Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 232: Prince's Revenge?

This ordinary crystal coffin was first strengthened by light and then "strengthened" by the glass flame.

Suddenly it became a first-class "sealed treasure."

The coffin board was completely pressed to death, so don't think of it inside.

Of course, the maintenance time is only about half a month. After half a month, it breaks down, leaving only a pile of ashes.

If the person in the inside is the one who often jumps out, the time will be shorter.

"Sleep." Tang Luo said to Vivian, "Don't bother me, you know? The poor monk doesn't want to save you now."

Facing Tang Luo's cold eyes, Vivian had to close her eyes and became a sleeping beauty.

One "snoozed" and the other, next to Charles, who was unconscious in Tang Luo's aisle, grabbed him in a mess.

He awakened Charles suddenly.

"I was attacked!"

Waking up, Charles was so furious that when he saw Snake's headless body, it was nothing but a whip corpse.

Anxious to show his frustration, his violent disposition was revealed.

"Okay." Tang Luo stopped Charles's move, flicking his fingers, a flash of fire flashed.

Snake, and the puppets lying on the ground, were burning.

In less than half a minute of work, it was burned to ashes.

Seeing Charles was so terrified.

"What should I do?" Tang Luo looked at Charles with a little difficulty.

You are welcome to say that the seven deadly sins must be saved. This is the fundamental purpose and will not be shaken.

But now, I feel like I'm missing something.

A "can be saved, but not necessary" situation.

"Let ’s take it for a while and see what happens-um, why is there a sense of King Ding?" King Ding wanted to spend time, and waited for the right time to spend it, Don Luo suddenly felt like a shepherd.

The feeling of the evil demon monk came to his face.

"No, this is not a decision, it is the consistent law enforcement of fishing." Tang Luo immediately overturned a dangerous idea.

Buddhist monks often have the act of "this donor asks you to put down the butcher knife. If you really want to come, you might as well cut down the poor monk."

Once you haven't resisted cutting it, go to the magic tower and the magic hall to clean the sin well.

This is very fishing.

There are also monks who accidentally caught sharks, were chopped to death, cut their meat to feed eagles, and gave up their lives.

As for what was decided, it was the style of heaven.

At that time, how many people were destined to die in the battle of the gods, a gods list, changed from immortal to god, must not be at ease.

In fact, fishing and King Ding are indifferent. You must know that everyone has always had the fine tradition of "don't talk about morals and morals to the outside world of demons, and everyone should shoulder to shoulder".

The wicked have their own grind.

Want madmen to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground, there is no deep dharma to do.

Even on the loud thunder of Lingshan, there are many wicked people being detained, and it needs to be gradually reduced.

Not to mention the land government, thinking that the eighteenth floor of **** is talking about fun?

Of course, ordinary people cannot "enjoy" such treatment.

Think of it this way, Tang Luo has become a monk again. The Buddhism is deep and well-received. It is worthy of his contribution to the great religion.

"Let's go, His Royal Highness, let's go back to Taocent and see when your mother-in-law can take control of this kingdom." Said the high monk Tang Luo to Charles.

Opposition is impossible.

Even if Charles objected, his opinion would be ignored by Don Lowe.

What's more, returning to the capital of Taoist is also his hope. Tang Luo's decision hits him.

Silent, Charles began to pack his simple bags, ready to embark on the road to return.

Prince's Revenge!

When he returns to Towent, he will make this **** court swordsman understand what cruelty is.

There is also the vicious stepmother Oriana, who will also join the father to let this woman understand who Taoxant really controls!


Charles suddenly thought of a question, why would Xuanzang say when that woman could take control of Dowent?

Is she going to set off a palace coup?

Charles was never an old-fashioned man, and when he thought of it, he would say immediately, he couldn't help it.

Holding his anger has made him uncomfortable.

"What do you mean, that woman is planning a coup?" Charles asked.

"It's not a coup, it's inheriting the throne," Tang Luo said.

"Joke." Charles smirked. "My father is here, why does she inherit the throne?"

"Did I not tell you about your father's death?" Tang Luo recalled, as if he hadn't told Charles.

It was impossible for Charles to know about Rudolph's death.

That was the situation that day.

After Rudolph died without holding back, Tang Luo went to see Oriana, and immediately left with Charles and Vivienne.

The entire process took less than an hour.

Rudolph's death was also concealed by Oriana. A few days later, the king died, and the news that the prince and princess eloped fled to a small range of princes and nobles.

Yes, Olianna put the elopement of Charles and Vivienne in a sinister manner.

Although it is possible that some princes and nobles have had something like this or that happened.

However, this kind of thing cannot be put on the table.

Oliana's hand cut a lot of resistance for her.

At least some of the sounds of finding the princess and prince were much less.

Who said this kind of thing clearly, just in case it is true. It's embarrassing for you to get someone back by elopement?

Both sides can't please.

When Rudolph's death was truly announced, Tang Luo was almost near the forest.

With the development level of the world's productivity, normal news spreads.

The guards also listened to Tang Luo's words, and returned to the town after staying for three days in the neighborhood to know the death of the king.

How did Charles know Rudolph's death?

"What did you say?" Charles glared at Don Low. "You say it again."

"Why always say it again. Well, didn't I tell you about your father's death?" Tang Luo said.

"Impossible!" Charles said unacceptably.

"You will know when you go back, Your Royal Highness," said Tang Luo, "accept the reality."

Without paying attention to Charles, "I don't listen, I don't listen, it's not true," Tang Luo walked to the crystal coffin.

It's still Vivian's kindness, even when she heard the shocking news, she closed her eyes immediately after Tang Luo came, pretending to be "I slept deeply."

Tang Luo squatted down, holding up the crystal coffin with one hand: "Hi prince, this coffin will be given to you."

"Me?" Charles was so angry that the king would carry a coffin in the future?

After a brief shock, Charles, who accepted the reality, immediately thought that when he returned, he must take over Dowent and become Dowent's next king.

The usurper will be devoured by his anger and burned to ashes.

This is the true vengeance of the prince!

"Yes, that's you." Tang Luo threw the coffin at Charles.

Charles reluctantly catches it and smashes the coffin-no matter what Vivienne is inside.

However, when he first came into contact with Tang Luo's gaze, Charles held his coffin up and down again.

"His prince, the poor monk will tell you the story of Yue Wang Gou Jian's reckless taste." Tang Luo smiled. "In a remote and unknown place, there is a king called Gou Jian ..."

Charles held the coffin like this, and listened to Tang Luo's story.

"What the **** do you want to do?" Charles held the coffin, and with his current strength, it wasn't tiring.

"Heaven has good virtues," Tang Luo laughed. "As a monk, poor monks are used to giving people opportunities."


"Yeah," said Tang Luo, "the poor monk gave His Royal Highness a chance to return you to Tao Cente and the capital. Whether or not a perfect vengeance of the Prince can be staged depends on Your Highness."

"You are like this, no one will make you feel better." Charles said.

The two sides can't die! Bets on both sides, whoever wins in the end will not let him go.

"It's not a worry for His Royal Highness Prince," Tang Luo said.

Children make choices, and adults, of course, want them all-at least on the surface.

Charles was very ironic: "Then you wait to die, maybe I will show mercy so that you will die less painful."

The angry bear child has no understanding of the adult world.

I don't know if such ruthless words are meaningless. For another person, there are negative effects.

I appreciate your honesty, so I will let you go. The person who can say this is either a fool without a mind or has other plans.

And Tang Luo, not only will he let Charles go, but he will be sent to Wangdu again.

The plot was so big that it was impossible to figure out exactly what he wanted.

"Come on, high prince, your revenge begins by carrying the coffin." Tang Luo walked away from the forest.

The dog looked at Charles and jumped over Don Luo's shoulder.

Of course, it is impossible to carry the coffin. Charles is not tall enough, so he can only lift the coffin containing Vivian and follow behind Tang Luo.

Vivian opened her eyes and closed again with a sigh.

Now she can't do anything, she can only pray that she will have a chance to go back after returning to the capital, so that she can do something.

As for Charles ...

Just as Charles abandoned Vivienne without hesitation, Vivienne would no longer consider Charles his own brother after swallowing Glaston.

The position of the queen, Vivian suddenly wanted something.

Nothing else, just sit in that position and eat what you want?

Although the urge to eat can now be restrained, it is impossible to stop eating.

Vivienne sticks her tongue out ~ ~ and licks her lips. You can see that the sharp teeth in her mouth do not know when she has returned to normal appearance.

The whole person looks like an ordinary girl.

Swallowing, Vivian couldn't help but reach out and touch the coffin board.

Perhaps this coffin can also be eaten?

The flash of fire flashed, Vivian was in pain, immediately retracted her hand, and instinctively put it to her mouth.

Use saliva to neutralize the burning pain.

"Why not learn well?" Tang Luo in front turned and glanced, shaking his head.

This Vivienne is no longer saved, so find some time to save her.

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