Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 360: The most powerful learner

Huang Quan did not grin at Tang Luo, he was smiling.

He smiled extremely happily. Of course, the smile was also very weird, making people feel uncomfortable.

He looked at Tang Luo's eyes with extreme enthusiasm, exactly the same as that of Sanchuan at that time.

"damn it!"

Ao Yulie's eyes glowed with golden light, turning into a dragon's vertical pupil, and there seemed to be a flame burning inside.

There was anger in his expression.

He realized that it wasn't just the breath from these corpses that alienated him.

This power that alienated and "ghostified" him also came from his body.

From his months of continuous absorption and condensed vitality.


The world is still full of vitality and poisonous energy!

These "poisons" penetrated his bone marrow, and at a critical time, there was an outbreak that distorted Ao Yulie's mind and appearance.

Had it not been for the protection of the merit Yulian, he would probably have become an ugly and twisted evil dragon.

Violent, bloodthirsty, crazy, and by the way a lot of dragon claws, and fingers and the like, how ugly and how ugly.

I felt trembling as soon as I thought about it, the first handsome of the Three Realms became so ugly, Ao Yulie would rather die.

"But ... why are they all right?" Ao Yulie looked at the two learners.

The Bible learner is indeed a special existence, but where is it special?

You know, those who used to learn from the Bible eventually alienated and twisted into ghosts.

"You said, we've seen ..." Huang Quan suddenly turned his head and asked Ao Yulie.

"Yes," said Ao Yulie. "That person is called Sanchuan, that's right."

The name Sanchuan was said by the people of the Xinyan tribe, remembered it, and later mentioned it to Tang Luo.

"Wait, wait." Huang Quan crooked his head, suddenly turned and ran to the second floor. After a while, his enthusiastic voice came, "What a mighty power! This is a powerful power! This is what Powerful Scriptures! "

"Waste, what to learn! All waste! What use do I want you!"

A violent wind swept across, and Huang Quan reappeared on the first floor.

Doubting both Yukongyuan and Tianhe, just staring at Tang Luo.

Mikawa is his flesh-and-blood avatar, a very independent avatar.

Huang Quan didn't know what these avatars did outside. Every so often, they would accept what they saw and heard.

There are many such flesh and blood avatars.

For quite a long time, Huang Quan himself could not leave the pure land of the West, so he sent a lot of clones.

Every time I accept what I see and hear from the avatar, there is a kind of tearing pain, all kinds of memories are chaotic, Huang Quan can't distinguish who he is.

Over time, he even forgot himself that he had several avatars.

Now it can be said to be an unexpected delight.

"You can only become fertilizer, it is dust to dust, soil to soil." Huang Quan looked at Tianheji and Yukongyuan.

"Fertilizer?" Tang Luo raised his eyebrows slightly. "A fertilizer for ginseng fruit trees?"

"Huh?" Huang Quan asked, "A ginseng fruit tree? Are you talking about that tree? Good name, um ... why a little familiar."

Tang Luo turned his head, looked at Yu Kongyuan and Tianhe Jin and said, "It seems that you've found your" place of birth. "

With that said, he turned and walked out of the tower and walked towards the ginseng fruit tree.

Yukongyuan followed them closely.

Ao Yulie frowned: "When can ginseng fruit still be ..."

Ginseng fruit is refined?

The situation of Tianhequan and Yukongyuan is obviously not so simple.

Back under the ginseng fruit tree, Tang Luo took a closer look. There were five fruits on the ginseng fruit tree.

At first glance, the appearance is not different from the ginseng fruit they have eaten before, but if you look closely, you will find that there are some differences.

The previous ginseng fruit, which is said to have all limbs and both functions, actually has only one form, which is quite vague.

But the five ginseng fruits are now alive, and they are almost no different from real children, but the size has become much smaller.

What's more, they look a bit like Tianheji and Yukongyuan!

Tang Luo reached out his hand and grabbed a ginseng fruit.

As soon as the ginseng fruit fell into his hands, the "stems" that grew out of the head and connected to the branches were constantly overflowing with blood.

Some blood was dripping down, including where the trunk was broken.

"This is not mature yet, it is estimated that it will take several years to 'form'." Huang Quan walked slowly and said, "But it doesn't matter. If these two wastes are used as fertilizer, they will grow much faster."

The so-called forming is to form the spiritual wisdom, and become like Yukongyuan and Tianhe do their best.

"This is how all the learners come from?" Tang Luo asked.

"Of course." Huang Quan laughed. "They are the" spirit boys "who have gathered the essence of heaven and earth. After they are born, I will send them out, let them grow up in the outside world, come back here, and live. The True Scriptures, spread the world, save the world. "

He knew everything about Tang Luo.

"The ginseng fruit tree, it feels like an 'animal'," said Tang Luo.

The instinct to learn from scriptures is similar to the migration of animals, returning to the place of birth and giving birth.

Of course, it's not that simple, it's just an easy-to-understand metaphor.

"How did that come true?" Tang Luo asked.

"Du Shi Zhen Jing? Du Shi Zhen Jing has existed for a long time." Huang Quan shook his head, revealing a confused look, and then said, "Later, I grabbed a lot later. Oh, yes, there are scholars , The Bible learner is also the true scriptures of the world. "

"That's right, a strong enough Bible learner is qualified to become a true scripture of the world! Entering the Tibetan scripture hall, becoming an important force to save the world."

"Waste is learned from people, only for fertilizer! Nutrients!"

From perplexity to firmness and fanaticism.

Anyone can see enough that under the seemingly peaceful appearance, this monk with sharp teeth actually hides a crazy soul.

Speaking upside down, I am afraid that he has forgotten even some things, and needs stimulation to remember.

"Are you strong? Why don't you tell the truth to the world yourself?" Tang Luo continued to ask.

"Why? Because I can't go out! Do you know if I can't go out?" Huang Quan suddenly became violent. "As soon as I leave here, I will become very weak! Otherwise, I would have gone out already! I would have gone out early Kill all the monsters and monsters! "


Tang Luo nodded and made an inductive summary, "You plant trees here, let the Bible learners be born, send them out, make them stronger, and wait for the Bible learners to return. Just" teach "them to pass the true scriptures, some Bible learners Will become the new true scriptures, and some will leave to spread the true scriptures to the world. "

"But there is also a situation where the scholars are too weak, and there is no way to become a new true scripture, nor is it qualified to spread the true scriptures."

"So they will be nourishment, right?"

The strength of the true scriptures needs to be proactively acquired for those who study it.

Without active contact, you will not be affected.

Unlike Ao Yulie and Fei Shishi 13, whether they want to or not, they will be flooded in and alienated by those forces.

"Yes." Huang Quan calmed down and looked at Tang Luo with admiration. "Perhaps, you can become the second strongest Shintra, no, even stronger ..."

"If the learners are too weak, maybe they are not qualified to return to the Western Pure Land, it might as well be nourishment for other learners." Tang Luo continued, "The white giant apes and bones on the learner path are your arrangements. Right. "

Huang Quan nodded: "These people have good strength, but they are still a short distance from becoming the true scriptures of the world. But letting them spread the true scriptures, when they die outside is too wasteful. So I arranged them to wait on the way to learn the scriptures. Other Bible learners, they can become stronger and one day become the true scriptures. "

"Power is the true scripture!"

"Only the true scriptures can save the world! Bible study is the great cause of saving the world!"

Undoubtedly, Huang Quan felt that his actions were sublime to the extreme, and he was zealously and tirelessly carrying out the "great cause of learning."

However, the direction is wrong, and further efforts are in the wrong direction, or in other words, everything is done on the wrong basis.

The Shinshu Sutra that is spread out is power, but it is twisted power.

"Are you alone here?" Tang Luo asked, "how did the ginseng fruit tree come from?"

"Of course I'm the only one," said Huang Quan. "This tree existed long ago, and I ..."

Huang Quan frowned, as if he wanted to remember something.

But at the end of the memory, he just remembered that he was called Huang Quan, and he was constantly undertaking great studies.

Who is he, how did he come, when did he come here, and why was he studying the great cause, all of which became a hazy mist.

"It's not important, I'm not important, these are not important!" Huang Quan said, "Only by learning, salvation is everything!"

"So too," Tang Luo said, "go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and let the poor monk see if there is anything to read."

The words of arrogance are so full that they have not paid any attention to those true stories of the world.

Huang Quan's achievements were degraded, but instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "Please."

Tang Luo put down the ginseng fruit in his hand and walked back to the Tibetan Pavilion, followed by Ao Yulie.

The three Yukongyuan and Xiaotian dog did not keep up.

Thirteen flying apes had a heavy face, and never expected that the identity of the owner would be so miserable.

The Bible learners are not saviors at all, they are just a group of poor people.

Yu Kongyuan looked quite calm. Looking at the ginseng fruit tree, I didn't know what I was thinking.

After a while, the sound of chewing broke the silence, Yu Kongyuan turned his head sharply and looked behind him.

Over there, Tianhe squatted on the ground with blood on his face.

I was swallowing the ginseng fruit that Tang Luo set aside, the blood flowing out of the ginseng fruit, and the wet clothes.

Tianhe ate everything but was extremely happy.

"What are you doing?" Yu Kongyuan asked.

"Supply nourishment." Tianhe smiled, opened his mouth, took the last bite, and swallowed. "I feel that my strength has increased."

As soon as the voice fell, a sprint rushed to Yu Kongyuan.

Tianhe reached out to grasp Yukongyuan, and his five fingers became sharp, like five small blades.

The sound of howling and breaking sounded like a blast.

Yukongyuan, who was lying on top of his head, opened his eyes, flung his tail, and closed it again.


With a scream, Tianhe flew out of her body and rolled over a dozen meters on the ground before stopping.

Yu Kongyuan slowly retracted her legs. When she was about to hit a moment ago, she kicked out and hit Tianhe's chest.

It can be seen that Tianhe's chest is sunken down ~ ~ If it is an ordinary person, such an injury may have died.

"You!" Tianhe determined with both eyes, not understanding where this soft little white flower came from.

"I can give vitality to others and absorb extra vitality." Yu Kongyuan's face was calm.

The ginseng fruit trees around did not sway in the wind, making a "rustling" sound.

It can be seen that two of the four ginseng fruits have completely withered and become dried corpses.

The remaining two are gradually shrinking.

"Sorry, I want to be the most powerful learner." Yu Kongyuan stared at Tianhe without any fluctuations.

Not looking at a companion, nor looking at food, just looking at it like this, without joy or sorrow.

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