Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 235: Must die!

Tang Luo reached out and lightly pressed on the crystal coffin.

The original coffin board was shattered and turned into fine pieces.

Vivian slowly crawled out of it, moving her stiff body: "Teacher, what do you want to do?"

"I'll wait for you outside." Tang Luo said to the two who were not very good-looking. "Relax, even if you demolish this room, it will not affect the outside."

Having said that, he simply left the hidden room.

In the room, the two were silent, and Vivian suddenly laughed: "It seems that the teacher is not particularly optimistic about you, my dear mother."

The smile was very mocking.

"It seems to have been developed?" Oriana looked at Vivienne, who was amazingly charming, with disgust and jealousy in her eyes, "you little bitch."

"The teacher definitely likes me more than an old woman like you." Vivienne said holding her face in her hands.

Although she had no idea why Tang Luo did this, it did not prevent her from deliberately saying this to make Oriana angry.

"Is this your last word?" Oliana raised her hand, her eyes cold.

"Oh." Vivian chuckled, her teeth, which were already normal, did not know when it would become a sharp inverted triangle again.

Outside the room, Tang Luo sat on the steps without any image, waiting quietly for the result.

The connection between the seven deadly sins is deeper than it appears.

You can expect to see the results later.

This sitting is a full hour.

Tang Luo is still very good at raising qi, and there is no anxious look on his face.

After a while, the wall behind Tang Luo changed into a door. "Squeak" opened, and Oriana stood at the door: "Master, it's over."

There was a special appeal in the sound that was not there before.

The whole person looked radiant, a little bit of maggot disappeared, and it looked like the delicate flowers just out of the water.

With a slight smile on her face, Oriana flicked her hair gently with one hand, and looked at Don Luo with a smile.


Don Luo responded, stood up, turned and looked at Oriana.

The smirk on Oriana's face was even more prosperous, like a ripe peach-peeled, which made one want to take a bite.

Tang Luo approached Oriana, and what she was waiting to say was an open palm in front of her.

Pressed mercilessly on Oriana's face and pushed her aside.

"Don't stand in the doorway, you all saw that I was going to come in and not let go, so I didn't push the numbers." Tang Luo said as he entered the room.

Inside the room was a mess, the original crucible was broken into pieces, and a small piece still had the last bit of youthful medicine.

The table fell down, and the bottles and cans above shattered.

The chair turned into a pile of broken wood, and many other "decorations" that were unknown and did not know what to do also fell down and were mostly broken.

It seemed like a small whirlwind raged.

Only the crystal coffin was still intact, with no scratches on it.

Vivian disappeared, and a scorching heat permeated, and you could see an ash on the floor of the room.

"She's dead," Oliana said.

"Well, confirm it." Tang Luo nodded. "Do I still have a place to stay?"

"Stay." Oriana's voice resumed her calmness.

"Give me one, you don't want a group of brainless licking dogs." Tang Luo looked at Oriana, "still, you have no way to converge."

"I'll get used to it as soon as possible." Oliana lowered her eyebrows.

Vivienne's charm of nowhere to be placed has no effect on the mirror master in front of her.

Her new charm also has no effect on the mirror master.

"So be it," said Tang Luo, turning and walking down.

Olianna's eyes flickered, and she didn't return to the room until Don Luo's figure completely disappeared into sight.

"The seven deadly sins are really converging, it's interesting." When Oliana turned around, Tang Luo who stepped down suddenly stopped, her eyes seemed to pass through the obstacles and fell directly on Oliana.

The seven deadly sins are gathering on Oriana.

After this meeting, Tang Luo found that there was a little pride in Oliana's body, and the feeling was exactly the same as when she saw Rudolph.

So Tang Luo pushed the boat along the water and simply asked Vivian and Oriana to have a decisive battle.

The final winner, Oliana, also had a trace of overeating, and the more obvious sin of Yin desire.

It is very interesting to be alone in the five sins.

Donlow was a little curious. What would happen if Oriana “became” the remaining two sins again?

"Even if it can be equated with the death of the 'carrier' of the seven deadly sins, the seven deadly sins will not really die out, but will be born from another person ..."


When Tang Luo turned his attention to the Seven Deadly Sins.

On the other side, Rob's woke up in Robert's house, and Li Huan's face was also dignified.

Tang Luo suddenly left, and after the failure of Gracie's mission disappeared, Li Huan left Tang Luo's residence with unconscious Rob.

Came to Robert's side.

Without waiting for Li Huan to be happy because of Tang Luo's disappearance, he set about preparing Robert to recommend himself as a court swordsman to complete the task, and bad news came.

Robert was fired, not to mention being a salted fish and completing the task, not even keeping the easy job.

Fortunately, the task did not fail, so Li Huan was relieved.

Within a few days, Rudolph was violent and the news of the prince's disappearance made Rob and Li Huan a bunch of difficult brothers.

The possibility of mission completion continues to decrease, I am afraid that there is only time left to wait for a little time to pass, and suddenly the mission is declared to fail at some point, so the only choice to leave this mission world.

Li Huan and Rob are probably because of their almost painful experience, and they feel that they need to hold a group to improve their strength.

The two did not cause anything, but they were relatively peaceful, in an ally and cooperative relationship.

After staying in Wangdu for a few days, they didn't see any hope that they could complete the task. The two were planning to leave Wangdu and go elsewhere to see if they could get some extra benefits.

You ca n’t really hang around until the mission fails?

Unexpectedly, they hadn't left yet, and suddenly things went round and round, and Liu Minghua was bright.

The missing Prince Charles appeared before them.

When Charles appeared, the mission of the two also changed at the same time.

Li Huan's task was to help Robert to a high position, and the following content was "mixing food and dying."

Hmm, from the original court swordsman who was waiting for death to becoming a "meat eater" who was waiting for death, there is really no progress!

Rob's mission became to help Charles ascend to the throne, become the king of Towent, and vent his anger.

There are many ways to vent anger, the mission is extremely rare, and the intimate reminder is: clear the opposition.

It also specifically marked the need to die, and surrender did not use two people.

The first is that Tao Cente is gradually gaining power, and the future Queen Oriana is likely to be in power.

The other is Oriana's magic mirror-the mirror master.

The mirror master, after a brief understanding, Rob knew that an oriental demon named Tang Xuanzhang was walking.

It was this man who rescued the three of them. At the same time, Rudolph's death was what happened after he went to the palace.

According to Li Huan, the strength of this demon walking is extremely arrogant.

At least it's a third-order demon walking, a humanoid tank. It may be even higher, approaching or even reaching fourth order!

Li Huan and Rob can never be the opponent of each other-unless there is a perfect opportunity, Li Huan's sneak attack with his "horrible hidden weapon" can have a glimmer of hope.

Well, it's just a glimmer of hope.

Although they are different missions in different camps, they have a basis for cooperation.

Robert how can the master of salted fish swordsman be able to achieve a high position?

Naturally, it was to help Charles ascend the throne, and to have the ability to follow the dragon, can Robert be a rice bug.

The venomous queen Oriana would not have kept idlers like Robert.

Even if Robert had the name of the first five sword masters of Tao Sen—to be honest, Li Huan looked at the lazy Robert and really doubted the authenticity of the name.

Either it's full of water, or it's a place like Towent.

For Charles's arrival, Robert began to be stingy, as a salted fish, he did not want to be involved in this dangerous wave.

But whether he wants to or not, Charles's presence meant that he was forced to become involved.

In the end, under the persuasion of Li Huan and Rob, they chose to help Charles.

In fact, Robert didn't need to do too much, as long as he was in the middle.

He is also a court swordsman. Robert still has a little understanding of the situation in the court.

The status is not low, and it is not a problem to find an alliance with Charles.

Rob and Li Huan's tasks are much heavier, and they have to think about how to deal with Oriana and Tang Xuanzhang.

Rob in particular, his mission was that the two had to die.

It is impossible to complete the task without dying, and there is no room for manoeuvre for things that are dead.

He was very concerned about the rise of Charles. Only when Charles became king and with the help of the national machine of Tao Cente could he kill both of them.

"We must dispel the luck of that‘ King of the King ’party ~ ~ Both parties must continue to die.”

Rob whispered, his face grim.

"Yes, so we can complete the task." Li Huan nodded.

As for the damage caused by the rally, it was their fart.

As long as Charles can finally take over.

Walking as a demon, if it has any feelings for the quest world and causes the quest to fail, it is too funny.

They are a group of passers-by, which is awkward to say, and they often play the role of pests.

It is very important to recognize your position.

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