Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 185: 0 Ghost Night Walk · Burning!

Looking up, Tang Luo looked at the ceiling.

Because the floors on the second, third, fourth, and fifth floors are all “hollow out”, the ceiling you see is far away from Tang Luo.

Almost completely filled with darkness.

Vaguely visible some white things looming in the dark.

When Tang Luo was concentrating on "looking at the sky", a pair of white hands like jade, slender fingers, bright red nails, and his hands crisscrossed in front of Tang Luo's chest.

A soft and warm feeling came from behind, a gorgeous face appeared on the shoulder: "Little monk, what are you doing here?"

The breath is sweet, like a sweet wine, which makes people intoxicated.

"Little monk ..." Tang Luo laughed, and I haven't heard anyone call him that for a long time.

With his left hand in his claws, he screamed, grabbed his head close to him, and threw it forward.

The woman was directly tossed by Tang Luo, smashed the glass fence in front of her, and smashed down into the shop on the first floor.

The ground was sunken, and the entire "human" was completely embedded in it. The black blood flowed, and after a few struggles, it did not move.

"Spider, right. What kind of bride should I call here?" Tang Luo glanced at.

The "woman" thrown by him had an extremely gorgeous woman in the upper body, but a spider's abdomen in the lower body, with sloppy black stepping feet.

This building has obviously become the nest of the bride.

And there should be more dangerous ghosts.

The looming white thing seen in the dark was the "food" that the bride was **** with a cobweb and stored.

An An they are among them.

As Tang Luo killed the newlywed, the voice in the dark became louder.

Soon, there were more than a dozen newlyweds hanging from the air, a distance from Tang Luo, slightly dangling, staring at Tang Luo, there are no pupils and white eyes in their eyes, and some only black.

With the lessons learned, the newlyweds did not immediately attack, but grew their mouths.

A pink gas spread from their mouths.

There was a sudden sweetness in the air.

But this sweet taste is very toxic to kill.

After letting the poison fill the area, the newlyweds suddenly turned around and turned from head down to head up.

The foot was stuck on the falling spider silk, and the white spider silk was shot at the end of the abdomen. A dozen or so brides sprayed the spider silk together and intertwined into a net. Tang Luo was wrapped in a few breaths.

I can only see the outline of a human figure, and seems to be struggling. The movements were faint and seemed to be completely trapped by the tough gossamer.

More and more spider silk spewed out, and gradually wrapped Tang Luo into a "cocoon."

The group of newlyweds then slowly fell and landed. After making a few laps around this dangerous food, they pulled it up and crawled to the upper cobweb lair.

In the darkness close to the ceiling, there is a huge white cobweb that takes up every inch of space.

It is densely packed with hundreds of cocoons.

This is Lao Xinfu's lair and the place where food is stored.

Inside each "cocoon" is a person, because the poisoning relationship enters a state of false death, and will not wake up, let alone resist.

On the huge cobwebs, there are more new brides, with a total of more than fifty.

Now they are all around Tangluo, and they are coveted for this new food.

Suddenly, a bit of a magnificent flame appeared from the cobweb that surrounded Tang Luo, and at the moment when it appeared, a spark of flames swept across the web.

The surrounding bride was a little stunned, and she was covered with a magnificent flame.

A little bit of flame suddenly turned into a raging flame.

As long as I remember a scream of screams, the bridesmaids became black scorched corpses, falling from the air to the ground and turning into black ashes.

The flame continued to burn, burning huge cobwebs to the ground.

"Cocoons" dropped one by one, most of them piled up on the fifth floor corridor, and a few dropped to the first floor.

But it doesn't matter. In a sense, these cocoons are also a layer of protection.

The thick cobweb is enough to fully absorb most of the impact force and fall to the ground without any injuries to the people inside.

A few flames contaminated by human spider silk were "absorbed" by Tang Luo.

The fire of sinful karma burns both the body and the soul, and has been burning. Although it can not cause much damage to Tang Luo, it can't get rid of it.

Countless grieving souls kept roaring in their ears, like mosquitoes, and no doubt felt quite bad.

It is also troublesome to suppress the irritability in my heart.

Now that Tang Luo has vented it, the flames in his eyes have weakened a lot.

It is not so much a monster, but a ghost, that tends to be a ghost. Compared to Tang Luo, a bone that can't stand still, these brides are truly "flammable and explosive."

The fire of the sin industry spread out immediately, as if to find a spillway.

Standing on the fifth floor, Tang Luo folded his hands and patted him gently.

The meritorious Yulian shuddered slightly, and the gentle light spots fell on the surrounding cobwebs, removing the toxins from the people inside.

"You don't have to panic. You are safe. Please stay in there for a while. The spider silk will dissipate after a day and a half. Now it is your protective film."

Tang Luo's voice was peaceful and full of contagion.

Let the restless minds of those who wake up slowly calm down. There is still an inexplicable instinct in this calmness.

It would have given them a strange feeling, as if they would not have listened to the rescuer from the outside world, they would have been in bad shape.


A faint sound came from one of the cobwebs.

Tang Luo walked over and tore the cobweb apart, exposing Chu Zhongtian who was extremely excited inside.

"Master, An An and Uncle Li are also here, and there are not only spider spirits here, but also an oversized one!"

As soon as he appeared, Chu Chongtian said, "Uncle Li called him a dirt spider. He was injured by that big spider. He is very strong. Uncle Li said he had broken his sword, and the other side slapped him Half dead. "

"The two should be below." Tang Luo looked at the first floor, where there were still seven or eight cocoons wrapped in cobwebs.

An An and Li should be among them casually.

Grabbing Chu Zhongtian, who was still talking about the strongness of the earth spider, Tang Luo jumped down, turning his words into a short exclamation.

"Master, let me remind you next time, my heart is not very good." Chu Zhongtian stuttered stably after standing firmly.

"Take more exercise, and you'll be fine in the future," Tang Luo said.

"Well, master your hair ..." After falling to the first floor, his vision improved a lot. Chu Zhongtian saw Tang Luo's current look immediately, and was shocked.

It ’s okay without hair, when he first saw Tang Luo, he was hairless.

The standard good-looking monk, who only needs to change clothes to play without flowers.

Later, she kept her long white hair and added a piece of elegant, in simple terms, it is strong and handsome (sao).

Let Chu Zhongtian be envious.

But now, Tang Luo was burning with a magnificent flame in his eyes, and if there was no trace of inexplicable breath, Chu Zhongtian was extremely trembling.

It's like a knife rested on the neck, standing on a cliff without a bottom, facing the bloodthirsty beast.

If you are not careful, you will die.

"As a monk, baldness is the basic operation. Of course, keeping hair is also a natural thing." Tang Luo said, using merit Yulian to heal the people in these spider webs.


Li casually and An An immediately moved.

Everyone has experienced the opening of the master. That feeling is remembered in the heart. It is as comfortable as taking a hot spring and difficult to extricate.

Chu Zhong rushed to the sky happily, wanting to learn Tang Luo to tear the spider web with his bare hands.

As a result of the severe pain in the finger poke, the cobweb was only slightly sunken.

Tang Luo walked over and rescued An An and Li casually. Before he could talk about what happened after separation, Li casually said, "Master, be careful of the spiders!"

The response was exactly the same as Chu Zhongtian.

"That dirt spider is so powerful?" Tang Luo asked curiously.

Even if Chu Chongtian is weak, Li casually is also the sixth mission, and he is still the holder of his life, and his strength is not weak.

The dirt spider can make him so jealous, I am afraid that it is a lot of merit!

"Strong, I have no resistance in front of that thing." Li casually smiled bitterly.

Originally, they agreed with Tang Luo to go to the "sea of ​​seals" to seek prosperity.

However, Li casually encountered danger temporarily. After some fierce assassination, Li casually not only successfully killed the evil spirits, he actually "exploded" a piece of life.

Fragment of life pattern belonging to Jiu Jianxian.

So he immediately chose to retreat.

After coming out, he realized the magical power and learned the sword skill.

Before they had time to contact Tang Luo, Bai Gui came at night. Li casually met them with An An, and later encountered a dirt spider.

Li casually exhibited the imperial sword technique, Lingfeng sword came out of the sheath, the sword was bright, and it was agile like a dragon, attacking the dirt spider.

Then there is no more.

The dirt spider pinched Li casually Ling Fengjian like a toothpick, and patted Li casually on the wall. He was seriously injured and passed out.

Become the reserve grain of the other party.

That dirt spider has become a lingering shadow in Li casually.

If I meet again next time, I am afraid that even the courage to shoot is not necessarily available.

"Go out first," Tang Luo said.

As soon as the voice fell, the building suddenly shook, and there was a loud noise from the heads of several people.

Some rubble fell beside him, and a huge shadow was cast on several people.

"Earth ... spider." Li closed his eyes casually, without looking up, and reopened, his face was already haggard.

On top of their heads in Tang Luo, a behemoth blocked the space above their heads tightly, and six huge arms supported the corridor on the second floor.

The upper body is a strong man with black short hair. His head is human, but he has spider-like eyes. His black wild hair is dancing in the air like a poisonous snake.

The lower body has the appearance of a spider's abdomen, just like the new bride.

However, unlike the "true spider" of Luo Xinfu, the lower body of the soil spider is completely composed of twisted human bodies, with open mouths, and keeps the face of despair and despair.

A glance is like seeing hell.

Tang Luo bowed his head slightly, closed his eyes, and did not go to see the dirt spider.

The dirt spider looked at several things underneath with interest ~ ~ with his mouth open, showing a stern, violent smile.

Raising one hand, they caught Tang Luo directly, and the target was Tang Luo.

This food looks the most interesting.

The palm fell to the top of his head, and Tang Luo looked up and opened his eyes. At the same time, he lifted his left hand and touched the huge spider's palm.

"Let it burn."

He whispered, and the fire of the suppressed karma was directly released by Tang Luo and released to the dirt spider.

There is no "place" to set fire in Zhengchou.

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