Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 262: Thank you mage


傀儡 avatar?

I just ended up with the three wizards, but it was just the uncle of this white-haired monk?

And the same 傀儡 avatar, he actually has four?

Many people are desperate.

还 How else can I fight?

从 Where did this monk called Xuanzhang come from?

"You don't need to panic." The Yin brothers looked at Tang Luo and said, "It's nothing more than a blind eye. This person is in my battle, and everyone joins forces. It won't be a problem to win this one."

As soon as this word came out, many people were relieved.

Yes, they are still in the super team, this avatar is a blind eye, what are you worried about?

I think carefully, this Xuanzang monk is so powerful, I am afraid that it is already the limit to kill three wizards.

I was able to kill the three witches. This is the real strength of this person. In the end, he escaped with a blind eye and let the avatar die.

Kill the three witches as two? how is this possible?

If Dayou really has such a powerful person, how could monsters and monsters run rampant and the power of the country weakened, so that the North Plains tribes are thinking.

I don't know if it is self-consolation or rational analysis. In short, the momentum that was just captured has returned.

Everyone's gaze at Tang Luo already contains the intention of killing.

This person is strong and must be killed here!

The leader of the Fusang tribe looked at the Yin brothers. The Yin brothers nodded and said, "At the end of the crossbow, you can kill!"

I got an affirmative answer, the leader of the Fuso tribe nodded, but there was still one thing: "Wu Wu wizard, are you going to die here with this Dayou monk?"

If Wuzhen can counteract it, no, as long as she doesn't do anything, the price paid to kill Xuanyuan Monk will be greatly reduced.

"No more nonsense." Wu Yan was determined, but his heart was bleeding.

She just wanted to stop the big witch from being born, but never thought of betraying the tribe, or even the five major tribes of Beiyuan.

However, the situation can't be controlled by Wuyan at all, or he has surrendered to Beiyuan side now, and is the enemy of the former Xuanzang monk.

I either walked to the black with this Xuanzang monk.

With two choices, Wu Yan chose the former. After all, this monk is a strong man who can kill the three witches as a stand-in wooden man.

Even if it is not a big witch, I am afraid it is not far apart.

As for the obstacle-eye method or something, Wu Yan can see clearly here, the obstacle-eye method is fart!

Wu Wuxi looked at the Yin brothers who were smiling and confident, and they didn't understand why they said they were blind-eyes. Do they really think so, or have other plans?

Xun, or was Xuanzang cheating them?

Thinking of the last possibility, Wu Yan was frightened.

She suddenly understood why she was willing to cooperate with herself based on the strength of the other party. She turned her into a leader.

So that they can enter this place, the top tribes of the five tribes are gathered together here, and there is a chance to catch everything!

If they broke in from the outside, these people realized that their opponents were powerful and unable to fight them, and they would flee.

It is inevitable that there will be fish that miss the net.

However, the current situation, using itself as a bait to attract everyone here, once the problem is raised, it is possible to wipe out.

Wuwu could not help looking at Tang Luo, this monk, killing the heart is far more than she imagined.

Da Dayou monks, are they so cruel? They are so fierce to themselves and their enemies.

"Fine." The leader of the Fuso tribe cried out loudly, "So how about a few Youren and betrayers today?"

"It should be so."

"Things within points."

"I agree."

The remaining three tribal leaders nodded in agreement.

Then ... there was some awkward silence and silence on the field.

Each of the four avatars faces four high platforms, and the King Kong side of the Ujin Tribe confronts the tribal warriors who just left the station.

No one took the lead.

At the end of the stubborn crossbow, the injured beast is bluffing?

Everyone believes that the brothers of the Yin family are afraid that eight to nine are inseparable from ten, so everyone understands that who dares to start first, and the other party will respond with a thunder strike in order to show their strength.

Who can take over?

The person who took the lead first was a typical cannon fodder, which was used to force the other party to reveal flaws and tired cannon fodder.

I was present at the scene, and they were all the best in the tribe. No one wanted to do that cannon fodder.

"No hands, then I come!"

Wu Jingang screamed loudly and rushed to the Ujin tribe not far away.

In the face of that monk, everyone still has eight points of scruples, but it is different with King Kong.

The tribal warrior gave a loud scream, and the two powerful macho men fought together, and the situation made many people secretly put down their hearts.

King Kong and Nawujin tribal warriors stood in a similar way. King Kong prevailed slightly, and it was difficult to win or lose in a moment.

How much from the side reflects that the opponent's strength is indeed not so strong.

"Master, I have also started." Tang Yuhan took the knife worn by Wu Youchao and jumped off the platform.


The high priest of the Uwujin tribe said that the remaining few people started directly.

"The Dharma is boundless!"

洛 Tang Luoshi displayed the Spartan War Cry, and blessed both King Kong and Tang Yuhan.

Tang Yuhan's strength is much stronger than that of King Kong. The name of the blood queen is not white. In addition to the state of blessing, he is not afraid of people in the Ujin tribe.

Of course, the pressure is still not small, otherwise there will be no effect of fighting to become stronger.

"Master, do you want me to do it?" Wu Yan asked.

"No," Tang Luo said.

Wu Wuxi was a little relieved in her heart, and could not do anything. Of course, it was the best choice for her to keep running.

King Kong, Tang Yuhan and Wujin tribe fight.

The people of the other tribes are slowly approaching, very slow.

Five monks, including those on the high platform, which is the true body?

Which one will strike Thunder? No one really wants to gamble with their lives.

的 The elite troops outside are already in a strong position. They are already solid and not easy to move at will. If they catch the flaws, the other side is trying to escape, and it is worth the loss to break the battle.

"Xuanzhang Master." The brothers of the Yin Family took a step forward, "it would be better to teach the Master's tricks."

Substitute wooden man, without a word, went up with a punch.

The two brothers of Yinyin were separated, and they were able to avoid the punch, and the fist wind of their robes was blown by the fist.

Although the power is amazing, there is no killer like everyone fears!


Some people roar, some people use witchcraft.

混乱 A chaotic battle has finally begun.

"A little unskilled," Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

If you only control an avatar who is burnt by Liu Liyan, it doesn't matter to Tang Luo, but now there are four, a large number, and you must burn the Liu Liyan slowly, or they will be destroyed all at once. Avatar wooden man.

Control is not as handy as before.

Many people also found that although these four avatars were strong, they did not have the power of fighting the three witches just now.

At the end of the stubborn crossbow, although a bit exaggerated, it is not far off.

Stay steady, we can win!

Confidence began to spread.

The situation of the stabbed wooden man was also expected by Tang Luo, which was originally to train hands.

After a short while, one person from the Ujin tribe fell down, his body was like a dead body, and the blood and blood all over his body was sucked in.

The wound on Tang Yuhan's body healed quickly, and a grim smile appeared on his red lips, and a large wave of blood burst out with a wave of his hand.

The badger formed a **** bat, completely covering the enemy in front of him.

The attack of the blood bat is also a skill related to qi and blood.

Tang Yuhan is called the Queen of Blood, naturally because most of her skills are related to blood and qi and blood, and basically has formed her own system.

Various skills complement each other, not as simple as adding other messy skills.

If the skill that is generally not connected is 1 + 1, such a strengthening effect.

Some skills that can be mutually promoted are the enhancement of multiplication.

The skill of forming a system can even be regarded as a lifeless holder.

However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, when you meet an opponent who restrains similar abilities, the strength you play out is greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the magic game is not a pokemon, and there are no double damages or effects.

The same skills may be different in the walking power of different gods.

Quiet and silent.

The stabbing wooden man banged the head of the person in front of him with a punch, and someone struck behind him.

The blood fell to the ground, and quickly disappeared into the soil.

The people around me were shocked.

The battle ended here, why not only has the avatar not weakened, but the Vietnam War has become more brave. In a short period of time, the casualties have exceeded all that just happened.

How about the end of the good crossbow?

This is not the same as saying good! Was it hurt just now and it's been slowed down now?

Of course, it wasn't slowing down, but Tang Luo was getting more and more proficient.

Why is he so skilled? Of course, if you practice more, you will become so skilled. The so-called practice makes perfect.

The leader tribe on the high platform also saw that the situation was a bit wrong, and the scale of victory even began to tilt towards the other side.

This is different from the expected situation.

The leader of the Fusang tribe couldn't help looking at the Yin brothers, didn't they say that at the end of the crossbow, could they be killed?

Fortunately, it is only temporarily at a disadvantage. ~ Don't forget, here is the base camp of the Fuso tribe. In addition to these dozens of strong men, there are more elite soldiers.

"Press it up." The leader of the Fuso tribe ordered that it would be the best choice to kill these people without harming their strength.

现在 But now, there is no way to fill it with human life.

Anyway, the strong among these tribes are far more important than the soldiers.

It is impossible to fill up all the lives of the people. The people joined forces, and it is estimated that more than a thousand people would be able to truly end the battle.

I waited for a while, and the elite troops of the Fusang tribe around did not move.

The leader of the Fusang tribe changed his face slightly. Why didn't he move?


At this moment, the Yin brothers chuckled and didn't know what to do. The avatars who played against them suddenly split into two parts.

The puppet fell to the ground and turned into a small two-section wooden figure. The fire flashed and turned into two ashes.

"Almost, thank you Master."

The brothers of the Yin Family were pale, the two of them were shaking, barely standing still, and their kidneys became weak all at once. It can be seen that the consumption just now was too great and there should be no more fighting power.

But the Yin brothers still looked at Tang Luo, smiling. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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