Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 238: Close at hand ...

"Oh." Olianna just sneered in the face of Charles's blame. "Don't talk about this nonsense. Today I give you a chance. Now I choose to surrender!

Fifty court guards exudes the meaning of killing, and the sharp swords on their shoulders unsheath.

In addition to swords, some people have shields, while others are holding crossbow arrows!

The prince and aristocrat, who belonged to Oriana's side, did not speak, backed up to a safe position, and looked at her colleagues' eyes, full of ridicule.

You don't understand how powerful Her Majesty is!

On the side of the royalists, those who were brought in and acted as "dead men" and "swordsmen" also drew their swords.

But the only weapon they could bring in was this one-handed sword.

Occupy a natural disadvantage in equipment, in addition, there are only more than thirty people.

Even if those royal aristocrats who might have combat effectiveness themselves, they could not keep up with the "Axeman" sent by Oriana.

"Surender?" Charles' roar echoed in the temple. "Even if you surrender today, you must die!"

With that said, I threw the sword in my hand!

He was right and left, carrying two swords each, and throwing one out was not a problem.

A guard next to Oliana raised her shield.

A sound far beyond everyone's expectations echoed in the temple.

The guard was like being hit by a heavy object. The shield fell apart instantly, and the whole person flew out.

In front of Oriana, a curved light curtain emerged, blocking the guard.

The guard fell to the ground. You can see that the armor on the chest has also been deformed, and blood is constantly pouring from the mouth and nose, which is obviously no longer possible.

The power of Charles has reached a terrifying point!

Fighting broke out!

Blood and roar, the sound of weapon collision and the sound of wounded roar echoed in the temple.

The bodies fell one after another.

Someone accidentally stepped on the blood on the ground, slipped accidentally, and the armor, which was not too light, could not stand up, and immediately became a lifeline.

One or several sharp swords pierced through the gap in the armor and took a life.

Before long, the balance of the battle victory began to tilt.

However, the winning side was not the guard with the equipment and the number of people who had the advantage over Oliana.

It was the "axeman" brought in by the Baowang party.

With the last guard fell.

The smell of pungent blood in the palace was permeated, and almost all the blood was flowing under the feet, blending with the red carpet in the middle.

Two of the royalists and nobles of the royalist party were injured and three died.

The sword and axe they brought, but still stood a full ten people, three of them adorned.

There were seven people who were not hurt at all, not only that, but not even a big breath.

These seven people entered the court at a low level at first, and they were anxious to cover their faces, which was the main force that really killed those guards.

Oh, and a powerful, thrilling Charles.

Among these people was the sword master Robert.

There are two others, Li Huan and Rob, with joy and vigilance in their eyes.

The good news is that they currently have the upper hand, and they are vigilant that their greatest enemy, Tang Xuanzhang, has not appeared.

The other three men and one woman are also magnificent.

Their identities, like Robert, are master swordsmen!

Yes, all of Taoist's five strongest sword masters appear here! And they all stood opposite to Oriana.

But what really caught Oriana's attention was the white-haired old man who took off his camouflage and showed a gray coat.

"Unexpectedly, even the divine Juggernaut became someone's running dog."

Oriana looked at the old man in gray and said, "I thought you were dead."

Grey-clad swordsman Edmund, the strongest swordsman of Taocent, the swordsman beyond the realm of the master.

Has a terrible record of a single player breaking the army.

At this time, the five masters of swordsman of Tossant could only be regarded as his juniors, and many more were pointed by him.

Among them was Robert.

This is the biggest reliance of the Baowang Party, and it is also the surprise that Li Huan brought to Tang Luo.

No one knew that Li Huan had met and fought with the Grey Swordmaster before meeting Robert.

The opponent is also interested in his martial arts moves.

Two and a half months ago, Li Huan and Rob worked hard to find the sword sage, and moved to understand the reason, coupled with the various promises of the Royal King Party, all kinds of righteousness, trends, and interests, Please get Edmond to help them fight the demon Queen together.

How strong is this Grey Swordmaster?

Leaving aside a single person and breaking the army, he passed on the record of his god, and Li Huan and Rob were just like a child without resistance in front of him.

Only Li Huan's little Li Feidao can give the swordsman some attention.

Li Huan guessed that this old man might be stronger than Rudolph!

Later conversations also proved this.

The reason why Edmund retired and disappeared into the sight of everyone was to avoid Rudolph.

In his words, "The king wanted me to fight, and I couldn't refuse, and I couldn't beat him. But as a swordsman's dignity, it was impossible for me to lose it deliberately, so I had to pretend to die. . "

Because of Edmund's relationship, he found the remaining four sword masters to help punch.

Let the royalists increase their strength.

The growth of Charles was unexpected.

No one expected that a grumpy bear child would become a powerful, hot-tempered bear child.

Yes, the power still cannot change the fact that Charles is a bear child.

In the past two months, Charles had killed more than five servants because of his anger.

Let some members of the royalist party mutter, will not make a tyrant after finally killing the demon?

It was just that the arrow had to be fired on the string, and in the final analysis, it was just a bear child. In the end, was it not applauded by these old foxes?

The dawn of victory has shone on them.

Facing Oriana's ridicule and questioning, Edmund just shook her head gently: "This kind of thing doesn't have to be said. Since I am here, it means maintaining justice."

"Justice?" Oriana laughed. "It's nothing more than a struggle for power. Are you worthy to say that you are just?"

"He who is the king." Edmond said briefly.

"Where's that Xuanzang! Don't tell him to get out!" Charles's growl interrupted the two.

Olianna's supporters had shrunk into the corner, her face terrified.

In addition, there are more than twenty maids holding various ritual items, standing far away.

Olianna has lost, as long as everyone rushes up, you can chop this demon Queen into flesh.

It was just that Xuanzang didn't show up, and Charles couldn't get through.

These two people, not one less, will have to die!

"Someone looking for me?"

After a cylinder, Tang Luo stepped out and didn't know when it appeared there.

"Ha! Fine." Charles smiled happily. "It's all there."

Li Huan and Rob were also relieved.

I'm not afraid of Tang Xuanzhang, he's not there!

"Don't look at me," said Tang Luo, pointing to Oriana. "The culprit is there, you need to distinguish between the major and the minor contradictions."

The appearance of a catastrophe flying in front of each other made some people take a sip.

Oliana glanced at Don Lawlessly and said, "You guys, do you really feel like you are winning?"

"Justice will prevail." Edmond held a sword alone. "If you are willing to surrender, I can give you a decent way to die."

Li Huan was a little tired and crooked. Speaking of which, this grey-clad swordsman was also hypocritical.

What really struck him was not the righteousness, but the "great benefits" promised by the royalists.

This is also human nature. Maybe we should not just keep justice at our lips?

Li Huan is obviously still a bit young. Looking at the aristocrats behind the Grey Swordmaster, all of them are deeply in agreement, as if each of them is the embodiment of justice.

"Unfortunately, I can't give you any decent way to die," said Oriana. "Sisters, do it."

With her words, the sorcerer posing as a maid of arms gave out a charming laugh.

But it was like a magic sound filling the ears, and the knife pierced into my mind.

Li Huan and others turned pale and covered their heads.

Those nobles, including Oriana's side, were even more unbearable. Many people passed out directly, and blood was flowing from their ears.

This is just the beginning.

Inside the palace, a flame suddenly burst out, burning strangely out of thin air, and the light of the fire reflected on everyone's face.

Block all roads.

On the ground beneath his feet, blood-stained ice cubes spread along the feet of those who were still standing.

More than 20 female warlocks shot at the same time, with amazing power.

"Female Warlock!"

Edmund's eyes glared, and an angry expression appeared on his face. His body moved and the ice shell covering his ankle was broken.

There was a gray shadow in the body, and the sharp sword in his hand was dazzlingly bright, stabbing at Oriana.

Oliana didn't dodge-she couldn't dodge either, and a layer of transparent transparent shields appeared in front of her, blocking her.

The sharp sword is like breaking bamboo, the shield is shattered, and it can only play a little blocking role.

The sword pointed at Oriana's head, and howling pierced.

Olianna's head leaned back slightly, her mouth opened, exposing two rows of sharp teeth, and she bitten Edmond's sword in one bite.


This really sharpened weapon was bitten by Oriana.

"Are you surprised?" Oriana gave a charming smile.

Edmund's eyes were slightly lost, and sharpened again instantly.

What Oliana wants is just such an instant, lightning, flame, ice cone, wind blade, shock!

All the techniques blasted to Edmond without reservation.

Its power was enough to turn the entire palace into a pile of ruins, now gathered by Oriana, blasting towards the Grey Swordmaster.

The grey-clad Juggernaut raised his hand, even if the sword was broken. With this broken sword, he could still stop this terrible blow.

Not only that, the next breath after being blocked, countless sword lights will swallow the female warlock in front of her.

Close at hand, people make every enemy!

This is Edmund, Grey Sword Saint, ~ ~ However, at the moment Edmund raised his hand, the heavy pressure fell from the sky, and the original hand became as heavy as a mountain.

At the same time, the ground under his feet sunk.

Restriction, which comes in an instant, only works in an instant, just like charm-confusion.

But it is enough.

Edmund had only one time to spit out: "Lu ..."

The technique fell on the body, without a huge roar, or even a fire.

The body of the Grey Cloaked Juggernaut fell, and when it landed, it raised a piece of dust—the dust that it turned into.

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