Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 339: Real Demon Staff

"Kong Ming, you're not kind-hearted like this. [~ New ~ Si ~ Lu ~ Zhong ~ Wen ~ Hand fight]"

"Yeah, tell me earlier that Master Xuan Zang is so strong, we will give him our full support."

"Yes, now we are very passive. Fortunately, Master Xuanzang has a large number of people and does not care about us."

Before disembarking, these gods and walkers complained to Kong Ming. Fortunately, in the case of the Dragon King, they were not fighting or grabbing, and they were very neutral.

If the Li Jue and his wife were to compete, it is estimated that there would be more people lying on the deck.

Who can withstand that fist.

Kong Ming, you, the old Yin Yin, don't tell everyone in advance.

"I started telling you that he is walking at the level of the deities of Akshiro, do you believe it?" Kong Ming was very stable.

There is nothing wrong with this.

If Kong Ming said this at the beginning, everyone would definitely not believe it.

How long has Tang Xuanzhang walked as a demon, and how long has the Chijingdao person walked as a demon?

Not to mention before this, even with today's battle, everyone does not really feel that Tang Luo has reached the level of Equatorial.

Strength is not just a simple defense just now, a simple onslaught can represent.

The fighting just now shows that Tang Luo must have the strength and combat power of a fourth-order **** and demon to walk, but it is really worse than being a quaint man.

It was one of the founders of the martial art myth, a legendary figure, unpredictable.

Master Xuanzang is very good at playing, it is almost unpredictable.

Kong Ming was too lazy to correct these people's thoughts. Could it be that the little white dragon Ao Yulie was actually a real dragon?

When the Essence of the Essence was found by Tang Luo, he told him that Master Xuanzhang's strength was "This person is definitely not under me, even better than the poor".

Of course, these people will not feel that they are better than Tang Luo. Let ’s start at five and five, and everyone will kill each other.

In the past, "licking" Tang Luo was because he was a sacred doctor, and he was a bit stiff, holding the idea that "he is a sacred doctor, to have a good relationship."

Now, it's not as simple as a divine doctor.

Tang Luo's strength has also won their respect, double respect, licking it quite comfortably, from the heart of "Master Niubi, Master 666".

Determined the ownership of the Dragon King.

The three men in Tangluo summoned all the people on the Dragon King, including all the crew members and captains living here, and they could be regarded as members of the Dragon King.

Most of these crew members are ordinary people, and a few are gods walking.

That kind of solitary one, after joining the myth of Wulin, wanted to live on the Dragon King, and had no money, he simply became a crew member.

Anyway, the Dragon King is also treated well.

There are seven or eight gods and monsters living in the Dragon King.

The death of the Dragon King is already clear to everyone, and there is a little anxiety about the future of the Dragon King.

In the banquet hall, Kong Ming presented the will of the Dragon King to everyone, and stated that business as usual, treatment in all aspects unchanged, soothing people.

The first officer of the Dragon King was very loyal to the Dragon King, and his will was also implemented. With him, the daily operation of the Dragon King would not have any impact.

Tang Luo, the heir, said very directly that, because he was busy, he invited a truly powerful sailing "power" to manage the Dragon King.

Next, let Ao Yulie deal with the crew and residents.

If Ao Yulie couldn't even figure out these people, he would simply go fishing in the sea.

Next, there is one more thing to deal with.

Li and his wife on the deck are still in a coma.

Kong Ming came over, grabbed two people in one hand, paused, looked at the deck and said, "Isn't these places damaged just now?"

Tang Luo's restorative and stretching activities just left some cracks on the deck.

But looking now, the deck has been restored as before.

"Yeah." Tang Luo glanced at Li Jue and his wife, Kong Ming stopped saying anything, his face was slightly cold, and he and the two came to the Dragon King's bedroom and left.

Without waiting, Tang Luo Kaiguang healed their injuries and woke them up quickly.

"Tell me why you must get the Dragon King." Kong Ming said coldly, looking at the two.

"It's not normal to want the Dragon King, so many benefits?" After treatment, Li Ju's condition is better than Wei Xin, he said.

"I thought so at the beginning." Kong Ming said, "You used to be greedy. But this time, it was too ugly to even hide your face. What does the Dragon King hide, which you must get but not find? "

"..." Wei Xin bowed his head without talking, and coughed gently.

Li Jue said, "In this case, we still have to ask you. We think that the Dragon King might have something good to stay, so I want it. It seems that even you don't know, do you think we will know?"

"Anyway, you are the teammates of the Dragon King." Kong Ming said, "Don't hide from me, I have limited patience."

Speaking later, the tone began to rise.

"Why, you dare to kill us?" Wei Xin looked up suddenly.

She was completely comatose and had no idea what was going on.

Unlike Li Jue, the monk with white eyes holding closed eyes, serene and peaceful, was jealous of the extreme.

"Of course I can't. I signed a contract," Kong Ming said. "But Master Xuan Zang can."

Li absolutely changed color. They have reached a consensus and abandoned the "non-harm treaty" concluded in the contract.

If they do not reach a consensus again and "conclude" again, then Tang Xuanzhang can kill them at will without any punishment.

"Amitabha, Kong Shi said this is bad." Tang Luo opened his eyes and announced a Buddhist slogan. "How can a poor monk be a monk? How can he kill? Please call Duhua and send it to Xitian Bliss to compare the family."

"Oh, sorry," Kong Ming said, looking back at Li Ju and Wei Xin.

Wei Xin realized that things were bad and looked at Li Jue.

"I don't believe you dare to kill us ..." Li Ju squeezed a sentence from his teeth and wanted to die.

"If you don't use it, there are ways to do it," Kong Ming said. "I remember the master, you have a trick to guide the soul, to guide the poor and the most evil to the good?"

"Of course." Tang Luo and Kong Ming sang a harmony, "No one in the world is a soul who can't be good once, if it is, then twice. If it doesn't work, it will prove that it is not saved.

The voice is calm, even a bit of solemnity, and it seems to contain a sense of coldness, which makes people jealous.

"The deck that Dragon King had just damaged has been restored." Kong Ming saw the two men's uncertain faces, and intended to press the last straw.

Just then, the Dragon King suddenly shook.

Kong Ming looked out of the window. The wind and sunshine were calm and calm outside, not because of the bumps in the waves, but because the whole hull was shaking.

"Master, I feel like something went wrong!"

After a while, the door was pushed open, and Ao Yulie appeared, his face slightly flustered.

"What's wrong?" Tang Luo stood up.

"I successfully mingled with those crew members. After thinking about it, I think it's better to make the Dragon King sacrifice into my magic weapon." Ao Yulie said.

Yes, of course, the Dragon King can also be sacrificed to become a magic weapon.

Not just the Dragon King, even a stone.

However, the purpose of everyone's magic weapon is to let the magic weapon help oneself, and sacrificing a magic weapon at will, if you don't help yourself, it is still a drag.

Making the Dragon King sacrifice a magic weapon will not help Ao Yulie himself.

But if something is attacked, as the magic weapon of Ao Yulie, the master can bless the power and improve the defense.

Now that you have decided to be the captain, you have to be a good captain.

Unexpectedly, while Ao Yulie sacrificed the Dragon King and was happy for his pioneering work, the Dragon King uploaded resistance.

Let Ao Yulie stop quickly.

What really made him panic was that this power, he actually felt a little familiar.

"Go and see." Tang Luo stood up.

Kong Ming took a look at Li Jue and his wife and followed them out. Ao Yulie thought for a moment, walked over and grabbed Li Ju and followed.

The poor Li Jue and the couple are considered strong.

It happened that he encountered two people who could not be reasoned at all, and there was no room for resistance.

The vibration of the Dragon King soon subsided without causing panic to the crew.

The crew all knew that the Dragon King was a legendary power actor, and occasionally some strange phenomena appeared.

The four descended to the bottom of the boat, and the ripples in the air had dispersed.

"Open." Don Lowe said.

Ao Yulie nodded, leaving Li Jue, scales emerged on his right hand, and turned into silvery white claws, tearing fiercely towards his feet.

Sharp friction sounded, and a thick piece of iron skin under his feet was torn apart.

Exposing a black object hidden underneath the ship.

"..." Li Jue's eyes widened slightly, yes! That's it!

Unexpectedly, the Dragon King actually replaced this dragon's original keel with this, and merged with the entire Dragon King.

The Dragon King hasn't really been brought into the mission world. No wonder he hasn't taken it out to use it.

The couple's guess was correct, and the fight for the Dragon King was correct.

The mistake was wrong, and I met this white-haired monk.

Looking at the black keel beneath his feet, Tang Luo was silent for a few seconds, and the air around him seemed to become dull and thick.

He suddenly stretched his hand backwards, and Li Ju on the ground flew into his hand.

"You are fighting for the Dragon King for this thing?" Tang Luo turned his head, exposing a side face, one eye turning, looking at Li Jue.

Kong Ming frowned, taking two steps back.

The breath emanating from Tang Luo just moments ago made him uncontrollably frightened.

Kong Ming is still like this ~ ~ Li Jue's heart is beating madly, every cell in the whole body seems to have "the will of self" at this moment, growling a word "escape"!

Even in the fighting just now, Li must never have such a fear.

Great horror! Great terror that can't be resisted!

Almost instantly, Li Jue's inner defenses were destroyed.

"Yes ..." Li Ju's teeth were shaking involuntarily.

"This is it?" Kong Ming asked.

At first glance, the keel of the Dragon King looks like a dark wood, with a slight golden pattern, very faint.

"The magic weapon for descending demons is made of Thorozian of Moon Palace, Sha Wujing's weapon."

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