Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 758: View (1)

There is a three-month review period for the implementation of Zihua Industrial's additional issuance plan, but Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen have also begun to work in an orderly manner in the city to promote the northward expansion of the Huaihai Bay Economic Belt and the development of Xinjin Port.

Although Guo Chengze had found Wang Yiping, the secretary of the Xinjin County Party Committee, unhappy when he first arrived in Donghua, Chen Baoqi would not trust Wang Yiping without reservations.

Of course, with the cooperation of Wang Yiping, Ge Yongqiu is able to smooth the relationship between Xinjin in the shortest possible time and do a good job of laying the groundwork for the development of Xinjin Port.

Even though Chen Baoqi had reservations about Wang Yiping's trust, he would not suppress him for no reason at this time, but instead transferred him to be the secretary of the Beicheng Party Committee.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Wang Yiping's transfer from Xinjin County Party Committee Secretary to Beicheng Party Committee Secretary is a small step forward, but Wang Yiping may not be happy.

Regional development, planning first, at the end of the year at the Xinjin Port Development and Lingang Industrial Development Planning Seminar, Shen Huai saw Wang Yiping, who had been officially transferred to Beicheng District. Seeing that there was no happy smile on his face, he sat next to him and asked with a smile : "Secretary Wang Gao Sheng, why don't you show a smile to everyone, are you afraid that we will catch you for a treat today?"

Wang Yiping felt some resentment in his heart, and he would not show it in public, saying, "The city called everyone here today to talk about the development of Xinjin Port, but I was still thinking about how to revitalize the old industrial base in Beicheng District. I have a long way to go, and I am afraid that I will betray the trust of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. By the way, if Mayor Shen has any good ideas, or projects suitable for the Beicheng District, don’t hide it or pull it out. Brother."

In the early years, Beicheng District ranked first in the economy of the seven counties in the three districts of Donghua. , The crisis that we fell into is also the crisis of Beicheng District.

Beicheng District has a population of 300,000. In 1994, the fiscal and tax revenue of the district financed more than 100 million, ranking first among the three districts and seven counties. The per capita fiscal and tax level is three to five times that of Xiapu, Xinjin and other counties. , Xicheng District? The urban area should be higher.

However, in the past three years, the tax revenue of Beicheng District has increased by less than 10%, which is far behind other districts and counties in Donghua City. Donghua City's economy is developing along the Zhujiang River and the Huaihai Bay, which is also destined to continue to be marginalized in the next three to five years, and will not be valued by the city.

The situation in Xinjin County at this time is slightly worse than that of Beicheng District, but the city is making great efforts to push northward along the Huaihai Bay Economic Belt.

According to Zihua Industrial’s additional issuance plan, only under the control of Jinshi Rongxin, Tianyi Group and Shigang Investment Group, the investment in Xinjin County in the next three to five years may be as large as 35 billion. The rise of Xinjin Port means date available.

Xinjin County Party Committee and County Government will not have much real control over the development of Xinjin Port, but the tide is rising, a lot of investment is pouring in, land resources are becoming scarce, domestic building materials companies and the market have benefited, and the construction of a large number of roads, bridges and municipal infrastructure will be called Those seats in Xinjin County became very hot.

Even though Wang Yiping knew that such a peach would not be his turn to open his mouth to eat, but seeing the peach growing in front of his eyes gradually matured, so he was transferred out of Xinjin County in such a smooth way, and his heart would be somewhat congested.

Shen Huai didn't care about Wang Yiping's personal career. Seriously, Chen Baoqi couldn't treat him badly, but his actions were a little more direct.

Chen Baoqi is so direct, Shen Huai is not difficult to understand:

At this time, the voices of Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng in Donghua were not very strong; Gao Tianhe was still in office, and Gao Tianhe wanted to retire in a safe way and that the Gao family would be guaranteed in Donghua after he retired, and he had to rely on Zhao Qiuhua behind Chen Baoqi - Chen Baoqi is still in a clear advantage at present. The adjustment of personnel deployment is also inevitable. After Guo Chengze succeeds Gao Tianhe as mayor, there will be more means to restrain them.

Shen Huai was more worried about the development of Beicheng District, which was also the thing that Xiong Wenbin was most worried about when he left Donghua.

The reorganization of the municipal steel plant by the provincial steel group should be considered a success. After a large number of tertiary production companies were cut down from the municipal steel plant, they did not say that they were all closed, but the city came forward to carry out restructuring and turned into private or joint-stock small and medium-sized enterprises. enterprise.

It is also benefiting from the rise of the current economy, benefiting from the financial support policies of Yexin Bank and city commercial banks for small and medium-sized enterprises, most of these enterprises have recovered their vitality and have achieved great development.

These enterprises or services or supporting or undertaking downstream processing and precision casting have also become an important force in the Donghua Iron and Steel Industry Cluster, but most of them, as well as many of them previously opened in Beicheng District, supporting the city's steel mills Many enterprises have moved to the metallurgical industrial parks in Meixi or Xinpu for development.

This process is a major ebb in the industry for Beicheng District. Beicheng District, which had previously relied on the city's steel mills for taxation, is now experiencing a difficult period of stagflation.

The financial growth of the district is stagnant, and the income of the party and government organs and the teaching staff of primary and secondary schools, which are supported by the finance, is severely suppressed; the municipal investment is limited, the infrastructure construction is slow, and the investment in the renovation of shantytowns is also stopped, and the urban area changes slowly. Everything looks like Vicious circle.

The only bright spot is Chengbei Avenue (North Ring Road) connecting Meipu Avenue and Xudong Expressway, as well as the east extension of Xudong Railway, which all pass through Beicheng District, making the growth of transportation enterprises in Beicheng District faster.

Just in response to Wang Yiping's question at this time, Shen Huai was not in a hurry to tell him what to say, read the materials distributed at the seminar, and said with a smile: "The city and Xinjin County plan to repair Yujin first. Expressway, Beicheng District will be the transportation hub of Donghua in the future, this is the biggest opportunity for Beicheng District, how else does Secretary Wang want me to pull you?"

Wang Yiping smiled awkwardly. After confirming Chen Baoqi's intention to push the economic belt along the Huaihai Gulf to the north, Shen Huai approached him through Dai Quan, hoping that the two counties could take this opportunity to promote the start of the Jinghai Highway expansion project through Xiapu County.

Although the Jinghai Highway and the Yujin Expressway were repaired first, it was not Wang Yiping's turn to call the shots, but he could at least communicate with Shen Huai in advance.

It's just that Wang Yiping thought that he would be reused by Chen Baoqi and would continue to work in Xinjin, so he knew that Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen wanted to build the Yujin Expressway first because they wanted to bypass Xiapu. They didn't tell Shen Huai in time, and even deliberately helped. withhold information.

Shen Huai only teased Wang Yiping, but more disappointed with Chen Baoqi and the others.

Chen Baoqi really wants to be willing to follow the development law to plan and build the Jinghai Highway first. Not only is the project relatively simple, the investment is small, the project period is short, and the benefit area is also wide.

If they must insist on building the Yujin Expressway first, in addition to the daunting over-investment of more than 2 billion yuan and the daunting construction difficulty in the Qiuling area, the long construction period will not help open the vertical highway along the Huaihai Bay at the fastest speed. traffic bottleneck.

According to the city's deployment, Zihua Industrial has issued additional shares to a number of state-owned enterprises under Jinshi Finance to finance the construction of the Yujin Expressway, and the city will not allocate additional construction funds.

However, in addition to the 20-year management right after the completion of the Yujin Expressway, the city will also set aside a large area of ​​construction land along the Yujin Expressway and the planning area of ​​Xinjin Port as a support for the listed company Zihua Industrial to undertake the construction of the Yujin Expressway. remuneration.

The construction of Yujin Expressway is really going to start. First, it does not involve the skewed allocation of municipal financial resources. Second, it is directly beneficial to Yushan County. Shen Huai cannot directly stand up against such a plan.

The development along the Huaihai Bay is led by Xinpu Port, and the Xinjin Port Development Planning Seminar is of course indispensable to exchange experience with Xiapu, Tangzha and other places. Talents such as Shen Huai and Meng Jiansheng were notified to participate in today's seminar.

Shen Huai could find an excuse to escape, or let someone else attend the seminar on his behalf, but he wanted to know how Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng would react to Hu Lin and Chen Baoqi throwing out this plan, so he ran over to join in the fun.

The core of Hu Lin and Chen Baoqi's plan is the additional financing of Zihua Industrial. As long as Zihua's additional financing plan fails to pass the deliberation of the shareholders' meeting and the securities regulatory department, Hu Lin and Chen Baoqi will return to the original point.

Shen Huai has no way to determine whether Xu Pei will block Zihua Industrial's additional financing, and he has no chance to meet Xu Pei, but he can see something from Guo Chengze's side.

A row of people sat around the oval conference table. Shen Huai also deliberately sat down with Guo Chengze, Meng Jiansheng, Feng Zhichu and the others. Seeing Guo Chengze, they were calm and rarely spoke. There is no dissatisfaction with the plan proposed by Chen Baoqi.

The calmer Guo Chengze and the others Shen Huai knows that the second half is more worth looking forward to, and he remains calm.

Guo Chengze noticed that Shen Huai would occasionally look over, and asked quietly, "What opinion does the county magistrate Shen have on Zihua Industrial's plan to build the Yujin Expressway and start the development of Xinjin Port?"

"Now the state encourages social capital to enter the field of infrastructure construction, and encourages local governments to do more pilot work in small steps. I don't think there is anything wrong with this plan." Shen Huai said.

"Whether from the existing planning, or to get rid of the traffic bottleneck along the Huaihai Bay as soon as possible, it is more urgent to widen the Jinghai Highway," Guo Chengze said, "Ms. Shen, what do you think?"

"Why don't we think it's important? Zihua Industrial invested in the construction, and we still have to respect Zihua Industrial's wishes," Shen Huai said with a smile. , in the end, it was decided by the Municipal Standing Committee meeting..."

"The city will expand northward along the Huaihai Bay Economic Belt, and it is somewhat risky to put Zihua Industrial on the success of additional issuance and financing," Guo Chengze raised his brows lightly and said, "I think the city still needs to have alternatives, to prevent If Zihua Industrial's additional issuance plan fails to pass, the city will not fall into a passive state..."l3l4


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