Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 212: Come to trade

People or anything, just talk in their hearts.

The master of swordsmanship also has to eat. This relaxed and "high-paying" job is the only thing Scorpion shit.

It is impossible for Robert to give up.

If you think about it, in fact, the addition of this "mirror master Xuan Zang" did not affect him.

It's just that in the process of teaching swordplay, there is an extra **** lying on a lounger and eating fruits while watching the fun!

Robert was very upset. He obviously didn't lose anything, but he was very upset.

"Well, this fruit is good, bring me a little more tomorrow." Tang Luo said to the attendant next to him.

The attendant nodded respectfully and said yes.

This is the person arranged by the queen and will be responsible for meeting most of the requirements put forward by Tang Luo.

Robert anxiously retracted the sword into the scabbard and said, "Come here today, we will continue the day after tomorrow."

There are three classes in a week.

"Yes, teacher." The prince and princess respectfully said, but their eyes floated towards Tang Luo, the uncle next to him.

Robert looked at Tang Luo, originally intended to hum a little to find a place, but saw that the other's hand hanging next to the deck chair accidentally or unintentionally touched the shield, and swallowed "hum" stiffly.

All I could see was that the nostrils had widened, and then I left quickly.

"Well." Tang Luo watched Robert leave with a smile, hoping that the master of swordsmanship would be as narrow as today.

"The Lonely Nine Swords, the broken sword style, you have to help me publicize it, Master Robert."

Tang Luo secretly said in his heart, looking back at the little prince and princess standing in front of himself: "Is there anything wrong with the two?"

"You should stand up and talk to me," said the little prince.

His appearance was also quite handsome, and it seemed that the king should have a good skin.

"Oh, why, His Highness Charles?" Tang Luo asked with a smile.

"This is respect for the prince." Charles raised his head in a proud look, and Snow White pulled the corner of her brother's clothes slightly, feeling that he did not respect the teacher like this.

"That makes sense."

Tang Luo stood up and looked down at the little prince. "Dear Her Highness, do you have any instructions?"

Charles' little face suddenly gloomed, and he understood the jokes in his expression.

"I'll tell the father to let you go!" Charles said angrily, and turned and left. He didn't even care what he wanted to say, and he was quite irritable.

Obviously he made Tang Luo stand up.

"Sorry, teacher." Snow White gave a salute towards Tang Luo before catching up with her brother.

"It's funny," Tang Luo laughed.

The attendant arranged by Oriana came over and whispered beside Tang Luo: "Your lord queen, please, master mirror."

"Okay, lead the way," Tang Luo said.

When you meet the queen, of course you can't be careless and brazen.

Even if Taocent is a country that is quite open and does not have much protection from men and women, the queen may not be able to meet with a man alone.

However, there are many unknown places in Nuo Da's palace. The attendant took Tang Luo to shuttle among them.

Stop and go without encountering extra people along the way.

And it was a different route than taking Tang Luo yesterday.

When you come to the queen's residence, you can see a white tower.

It was a place specially built by the queen for overlooking the scenery and storing all kinds of personal belongings. Tangluo appeared here yesterday.

"His Royal Highness is waiting for you above." Came to the tower, the attendant respected and opened the door for Tang Luo.

Tang Luo went up the spiral steps to the room in the middle of the tower and pushed open the door.

The queen stood by the window, looking into the distance like Tang Luo then.

"Good afternoon, my stupid queen." Tang Luo greeted happily.

"Stupid?" Oriana turned and frowned.

This was the second time she heard this title from the mirror master, and it was also the "only two" of life that was described as "stupid".

"I remember that in order to facilitate communication between us, I showed you my strength yesterday." Tang Luo said as he sat in the only chair in the room, "You talked to Xiao Baitu in front of me Same cowardly-sorry, not even a little white rabbit. "

"So, why do you have this inscrutable look?"

"I can look back at you by the window because I'm strong enough."

"You can't do it. Or is it the boring display of secular power that makes you feel a little sure to submit to me?"

Tang Luo stared at Oriana, speaking casually.

But there was a surge of pressure, not from the momentum of Tang Luo.

In fact, he didn't show any other breath, just a feeling.

"... I see, forgive my offense." A few moments of silence, Oliana bowed her salute and apologized.

"Also, don't seduce me, I'm a serious person," Tang Luo said.


Covering his chest expressionlessly, Oriana covered the towering white snow peaks and deep valleys slightly.

"But don't cover it," Tang Luo said. "I don't mind admiring more beautiful things at all."

Oriana trembled slightly, she swears that it is not that the master of the mirror in front of her is too powerful, she has hanged the other person on the tower.

"Well, what's the matter with me?" Tang Luo asked, feeling almost ready.

With a long breath, Oriana said, "Master, have you seen those two children?"

"Well, very cute little prince and little princess." Tang Luo said.

"Cute, do you really think so?" Oriana asked.

"Directly." Tang Luo waved.

"Okay." Oriana didn't sell any more. "I want to ask the master for your help."

"Related to Snow White?" Tang Luo laughed.

Before he appeared, did the magic mirror answer "Snow White is the most beautiful person in the world"?

"Snow White, oh, good title," said Oriana. "It seems that the master has realized the amazing charm that little girl is hiding."

"Ah, isn't she called Snow White?" Tang Luo said.

"Vivienne is her name, don't you know a little about your students?"

"Do you need it? I'm here to eat and die." Tang Luoli was upright.

"So, the master won't do me a favor?" Oriana asked.

Tang Luo shook his head: "It depends on whether I have this interest."

The mission is to protect Oriana's security and help her seize power, and it is right to dominate this country.

However, Tang Luoke will not choose the "assistance" method, and even if it is to help, the female warlock needs to make clear that who is the piling-the leader.

As for this approach will damage the relationship between the two sides?

There is no such thing as power.

Tang Luo's strength is the "thing" that Oriana cannot touch but wants to use, so it is impossible to turn her face.

This can only be achieved by temporarily licking the dog.

"I think you should be interested. I want to dedicate Vivian to you," said Oriana.

"Why?" Don Luo was a little curious, was he jealous?

"Because she is so beautiful, her beauty will be a stumbling block to me within a few years." Olianna's answer was obviously not just jealous.

"Stumbling block?" Tang Luo asked knowingly.

Since the task is to help the queen take control of her country, Oriana should have the willingness to become the master of Towent.

If not, the difficulty of this task will be greatly increased.

"Yes, when Her Majesty the King dies, I am the master of Tao Cente." Said Oriana. "I don't want to see a little girl become my obstacle."

"Are you sure she will be your obstacle?" Don Lowe asked.

"Of course, you saw it too," said Oriana.

"Where is Prince Charles?"

"He will be a prince for a lifetime," laughed Oriana, and the warlock had a long life. "Forty years, fifty years, sixty years, until he died."

"There can be a prince in the world for forty years." Tang Luo said something that Oriana didn't understand, and then asked, "What's good for me?"

Turned help into a dirty deal.

Seeing Donlotti's condition, Oriana was relieved.

No desire is just, don't be afraid that this Xuan Zang is strong, I'm afraid he doesn't care about anything and asks nothing.

That's really dangerous.

"Master, what do you want?" Oriana didn't play tricks and said something like "you will get a princess" and directly quoted the price.

What does Tang Luo want?

The first is naturally "healing". If you want to heal, you must use the virtues of Yulian to consume the power of virtue.

Or, get some good things to use for healing.

After entering this task, Tang Luo did not get any merit power, and Oleanna is estimated to be unable to provide him with any merit power.

If Tang Luo beats this vicious stepmom, he might get some.

But that task is estimated to be impossible.

No matter how important Tang Luo is, he can tell clearly.

He is not an awkward middle two boy. He will not complete the task if he wants to compete with the game of gods and demons.

Although Tang Luo's code of conduct is "as I like", there are still clear interests in these four words.

Freewheeling requires strong strength as support.

He has no interest in doing things that harm others.

Since Oliana is temporarily unable to provide the power of virtue required by Tang Luo ~ ~, that is all kinds of healing things.

"I need something to heal," Tang Luo said.

"Heal?" Oriana's mind became active, and he was hurt? Or pretend to be hurt?

No need, pretending to be injured to show weakness, he has been showing his strength.

If it is said that the strong is the strong but the foreign, why is it necessary for him to say that the wounded things cause association?

Soon, Ariana came to a conclusion.

This mirror master should have suffered some dark injuries, um, and in the case of injuries, the opponent still has a strength that he cannot reach.

"Master, come with me," said Oriana. "I have some collections, but I don't know if I can satisfy the master."

Dirty deals, just so slowly.

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