Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 372: You are not a monk at all!

The child is called Feng Zhun, belonging to the younger generation of the Feng family, or a genius among the younger generation, with powerful arrogance.

Seeing that he was young, he could see that he was wearing Tsing Yi just like his parents.

Compared to the experienced old man, the parents who had soaked corpse mushrooms for a long time were weaker.

But he is stronger than most of his peers in white.

Feng Zhun himself also thought so. He felt that waiting for the sacrifice to be completely completed and the birth of the King of the Longevity of the Feng Family, they would let the whole world know what is residual—wrong, what is extraordinary power.

At that time, the Feng family can really come to the stage from behind the scenes.

Become one of the masters of the world.

He Feng Zhuan will also become a figure at the top of the pyramid.

Although the preparations caused a lot of noise and pressure, but for the sake of glory and glory later, these are acceptable.

As a result, where did the white-haired man come from? !!

How did his seventh uncle die?

Flash of thunder? The electricity was turned into coke, and it really died!

The Feng family, even at white level, is extremely difficult to die. As long as the head and dead mushrooms are still there, the heart is pierced, and a mortal injury such as a waist cut can survive.

Not to mention Tsing Yi.

Lei Guang, it seemed that it was from the white horse.

Feng Zhu said that the pressure was very high and very high.

The genius is so arrogant that he got down on his knees.

Even uncle Qi died, and the genius who survives is considered genius, and the dead are nothing.

"The poor monk Xuan Zang just told you to lead a way. What are you doing on your knees?" Tang Luo said.

Leading the way is leading the way, kneeling is kneeling, if you don't lead the way, kneeling down is useless.

"Poor monk?" Feng Zhui keenly noticed this claim, and had a little hope in his heart, "This is a monk."

If you look closely, the white clothes inside the black cockroach look like a monk's robe.

"Master, we didn't ..." Feng Zhun's words couldn't go on.

He originally wanted to say something like Feng ’s family did nothing bad, which aroused the compassion of his family.

However, the Feng family was in danger for the birth of the "King of Eternal Life". Within the mist range, there were less than a thousand people with a population of tens of thousands.

It also includes nearly two hundred Feng family members and their enthusiasts, peripheral members-painters, corpses and the like.

It's the kind of dealing with corpses anyway.

Most of the remaining people were slaves and would become sacrifices in a few days.

"I didn't do anything. I was forced. I still have a life to save. I am willing to convert to Buddhism!" Feng Zhuan changed a way.

"Amitabha Buddha." Tang Luo put his hand on his chest with a one-handed scream and said, "The donor is willing to put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha on the ground.

"Yes, Master! I have always loved Dharma since I was a child!" Feng Zhuo said immediately, the big stone in his heart was slightly loose.

Didn't expect that the powerful and stupid pedantic monk actually existed?

"Then show the way to the poor monk," Tangluo said. "Lead the good way, and the poor monk will take care of you."

"Yes." Feng Zhun said respectfully, although he felt the second half of the sentence was strange.

As for what way to lead, he certainly knows.

Without jumping directly from the hollow of the open space, Feng Zhun took Tang Luo to the house on the other side.

Two people were guarding outside the door of the house.

Feng Zhuoleng ignored a face and ignored them. These two people are only members of the Feng family.

Sure enough, the two did not dare to ask questions, and opened the door with a little fear, not even a stranger like Tang Luo.

Tang Luo did not take any action, these people can leave it to Ao Yulie.

The interior of the house is empty, even with tiles on the outside, but a standard rough room on the inside.

There is a downward step on the ground.

"What are you doing underground?" Tang Luo asked as he walked.

"Huh?" Feng said a moment before he said, "Well, for sacrifice and increase strength."

Fortunately, in his body, even the heart is gone, and the heart will not beat quickly because of emotional excitement.

he does not know!

The monk did not know the specific trends and circumstances of their Feng family. In this way, the probability of death of this person is even greater.

"Sacrifice?" Tang Luo raised his eyebrows slightly. "What is the sacrifice?"

My heart secretly said that the source of this incident, could it be something evil?

As in the case of Kitahara, are there any things sealed in the ground?

"Actually, I just want to cultivate more corpse mushrooms." Feng Zhun said, without using the word "growth mushrooms". Here he basically told the truth, nine true and one false.

The fake part is simple, instead of cultivating more, it is a stronger corpse.

No, it should be said that the main mushroom of Xeon's longevity mushrooms can be completely grown, so that the "king of longevity" is truly born-its practical corpse king is more accurate.

"Oh." Tang Luo responded uncritically. "Then take the poor monk to your largest training ground."

"Oh, master. It's dangerous there, and the Feng family is basically there." Feng Zhu said.

"Anyway," Tang Luo said.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Feng Zhu feels a little "happy" in these two words, isn't it? Shouldn't it be dignified and cautious?

Of course, Tang Luo was very happy. He killed the enemy's nest and hit everything. He liked it very much.

There are self-righteous ways to lead the party and he prefers them.

The underground has been turned into an intricate maze by the Feng family.

The passage is two meters high and two meters wide, and the two can barely run side by side.

The thing used to illuminate is not an electric light, but a corpse mushroom placed on the top of the head, emitting a faint fluorescence, there is one every twenty meters or so.

At the same time that the dark channel can barely be seen, it can also release poisonous mist at any time.

Walking in the narrow aisle, Feng Zhu suddenly felt inexplicably cold behind him and couldn't help looking back, and saw that the Xuanzang Master had an ice-blue translucent spear in his hand.

The entire gun seems to be carved entirely from ice and ice, exquisitely like a work of art.

It is the obvious crack on the top that destroys a lot of beauty and makes people sigh.

Feng Zhu felt that the chill was emitted from this gun.

"Good stuff." Feng Zhuan immediately looked away and said in his heart.

I don't know if the monk died, if he had a chance to get this shot.

But a monk, it ’s okay to use a gun. Should n’t you use a stick?

"Someone is guarding in front of you, Master, please cooperate." After a while, Feng Zhun whispered reminded.

Tsing Yi is also a mainstay in Feng's family.

"OK." Tang Luo promised.

Soon, the aisle widened a bit, and we can see that two children of the Feng family in white assumed guarding duties.

It's just that their guard is really unqualified.

Sitting crooked and leaning against the wall.

When I saw Feng Zhuan coming, I stood up, and asked with a touch of flattery: "Chasing Tsing Yi, this is ..."

Without saying anything, Feng Zhun felt two cold lights passing by his side.

The original chill suddenly intensified, and it was received immediately.

Feng Zhui saw the two Feng family children in front of him falling down, his body covered with hoarfrost, and a huge blood hole in his chest.

There was no blood flowing out, and the dead mushrooms in the body had disappeared.

The extra small pieces on the ground should be the wreckage of two dead mushrooms.

"It's okay, let's go on," Tang Luo said.

"Well." Feng Zhu's cheek muscles were twitching, and the cooperation he said was not this cooperation!

The following journey, Feng Zhun and Tang Luo's cooperation is still good.

More than thirty children of the Feng family died in the hands of Tang Luo, and there were many members of the Feng family.

Tang Luo also saw several underground prisons, where a group of sleeping people were held.

It is a sacrifice after a period of time. Tang Luo did not intend to save people first, and released these people, messed up, and it will take merit to save them.

When he clears the culprit completely, these people will be safe.

At most, clean up the poison and consume less.

When Feng Zhuo saw that Tang Luo didn't mean to save people, he felt disappointed for a while. If the other party saves people, their odds are even greater.

Unexpectedly, the monk just glanced at him with a cold face, saying good compassion?

He also brought the monk here.

"Master, there is ... place ... place in front." Feng Zhuo stuttered.

Because just half a minute ago, three Tsing Yi died in Tang Luo's hands.

The entire Feng family, Tsing Yi is only thirteen, of which five, Feng Zhuo will be called Uncle X, and the other, Feng Zhuo will be called Uncle X, Grandpa X.

Then, two uncles and one uncle died in front of him.

Like those children in white, they died instantly.

Forcing them to say something different, those people kept a whole corpse, and these three Tsing Yi did not leave any corpse.

I am afraid that the monk noticed that Tsing Yi was difficult to kill, so he fought hard.

"Isn't that fast?" Tang Luo said with a smile, "It's not far from the time when the donor converted to my Buddha."

"You are not a monk at all!" Feng Zhun shouted, rushing forward in desperation.

Tang Luo didn't take a shot, nor did he deliberately chase after him, and took a step behind Feng Zhuan.

Because the destination is already here.

The Feng family is ready to wait for him to enter the net.

Out of the passage, there is a fairly spacious underground space in front of you, and the surrounding walls are full of dead mushrooms. These dead mushrooms are not picked up and installed like the passages.

Instead, it is planted directly on the wall.

The walls are all corpses, providing necessary nutrients for the growth of corpse mushrooms.

The corpse mushrooms fluoresce, illuminating this underground space.

Feng Zhuo stood among a group of Feng family members ~ ~ staring at Tang Luo who was coming in with anxiety.

I don't know why, even if standing in the crowd, behind them is the Xeon of the Feng family-the king of the immortal, who will soon be born, Feng Zhu still does not have any sense of security.

Most of these Feng family members were in white clothes, there were also several Tsing Yi clothes, and four were in black clothes. There were no old men with the word "Feng" embroidered on their chests.

The three colors of white, blue, and black represent the status of the children of the Feng family.

Black is the highest.

Tang Luo's eyes completely ignored the horrible Feng family and fell on the huge corpse mushroom that was five meters high behind them.

That's right, this should be the source.

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