Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 249: Only Ge (1)

Cao He also talked about some situations in Beiyuan, such as which tribes have good relations and which tribes have poor relations.

As far as Beiyuan is concerned, at least it is quite well understood.

"That's it." Tang Luo nodded slightly, and it was inconvenient to take back the monk's appearance. "Cao Shizhu, the poor monk has an idea."

"Master, please." Cao He said.

"The poor monk intends to go to Beiyuan," Tang Luo said, "see how the big witch was born."

"Ah?" Cao Heyi said, "No, master, this is too dangerous."

"The donor doesn't have to panic." Tang Luo said, "The poor monk does not plan to walk with the donor. The poor monk's companion will **** you to Zhongdu to spread the news. As for the poor monk, he will go to Beiyuan and if he is lucky, Maybe it can be said that the 'Big Witch is Born', or that more detailed information can be obtained, which is also a good thing. "

Cao He's face suddenly became a little hesitant.

When Tang Luo said he was going to Beiyuan just now, he thought a lot.

All thought that these people outside of the country suddenly decided to go to Beiyuan, but did not expect that the monk in front of him chose to go to Beiyuan to block the birth of the great witch.

"Master." Cao He solemnly raised his face. "The news leaked. At this time, Beiyuan is probably tight outside and tight. It is extremely dangerous."

The implication is to persuade.

A stranger was born to help Dayou, and it would be a shame to go to Beiyuan to die.

Not to mention, the other party only downplayed the method of letting the dying self save himself, I am afraid that even the immortal master of Longya Taomen could not compare.

And watching his words and deeds has nothing to do with the gangsters-monks in Dahuanxi Temple.

Really a monk born down the mountain.

"Please also ask Cao Shizhu to do some hard work and draw a map for the poor monk." Tang Luo said without thinking.

"Master——" Cao He looked at Tang Luo's dull look and realized that such a monk could not persuade himself, but reluctantly agreed, "Well, but the North Plains are in danger and the master is very careful. Once things are impossible, please be early Get out. "

Tang Luo nodded.

Cao Hewen deliberately avoided, and the dispensers who did not disturb the guests asked for paper and pen, and went back to the room to draw a map.

Tang Luo started sharing tasks.

Kong Ming, A Fei, Fu Fengxue, and Zhang Xiuping all took on this task directly.

He Yishan said on his mouth that this was not a good task, but his body was very honest, and he took it together.

Wei Chengen naturally will not pick up again.

King Kong and Tang Yuhan did not immediately take over, seemingly thinking.

"Master, can I go to Beiyuan with you?" King Kong asked.

"I'm also interested in Beiyuan." Tang Yuhan said.

"It's not impossible to go, but you may not keep up with the steps of the poor monk." Tang Luo said, "Sometimes you need to hurry quickly, it will be tired."

He must be moving quickly by himself, and certainly not so fast after bringing them together.

But Tang Luo didn't rush to refuse, besides his mission, the most important thing was to gain the power of merits.

Walking with people is also a good thing.

"Surely it won't drag the master." King Kong slammed his chest.

Tang Yuhan said, "No, please rest assured."

He Yishan slid his lips, thinking that she was an arrogant woman, and was not fancy about the other side's healing skills.

"Master, master, hey." Wei Chengen laughed slightly, mocking slightly.

Anyway, they had to be separated. Tang Luo didn't give him any good, but he lost his face. Wei Chengen was narrow-minded, and he couldn't spit out.

It was just that he forgot it for a while, but this taunt was to ridicule everyone else.

Kong Ming and others knew Tang Luo's strength, and a "master" was enough to bear it. Zhang Xiuping heard the name of Tang Luo and saw the attitude of everyone, and didn't mind lifting Tang Luo.

Multiple ways, what if the other side needs treatment? There is no loss of a "master".

Wei Chengen's sarcasm brought everyone else in, and it seemed to taunt that they would be happy to welcome a reputation-seeking generation.

Tang Luo didn't say anything, then Wei Chengen's get along with Kong Ming and others would not be very pleasant.

Three shots a day, bought some dry food, the soldiers set off again in two ways.

The money used along the way naturally came from those Kitahara people.

On the side of Kong Ming, another horse was evenly distributed to Tang Luo. Anyway, as they went south, they would only become more prosperous along the way, and they could come to Ancheng for a few days.

Instead, Tang Luo entered the Beiyuan and needed a horse.

Three people, three rides, and horse riding are currently the least energy-consuming and fastest way to get on the road.

After several days of traveling, they have left the border of Dayou and came to the range of Beiyuan.

In the winter season, the waterweed is not obvious. At first glance, it doesn't look like "original". It is more like a desert.

The trio's current goal is the long-term residence of a tribe named "Flame Tribe". Although it is named after the fiery fire, it does not like fighting.

I prefer to do business. I used to be in close contact with Dayou, and it can be regarded as a relatively strong medium-sized tribe.

Only in these years, with the more friction between Beiyuan and Dayou, the border trade is no longer there, leaving only the "smuggling-smuggling" situation of two or three kittens.

The blaze of fire was also affected, and several priests left, with severe decline in strength.

However, the fiery fire tribe is relatively close to Dayou tribe, and there are several hidden stakes, so Cao and Tang Luo proposed that the three people come here to try their luck.

As for who is behind the scenes, Cao He couldn't say more.

"Master, the situation is wrong."

As they approached the home of the Blazing Tribe, Tang Luo did not see anyone.

The traces of people's lives around them are extremely obvious.

"I'll take a look." Tang Yuhan said, a pair of gray steel wings suddenly appeared behind him, with a wingspan of more than five meters, showing a translucent state, but the edge of the wings showed a sharp Meaning, as if a dagger, a sharp blade.

His wings flapped slightly, Tang Yuhan rose into the sky, and soon disappeared into sight.

"Can fly." King Kong's tone was envious.

Free flight is also attractive for the walking of gods and demon, but unfortunately among the many skills, flying skills are relatively rare.

After a while, Tang Yuhan reappeared, his wings disappeared and disappeared.

This skill is called "Steel Wings", which is a state skill. You can make this pair of "wings" disappear or appear at any time after being turned on. You can fly or use them to fight against the enemy.

Seemingly transparent, it is actually an entity.

"The fiery fire tribe is under attack. The situation is not good. The attacker is also a tribe. The totem on the banner looks like a stone." Tang Yuhan looked at Tang Luo and asked, "What does the master think we should do?"

Later, we should see that Tang Xuanzhang has some strength and his personality.

"Of course it's hands-on." Tang Luo laughed, spurring the horse forward.

"Kill!" King Kong growled.

Tang Yuhan said nothing and immediately followed.

Soon, the three saw the crowd that had been slaughtered in twos and threes, and some of them ran wildly, pulled bows and shot arrows, and occasionally staggered close-range attacks.

Some people dismounted from their horses. Many corpses lay on the ground, some of them horses.

Weapons used, except bows and arrows, all swords and guns and sticks.

It can be seen that the black paint on some of the faces is black, like a black stone.

I'm afraid that is the tribe whose totem believes in a stone.

Cao Heyou mentioned several tribes that believe in stone as a totem. Although the fiery fire tribes are weak, they are far worse than before.

But after all, there are still three-point nails, and the ones who dare to shoot at them are probably the boulder tribe.

"Master, where do you help, or did you kill them all?" King Kong's face appeared murderous.

"Heaven has good virtues." There was a distance of 100 meters, Tang Luo dismounted, "the poor monk stops Ge, please two, please."

King Kong froze for a moment, what do you mean, **** at will?

Between the gods, Tang Luo has come to the battlefield of the killing.

Only a few people from those tribe soldiers noticed the sudden appearance of a white man, and before they figured out who it was, they saw a strange bright pattern appearing behind the white man.

The head of an unreal gigantic monster appeared and opened his mouth.

Dragon growls!

The sound of Hu Xiaolong Yin rang through the clouds.

The people who were still fighting around rolled their eyes, their bodies shook, and they fell down one after another.

Directly injured by the roar of the dragon roared and passed out.

In just a few seconds, when the roar of Dragon Roar stopped, there was no one under the field who could stand, including horses.

"Stop it ... this is it." King Kong's muscles twitched twice.

As long as everyone is down, no one will continue to "fight". This is Zhi Ge, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's just that Tang Luo just stunned people in this area.

In front of it, there is a half-city place that already has a vague appearance, which is also a battlefield.

Although the roar of the dragon just now has been affected, it is impossible to make people there unconscious.

Tang Luo kept walking and went straight to the city.

King Kong quickly followed, and Tang Yuhan was slightly behind.

The situation in the city is worse than the outside.

If it is said that the flaming tribes just occupy the downside, the city is almost one-sided, and the living abilities of the flaming tribes are almost exhausted.

The rest is a one-sided slaughter cleanup.

All young adults are being hunted down, and older children are not immune.

As for women, they can save their lives-just as a spoils of existence, the end is not much better.

"The Dharma is boundless."

Tang Luo made a loud noise and cast the Spartan Roar.

King Kong and Tang Yuhan immediately felt a surge of surging force ~ ~ haha! King Kong laughed loudly and took the lead, no matter who it was, as long as he held a weapon in front of him, he would punch up.

Some were stunned by him, while others were killed by a punch.

Tang Yuhan took a sword at will. She didn't have any sword skills, but she was smart and smart in action. The sword in her hand flickered faintly.

Those who were crossed by the sword, regardless of their injuries, immediately turned pale and passed out.

There are also some directly whine.

Tang Yuhan's face was also slightly pale, but the redness of the lips became more and more obvious.

The charm has greatly increased, making people feel rippling.

Tang Luo used the drill bone sword in his hand and turned it into a bone whip, waving it at will, like a dragon turning waves.

The three men went all the way, and no one was the enemy.

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