Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 27: Stare into the abyss

I finally managed to stop the horses and drove them to a big tree by the road.

I barely avoided the snow.

量 Li Liang knocked on the door of the carriage and shouted, "Master, it's no longer, the snow is too heavy, let's hide here first! Let me in."

The carriage is not large, but it can barely seat four people.


I knocked on the door a few times, but there was no response in the compartment.

Li Liang looked puzzledly at the dirty glass.

There are indeed three people in me. Is it asleep?

Don't you think so?

The feeling of fear was like snowflakes falling on the ground, piled up little by little, and began to occupy Li's heart.

Taking a sip of water, Li Liang felt the pistol, put his other hand on the handle outside the door, and pulled it out hard.

There is no resistance in imagination.

The car door was easily opened, and Li Liang saw three people sitting in the carriage.

But these three people are not Tang Luo.

But three completely strangers!

No, it's not completely new.

They were the three people they saw during the inspection just passing by the manor.

When do you change people?

Li Liang was so frightened that he pulled the trigger instinctively.

The slugs shot into the narrow compartment.

Li Liang saw the blood burst out from the three, but the three strangers still remained in their original sitting postures.

Twenty-six rounds of bullets were quickly completed.

The sound of "click, click" came.

声音 This voice reminded Li Liang that he had unconsciously pulled the trigger that there were no more bullets.

He threw the left wheel into the compartment, turned and ran back.

I didn't take a few steps, one hand stretched out from behind Li Liang.

He pressed on his shoulder.

The huge strength came, Li Li leaned back, hit the ground fiercely, gray snowflakes splashed.

Hot pain in the back.

Li Liang, lying on his back on the ground, saw three faces appearing above his head.

Three faces hit by bullets that should have died.

They just stood there, bent slightly, staring down at Li Liang.

There is no half-hearted expression in the eyes of, as if dead, like 傀儡.

Everyone has a rusty dagger in their hands.

Li Li can see clearly, the mottled on the dagger, not only the rust, but also the blood.

He could even smell the **** smell from the dagger.

"Don't a dagger be fake, is it just some kind of illusion?"

"Can the Ripper possess three people at the same time?"

"Jack the Ripper can still control the body?"

"If he can control the body with him, why did he run away after being 'killed' by Uncle Zhou that night?"

"Master, when did they disappear?"

For a moment, Li Liang's mind was filled with doubts.

It's like a marquee.

These doubts have never been answered for him.

The dagger dropped.

Li Liang's body glowed with light, forming a light curtain, blocking the dagger.

However, it is too late to release and change emotions.

The second dagger also dropped, and the light curtain was shaking, dim.

At the same time, the third dagger "smashed" the light curtain.

Li Liang's body trembled, shaking like a fish landing ashore, beating the ground.

Subsequently, the struggle stopped.

The blood blew the gray snow red, and then turned black.

"The snow is so big."

Xu Chu looked at the window of the door next to him, the grey snow, and the scenes on both sides of the road could not be seen.


Zhou Zhenguo knocked twice on the wall of the carriage and shouted, "Xiao Li, stop now.

I answered him with the hissing of a horse.

The carriage swayed for a while, and the horse pulling the carriage suddenly started to run at high speed.

Neither Zhou Zhenguo nor Chu Chongtian sat still, shaking their bodies, bumping their foreheads together and hitting Venus with an eye.

The carriage was shaking madly.

It feels like sitting on a mad bull.


Tang Luo opened his eyes and slapped the door of the switch.

Xu shook her head, Zhou Zhenguo jumped down first, and fell on the ground covered with gray snowflakes, not knowing if she was harmed.

Tong Chu gritted his teeth and jumped down.

That posture is obviously much uglier than Zhou Zhenguo.

I snorted, and he almost hit the wheel.

Tang Luo didn't jump in a hurry, he was hanging out of the carriage with his whole body, and he looked forward.

Li Liang, who had been in a hurry, didn't know when he had disappeared.

I paused for a while, and Tang Luo took a step and landed directly.

It was as if walking down a stationary carriage without effect.

When he turned to look at the carriage.

The two rushing horses had disappeared into the snow with their carriages.

He glanced twice and Tang Luo walked back in the direction he had always been.

After about 10 minutes of walking around, Tang Luo saw Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian who had merged.

Both looked a little embarrassed.

There are also some abrasions on the body, but fortunately, nothing really hurts, at most because the pain will affect the action for a while.

Just take a rest.

"Xiao Li he-" Seeing Tang Luo appear alone, Zhou Zhenguo kept talking.

"He's gone," Tang Luo said, "if you can go, look for it together."

"it is good."

The two nodded.

Alas, it happened too suddenly and weird.

Despite their unwillingness to admit it, they also know that the heavy snow these days is definitely not a normal natural phenomenon.

I left from the small town until now.

How long has it been?

From thousands of miles to the current snowstorm.

Apparently, there is some unknown force blocking them from leaving the town.

Jack the Ripper?

They do n’t know, to be honest, they do n’t want to think more, or think about what the hidden power is behind.

Ignorance is sometimes a kind of happiness.

Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Chongtian calmly faced each other, and slowly walked towards the direction where the carriage disappeared.

只有 There is only one way here.

I walked for almost an hour.

Both felt that their toes were about to freeze.

Push down the hat as much as possible, pull up the collar, only one pair of eyes is exposed.

Wu Rao is so, still unable to stop the cold and frost that seems to invade the bone marrow.

"found it!"

In the snow in front of me, the outline of the carriage appeared in the middle of the road, motionless.


Near the carriage, both the carriage and the driver's seat were empty.

More than that.

The entire carriage was covered with a thick layer of ice, completely frozen.

The mule included the two horses, as if standing in the snow, as if they had died for countless years.

"What the hell."

Chu Chutian said, his tone was full of sadness.

It seems that from the night of the manor, things are completely out of their imagination.

I am like a wild horse, and I am running towards the unpredictable future.

He stood beside an ice-sculpted horse, and Chu Zhongtian could not help but walk a few steps forward.

Suddenly, his feet were empty.

的 The rustling sound of stepping on the snow did not sound, and the snow under his feet began to fall.

In the direction of the horse's head, the ground outside, I do not know when it has completely disappeared.

Instead, there was a black bottomless abyss.

The gray snowflakes fell into the black abyss before Chu Zhongtian.

Chu Chutian's unbalanced body also fell.

Then, the collar of his neck tightened, and the huge force made him flew up and landed behind the carriage.

He sat on the ground with one buttock, and Chu Zhongtian had so much pain that he forgot to be surprised.

"How is this going?"

Zhou Zhenguo approached Tang Luo and asked.

I was not asking Tang Luo, just wanted to say something.

Tang Luo, who caught Chu Zhongtian and threw it back, said, "Obviously, we can't leave the town anymore."

突然 The sudden emergence of this nature sounds like you can't see to the end, and you can't see the margins either.

Tang Luo doesn't think that if you walk a few hundred meters to the left or right, the black abyss will disappear.

I can imagine that the small town has become an isolated island.

猎 The hunting ground belonging to Jack the Ripper!

No one can escape.

"Let's go."

Zhou Zhouguo said, since there is no way to escape, it can only be faced.

He and Chu Zhongtian turned around and walked back, but noticed that Tang Luo did not leave, still standing by the black abyss.

He stared at it slyly.

This is the legend "When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you"?


Chu Chu replied.

"The poor monk is thinking, what's going on underneath, I want to go down and look at it." Tang Luo said.


The two of them trembled, wouldn't Master Xuanzang want to jump?

"Master, calm down." Chu Zhongtian quickly yelled, "Don't jump!"


Tang Luo smiled, "Don't worry, the poor monk is not a reckless husband, just think about it."


"Not just fine." Zhou Zhenguo laughed.

But they naturally do not know if it was not an injured relationship.

Tang Luo really doesn't have to think about it.

My Tang Xuanzhang has no fear-wait, now, no, wait until a few apprentices are retrieved, then you can safely and recklessly go past ~ ~ without a carriage, everyone can only go deep Shallowly stepping in the snow.

He walked back all the way, but did not find Li Liang's figure.

I didn't see the footprints I should have in theory.

As the city approached the town, the snow and snow gradually weakened.

By the time I got near the manor, the sky was clear.

Only the hat, the traces of snow melting on the shoulders and clothes reminded the three of what had just happened.

Lu Chu went back unbelievably, the snow began to fall again in the sky, and the temperature dropped suddenly.

Explicitly told them that the scope of activities was only this little.

"Is there any limitation on the scope of the previous mission?" Tang Luo asked.

Zhou Zhenguo thought back and shook his head: "It's not clear. Generally speaking, the range of activities of our gods and monsters is radiated around the task. If you don't plan to complete the task, everyone will not be too far away. This is clear At the extreme, it can be said that it is a mandatory limit that I have not encountered. "

"... Ability of Jack the Ripper?" Chu Zhongtian asked.

"I don't think it's very similar. Why is he so secretive? Maybe, it's really the limitation of the demon." Zhou Zhenguo sighed.

He can turn the town into a Jedi, and create a black abyss as a heaven.

做 Jack the Ripper?

Zhou Zhouguo really did not want to think about this.

"Three people missing."

Tang Luo's voice made Zhou Zhenguo and Chu Zhongtian look at him.

"The guard of the manor, there are three missing, and the rest ..."

I walked to the closed door of the manor, and Tang Luo reached out and knocked on the door.

He leaned on the door, patted his back against their Grand Field, and fell straight to the ground.

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