Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 314: Suffer the most beatings

Edwin stepped back without a trace, looking at the combination in front of him.

Two men in ancient Chinese costumes, sitting on the sofa with white hair, had clothes that looked like monks' robes.

But it should be gorgeous, a bit like clothes that appear in the game.

Wearing a string of beads on his hands, a black-footed cat lying on his legs was reaching out and stroking the cat's head gently.

Look at identity, like a monk.

The other one, standing behind the sofa, looks like a bodyguard. If it looks like it—the young master protected by the bodyguard.

When Edwin saw his appearance clearly, he was also a little surprised. The word Zhuo Shijia was like a tailor made for this person.

"When did you come in ..."

"The bodyguards outside, all the vigilance and layout, why didn't they react at all?"

There was a hint of doubt in Edwin's mind.

His manor may seem ordinary, but it is actually a real fortress.

It's not difficult to break in, let alone appear quietly in the lobby and sit on the sofa.

Edwin couldn't even tell when the other party appeared ...

From the time he picked up the phone to talk to Bloody Mary and turned to put the phone on, the other person was already sitting on the sofa?

How much did these people hear about him and Bloody Mary?

Also, the identity of this person is ...

For a moment, Edwin thought a lot, but on the surface there was nothing abnormal, except that he just instinctively smashed the phone at Tang Luo, which seemed a bit out of place.

Edwin quickly calmed down, at least on the surface.

He took the towel hanging to one side, wiped the sweat from his face, then picked up the shirt on the side, put it on, and sat in front of Tang Luo.

The two sides separated by a luxurious coffee table.

"I'm sorry, Master Xuanzhang came from afar, and I missed it." Ai Dewen poured a cup of warm black tea for Tang Luo and himself.

He had identified his identity through Tang Luo's obvious characteristics.

The martial art myth has been a rising star for more than half a year. His life style is "Tang Monk Tang Xuanzhang." His strength is extraordinary, at least three levels, that is, the humanoid tank level.

Compared with its strength, what attracts people more is his opening ability.

The efficacy of the treatment is more than that of his waste father who is not waste.

"I know it's rude," Tang Luo said, taking a cup of black tea and sipting, "then kneel and thank him."

Edwin took a slight meal of black tea and then laughed: "Master Xuanzang, his temper doesn't seem to be very good."

The signal has been sent out, and what he is doing now is, in normal terms, a delay.

The other party did not mean to do anything, which was a good sign, willing to listen to him, and Edwin had information to drag time to rescue.

It's just that although this "Tang Monk" is willing to talk, his attitude is very bad and bad.

I am afraid that I will be humiliated in many languages. Edwin said to himself, "Resist, and you will have the opportunity to return."

"Stop it first." Tang Luo ignored Ai Dewen's words and turned to Ao Yulie.

"Oh? Okay." Ao Yulie froze, not expecting that he had done the usual work of the master.

Suddenly excited.

"Xuanzhang method-" Edwin stood up abruptly, without a word, a fist kept zooming in front of his eyes.

Fortunately, Edwin was not without fighting power. He raised his right hand, opened his fingers, and blocked his fist in front of himself.

Edwin couldn't stop the power from the fist, and hit the back of his hand against his cheek.

He knocked over the sofa behind him, and Edwin rolled all the way in the spacious hall before hitting the wall.

Edwin stood up, his right face swollen, but with a sneer on his face: "What a barbarian."

As he walked over, he said, "I think the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans can communicate, and they can maximize each other's interests through communication to achieve a win-win situation."

Wiping the blood in the corner of his mouth with one hand, Edwin shook his head: "I didn't expect--"

Before the words were over, Edwin was short.

It wasn't Ao Yulie who had a sweeping leg, but the floor under Edwin's feet suddenly opened, forming a passageway enough for him to slip off.

Edwin fell into the smooth passage under his feet.

The floor above the head is also closed in an instant, it looks like the floor, but it is actually made of special materials.

Even with RPG, there is no way to blast away.

Of course, Edwin didn't think it was possible to stop Tang Xuanzhang and his associates for how much time, I'm afraid they couldn't support it for two minutes.

But it doesn't matter.

In just three seconds, Edwin could slide down into the underground space of the manor.

Originally just a basement, Edwin bought it and transformed it into a sturdy underground labyrinth that can also move and change the structure.

It's not that big, but it's extremely complicated because it can move.

In just half a minute, Edwin could leave the maze and escape the manor from another exit.

It seemed that he was about to talk to Tang Luo to delay time and wait for rescue, which is probably the thought in his mind.

But in fact, Edwin was ready to escape.

Since the other party has a way to sneak in silently-whether it is two people or a group of people, it is clear that Edwin will not be their opponent.

He is not a life piece of martial arts.

Edwin's life form is Professor James Moriarty, who provided him with super high wisdom, almost hypnotic ability. In just a few words, he can pull the opponent into his own rhythm and familiarity. In the field.

However, as a "talent", he knew very well that today I'm afraid I met a "bing" and must run.

If you don't run, it will be a tragedy.

Did not wait for Edwin to draw a few meters away, nor did he conceive in his mind a way out of the maze faster than planned.

There was a harsh, sore tearing rubbing sound over the head.

One hand grabbed Edwin's head that was still falling, and flung up.

Edwin hit himself on the ceiling and fell to the ground again.

This time there was no underground hole for his escape route.

Ao Yulie walked to Edwin lying on the ground: "Where do you want to escape?"

Adewen didn't speak, it seemed that he had not passed out. After a while, he slowly got up and looked at Ao Yulie and said, "If we have to do this, we can't sit down and talk? I remember me Obviously, only beasts will-- "

This time, Adewen's words were still not finished, nor was he interrupted by Ao Yulie.

Interrupting him was a deafening gunshot.

As Edwin spoke, he raised his hand violently, and a quaint, short-handled double-barrelled shotgun appeared in his hand, pulling the trigger at Ao Yulie's head.

This is equipment, and still comes with skills-burst blow.

Its power is enough to easily penetrate ten centimeter thick steel plates.

Ao Yulie's head moved back slightly, and then he returned to his normal stance. He was laughing, exposing two rows of white teeth.

Between the teeth, two bullets were bitten.

Ao Yulie, who opened her mouth and blew up her bullets, said, "Are there any other equipment? Show it all?"

Speaking, without waiting for Edwin to answer, he slaps in the past.

Then came a unilateral fierce fight.

Adewen's combat effectiveness is indeed not strong. Ao Yulie can lift him up with one hand, even if he uses skills and equipment.

The current scene can only be described in one sentence.

Pretend to be the most "pretentious" force and be hit by the most poisonous!

Just how pretentious Adewen's pretense was, he was hit hard now.

Ao Yulie slammed Edwin for ten minutes, forcing out four pieces of equipment including his shotgun.

A shotgun, a dagger capable of short-range space jump movement, and a small round shield that can rebound and attack.

There is also a short magic wand that I do n’t know what to do, and what magic spells I can cast.

To be honest, Ed Text is a demon walking that cannot be reached by the second order.

These weapons can be added, and in battle, they can even threaten ordinary third-order demon walking.

After all, the demon walking is still a high attack and low defense line. They can cause a lot of damage and they are easier to kill.

Tang Luo encountered undead in the sixth mission, without the beast that can still live his head, this tenacious vitality belongs to the minority.

Even if it is Kong Ming, his head, and his heart that have been severely damaged, he will die. At most he will support it for a while.

Even in frontal combat, Edwin's strength combined with the use of equipment is still a good opponent.

Unfortunately, he encountered eight Tianlong horses. Even if he was in the "Xianlong" state, it was far from Edwin's opponent.

Putting all these equipment away is not the "stow away" provided by the game of gods and demons, but Ao Yulie's own method similar to the mustard seed.

There is no lead time for removal.

Bend over and grab Adewen, who can no longer see his original appearance, and throw him on the knees in front of Tang Luo.

"Let's go, where's Bloody Mary?" Tang Luo put down his slowly drinking cup and looked at Edwin.

Ao Yulie has a decisive shot, and now Edwin can still speak, but he is a little vague.

But it does not affect communication.

"You ..." Edwin said extremely hard.

All eyes were resentful and fearful.

His wisdom, his pride, was shattered under the fist and strength of the two men, or one who had no reason at all.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The words that should have been spoken turned into a terrible scream ~ ~ Edwin collapsed.

No, it doesn't make sense!

It can be said that Bian Yan's death was within the expectation of Edwin. He had already prepared the other party to touch this line, leaving various traps.

In Edwin ’s plan, the man in Wulin Mythology followed the clues. It took at least seven days for it to be possible, and he appeared in front of him in a bad, tired posture, or he appeared in Wulin Mythology In front of those people.

He will appear as a victor, harvest the fruits, and use this victory to go straight in the Alliance of the Gods.

Why, why did he appear in front of him in just a few hours?

Why ca n’t you sit down and talk?

Edwin's scream turned into a howl.

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