Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 213: Youth Elixir

As Oriana came to the top of the white tower, Tang Luo watched her spell and turn a wall into a door.

Push open the door and enter, there is a place different from the gorgeous "cloakroom".

It was dim and gloomy, and only two candles were burning, maintaining a certain brightness.

A black cauldron was inside the room. There was no wood fire burning underneath, but there was a white mist on it.

Some pungent, Tang Luo took a closer look, there was no reversal, the emerald green unknown liquid inside.

"Just this thing, you said you weren't a witch?" Don Luo pointed to Oriana, feeling deceived. "Where's your broom? Take your broom."

Everywhere in this room exudes a sense of belonging to the witch.

"I'm a warlock." Oriana had to emphasize, what is a witch? It sounds terrible, and what the broom is.

"What is this? Witchcraft mixture?" Tang Luo asked, pointing at the pot of weird green potion.

"... This is, I'll pay you for the master." Oliana felt tired.

Suddenly began to miss the licking dog magic mirror that only said "the most beautiful woman in the world is the queen you".

What "thing" is the mirror master of "evolution" now?

"Just this thing?" Tang Luo looked at the strange "boiling" green water in the crucible. "Although my master Xuanzang ate a Shan Hai Jing, it doesn't mean that I will stuff everything into my mouth."

As a stylish man, you have to screen for food.

Some things look good and others are delicious.

It's not good, it's not good, but it's effective. Tangluo can accept it, but it's not good, it's not good, it's not necessarily effective, Tangluo has to consider it.

Well, at least it depends on people eating first.

Oliana didn't understand what Tang Luo said, but she understood at least.

So he explained: "This is the sorcerer's ... standing stock, youthful elixir, can keep the sorcerer's youthful appearance for a long time."

"Oh, is that it?" Tang Luo didn't comment.

"But there are side effects. Those who drink will not die." Olianna bluntly said, "But I think you can master your strength with the mirror, it should not be a problem, you can completely ignore such side effects."

"How is it?" Tang Luo asked.

Doesn't look good and works, then we must ask whether it is delicious or not.

"Taste?" Oriana stunned for a moment, she said that the side effects would be dead, and the other side asked the taste.

Speaking of which, Oriana said that strength is also a hidden temptation.

Strength is not the same as whether you can ignore the side effects of "Youth and Elixir".

"... It's okay," said Olianna, but she didn't know anything.

The elixir of youth is also the "enlightenment potion" for female warlocks, but the special enlightenment potion is more powerful.

The mortality rate is as high as 90%, and it is very painful to drink the medicine.

The first formal medication, the painful imprint is engraved deep in the soul, and every time you take it, the imprint will "glow."

All the senses can feel is pain.

Tongue has lost its sense of taste at that time.

Oliana has never known that this uses a lot of herbs, uses special methods, and the youthful elixir prepared with the blood of a sorcerer's blood is delicious or not.

"Then you drink and watch first, in case it is difficult to drink, what do you do to intentionally pit me?" Tang Luo said.

"... then you could kill me." Oriana didn't feel good, took the spoon next to her, carefully took a sip and drank it.

You can see the moment she drank, her body shivered.

Apart from suffering, the biggest side effect of youthful medicine is that it cannot be interrupted. The only end result after the interruption is death.

After drinking, every other month, drink some more, otherwise you will die in extreme pain.

The new female warlocks are brought by their masters. Generally, after the female warlocks learn to prepare the elixir of youth, they can start teaching after three or five years.

There is almost no relationship between the two parties-if there is, it is mostly hatred.

Female warlocks are unable to have children, and they have used various means to obtain some girls and make them the next batch of female warlocks to maintain the continuation of the entire "professional group".

The experience of becoming a sorcerer is painful, and the true "worry bitter is the best".

After suffering, Oriana quickly calmed down and said, "I can't taste it. Drinking this medicine will be very painful and the benefits will be great."

Oriana hid two pieces of information.

First, only women can drink this medicine to die, and second, they will become addicted.

Oliana certainly thinks that the juvenile pill is not enough to kill the mirror master, but it will weaken his strength.

If it can produce an "addictive" effect, it would be better for her to take the initiative from then on.

Even if it can't, at least make the cooperation between the two people relatively equal, not that she can only do things at the pace of the other side from beginning to end.

"Then I'll try it." Tang Luo walked over, glanced at the crucible, then reached for his mouth and lifted it.


In Oliana's horrified gaze and too late to stop, Tang Luo raised her head and drank the youthful medicine in the crucible.

This is the legendary "try".

Oriana felt that the word had never really been recognized.

"It's okay, a little sweet," Tang Luo said. "It's a bit bitter, like a cold medicine."

"..." Oriana opened her mouth and said nothing.

After drinking, the other party drank all her potions.

Just kidding!

This is all of Oriana's inventory so far, the hard ten years of collection, or the identity and status of the queen to do it.

This pot of potion at least guarantees that Oliana will not have to worry about the problem of youth and elder medicine for more than ten years.

But now, the other party drank in just a few blinks.

Comment on the taste after drinking.

Solved the doubts in Oliana's heart for many years, a heart attack-a fart!

Olianna looked at the bottom, leaving only a small amount, enough to cover the youthful elixir at the bottom of the pot, and looking at Tang Luo, asked dullly: "Is it effective?"

Please, pretend to be in some pain.

"It's not bad," said Tang Luo. "For you, it's a tiger and wolf medicine."

This pot of potion increased Tangluo's injury-free upper limit by 1.2%.

Tang Luo himself also felt that he recovered much faster than before.

In the past, these potions at most allowed Tang Luo to increase the upper limit of 0.1% injury-free output.

"Tell me the recipe," Tang Luo said.

"Ah?" Olianna looked at Tang Luo, stunned on the spot-or, after drinking from Tang Luo, her state was aggressive.

"Tell me the recipe, and I will help you solve this stumbling block for Snow White." Tang Luo said, "Let you be the queen of peace of mind and control this country."

"It's impossible." Oriana recovered gradually. "It's not that I don't want it. Even if I tell you the recipe, you won't be able to recover the juvenile medicine."

Next, Oliana simply finished talking about the special aspects of this medicine.

Seeing the master of the mirror drinking a dose of youthful elixir for more than ten years, Olianna "woke up" from shock, she knew the gap between herself and Xuanzang, similar to one on the top of the mountain and one underground .

"So it is." Tang Luo nodded.

He is probably aware of what is happening with adolescent pills.

Take an example that everyone is relatively familiar with is "organ transplantation". The elixir of youth has changed the characteristics of the body, giving users extraordinary power.

The operation process is undoubtedly painful, and drugs need to be continuously taken to reduce or eliminate the rejection after surgery.

"Is the most important drug introduction blood?" Tang Luo whispered.

Olianna was suddenly creepy and stepped back a few steps. The mirror master would not lock her up as a "source of medicine", would she?

In fact, some female warlocks have done this, because the effect of using their own blood to make medicine is worse than using other female warlocks.

For this reason, some relatively cruel incidents have also been born.

For the female warlock, cruelty is nothing, but this cruelty will affect the fundamentals of the female warlock's survival.

Therefore, everyone later formed a common observance agreement, and would not train female warlocks who are specifically "blood providers" or raise other female warlocks to serve as providers ~ ~ Of course, the rules are only rules, but There will be female warlocks not to obey.

Later, a female warlock developed a "self-explosion method". When faced with a similar situation, you can choose to die together and die.

Oriana will do the trick.

Death was her last stubbornness.

"Don't be nervous." Tang Luo laughed. "I'm a good person and won't do what you want. Even if I want to ... I won't find you, tell me the recipe first, and tell me about your female warlock History. Since the female warlock passed the 'bloodline', how did the first female warlock appear in history? "

Where is the source of the female warlock?

Don Luo is very interested, as he said, he will not find Oriana.

Of course, it is to find the bloodline heritage, the effect of the source blood is better.

Half an hour later, Tang Luo wrote down the recipe of Oriana, and the origin of the female warlock was too long.

Anyway, Oriana is not clear. It is not easy to find out where the source is.

Tang Luo was not in a hurry.

After paying enough price, Oriana turned the topic back to Snow White Weiwei: "Master, how do you plan to solve that little girl?"

"What do you say?" Tang Luo said, "Speak your plan, I will see if it is suitable for execution."

"My plan is simple, you take her away with the master, and then ... the master can do whatever he wants," said Oriana.

It would be better if Tang Luo took Snow White to go high.

Never to see these two people again is the perfect ending.

Oriana felt that she should find the merchant and confiscate all his possessions to make up for her spiritual loss.

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