's secretary, he asked, "Where is my dad?"

"In the study."

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the ginkgo trees in the yard whistled.

The lights in the courtyard were blue, and the treetops that were higher than the roof were faintly displayed above the night sky. Song Hongqi raised his head and glanced at it, thinking that the leaves of this ginkgo tree in the yard would fall when the wind and rain came this night. The winter of the year is coming.

Song Hongqi walked under the eaves, closed the umbrella and handed it to the nanny, pushed open the door of the study, and saw his father, who seldom smoked in the smoke, stood facing the window with a cigarette in his right hand.

"Dad..." Song Hongqi was really surprised. His father always kept cigarettes in his drawer, and he would occasionally accompany guests to smoke. He couldn't remember how long he didn't see his father smoking alone in the study.

Song Qiaosheng turned around, saw Hongqi pushing the door in, dropping the ashtray into the ashtray at the corner of the table, and asked, "Have you had dinner with colleagues from the agency?"

Song Hongqi nodded and said, "I have eaten."

"Yanjing will not be peaceful in the past two years. They stare at each other with wide eyes. They can't wait to grab each other's handle and beat them to death. You really should go down to avoid these disturbances. It's even a bit late."

Song Qiaosheng still had high hopes for the son in front of him, and the conversation was also painstakingly, saying,

"Young cadres like you have a better vision in ministries and commissions than at the local level, but it is an undeniable fact that they have simple experience; they do not have a deep and extensive understanding of the history and current situation of the country, and the training they receive is not comprehensive and rigorous enough. The lack of experience in work, especially the work of grass-roots leaders, is also a bottleneck that restricts your further development. When you go to the local area, you should try your best to be able to fully preside over the work of the district and county. In the next ten or twenty years, the economic construction of the county will remain unchanged. It will be the best place in China to contact, understand, analyze and resolve conflicts. As long as you have been in these places, you will truly hone your ability to govern and control the overall situation..."

Even though Song Hongqi knew that his father's arrangement was the most beneficial to his future career development, he was somewhat unwilling. ??Heart.

In the middle of the year, the old man personally asked to drive him to the place. By mid-September, Song Hongqi's name was officially included in the exchange list of young cadres organized by the Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee.

The job arrangement for Jiangdong Province has been finalized recently. Song Hongqi and his colleagues in the agency have had a drink, and will go directly to the Organization Department of Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee tomorrow to report.

Although the Song Clan has the strongest influence in Huaihai Province, Song Hongqi has no intention of getting together in the past. One is to cause people to gossip. Second, he will not find a suitable place for him when he comes to Huaihai Province. Taking a position in a local area can be extremely stressful.

Jiangdong and Huaihai are very close to each other. It is more convenient for him to work in Jiangdong and get together with Xie Zhi. At the same time, Jiangdong has a good foundation in all aspects, and the local conflicts are not as acute as the development lag areas. It is relatively easy to complete the transition from ministries to local governments.

It has been two years since Song Hongqi has been promoted to a director-level position in a ministry. If he does not occupy the number of positions in the local leadership team, but only goes to the local area to exercise, he will be a deputy mayor and then return to the ministry as deputy director after two or three years. It is quite common nowadays. The way of promotion, and then officially go to the local development, the career should be smoother.

However, in the next five to ten years, his father will sprint to the position of a member of the Politburo or even higher. If he takes such a shortcut to stay in the ministries and develop rapidly, he will arouse great criticism and become a competitor to attack him. Father's handle.

In order to avoid the right and wrong and the sinister career in Yanjing City in the future, Song Hongqi also needs to leave Yanjing and develop locally.

Song Hongqi wanted to take root directly in the local area by communicating with cadres, but the situation was different.

In the final analysis, it is Song Hongqi's ability to govern and control the overall situation. There is no way to get the approval of the Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee, let alone a sub-prefecture-level leadership position, that is, a county-level leadership position. come out.

Xue Zeng, Executive Deputy Director of the Organization Department of Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Sha Zhengying, Deputy Secretary of the Pingjiang Committee and Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee, are both descendants of generals who were born in the Guangnan Column, and they are part of the Song Dynasty. After several exchanges, they only suggested that Song Hongqi first go to a county below Pingjiang City and serve as the deputy secretary of the county party committee for a year and a half. Work.

This suggestion is quite normal. In recent years, among the local young officials who have been exchanged by ministries and commissions, except for Ji Chengxi who went directly to Jihe to serve as the county party secretary, the others rarely went directly to the local first and second leaders. It took a year and a half to get familiar with the situation. Less.

I just thought that I was already thirty-two. When I went to the local area, I had to lower the position of the deputy secretary of the county party committee. Shen Huai, who was four years younger than me, might be the county party secretary next year. Song Hongqi, who was leading the figure, was embarrassed.

No matter how embarrassing it is, there is nothing that can be done. The Organization Department of the Jiangdong Provincial Party Committee does not agree that he will directly serve as the head of the district and county, and he will directly serve as the deputy mayor of the local area. superior.

He should endure the embarrassment for a year and a half and strive to be promoted directly from deputy secretary to secretary at the local level.

At this time, the wind and rain outside the window were getting lighter, and there was the sound of cars stopping outside the yard and the sound of knocking on the door.

Song Hongqi saw that his father's secretary ran directly into the rain to open the door, only to realize that his father was waiting for someone to come over at night.

The courtyard door creaked, and Song Hongqi saw that Song Wenhui, a young aunt who returned to Beijing and served as the secretary of the party group of the Electric Power Research Institute directly under the Ministry of Electric Power, walked into the courtyard with an umbrella. It was strange and asked his father, "What happened?"

"Oh, you didn't receive a call from Xie Zhi," Song Qiaosheng said calmly, "After Premier Wang Yuan presided over the work of the State Council, it is likely that he would immediately promote the restructuring of the central government and ministries and commissions; and according to Shen Huai, Wang Yuan In the end, the Prime Minister will only retain about 100 large and super-large state-owned enterprises. This news will directly affect the fate of Huaineng Group..."

Hearing this news, Song Hongqi was also taken aback, and his intuition was unbelievable. He said, "How is it possible? Didn't it presume that Premier Wang Yuan would first promote the degeneracy of ministries and commissions, and then gradually start the restructuring of central enterprises and ministries and commissions?"

"If Wang Yuan hadn't been identified by several old men, he would have retire this year; even if he didn't retire, he would only be able to serve one more term. The time left for him is very limited, and he is indeed very likely not to follow the steps. Let's go." Song Qiaosheng said.

"Apart from what Shen Huai said, who else spread the news?" Song Hongqi asked.

Song Hongqi was unwilling to split up the Huaineng Group like this.

If everything can be done step by step, when the State Council first abolishes the Ministry of Electric Power and establishes a number of power grid, power generation and energy companies, Huaineng Group can consolidate part of the power generation and energy assets under the Ministry of Electric Power to promote the construction of the Xudong Railway Double Line Project. In the end, before the state-owned enterprises fully started the restructuring work, they developed into a super-large group with assets of 30 to 40 billion yuan, which would be able to form its own line, and be able to be influenced and controlled by the Song Dynasty for a long time.

This is what they have been planning and looking forward to; they expect that there will be a buffer of three to four years, which is tight but sufficient.

However, if the abolition of the Ministry of Electric Power and the restructuring of central enterprises are launched at the same time next year, and the final large and special central enterprises will only remain at 100, the Huaineng Group, whose assets are still less than 8 billion, will obviously be difficult to have before the end of next year. Hope to fight for a place.

Song Hongqi's intuition was that he didn't believe in such news. He didn't understand why there was no wind on their side for such important news, but Shen Huai could hear the wind in Huaihai.

He didn't receive Xie Zhi's call, and he didn't know how Xie Zhi heard about it from Shen Huai's mouth, so he didn't directly say that he suspected Shen Huai was lying—it was also very clear that his father was receiving Xu Zhi's words. After the phone call from the city, he obviously suspected that Shen Huai might be lying, so he directly called the little aunt to verify the matter, otherwise the little aunt would not come to the door for no reason on such a rainy night.

Only then did Song Hongqi know why his father, who had quit smoking for many years, started smoking independently in his study today.

Song Wenhui knocked on the door and came in. Seeing that Hong Qi was also there, she said, "Hong Qi is also there, have you settled on your seat after arriving in Jiangdong Province?"

"I went to Shagang to serve as the deputy secretary. I heard that my aunt worked in Shagang for a while."

Song Wenhui was slightly startled. Shagang County, Pingjiang City, is across the Zhujiang River from Xiapu and Meixi. Song Hongqi did not go to Huaihai, but went to Jiangdong to work in Shagang County. At this time, she couldn't be surprised at the result. .

"My working time in Shagang is very short," Song Wenhui said, and then turned the topic directly to the and said to her second brother Song Qiaosheng, "I just spoke to Shen Huai on the phone, these words are indeed true Tian Jiageng said, but in the end, it is still how much to keep 100 super-large state-owned enterprises. Shen Huai thinks this is more likely to be a goal of Prime Minister Wang Yuan. Secretary Tian may want to give us more incentives and talk to him a little bit. It's a little heavy, but it's not necessarily a determination..."

"Ah!" Song Hongqi was so angry that he wanted to pick up the cup on the table and smash it, what the **** did Shen Huai say:

Wang Yuan is a political figure with a strong personality and an iron fist, and there are several elderly people in the party who pin the hope of successful domestic economic and social reform on him - "Wang Yuan's determination", and "Wang Yuan's goal" , these two words convey completely different concepts and meanings. Shen Huai deliberately blurred the boundaries between the two, obviously wanting to use them as monkeys.

Song Hongqi saw that his father's face was also gloomy and uncertain, thinking that he was also annoyed, but they knew that Shen Huai was playing tricks on this, but they had nothing to do.

If they say that Shen Huai "maliciously intimidates" and destroys unity, Shen Huai will innocently argue that he is just a kind reminder - if they ignore Shen Huai's "kind reminder", serious consequences will occur in the future, and the consequences they have to bear are Dai Chengguo His influence and prestige would be severely weakened, and his father would further lose the advantage of competing with Cheng Wenguang for the internal political resources of the Song Dynasty. l3l4


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