Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 247: Buddhist monk, King Kong

After the last poisoning, King Congo chose to cut the arm.

Now it is a knife in the waist, it is impossible to cut yourself.

Reaching out for a long time near the wound, the not-so-large wound instantly cracked into a cricket-like appearance, and black **** water with a foul smell poured out.

The sensation of pain replaced the numbness that gradually came. King Kong reached out and squeezed around the wound, allowing blood to continue to flow.

Most of the poison was discharged along the blood, and the original black blood returned to normal color.

Make sure that there is basically no major problem-the current weakness is that after too much blood loss, King Kong looks at the battlefield on the other side.

The time between King Kong and the tattooed man was extremely short. The moment the tattooed man passed by, the two started.

Immediately after that, the winner was divided.

King Kong smashed the head of the tattooed man with an elbow, and the remaining seven people came to Kong Ming just under his side, his machete waving to Kong Ming's head.

There were a total of seven people, because the tattooed man had instructed Tang Luo and the other two women not to kill.

Therefore, Kong Ming, who stood in front, was taken care of by several people.

He, who professed to be good at swordsmanship, did not pull out his sword, reached out and grabbed it. The first scimitar who came near did not know what was going on, and came to his hands.

Then, the sound of golden iron and iron clashes, and the sound of gunfire!

The horse ran past Kong Ming, but the people above fell off one after another, twitching on the ground, no sound.

Standing back, Zhang Xiuping reinserted a black pistol into the holster.

The outermost jacket was covered, blocking the firearm.

Five of the seven cavalry soldiers died under his gun. One was cut off by Kong Ming and the other was wounded by A Fei with a sword.

The strength of these people is more than a star point worse than the tattooed men headed by them.

There was no other kind of breath condensing on his body into a group of illusive wolves to resist the attack, and he died clearly.

The others didn't take any action, they just put on a stance.

Some people didn't even show up, such as Tang Luo, Tang Yuhan and Fu Fengxue.

"Can the gun be brought in?" Another woman He Yishan could not help asking.

"It's equipment." Zhang Xiuping said with a smile.

"Oh." He Yishan stunned, what Zhang Xiuping said at first, she thought she was joking.

I didn't expect to be really good at shooting.

"Let's get those horses back," Kong Ming said.

The two followed him to retrieve those scattered horses so that they could be used as transportation.

Several others began to search these aliens to see what they found, which could also be called "mopping the body".

Tang Luo walked to King Kong and waved at will, and the golden light fell on him.

The wound on King Kong's body healed quickly, and his ugly face, which was originally due to a large amount of blood loss, immediately normalized.

He stood up and made a few bodybuilding moves: "I'm alright! Master!"

"Don't do these moves next time, otherwise the poor monk will make you ill forever." Tang Luo glanced at King Kong.


King Kong's body shrank and he laughed.

The master knows the beauty of strength, but he doesn't understand the beauty of muscle.

"Master, this person has a special power." King Kong was serious, telling Tang Luo his discovery, "I just ..."

"These you tell Lao Kong that he is a wise man and found something similar. Go to him for troublesome things." Tang Luo interrupted King Kong.

He didn't care if there was any special power in these people, he couldn't beat him anyway.

"Oh, okay." King Kong nodded, and he didn't like to think about it-he had thought about it before, but he always gave up when he made a mistake, and never returned on the road of Mangfu.

Tang Luo walked to the man who was so angry and crouched beside the man lying on the ground, but hadn't probed yet.

The man raised his head violently, his blood-stained face widened, and his eyes widened, a little scary: "I'm Youyi Tiqi Caohe! Monk! Be sure to summon the capital! A great witch will be born in Beiyuan!"

After saying a word, the man lifted his breath and let his head drop, his breath was a little weaker than before.

"Can you speak more clearly, this donor?" Tang Luo said.

While the man was talking, Tang Luo received a "branch mission" directly:

In the summons, the news of "the North Wing is about to have a big witch born" was brought back to the Dayou Emperor Capital, Youzhou House, to ensure that the emperor got the news and could share it.

The man raised his hand slightly, and reluctantly turned his face to the side: "Please."

He was dying and could only hope that the monk would spread the news.

Although he doesn't like monks, it's the only hope now.

When lying on the ground just now, Cao He heard a "Buddha" and grabbed the last straw.

"It's better for the donor to come by himself. There is no end and no identity certificate. How can a poor monk help?" Tang Luo said.

Hearing Tang Luo's words, Cao He almost didn't get up and died early.

personal I.D? If he did carry identification on his body, he would not be dragged for pleasure by those Kitahara people now.

"Come on your own." Before Tang Cao killed himself, Tang Luo started to open again.

Cao He's eyes suddenly widened, and the pain in his body disappeared quickly in a warm current. He jumped up and reached out and touched his body.

"I'm alright?" Cao Hecai asked dumbly after half a ring.

"Yeah, how are you?" King Kong came over and patted Cao He's shoulder.

Cao He looked at the tall and mighty King Kong, and then looked at Tang Luo.

Buddhist monks and King Kong fighters under him?

"Thank you Master for your life-saving grace." Cao He bent down and saluted, respectfully.

"Anyway, the poor monks find like-minded generations and go out together to return the world to a bright future, protecting the great national peace of the century." Tang Luo almost radiated golden light behind his head.

A little further away, watching the lively gods walking looked at each other.

This is very "getting a monk", and all their identity problems are resolved at once.

It is very spiritual for people outside the country to enter the world to save the country, and the question of what is special about them is solved.

There was a life-saving grace, Cao He also had to believe.

"The master has great compassion." Cao He looked more respectful.

"The poor monk just came down from the mountain and did n’t know much about the outside world. He asked the donor to help us understand one or two." Tang Luo said, "This is the poor monk to make friends with Kong Xuan. Wu Lue is a master of governing the world. "

Blow Kong Ming into the sky.

"Cough." Kong Ming had to cough, begging Tang Luo not to be so exaggerated.

He is Zhuge Liang's destiny, but he is not really Zhuge Liang, nor is he the one who is almost demon in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

I have blown my cowhide. How do I end it?

"Mr. Kong Xuan." Cao He held his fist.

Next, Tang Luo introduced the identities of the remaining people, who were all outsiders who came to the world to save the country.

Regardless of Cao He Cao He, thank you for your compliments.

Regardless of whether they doubted Tang Luo's identity in the heart, they could not see it anyway.

Through the mouth of Cao He, everyone also learned the current situation of Dayou.

In general, there are so many major problems:

First, the major tribes of Beiyuan have gradually grown and often plundered and invaded southward. Cao He even confirmed that "the great witch is about to be born". I am afraid that many tribes in Beiyuan will be united together to truly invade Dayou and start a war.

Second, the monsters and haunts around Dayou have been ferocious beasts down the mountain, and even "ghost cities" have appeared.

Third, the imperial court imprisoned the court, concealed the deception, filled the pockets, and made the people bored.

Dayou is like a big man with trauma and sickness, and there are evil wolves behind him.

The so-called Youyi Tiqi is an institution similar to "Jinyiwei" in Dayou, but the function of supervising the Baiguan has been greatly weakened. The "Youyiwei" in Zhongdu is still upholding its original duties.

Youyi Tiqi, who is now active in various parts of Dayou, is more like catching up a bit faster, but they catch more people than people, but all kinds of demons and monsters-in cooperation with today's state religion, Longya Taomen.

As for Cao He, he is one of the few "Hidden Riders" in Youyi Ti rides. He does not reveal his identity.

Responsible for spying on various information.

If it wasn't about to die, he wouldn't bleed himself to let the Xuanzhang monk bring news to Zhongdu.

Cao He was covered in blood, and his clothes were torn. He found a dead body and dragged him to change clothes.

It can't be boiled all the time in the cold.

Tang Luo, they gathered together and whispered.

"I don't know how credible Cao He is ..." Kong Ming used to think too much.

Tang Luo said his task again: "This task can be shared, do you want to take it?"

"The branch task is taken over, if it can't be completed in the end, I am afraid it can be counted as the number of failures." Kong Ming reminded.

Since the completion of the branch task will eventually be settled into the reward, affecting the quality of the reward, the possibility of counting the number of failures is also very high.

"Or else, we'll share the task with us soon?" Wei Chengen turned his eyes and said with a smile.

The emergence of a branch task can be decided by the demon or the devil, or not.

When encountering things, there is no choice in generating tasks, but some people have choices in whether to share it next time ~ ~ Wei Chengen's idea is obviously to be clever and drill holes. This method, regardless of whether or not he is also involved in completing the task at the time of "final settlement", can be sure that he will never lose money.

If you do n’t count, you ’ll be fine.

"Cut." King Kong snorted disdainfully, apparently despising Wei Chengen's cheap behavior, "Master, I'll do it with you."

Wei Chengen's face was a little ugly, and then he smiled again: "Oh, I have a thick skin, which is a bit cheaper for Master Xuan Zang, and presumably such a master monk would not mind."

Face issues can be put aside in the face of interests.

Be shameless, be shameless, it is true to get benefits.

"The poor monk doesn't mind, but I'm afraid he can't follow the wishes of the Wei donor." Tang Luo looked at Wei Chengen with a light tone, but explicitly refused.

Now, Wei Chengen's face is not only a little ugly.

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