Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 205: Compassionate monk

Use this feature to create your own "giant walking army"-obviously impossible.

Because gods and monsters have restrictions in walking in the real world, they cannot engage in wind and rain.

You can save a few people, you can also punish evil and promote the good, and act for the sky, but to do things, sorry, that is not the case.

You can do small news, but you can't get big news.

An invisible line is there, and it may float up and down as time and circumstances change.

Everyone also speculates that the current line is at an upward stage.

But if you cross the line, the consequence will be "missing" and disappear forever.

And even if someone was tempting on the verge of disappearing and trying to get three or five demon walking, it would be of little benefit to him.

The choice of tasks is random, unless a team contract mentioned by Kong Ming is formed to form a team.

Not to mention that you can't find the thing, even if you have one, is it easier to find like-minded strong people than to train new people?

Unless you need a dead man, you plan to start training from "small" ... To be honest, people with this ability will get more benefits than doing crazy temptations on the verge of disappearing.

To do something similar, either by chance, or by dunking camp, putting the cart before the horse.

Unless it is strong and busy.

Hmm ... like Tang Luo.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Kong Ming said. "You don't plan to train your own squad from scratch, right?

"No." Tang Luo shook his head. "Once the sea was difficult, unless it was better than them."

"Ha?" Kong Ming was very puzzled. Listening to Tang Luo's tone, it seems that he met some super **** teammates?

"It's nothing," said Tang Luo. "It's just my youth that's gone. We're all singles, right?"


Kong Ming finally did not have an easy-going, easy-going, and then quickly shifted the topic, "Since it is your sister, your plan and ideas for changing the world, do you want to continue?"

"Of course." Don Lowe said, "Why not continue?"

"... Okay." Kong Ming confirmed his own guess. Tang Luo was no different from setting up a stranger.

"I'll call and ask," said Tang Luo. "Look at what my sister, who has been separated for many years, thinks."

"What if she doesn't agree?"

"That's okay," Tang Luo said. "The poor monk is a monk, how can he do things that intimidate people? There are so many holders of life-style personalities in Wulin Myth, so sooner or later there will be opportunities."

"So too," Kong Ming said.

Dialing An An's personal number on the information, Tang Luo sighed: "This year, there is no privacy at all."

After a few beeps, it was hung up there.

Tang Luo called again and was hung up again-of course, a voice that was temporarily unavailable.

Seven or eight times in a row, all of them were hung up, and finally shut down.

"Something went wrong?" Tang Luo thoughtfully, would you like to take a look at it?

"Don't you think, maybe someone else is still in class?" Kong Ming pointed to the time, now it's a working day afternoon.

Elementary school has just been on holiday, An An is a high school student, and she is justified in class.

"Becoming a demon walking and still in class?" Tang Luo said.

"Doing your homework can be considered relaxing, for many people," said Kong Ming. "It's not something to make a fuss. Besides, class is not work? Think about it, beautiful campus."

"You will miss you when you are old." Tang Luo said, "Go ask the current high school students, do you want to continue to have a good high school life, they will definitely confuse you."

"Memory has a beautifying effect, and those that have passed will become memories."

Kong Ming glanced at Tang Luo in surprise: "At this time, you are a little monk-like master."

"What does this have to do with the monk?"

"It's nothing." Kong Ming shook his head. "If you don't go to school, it's also possible that you don't answer unfamiliar phone calls. Of course, you can't rule out that something went wrong."

"You guys, I always think so much, it is better to act directly." Tang Luo rummaged in the address book again, found his-mum-number, and dialed out.

It's over if you can't find your daughter and look for your mother.


Kong Ming knew that Tang Luo was very indifferent, but did not expect that the goods would be so indifferent.

Anyway, it is the woman who abandoned her, although she sent the house to ensure that she had nothing to worry about under normal circumstances.

But you are too casual.

Kong Ming couldn't help raising his ears. Whoops, I really wanted to hear what they would say and couldn't help it.

With Kong Ming's hearing, you can hear the faint sound over the earpiece.

Tang Luo did not deliberately reduce the voice to a low level. In fact, in most cases, he would choose hands-free speakerphone.

A few beeps over there were switched on.

"Hey, mom, I'm looking for An An, where is she?"

There was silence on the phone, and there was a faint breathing sound, and after a moment, it "hanged up".

"It's so direct!" Kong Ming secretly said, totally unaware of the detour, and walking directly to the face.

"Dare to hang up with me!"

Don Luo suddenly became unhappy, and hit another.

The speed of connection this time is much slower than before.

"Grandson, dare to hang up with me?" After answering, Tang Luoxing pleaded guilty.


With a sharp braking sound, Kong Ming almost carried the car onto the sidewalk, staring at Tang Luo with his eyes widened.

No wonder Tang Luo has always declared himself a monk.

The true monk, who treats all people equally, treats everything as a dog, the highest state of a monk.

Kong Ming couldn't help but want to give Tang Luo a thumbs up.

"If this is a boring prank, I think you hit the wrong person." The voice on the other side was a man.


Don Lau suddenly lost his thoughts and said a second later, "So it was your grandson who just hung up on me?"

"You made a mistake." The man finished and hung up again.

This time Tang Luo called back and got the shutdown prompt. It is estimated that he was blacklisted.

Kong Ming didn't say anything silently, wouldn't something happen?

Who is the man over the phone? Kong Ming thought of Tang Luo's "step-father". Of course, the word was not accurate.

To be precise, it is Tang Luo's mother An Xirong's remarriage object, An An's father.

"Old Kong, it's time to change destinations," Tang Luo said. "We went directly to An An. I'm annoyed, obviously there is such a convenient tool as a mobile phone, we have to communicate face to face."

"Okay, where?" Kong Ming was a little surprised, was Tang Luo so generous?

"Did you not investigate me?"

"Who will deliberately remember where your long-lost sister and sister's home and school are located." Kong Ming said.

Tang Luo glanced at Kong Ming in surprise, then shook his head dismissively: "Oh, I thought the so-called wise men were all unforgettable existences, but it was never the case."

"Who is the wise man who has never forgotten it! And what's so good about your reckless husband!" Kong Ming growled inside.

Tang Luo's performance at this time is equivalent to a poor student (non-university) who is tempted every day on the edge of passing, mocking a Xueba: "I can't think you can't even get a perfect score, I thought Xueba would get full marks every time, ha ha ha ha."

Fully explained what is known as the fearless ignorance, the ten thousand foot deserter smiles almost as a general who wolves.

However, it makes people feel angry!

This kind of ridiculous ridicule is actually more invigorating to a certain extent, especially when he is quite justified.

Xiucai encountered similar situations.

It can be seen that Tang Luo grasped the essence of scolding, not to justify and defeat the other party, but to make the other party angry.

This is the result of years of exercise. Many monsters are very cunning, and they don't know they just came out without spraying them angry.

It is a very advanced tactic.

However, Tang Luo certainly did not intentionally provoke Kong Ming, but just casually said, "No, this is the address."

"Just on the road," Kong Ming said with a casual glance.

Wise people can remember it, but it is not necessary.

"Good way, don't make a detour after hitting home," Tang Luo said.

"Go home after the fight?" Kong Ming felt wrong, didn't he say he was looking for An An?

Tang Luo nodded: "After talking to An An, of course, to go to the grandson for a meal, can Master Xuanzang be the one to lose?"

"..." Silent for a while, Kong Ming felt that he should still remind him, "Don't make things big."

It has to be said that the weight of people is different.

The same is true for the demon walking, killing A and killing B have different effects.

That invisible line is not in the same position.

To make things awkward, if the "disc killing" incident that Tang Luo encountered in the beginning, if he stayed in some remote area, it would be unlikely that Sun Ang would kill a few more people.

Anjia's business has grown so rich that it can be considered a behemoth.

As one of the helmsmen, Tang Luo's status as Wen Hanfei who planned to take a meal also rose.

Such a person, if the demon walks and kills with special power, even if the restrictions are loosened now, the second will immediately disappear after the kill.

But then again, if the demon walks to do it in the state of an "ordinary person", there may be some devious tactics that will not disappear.

There is no very clear boundary, the situation will not disappear without "skills", and skills will disappear.

You know, there are passive skills, and in addition, the walking of the demon is not only acquiring skills.

Moreover, some gods and walkers themselves are "high in their ranks", and they can never be allowed to restrain themselves. Do nothing?

Still, everyone knows that there is a line.

But no one knows exactly where that line is. And still float up and down according to different situations.

Therefore, some powerful demon walking simply abode, not because each of them likes such a quiet life.

Because it is more stable.

"It's okay, let's keep a low profile," Tangluo said. "Find a no-one space and put on a sack for a meal. After all, poor monks are compassionate monks."

"That's good."

In Kong Ming's mind, this is indeed a relatively low-key behavior-compared with Tang Luo's previous style of behavior.

"Wait!" He soon found a blind spot, "Why us?"

"Aren't you here to help me?" Tang Luo said, "We are from the same organization!"

"I'm only responsible for taking you to your sister." Kong Ming said.

"I didn't expect you to be from a winery!" Said Tang Luo ~ ~ you two or five, traitor. "

"Well, do you still think of yourself as a violin?" Kong Ming refused to be outdone. "I am at most passive."

There are many specious worlds in the mission, and he will definitely try to understand all kinds of fantasy works.

"At least get me a sack," Tang Luo said.

"The trunk is there, when you get it yourself, and the rope." Kong Ming asked.

Tang Luo suddenly looked at Kong Ming suddenly, "Old Kong, you—"

"Be prepared." Kong Ming said.

As a demon walking, it is perfectly reasonable to have a sack and rope in the trunk.

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