Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 254: Hit people on horseback!

Fuso tribe.

The totem of faith is a towering tree named "Fusang wood". In the legend of the Fusang tribe, this tree stands at the top of the sky, but it is a giant tree that separates the sky from the earth.

Later, over time, hibiscus disappeared.

The Fusang tribe is the survivor who lived on the Fusang wood at that time, but the son of Shenmu, unlike other people.

Of course, this kind of self-proclaimed words does not get the approval of some people.

For example, people from the Xiongdi tribe blatantly taunted. What **** is the son of Shenmu?

In fact, it is not just the Fuso tribe. Heishui, Snake Snake, and Wujin tribe all have similar statements. There are also some medium-sized tribes, but they are not so exaggerated.

In short, putting gold on your face is a basic operation.

Only the Xiongdi tribe is different. They have no interest in these. Regardless of ancient times, they only talk about the present and their style is quite rough.

Privately known as the "Bearman".

The Xiongdi tribe didn't care about it either. "I'm a bear man. You sons of XX can't even beat bear people, it's shameful."

Among the five tribes, Ujin and Fuso have a good relationship, and Blackwater Teng snake has a good relationship.

There is only one Xiongdi tribe, meaning to be excluded, but the Xiongdi tribe itself has the largest population and the strength is no less than the Fusang tribe with two witches, so the situation is not difficult at all.

If the big witch really comes from the Fusang tribe and wants to unite many tribes in the North Plains, the biggest difficulty will be on the Xiongyu tribe.

On the other hand, once the Xiongdi tribe is really convinced, the next thing will naturally come to pass.

And the union of the five major tribes must inevitably have a primary and secondary distinction. The Xiongyu tribe has self-esteem and pride, and I am afraid that it also wants to occupy the leading position.

After the birth of the great witch, it is naturally the strongest, but it is impossible to kill all the opponents.

Each of the five tribes has a willingness to go south to invade Dayou.

The friction and struggle between the five tribes is not deadly, so I thought of a less innocent way to determine the dominant position after the union.

This method is a contest of sending representatives.

Five tribes, each sending 10 representatives to fight, can choose opponents other than their own tribe to fight one-on-one.

Fighting without any interference, demarcation of victory and defeat is based on life or death or speaking out "confessing to lose."

If the loser is not dead, then he can go on to participate in the competition.

Battle after battle, each tribe took turns to challenge the opportunity, the challenged must not refuse.

Once rejected, you can't play again, waiting for elimination.

In the end, there was only one tribe who was "killed", and that tribe was the first of the five tribes ever since-at least this time the south invasion of Dayou was led by this tribe.

After the successful invasion of Dayou, what development will take place depends on its own abilities.

Until then, everyone must comply with the agreement.

As for the people involved in the competition, the six "witches" will not take action. They will take turns sitting in pairs to ensure that the loser will not die after shouting "confession."

Sometimes retreating is another way.

To determine a good competition method, it is not simply to look at the strength, but strategies such as Tian Ji's horse racing can also be used in it.

It depends on how the five major tribes decide.

The combat force value occupies an important part, but it is not just the force value that determines everything.

As for witches, they will not do anything about it. They come from different tribes. But at this step, they must have a longer-term perspective.

What's more, you are unfair, and others can be unfair.

This is to set things to reduce internal friction. In the end, you still have to play with it. You come and go, or you turn your face, or do you want to go south to invade Dayou?

The location of the match is the Fuso tribe, which is close to the other four tribes.

It may be that the major tribes in the North Plains feel that the news about the big witch's birth has been leaked, and they no longer cover up.

The big fight started directly, and the idea of ​​racing against time was played.

Once Dawu is born, you do n’t need to spend any more time, everyone is ready to go south.

I'm not afraid that Dayou will react.

Of course, it is also possible ...

"Master, it feels like you're asking Jun to join you." King Kong rode on the horse and said, "It's just that we have acted, and if we want to destroy, we will come."

All the way up, they have reached the sphere of influence of the Fusang tribe, and many news have been known.

King Kong feels that the competition of the North Plains tribe, where the masters gathered, is basically a conspiracy-a conspiracy for the Great Youxian Master.

The person who can arrive at the fastest speed is definitely not Dayou's army, but only Dayou's immortal master.

After coming to know about the fight, six witches will appear at the Fusang tribe at the same time.

Would you like to do it?

Don't do anything, watch the victor win over Budo. The big witch is born at the same time, unites the North Plains tribe, and sends troops south.

Hands-on? That is the bright trap, there is only a dead end to step in.

"Maybe we will also make‘ we ’into the content of a fight. Only those who can get the head of‘ us ’will be the winner.” Tang Yuhan said.

She said that we are not just referring to the three of Tangluo, they are also masters of Dayou.

"Maybe," said Tang Luo.

"Ah!" King Kong suddenly changed his face, thinking something, and said aloud, "Master, would you say that the news of Dawu's birth is false?"

"Oh?" Tang Luo raised his tone slightly, questioning.

"Master, look, we haven't received any task to prevent the birth of the great witch, but we haven't received any tasks to weaken the tribe all the way. Here, we haven't received any task." King Kong found a blind spot. No big witch is about to be born. This is a game that the North Plains tribe teamed up to kill Dayou.

Today's situation, whether it is a wizard or a fairy, each occupies a very important position in Beiyuan and Dayou.

Needless to say, Kitahara, the slightly weaker leaders are respectful to the priests and are treated as guests.

Dayouxianshi's status is not so high, but the Longya Daomen is Dayou's state religion.

The rank of the National Teacher is more than 10,000.

In terms of suppressing demons and spirits, it can be said that it is to rule the world with the Great You Emperor.

After losing a few powerful immortal masters, what did Dayou do to stop Beiyuan in terms of top-level strength?

To deal with witches, I'm afraid I can only fill them with human life-and if the six witches are trying to escape, the army cannot catch up.

No missions have been received so far, and things are a little weird.

So King Kong felt that maybe this was a simple game.

"It's also possible that Dawu is actually born." Tang Yuhan said that the situation was a little worse than King Kong's guess.

"Yeah!" King Kong patted his thigh, then felt a toothache.

If the real witch is born, the situation is too bad.

On the way, the three men took on a total of three missions, all of which weakened the nearby Beiyuan tribes-these tribes belong to the radicals of the main war faction, and they can't wait to invade Dayou tomorrow.

Two of the tribe's missions are quite easy, similar to the time of "Stop Ge".

The third task, during the raid, the other party was prepared to fight directly, and the power of the totem was condensed together, turning the ordinary cold weapon army into a "army of ghosts and ghosts."

King Kong was caught in the battle and almost died directly-if it wasn't for Tang Luo's shot.

Tang Luo broke through the army, and after King Kong's healing treatment, he confronted the high priests in the tribe, hit a number of five or five, and finally managed to defeat them. He also suffered minor injuries.

The high priest alone has this power. What about the witch on it? What about the big witch on the witch?

If the big witch has really been born, I am afraid it can be taken off without the action of beheading by several gods.

Definitely want to unite the power of Da You.

"With the strength of a master, if there is no big witch, the worst will probably be able to take us away, but if there is a big witch ..." King Kong secretly said.

"The things you think are not necessary," Tang Yuhan said. "We have two choices, one is up, the other is back."

King Kong thought, in fact, Tang Yuhan had all considered it.

And considering the last, which is the two options she said.

Even if you want to sneak in to find out the situation, to be honest, there is not much difference between breaking into the light and upright.

The layout of the five major tribes in Beiyuan is false and real. Unless there are some extremely clever and special means, it is possible to sneak in and prove the truth without alarming them.

However, King Kong did not, neither did Tang Yuhan, both of whom were typical fighting demon walking.

Tang Luo's words, the use of virtues Yulian to keep invisible, inaudible, consume too much, no need.

"So too." King Kong nodded. "Master, what shall we do next?"

"Of course I rushed in and killed him without leaving a piece of armor!" Tang Luo was so arrogant that his answer did not exceed King Kong's expectations.

"Okay!" King Kong also roared, no matter what, followed in the footsteps of Master Xuanzang, rushed in to kill him without leaving a piece of armor!


His Majesty Tang Luo galloped away.

The location of the Fusang tribe is a very wonderful natural terrain, with a sinking pit in the middle and a towering natural urn around it.

It looks like a crater, but not so deep in the middle, and it is higher than the surface.

According to the legend of the hibiscus tribe, this is the trace left after the hibiscus wood disappears, not simply the magical work of nature.

If you want to enter the Fusang tribe ~ ~, there is only one path going up, and the whole tribe is easy to defend and difficult to attack.


After racing for a while, King Kong's eyes narrowed, and not far in front of them, a man in a black robe stood with his hands behind him, wearing a hood, showing only one chin, making people look indistinct.

King Kong instinctively pulled the reins and slowed down.

This man in black robes apparently came at them.

On the side of King Kong, Tang Luo, who was in the middle position, passed by without a slowdown and hit him straight.


The man in the black robe had no time to say a word, but was knocked off and flew out, hitting the ground and hitting several others.

70 step on horse hit people!

King Kong opened his mouth, and he always felt that he was the most reckless man until he met Master Xuan Zang.

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