Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 333: Remnant Book

"The poor monk defeated the Buddha, Tang Xuanzhang." Tang Luo smashed the chain he held, folded his hands, and answered the question of Pi Xiong.

"Bai Bu Tian Long Ma, Ao Yulie." Ao Yulie next to him said.

Pi Xiong stepped back, glanced down at the book of life and death, the names on the pages were only those bunches of people that Zheng Chiyou wrote down before.

The "Tang Xuanzhang" written by him, including those bloodstains, are gone.

"Pop!" The book of life and death closed on its own, and Pi Xiong snapped open it again.

But this time, even his master could not open this book of life and death, although the connection and induction between the two were still there.

But Pima Bear obviously felt the resistance in his hand.

The meaning of this resistance, if translated into a verbal message, is probably: "Please forgive me this broken book!"

Divinely, Tang Luo has come to Pi Xiong.

"Amitabha, the poor monk will be a donor, and he will never worry again." Tang Luo said.

Pi Xiong smirked, his spirits were completely absent, and he sat down directly on the ground without even the last resistance.

He was caught by Tang Luo and kicked by Ao Yulie. He was the end of a severely injured crossbow, supported by a spirit of "I have a book of life and death."

The book of life and death is now self-closing and cannot be opened.

Even the Pixiong gave up hope, and even stood still.

The expression on his face disappeared into fear, fear, and trembling.

Li's personality returned, and the cowardly, timid personality reappeared.

He flinched, trying to put his body together.

Tang Luo stretched out his hand and pressed it on the head of the leather bear.

Suddenly, the fur bear, who had completely given up resistance, trembled, his hands up and grabbed Tang Luo's wrist.

Behind the scenes, the black and white air reappeared, rushing towards Tang Luo.

It seemed that the waves were crashing on the reef, and Tang Luo didn't move, black and white hit him, and collapsed and dissipated by himself.

But Pi Xiong stood up again and took a few steps back.

His face was also shrouded in black and white, like a layer of misty veil.

If you look closely, you will find that the black and white qi are faintly forming a weird face in the tumbling.

This face does not belong to the same person, but is constantly changing.

It looks like the faces of two people are constantly alternating, and the two faces are incomplete, giving the feeling that they will disappear at any time.

Only when they are constantly alternating, or mixed, are they a little "solid", and you can see that these are two faces.

It seems that two mortal people are dependent on each other, barely living on each other.

"This is ..." Tang Luo retracted his hand and looked at the two faces on Pi Xiong's face. "Little white dragon, is it black and white?"

"I also feel a lot like it," said Ao Yulie, "Xie Bi'an, Fan has no blame!"

Despite the absence of Xie Bi'an's iconic long tongue and Fan Wubui's beard-like beard, Tang Luo and Ao Yulie still recognized the two faces.

At this moment, the face that is covering the bear's face is black and white impermanence!

Ao Yulie said: "It looks terrible, even worse than a dog."

Howling Sky Dog was regarded as the "mission target" in the mission world. A remnant of soul was reincarnated and turned into a ghost, which was taken down by Tang Luo.

And the black and white impermanence in front of him seems to have become life pieces?

"So it seems that the poisonous words of life pieces are not uninhibited," Tang Luo said.

The leather bear stood like this, and was dominated by a ray of remnants "mixed" with black and white impermanence.

It should be the same situation as the dog, or even worse.

The remnants of the black and white impermanence gathered together to barely keep it from dying-and then, if not unexpectedly, obtained by the skin bear in the form of life-shard fragments.

Formed the situation today.

Feeling like a golden finger with an old grandfather?

However, this "old grandfather" has basically lost his self-awareness, and while he is dying, he has only the instinct to survive.

At the moment of the Pear Bear's life and death crisis, it was about to die. Because of his instinct for survival, he took over the body of the Pear Bear who gave up resistance.

Because both are prosperous and prosperous.

"Master, wouldn't it be made into that kind of life piece?" Ao Yulie thought of a possibility.

The situation at hand can be explained in two ways.

Black and white impermanence is dying, only a lingering soul remains, and the incarnation fragments enter the walking body of the demon and slowly recover, belonging to the active type.

The second type is that the black and white impermanence is "made" into pieces of life pattern!

But in the process of production, there may be a little accident, leaving a trail of ghosts.

This is passive.

The black and white remnant soul has only the instinct to survive, holding on to the last life-saving straw in his hand—the book of life and death.

He could feel the power and horror of the "person" in front of him, and he did not dare to act rashly, standing in place, looking for an escape opportunity.

"Let me think about it," said Tang Luo, "I have eaten a lot of life pieces before."

He recalled the life pieces he had eaten to heal himself.

There are some unknown Monkey Demon Fragments, Nero Life Fragments, Fu Hongxue Life Fragments, A Fei Life Fragments and so on.

Among them, one life piece is relatively special.

It was the first unknown piece of Monkey Demon.

The unlucky egg from approaching science became Yao Jingwu of Tang Luo's "living advertisement" at the cost of his life.

The guy professed to be Qitian Dasheng, and Tang Luo accidentally killed him without holding back.

Obtained the ground shards from his side, and after eating, it was not pure power.

But there is a consciousness of a monkey demon!

That strand of consciousness was suppressed and crushed by Tang Luo's backhand, and the true "soul flying soul" was scattered, and it was impossible for Da Luo Jinxian to come back.

In other life pieces, this has not happened at all.

Without any extra consciousness, there is only pure power.

"It seems that some life pieces are poisonous, and some life pieces are okay?" Tang Luo said, looking at the black and white impermanence in front of him.

"Master, what about this?" Ao Yulie looked at the motionless black-and-white version of the bear.

What should we do now?

Kill the bear in front of you and see if the black and white impermanence can survive?

In the current state, after the death of the host, the impermanence of black and white may not be able to survive ...

and many more!

Ao Yulie stepped back and nothing happened.

Master has always been reckless, and he almost forgot that there are merit-like lotuses that can be used to save people, at least to keep the last strand of black and white impermanence from dissipating.

"Be the first." Sure enough, Tang Luo didn't make the choice and shot again.

Degree of soul!

The black-and-white face roared silently, and the book of life and death was opened again in his hands, turning wildly.

But the next breath, the book of life and death was closed again.

Even if it is dominated by black and white impermanence, it is impossible to re-use the book of life and death to deal with Tang Luo.

It is inevitable to resist.

The fur bear was caught by Don Law again.

His soul was pulled straight out.

Unlike ordinary souls, the translucent soul has two ever-changing faces, one desperate and fearful, and the other barely a little bit inward, but dare not grin at Tang Luo.

On the soul, there is still a trace of black and white, and it also forms a constantly changing face, as if it is the spirit behind it.

Gongde Yulian emerged, and the gentle power shrouded the black and white impermanent soul and leather bear.

Tang Luo grabbed the "Four Souls" by hand, tearing towards both sides.

The fur bear's soul uttered a stern scream, which suddenly became slumped.

Even more dangerous is the black and white impermanent remnant, which will dissipate in the next second. The medicinal treatment of Yulian's opening light is pulling him by the cliff.

With a flick of his hand, Tang Luo shattered the spirit of Pi Xiong.

The corpse lay on the ground, twitching twice, and then a piece of life piece emerged.

"Huh?" Tang Luo smiled. "A bit interesting."

The newly formed shards of life, just like those unconscious shards of life, are pure power.

Similar to a seed, there is something hidden in the seed. After germination and growth into a tree, the thing is still hidden in the tree.

Tang Luo took out the contents of the tree, and the tree was still there.

"It seems like another business can be done?" Tang Luo secretly said in his heart.

In addition to replacing life pieces, he can now help people clean up hidden dangers in life pieces ~ ~ is simply a "generation of magic doctors".

It took a lot of merits to stabilize the black and white impermanence, Tang Luo thought for a moment, and stretched out his hand to hold it.

The deputy book of life and death books flew into his hands, and he stuffed the black and white impermanence into the book of life and death.

The book of life and death is a magic weapon for black and white, no matter whether this auxiliary book is used by Xie Bi'an or by Fan Wugui.

Enough to become a place where the remnant soul stabilizes and recuperates.

But in the end, whether it will be restored or not, it will be up to Tang Luo, and Tang Luo cannot guarantee it.

"I hope these two guys will wake up and know something." Tang Luo said.

With the start of the life and death book, the 72-hour countdown began to count again.

In fact, when Pi Xiong got the book of life and death, it was already Tang Luo's camp that had obtained the book of life and death.

Regardless of whether Pi Xiong intends to kill people in his own camp, this will not change.

With the death of Pi Xiong, it is no longer considered that his own camp holds the book of life and death. Now Tang Luo really got the hand and started to recalculate the time.

At this point, the camp mission can be said to be successfully completed.

Ten enemy camps were killed.

My own camp, a death bear, a cause of death: fun.

If he didn't take action with Tang Luo, and ran away with the book of life and death, Tang Luo would not chase him, and at most he would study the book of life and death.

Whether he will be robbed or not in the future is unknown.

To be honest, in the state of impermanence of black and white, Tang Luo really doesn't think there is much possibility of winning the house.

It is too weak, and it takes a long time to gradually recover.

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