Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 229: Riding on a white horse ...

The pretty woman in the front didn't blink her eyes, staring at Amy Ruida.

His eyes were empty, like a doll.

Amy Ruida knows that this is a doll-a doll made from real people!

From the glare of the sun god, in fact, it is the hand of a full-fledged fucker-gender prince Glaston.

At the beginning, Amirida was in the engagement with this doll, accidentally attacked by Snake, and suddenly fell into despair.

"You can run." Glaston looked at Amy Ruida with a hint of anger in her voice. "Running to such a place has made my Mia dirty."

The exquisite doll in the front is indeed a bit dirty, after all, it is open in the forest, and it is impossible to not stain it.

There are no clothes with cleaning function.

Amy Rida wanted to say, "Can you blame me?"

But the current situation can be said to be mortal, and she has no mood to say anything funny.

Nor is it a skinny character.

"It's hard," Snake said. "If you don't run away, there is still a few hopes to break down my poison. Now, my poison has penetrated your bone marrow, and the only thing waiting for you is death."

Amy Rida was silent, and Sneek didn't alarm.

The feeling of numbness is spreading towards more parts, I am afraid that in a few minutes, Amirida will completely lose control of the body.

"It's just numb right now, but you'll feel pain later," Sneek said.

From some perspectives, being able to feel "pain" is a good thing, at least to prove that the body's response mechanism is still there and has not been destroyed.

It is a terrible thing that it hurts first and then becomes numb.

Snake's poison went the other way. It was numb, and then turned into pain, which would make the poisoned one die a little bit from the pain of heart erosion.

Can be described as extremely cruel.

"Hey, just ask about Snow White," Gladstone reminded behind him.

Upon hearing this, Amy Ruida's expression changed slightly, and then she returned to normal, and soon.

"Oh, sure enough, you know something." This fleeting expression was captured by Snake, or, originally, he had said to Glaston suddenly and deliberately, to test Amirida's reaction.

"Where is Snow White?" Sneek asked.

Amy Ruida exhaled a sigh of breath: "You want to know?"

"Tell me, it's not so painful to make you die." Sneek is also "speaking secretly". Anyway, it's Amy Ruida's death. The difference is nothing more than death.

"Snow White, now in the hands of a very powerful man, you're going, just to die." Amy Ruida said.

Prince Glaston did not speak, but looked at Amy Reda with interest.

"Oh, very powerful? Then we won't go. If you kill you now, you will return to Ben." A cold smile appeared on Sneek's face.

Amy Ruida's expression was stagnant. What about good radicals?

The phrase "very powerful" scared you away?

"Oh." Snake continued to laugh without waiting for Emireda to say. "It seems that man is indeed your life-saving straw."


Amy Ruida's expression was completely gloomy and indifferent. This is not a poisonous snake that only sneaks in the dark, but also good at playing with hearts.

She didn't need to answer. With just a few expressions, she got the answer she wanted.

"Don't talk nonsense," Gladstone urged. "Since Snow White has all the clues, let's find it early so we can finish my work as soon as possible."

He waved at the man named "Mia".

The doll walked towards Amirida with a slightly mechanical pace.

Empty eyes, mechanical movements, expressionless, even if it looks good, it also gives a gloomy infiltration.

It's a really distorted hobby.

Of course, in Glaston's own view, this is the most correct approach to beauty. "No whiteheads are allowed." Only when these beautiful beauties are made into dolls can their beauty be completely and permanently To keep.

His look at the puppet was also true love and desire, not an attitude toward tools.

As the puppet walked towards the puppet, and passed by the dog that was ignored by Snake and Glaston, the mutation suddenly appeared.

The dog, which had been quiet just now, suddenly opened its mouth.

The huge black jackal appeared out of thin air, biting on the doll and biting it completely in his mouth.

"Do not!"

Gladstone stunned, and gave out a heartbreaking roar, pain.

Sneek's response was quick and he stepped back immediately.

That's right, back away from the dog, a poisonous snake will not expose itself to a dangerous situation.

It's always only his yin man, and suddenly a huge wolf head came out not far away, what is going on?

Sneek wasn't showing his face, but a cold sweat broke out in his heart.

He didn't realize it at all, and if this bite was directed at him, Sneek would have no way to avoid it.

This is a natural, bitter attack of Xiaotian Dog. This is her signature.

If Sneek can avoid it, Xiaotian dog simply buys a piece of tofu and hits it.

He is good at tracking, sneak attack, and frontal combat ability.

A squinting glance at Gleiston's heart-wrenching puppet, Whistling Dog raised his wolf's head and swallowed the puppet in an arrogant attitude of husky dismantling.

"I need to--"

"Tear you to pieces!"

Gladstone growled, startled by a large bird.

The carriage parked a distance behind began to tremble, and the numb drivers got out of the car and walked to the side.

The surrounding air has dropped in temperature, and you can see cold white smoke escaping from the gap in the closed carriage.

Then, the carriages of the eight carriages opened together.

There are eight beautiful puppets who are extremely beautiful and elegant.

They are not so beautiful as real people, and they are so delicate that they are a bit distorted.

These puppets each wore gorgeous clothes, as if they were coming to some beauty contest.

They turned one by one, walking towards Gladstone.

It's completely straight forward, without any slight turns. Wherever they passed, all obstacles were torn apart and crushed by their seemingly slender, weak bodies.

Facing the snarling of Gladstone, Whistling Dog turned his head, raised his bun Amy Rida, and ran away.

It's really exciting to run.

When the ghastly dog ​​ran, it was naturally very fast. It remained in the state of only the head of a wolf, and it did not completely change into a combat form.

Traveling through the forest is no problem.

"Tell me, you can keep up with them." Glaston said looking at Snake.

Sneek is on the line: "As long as your baby can give us a good way, it's fine."

As soon as his words fell, several figures fell from the sky, fell heavily in front of the two, and rose mechanically.

Amy Ruida felt that the wind was whistling in her ears, and the scenery in front of her was blurry, and she could not tell where she was at all.

At first the strange cat would stop and let itself be guided.

But now she completely ignored her and began to run all the way.

Amy Ruida felt back in her childhood, sitting in the speeding car driven by her brother, and wished to spit out all the bile on the spot.

Suddenly, the howling wind stopped, and the scene in front of him turned in a spiral.

Amy Rida landed on the ground, numbness covering almost all the area under his head, and at the same time, the pain of a corroding bone came from the first injured arm.

"What do you think of this crystal coffin?" Amy Ruida heard the voice, her heart loosened, and she almost fainted.


Charles' answer was very hurting, of course Don Low didn't care.

He is quite forgiving to the kid who has just been beaten. After being beaten, people always have to take advantage of the cheap, otherwise, it is not good to get sick.

As angry, Charles was easily angry.

Tang Luo is still very considerate.

"The dog is back." Tang Luo calmly touched and jumped on the Xiaotian dog with Vivian's crystal coffin. The tone seemed to be that Xiaotian went to Xue Nian's house for a few meals.

"Dog?" Charles looked at the meowing meow in Tang Luo's palm. Is it actually a dog?

Bullying him, did Charles ever have kittens?

Charles's doubt, of course, Tang Luo would not bother. He walked to Amireda and crouched down, glanced and said, "The donor was injured?"

Amy Ruida smiled a bitter smile ~ ~ lowered her voice: "It is poisoning, master. I met a demon walking and should be another seven sin 'prince next door', they are very strong and are moving towards Come over. "

"Oh, you poison-wait, it won't be the poison that will die if XXOO doesn't die after being hit?" As soon as Tang Luo opened his brain, it would be difficult to recover, "But it doesn't matter, no matter what poison , The poor monks can unlock. "

In his speculation, the prince next door should be the sin of Yin desire of the other half.

Then the poison specially prepared for the protagonist in the previous martial arts novels of Amy Ruida is also reasonable.

"No." Amy Rida almost vomited blood directly, at any time, could she be a little nervous.

"Oh." Tang Luo couldn't see if he was disappointed or calm. He put his hand on Amy Ruida's head, and he would use merit Yulian to save people.

There were sounds in the trees on the other side, and several figures roared like siege.

Standing, there were eight beautiful puppets. After them, a white tall horse appeared and was immediately a blond man.

Looks like that, it must be a nobleman.

In the back riding a hair that almost covered his eyes, and his face was gloomy. At a glance, I knew that it was a character that could not live three chapters, a dog leg, and a sinister negative.

Sitting on the horse, Gladstone saw the transparent crystal coffin at one glance, and the sleeping beauty Snow White inside.

For an instant, every inch and every inch of Glaston's body growled wildly: "Get her! Get her!"

"Boy, you ride a white horse, too."

Tang Luo stood up with a smile and stood aside, blocking Glaston's sight.

Riding a white horse is not necessarily a monk, it may be a prince.

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