Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 165: Fool

There is no relevant memory set by anyone, but Chu Zhongtian still knows the identity of this guy who brought a magical videotape.

This dead boy, about the size of Chu Chongtian, is named Junta Ishida, who is Chu Chongtian's dead party.

Chu Zhongtian, who lives alone, often went to his house to eat and eat, because Chu Zhongtian's family had no relationship, and the two naturally regarded the home as a stronghold.

I often play games and watch movies together all night, and I am extremely happy.

Mrs. Ishida also has the key to the outside door of Chu Chongtian's house, so he can go in and out freely.

On the first night when he entered the mission world, Chu Zhongtian played a game with Junta Ishida and learned the situation.

"Well, they ..." I saw Chu Chongtian still standing beside him, and Ishida Jun was too stunned, and saw An An, he was still stunned.

what's the situation? I don't feel right!

Why is Chu Zhongtian standing next to such a beauty?

"They are my friends." Chu Zhongtian explained a little and walked in front of Mr. Ishida, "What about the videotape?"

"No." Ishida pointed too at the projector. "It just started."

Chu Zhongtian nodded silently, glanced at the TV screen still in snowflakes, walked to the front, and squatted.

Return the video tape.

"That's it?" Chu Zhongtian shook the videotape in his hand toward Ishida.

"Yes." Toshita Ishida laughed. "How about, let's take a look together!" Very excited.

"You are such a genius." Chu Zhongtian "praised" and smashed the video tape in the floor to the floor.

The video tape bounced and fell, and some black fragments cracked out.

The smile on Ishida's face suddenly freezes.

Glancing around, Chu Zhongtian picked up an ashtray that had not been used for a long time on the coffee table, which was larger than the palm of his hand, and slammed the video tape.

Ishida was too frightened.

After smashing it several times, the "unrecognizable" smashed black video tape, Chu Zhongtian looked at Ishida Juntai and asked, "Is there a lighter?"

"Ah?" Ishida shook his head too much, found the lighter from the snack pile, and handed it to Chu Chongtian.

Chu Zhongtian took it, threw the "wreckage" of the video tape into the ashtray, pulled out the tape, and lit it.

Ishida's mouth is too open.

"Don't you know about any weird video tapes in the future?" Chu Zhongtian said to Mr. Ishida.

"... Yes, yes." Toshida Ishida stammered.

Chu Zhongtian smiled gently: "I'm not targeting you, I just think that this kind of behavior is killing you, it's not good, you know."

"But, Chu, didn't you like this kind of spiritual-related things the most? You took me a few days to explore the haunted house," said Ishida Junta.

"Ha?" Chu Zhongtian's smile faded away, "I took you to a haunted house to explore a few days ago?"

"Achu, have you forgotten?" Ishida Junta said, "A few days ago-oh, you hit your head the night before ..."

Everyone's excuses are just as bad, don't treat the opposite person.

Fortunately, they all played a role.

"Wait, wait." Chu Zhongtian stopped Mr. Ishida from continuing to say, "I want to be quiet."

"Achu ..." Toshida Ishida looked at Chu Chongtian with a little anxiety, but his face suddenly changed, pointing at the TV and saying, "Look! Look behind you!"

Chu Zhongtian turned back and saw the flickering snowflakes on the TV screen, faintly forming the face of a human face.

It seems that someone is inside the TV and puts his face on the screen. Not only that, he is squeezing outside hard.

"Oh." With a curious voice, Tang Luo came over, squatted in front of the TV, and watched with interest.

After a while, he reached out and touched the TV.

The feeling was a warm convex screen, and there were no "standard anomalies" such as coldness and numbness.

"Master." Chu Zhongtian's voice sounded a little sharp, "I didn't destroy the video tape! Why do I still see a grimace!"

Fortunately, just a faint snowflake face, if it is a dry well ...

Mrs. Ishida was already terrified and stayed where she was.

The video tape was taken out by Chu Zhongtian, but Snowflake formed a human face?

He actually got a magical videotape? !!

"I don't know." Tang Luo stood up, looked behind the TV, reached out, and unplugged.

The snowflake dots on the screen disappeared instantly and became dark.

Withered without electricity, this ghost has something to do with it.



"Just a coincidence?" Chu Zhongtian said, "It must be a coincidence!" I lied to myself.

Tang Luo did not speak, but patted him on the shoulder.

"Juntai, where did you get the videotape?" Chu Zhongtian walked to the drowsy Ishida Junta and asked.

"A rental shop." Toshita Ishida said, "I don't know if this will happen." I was about to cry.

"It's okay, tell me the location, and also where we went to explore the other day, also tell me." Chu Zhongtian said, "I need to know the detailed location."

"OK-OK." Toshida Ishida nodded slightly.

Ten minutes later, a few people watched Mrs. Ishida walk towards his home.

"That guy is a squat at home and doesn't go to school for the Zenit." Chu Chongtian said, "Say, 'I'm not a pit for him?"

Pulling people to explore a haunted house or something, it feels quite frightening.

If you like excitement, go to a haunted house in a regular amusement park. As long as the boss is not named Chen, nothing will happen.

Someone had to go to death, or the abandoned house of the whole family.

"It really is a survival task."

The original owners have already "made it", waiting for them to walk over to die.

The one who is Chu Zhongtian should be the one who has done the most standard work. He can get the title of "Best Master of Death" of the year.

"Where do you think to go first?" Tang Luo was full of interest and felt that he could earn merit!

"Let's rent a shop." Li casually drew a circle on the map.

"Then rent a shop," Tang Luo said. Who controls the steering wheel, who has the final say.

"This mission really wants me to die." Chu Zhongtian couldn't help but say a word.

Careful calculation, he was carrying three mountains in his body! Live in aquatic fiery.

The improvement of strength is urgent.

"Master, if you are in danger, can you let me go first, as long as I'm not really going to die, don't save me!" Chu Zhongtian gritted his teeth and said to Tang Luo.

"Okay." Tang Luo nodded. "The poor monk will give you blessings."

"Thank you, Master." Chu Zhongtian exhaled.

"It's here."

The car taxied smoothly to a stop, not far away was a rather old CD rental video shop.

The signboard was full of stains, apparently not cleaned for a long time.

Sitting behind the counter was an uncle with a decadent look and a cigarette in his mouth.

"Boss, did someone rent a magical videotape with you last night?" Chu Zhongtian walked over and asked.

An An also hugged the dog.

Tang Luo and Li casually leaned on the car and looked around casually.

"What awesome videotape?" The boss yawned. "I don't know."

"The person called Toshita Ishida rented it. I want to know the origin of the videotape." Chu Zhongtian pressed his hand on the counter and pushed it to the boss.

Fingers and counters held a note of the highest denomination, the movement looked very social.

"Oh?" The boss blinked his eyes and said, very socially, took the paper money, "Oh, remember, there is such a guy who rented a videotape, I do n’t know how he found it from the corner of."

Although it is a rental shop for optical disc videos, most of them rent optical discs.

Videotapes, video projectors and the like are considered semi-antique here.

Most people don't have it at home.

"Then where did it come from?" Chu Zhongtian asked.

"Well, in fact, I don't know too much," said the boss. "I didn't lie to you! I often collect some second-hand CDs or something here. The videotapes were collected a long time ago and I forgot it."

"Forget, don't you record it?" Chu Zhongtian said unhappyly.

"Just a videotape, who would remember it on purpose." The boss said, "I haven't even watched it, whoever wants to rent it."

"Dare you even rent a video tape with unknown content?" An An said.

The boss laughed aloud: "Most of my rental here are ..."

Did not continue to talk, gave a look everyone understands.

Now that you can rent those things that cannot be described, who cares about renting a videotape that you don't know what it is?

"Mum-." Chu Zhongtian cursed.

The clue is broken.

Blame him for being so excited that he smashed the video.

Otherwise, look at it again now, maybe you can see what it is, if a ghost really comes out, it is actually a good thing.

"No clue, master, uncle, let's go to that haunted house." Chu Chongtian said.

Li casually opened the door and sat in.

On the car, Chu Zhongtian repeated the words of the boss to Tang Luo briefly.

"Videotape, a haunted house of three dead is really like it. You said that we stayed there for seven days, would we let Gaya and Sadako fight?" Li casually laughed as he drove.

Sadako and Kana coconut are also internationally famous ghosts.

Their settings are related. Even people who do n’t watch ghost movies at all will be stunned and connected to the current situation, which will inevitably lead to association.

"I watched the movie, they merged, and finally the human group was destroyed. It was a bad movie." Chu Chongtian said ~ ~ and gave himself a mouth after speaking.

He suddenly realized that he seemed a bit crow-mouthed.

"Master, there really is a ghost-body, can you afford it?" Chu Zhongtian asked with a sad face.

"Huh?" Tang Luo said, "Isn't this what the poor monk is doing?"

"Oh, yeah." Chu Zhongtian remembered that when the master Xuanzang returned to "home" at noon, he did it.


Li casually stopped the car and pointed to the house diagonally opposite.

A small three-story building that looks very ordinary, with a courtyard surrounded by quite high walls.

Even in the afternoon when the sun was violent, the house seemed to have a gloomy feeling.

"Sen Sen" got Tang Luo a little bit itchy and wanted to slap him directly.

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