Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 117: Gourd soup

Everyone talked for half an hour, and finally Tang Luo took the board and made a plan-find the snake's nest and kill them without leaving a piece of armor!

It has been highly praised by King Kong, indicating that a man should just be positive and be willing to follow Master Xuanzang all his life. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

After Qin Menglan perfected them, they eventually turned into a nest of snake spirits, and Tang Luo acted as a bait to attract each other's attention.

Others detoured to the point where they knew each other and rescued Grandpa in the last act.

"Is it cooked?" The plan was perfectly formulated, and everyone went to the boiler and asked the boiler master Zhao Gailun.

Zhao Galen shook his head. The water had been boiling for a long time, but the gourd in the pot had not changed.

"Take it out first," Tang Luo said, without waiting for the others to turn off the water, and reached out his hand, and took out the gourd.

"... Isn't it hot?" Li Qing couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you a painful nerve?"

"No hot," Tang Luo said as he closed his palms without warning.

The purple gourd turned into a large number of fragments in his hand, while some blood and water poured out and fell into the pot.

Dyed the otherwise clear water to red.

Open your palm again, there are no life pieces on it, and throw the remaining pieces and a leaf into the pot.

These crushed gourd pieces are not as strong as when they were complete.

It floats in the blood, and disappears after a while, I am afraid that it will also be turned into blood and melt into it.

Bloody water did not have any fishy smell, but exuded a faint fragrance, which was extremely strange.

"Do you really think this is a gourd?" Tang Luo asked Zhao Gailen.

Zhao Galen didn't speak, what the **** is going on!

"This stuff, can't you drink it?" King Kong asked.

"You don't really want to drink?" Qin Menglan asked, "What kind of brain circuit is this pot of blood and water to be interested?"

King Kong nodded and said earnestly, "Master Xuan Zang is so extraordinary in strength that he must have special skills for improvement. If he can increase his strength, why not drink it?"

"You can try it with a sip," Tang Luo said.

King Kong looked at Tang Luo and said, "Okay! I believe in the master!"

Quite hearty.


Just after drinking, King Kong's complexion changed instantly, his eyes widened, and his face showed obvious painful expression.

"Poisonous?" Li Qing asked.

Xuanzang monk is not reliable!

"No ... too hot." King Kong said hardly, and a blast of hot air burst out.


"Apart from hot, how else do you feel?" Li Qing asked.

"How do you feel, a hot stream," King Kong said.

"Isn't that hot?" Li Qing was speechless for a while. Is the muscle in my brain really muscle?

"No, it's not the same." King Kong thought for a moment. "Anyway, I have a full meal and it feels full of power. Yes, it's like a Snickers in the advertisement! Power is improving, I can feel it."

"So amazing?" Qin Menglan looked at Tang Luo.

"Get energy by eating, aren't we doing things all the time?" Tang Luo said, "I said the little demon next door was crying, not to lie to you."

It is very reasonable to refute.

"One more bowl!" King Kong happily sipped another bowl. This time, he learned to be good. He blew it a few times and drank slowly.

After the second bowl, it is the third bowl, and when the fourth bowl is drunk.

King Kong's face changed again, taking two steps back, bending down, and suddenly spit out several dark blood.

"... Washing the pulp?" Li Qing asked, expelling impurities from the body?

"No, it should be the limit." Tang Luo walked over, reached out and pressed on King Kong's body, a glimmer of light flashed.

King Kong's painful expression faded, and he stepped back and said, "Thank you, Master."

"Is this a support?" Qin Menglan said.

"It's not as simple as eating." Tang Luo said, "After eating, there are few things that can really digest useful things. There are a lot of things that can 'fill your belly', and more things are useless The thing, even the 'poisonous', is the same for the strengthened demon walking. "

"This gourd soup has a little effect, but it is also toxic. The medicine is three-point poison. The limit of King Kong should be three bowls. It is overdose."

At this moment, lonely gourmet Tang Luo exudes the breath of professionals, showing his professionalism.

After speaking, Tang Luo took another look at the gourd soup in the pot. "If you want to drink, just drink it. After a while, it will have no effect."

Everyone looked at the pot and found that the blood in it had faded a lot.

Speaking a little more professionally, that is, over time, nutrition is lost, but it is particularly fast.

"Four bowls to the limit?" Zhao Galen couldn't help but asked, this eyebrow with big eyes and big eyes had finally betrayed.

"How do I know this?" Tang Luo said, the limits of man and man are completely different.

"Aren't you drinking?" Qin Menglan asked.

Tang Luo shook his head. The same thing has different effects on different people.

To him, the gourd soup was not even hot water, and Tang Luo did not deliberately make a pot of delicious thick soup. There was no need to drink it.

"There is no special taste, just like ordinary water." King Kong said, walked aside and started daily squat exercises.

Others no longer hesitated and drank a little.

Li Qing drank two bowls and drank half of the third bowl slowly, but felt wrong and stopped on his own.

Yun Xiao Huan is at the level of two bowls, Qin Menglan is one and a half bowls.

Zhao Galen, who had thick eyebrows, drank four bowls, more than King Kong, and completed the final sweeping work.

Although it does not mean the fighting power of everyone, it can be reflected from the side to some extent. On the basis of physical fitness, Qin Menglan is the worst.

It seems that he is a bit drier than Qin Menglan, and even the power of Li Qing who can save face with a pair of long legs has more power than Yun Xiaohuan.

At night, everyone didn't mean to walk at night, so they chose to rest here.

Late at night, Tang Luo stepped out of the courtyard and came to the river.

A full moon hangs in the night sky, and the bright moonlight sprinkles on the clothes, revealing the meaning of dust.

"Is Fengshi sister you, Fengshi sister?" The monk who came out of the dust did not look at the moon and sky at forty-five degrees, but looked to the side.

In the darkness, a figure slowly emerged.

Not others, but Li Qing.

"Don't bark, I'm not that familiar with you." Feng Qingmei Li Qing said.

She tied Atuo as a hostage that day, and was later pursued by Tang Luo, a member of the martial art mythology of Nie Fengming.

Kick Gu Gu with a kick, not a skill, but a "grass in the wind" in Nie Fengfeng's legs, not only attacking the enemy at an extremely fast speed, but also a powerful force, causing huge damage!

Poor Gu Feng didn't even know that Li Qing was Tang Luo's "owner".

Of course, Li Qing made her choices not entirely because Tang Luo was her own, but also because of what she called Gu Fengtai Cai. There is also the reason why Tang Luo is too strong, and because everyone has signed a contract, she is on the side of Tang Luo, which is the right choice.

"Sure enough, you, Master Feng. Is this what you really look like? It feels more beautiful that day." Tang Luo said looking at Li Qing's chest.

When I met during the day, I felt a little familiar.

Kong Ming mentioned the ability of mask transfiguration. Even if it is not worn, the transfigured face will last for a while.

Li Qing, who saw that day, should look like a transfiguration-this transfiguration takes a long time.

"... hehe." Li Qing reported it.

"Another Yun Xiaohuan, is it my righteous brother?" Tang Luo said, "We are really destined."

Yun Xiaohuan, it's another cloud, and it's happy again, most of the day is Li Xiaodao.

The real meaning of this name should be "Yun Xiaohuan" to remind yourself not to repeat the same mistakes of Li Xunhuan.

"No." Li Qing said, "He is Ye Kaiming and is also our martial art myth."

"It wasn't," Tang Luo said.

Ye Kai, a disciple of Li Xunhuan, had a true biography of Li Feidao, and it was another example.

In addition, in 80 years of light work, no one can reach it. Blood can offset 100 poisons.

Compared to the bitter Li Xunhuan, this Ye Kai can be regarded as the true protagonist. Of course, in terms of popularity, it is not as good as Li Xunhuan.

"Then he saw my right brother, didn't he want to call out a master?" Tang Luo said.

"Ye Kai is better than Li Fei Dao." Li Qing said, "The two are indeed very similar, and even have a stealth skill. I want to remind you that you are hated by Xiao Li Ji."


Tang Luo snorted and raised his chest. "There are so many people who hate me. He's the oldest, and he can't be lined up. Whenever there is a life and death situation in a party, it's a man and a woman. Counsel. "

Li Qing said, "Xiao Li is Ye Kai's 'shadow'. The two have a close relationship. Ye Kai doesn't like you. If you want to kill Xiao Li, Ye Kai will not sit idly by. Of course, don't worry about this task. As far as Ye Kai is concerned, he is not a person who does not care about the overall situation. "

Remember how many people hate you, what are you proud of? Proud of being hated by so many people, can you still live so well?

Well, it seems that you can be proud of it.

"It doesn't matter." Tang Luo not only didn't care, but was a little excited. "The two can go together."

One piece of life for one person, two for two!

The martial art myth is really a good organization!

It is that the relationship between the original Mingge and the holder of Mingge is reversed ~ ~ It is easy to make people dizzy.

But it doesn't matter. Both people kneel and happily, there is no such upside-down relationship.

"..." Li Qing continued to speak with gritted teeth. "I really remind you, don't die! Mr. Kong Ming is very optimistic about you."

If it was not Mr. Kong Ming's relationship, she would not bother to remind this arrogant guy.

"No problem, sister Feng." Tang Luo was confident.

Li Qing looked up in despair, looking at the night sky at a forty-five degree angle, feeling that she was talking to the ducks.

Why is such a person so strong?

But if you think about it, Galen's stupid white sweetness is also good in strength, and such things as strength and weakness have nothing to do with personality.

It's not that the strong must be meticulous, Taishan's disappointed personality, and a person who is cautious and mature can certainly become a strong.


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