Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 328: Zheng Chiyou

What Zheng Chiyou wanted to say was dismissed impatiently by Quan Chenghong: "Go and go, don't stand in your eyes and stay in your small room."

Zheng Chiyou reluctantly glanced at Kerry, and used his mouth to signal him that he was serious and ran to the small room where he was aside.

Kerry and Quan Chenghong soon became fierce. Quan Chenghong reached out and kept touching on Kali's face, and then suddenly he was interested.

He glanced around and felt that this was the first time he had done this. He had always been with a woman. After thinking about it, he decided to keep a low profile and took Kerry to the toilet.

When he came to the toilet, Quan Chenghong pressed Kerry's head down and said with a smile: "It's said that men only understand what men want. Let me try it today."

Kerry squatted down with nausea and wanted to get it done as fast as possible. After that, he could make this guy in front of him a dog willing to die for him!

Suddenly, Kerry heard a slight noise, like the sound of a metal collision.

Then came a cold chill.

A chain representing death hung from the void.

Kerry saw the chain, her face changed greatly, Yu Yanbin said that they were fishing!

Someone is using the book of life and death to kill him!

"how is this possible!"

Kerry looked at Quan Chenghong in front of him. The brother had a look of enjoyment on his face, his eyes narrowed, both hands resting on his head.

How could he use the book of life and death, where did he use the book of life and time?

Could it be said that the book of life and death does not need to write someone's name, as everyone guessed?

Is it a thought that can kill someone?

Do not! impossible!

When the chain appeared, Kerry's body seemed to be frozen in the ice for thousands of years. She couldn't move, and the slightly larger movements were particularly difficult.

But his powerful perception of Cupid's life pattern was unaffected.

Kerry can feel that Quan Chenghong in front of his eyes only has such thoughts as "cool, dry ...".

There is no intention of killing. In simple words, the X worm is on the brain, and the brain is not the brain.

It's not Quan Chenghong who wants to kill him.

Kali was so divided that he suddenly thought of a possibility ...

Countless fragments flashed in his mind, and at first he received a call from Tang Xuanzhang.

Many detailed materials were carefully read again.

It was confirmed that all those who died were related to Quan Chenghong.

Kerry even emerged in his mind the scene where Quan Chenghong wrote his name on the book of life and death and kept killing people, and the scene broke suddenly in the next second.

It turned into Quan Chenghong sitting on the sofa, cursing.

Behind him was a dark shadow, and a man hiding in it slowly paced out.

There is a book in one hand and a pen in the other.

In Quan Chenghong's words, he wrote the names one after another.

The man, wearing a pair of glasses, had thinning hair and looked a lot older than he actually was. He had a sad face on his face, all with a wry smile.

Zheng Chiyou!

All the dead people have inextricable relationships with Quan Chenghong and Zheng Chiyou.

He is Quan Chenghong's hair boy, and after admitting his ancestors to return to the ancestors, Quan Chenghong followed him before him.

Quan Chenghong changed his girlfriend as fast as changing clothes, and never had any friends around him, only Zheng Chiyou.

He controls everything that Quan Chenghong has, his whereabouts, interests, and hobbies.

Zheng Chiyou also knows the information that Quan Chenghong can reach.

If Quan Chenghong knew something about the steel plant, he would find that everything was handled by Zheng Chiyou in one hand.

Although he was in the name of Quan Chenghong and Quan Jia, those mercenaries actually did not even see Quan Chenghong in person.

The mercenaries certainly have no doubts, because such a big secret will definitely not be left to the hands of the Quan family.

It will definitely be a trusted person to represent.

They thought Zheng Chiyou was an agent, but never thought that he was behind the scenes!

There is no power at all.

Zheng Chiyou, he is the real holder of the book of life and death!

So the Pi Xiong appeared at Wanlong International and did not seek Quan Chenghong, but directly found Zheng Chiyou.

Because he already knew that the book of life and death was in Zheng Chiyou's "hand".

"Tang Xuanzhang !!" Kari's eyes were red, and at this moment, the person he hated was not Zheng Chiyou.

It was the Tang Xuanzhang who provided him with information and led him into this trap!

Most of Kerry's guesses were correct, and the mistake was in the last step.

That **** shit! He deceived everyone with his false action.

Make others think that this is a person who will only be reckless and not play tricks.

However, I did not expect that one shot would be such a true truth and one false one, and the only false one would even be a deadly trick! He is the real old Yin ratio!

Of course, in fact, Tang Luo also believed that Quan Chenghong was the holder of the book of life and death.

What, the real black hand behind Zheng Chiyou? Who is that, oh, it seems like I heard the mercenary mentioned.

The chain was swinging slightly above Kerry's head, but it did not fall in the first place.

Kari frantically mobilized all the forces in the whole body to fight against the imprisoned power brought by the chain.

Unfortunately, at present, the only thing that can move is his tongue. The only thing that can move is the neck, which can't even close the jaw.

"Oh ~" Quan Chenghong made a pleasant voice and started to take the initiative.

Kerry did not mind paying this price in order to get the book of life and death, but now, after confirming the truth, what he has done is downright useless.

No, not only that, but also a great humiliation.

Kerry is a two-way plug, not a socket!

The anger reached its peak when Quan Chenghong started to lift his waist, like an eruption volcano.

If anger and emotion are powerful, then at this moment, Kerry's anger is enough to turn this luxurious building into ashes in an instant.

And Kerry is the goddess of love Cupid, love, emotion, for him is powerful.


Kali's complexion was completely occluded between her upper and lower jaws, and the collision between the teeth made a crisp sound.

Even the gums were shaken and blood leaked from the gums.

Quan Chenghong's closed eyes opened, his mouth widened, and the screams had not yet come out. Kali stood up suddenly, reached out and grasped Quan Chenghong's chin, twisted forcefully towards the side.

His head was turned almost 180 degrees, and Quan Chenghong stiffened and lost his voice.

At the same time, he swings in the air for a while, and the unchained chain strikes Kerry.

I don't know if it is waiting for Kerry to kill Quan Chenghong, or some coincidence.

Kerry's body shrank sharply and turned into a "Cupid" form. The chain that had originally aimed at Kerry's heart pierced his arm.

After the piercing, the chain will entangle.

Kerry's lovely face was replaced by a terrible cricket.

Holding the Q version of the bow, he smashed it hard against his arm, smashing it violently, and rushed out of the toilet door when he was free again.

There was no blood flowing out, and the broken arm turned into a large number of light spots.

Kerry penetrated the wall, rushed into the night sky, chose a direction, and fled desperately.

In his current form, it can penetrate most objects, and it is extremely fast. Even if it is the chain of the book of life and death, don't even try to catch up with--

"Broken arm Cupid?"

Just then, a voice came, and it sounded familiar.

Kerry was too late, and there was no way to adjust the direction, and his head was firmly grasped by one hand, as if he had hit a copper wall and an iron wall.

From high-speed flight to a standstill.

If it weren't for Kerry's current "Cupid state", which is a very pure life energy polymer, then this can make the neck bone completely misaligned and torn.

"Tang Xuanzhang!" Kerry struggled frantically.

He could not sustain this form for too long, but it was also an explosive form of soaring combat power, not just for escape.

There was only one arm left, and Furious Arrow could not be used. All Kerry could do was throw the Q version bow in his hand to the hand that grabbed his head.

It's like smashing Tang Xuanzhang's arm like breaking his own arm!

The Q version bow hit Tang Luo's wrist.

Kerry was like an ordinary child, smashing a piece of hard steel with a plastic toy bow.

It was enough to smash the steel easily and distorted, even without the qualification to shake Tang Luo's palm.

Not only that, the Q version of the bow broke directly under this smash, turning into a large number of light spots.

Kari's body twitched wildly. This bow was also part of him. The damage caused by this was even more than the broken arm.

No longer able to maintain Cupid's form, Kerry began to swell and change.

Tang Luo's palm was slightly released, and he saw the broken arm Cupid become the beautiful boy described in the walking mouth of the demon.

With a flick of his hand, Tang Luo threw Kerry out, and a dragon claw stretched out in the high-altitude clouds to catch Kerry.

"Running so fast, have you met a ghost? Uh—Cupid." Donlow thought about it, but didn't remember the guy's name.

But the shards of life he held remembered that Cupid was still very famous.

Kali was held by the dragon's claws, only a pale, sloppy face, and looked around.

The next second, he saw a dragon head that coveted and coexisted.

The golden pupil looked like a flame of activity, staring at himself, above the dragon's head, Tang Xuanzhang sat and looked at him.

"Tang Xuanzhang! Bai Longma!"

For Journey to the West, Kerry still knows it better, especially after getting the news of the rising star of Wulin Myth.

He also read the original.

The ability of the gods and demons to walk in the language can also play a role in the real world.

Kerry will certainly not take "Journey to the West" as a travel journal like some foreigners, thinking that he is a monk riding a horse with his pet monkey, pet pig, and a dumb servant, a story of traveling to the West .

In that story ~ ~ has **** and magic.

But that's all, just like his Cupid's life-shards won't make him truly love God and god.

He also didn't think that the life style holders who hold the pieces of life styles of Tang monks and white dragon horses would become "gods".

What's more, in "Journey to the West", most of the time, the Tang monk was a pedantic monk without the power of chickens, and the white dragon horse was a horse.

Only in the end did it become a "god".

Kerry naturally didn't think that Tang Xuanzhang and Ao Yulie would be very weak, and the holders of his life pattern would not be weak.

But he never thought about it.

When the two really met, this would be the scene.

The white dragon of the east lingered in the sky for nine days, sitting on the head of the dragon, sitting alone.

Indifferent and solitary, looking at his own eyes, there is no disgust, no joy, only the feeling of high distance, like a real "god"!

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