Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 392: Zhu ?, Yonghe

The five great pillars rose from the roaring sea, and the ears were full of waves.

The loud noise overwhelmed Ao Yulie's voice.

The shadow was cast from above Ao Yulie's head, and the five giant pillars instantly surpassed his flying height-no, it should be said that Ao Yulie's height was falling madly.

The dragon body was constantly struggling, but was unable to get rid of the shackles of great power, and descended.

It can be clearly seen that the five Optimum Pillars are not stone pillars.

But five fingers!

It was covered with yellow hair, and each one looked like a sharp sword, without any soft feeling.

The hairless part is black skin, and the texture lines are clearly visible.

This is not the palm of a person, but the palm of a strange beast!

"Master! Help!" The dragon-shaped incarnation of Ao Yulie has already been considered to be huge. In contrast to this palm, it looks like a little snake without a long opening.

It is conceivable what will happen if the five fingers are brought together and Ao Yulie is held tight.

On the side of Ao Yulie, the clouds and fog disappeared, only the thunder was lingering.

A large number of Thunder bombarded the huge palm, and the only "harm" that could be caused was to turn some yellow hair into gray-black.

The position of the palm also surfaced, and Ao Yulie was completely under the control of the giant hand and could not escape.

His dragon's voice was covered by the sound of the waves, and the shadow cast by his five fingers began to expand.

Five fingers are pinching!

Ao Yulie looked at the falling five fingers and thought of another thing in his mind: Was the big brother being pressed under the five fingers mountain at the same time, is it the same scene today?

Like him, he can't resist it, but can only bear his eyes closed?

At the moment of distraction, the speed with which the five fingers were gathered suddenly accelerated.

Tianyu was completely covered, and the sky, and the master flying overhead disappeared.

All of this is a long story, but it's just a moment.

Tang Luo saw Ao Yulie rushing out of the sea, shouting something in his mouth, the huge palm set off a gigantic wave, and caught Ao Yulie.

Without accelerated descent, Tang Luo raised his left hand and held it falsely. A golden brick—full of upstart atmosphere—appeared in the hands of the Quartet.

Falling down with Tang Luo's waving hand.

A golden light flashed, there was no intermediate process, only the head and tail flashed away.

The gold brick hit the back of the huge palm.

A wave of violent air, the white ring, ring after ring, spread out in all directions.

The sea surface at your feet suddenly sunken, the surrounding seawater was temporarily discharged, and a huge deep pit was formed instantly.

The five-finger palms, like a giant pillar, shattered, turned into a white spray, and fell on Ao Yulie.

Get involved in the sea.

The crashing waves reached hundreds of meters in height, and looking at it, the sea where the eyes were looking was roaring wantonly.

The raging waves rolled towards Tang Luo suspended in the air.

Tang Luo held his left hand with a yummy hand, and the BRICS flew back to his hand, fisted, slaps the brick, and the shadow of the sky and the BRICS appeared.

Thousands can't defend!

Fists and bricks blasted on the raging waves that swept across them, and the rushes were crushed by the whole.

Obviously there is no concrete form of water, but at this time, the glass seems to be broken, turning into countless small drops of water.

There was a drizzle, and the raindrops fell on the sea, without half the lethality.

A glimmer of glory glimmered through the rain, separating these raindrops, keeping Tang Luo's body clean and fresh.

After a while, Ao Yulie got out of the sea and flew to Tangluo to hover beside him. "Master, what is that thing just now?"

"I met Zhu Xi in the sky." Tang Luo did not answer immediately.

"Dwarf?" Ao Yulie was a little strange. "How short is the dwarf?"

"It's Zhu Xi ..."

"Oh, the strange beast in the Shan Hai Jing?" Ao Yulie reacted, but he remembered that this was a strange beast recorded in the Shan Hai Jing.

It has the ability to spread panic and terror, but also feeds on panic and terror, which is quite troublesome.

The mountains and sea beasts are different from the monsters. Most of them do not have high intelligence and are almost the same as the beasts.

It seems that Zhu Xi's special abilities, released consciously or unconsciously, have caused the situation today.

"Well, though, I think it's not just as simple as Zhu Xi, the palm of my hand ..." Tang Luo stopped and looked down at his feet.

Ao Yulie moved his gaze.

The sea, which had gradually calmed down at the feet, began to swell again.

But this time it wasn't a thousand layers of snow.

Instead, it is spinning, forming a huge vortex. You can see the center and depth of the vortex.

It seemed to come out and be bound by something.


There was a sound, like the sound of a broken chain, and the sea swayed like water in a bowl.

Then, the vortex suddenly disappeared and everything became extremely calm.

The silence was so extreme that no sound could be heard, and even the wind was still.

Tang Luo and Ao Yulie were slightly rippled on the sea under their feet.

A huge skull emerged quietly.

The yellow hair was messy and almost covered two-thirds of the face, not as sharp and hard as the hair on the palm.

These hairs were wet by the sea water and stuck to the face, making it impossible to see the appearance.

But judging by the protruding jaw, this head is somewhat like an ape.

As the huge skull emerged silently from the sea, those red eyes and weird red lips also showed up.

Ao Yulie seemed to be aware of it, turned sharply, and waved a thunderous palm.

Raising a huge arm under the sea, Ao Yulie's palm thunder fell on his palm, and the thunder light flickered like a firework at a glance, then disappeared without a trace.

Did not cause any impact.

"Yonghe!" Ao Yulie narrowed his eyes, and with Zhu Xi in front, he immediately guessed the true identity of this ape-like thing.

It is also a strange beast from Shan Hai Jing.

Three hundred miles southeast, said Fengshan. There are animal slugs, whose appearance is like slugs, red eyes, red beaks, yellow body, and its name is Yonghe.

Like Zhu Xi, she is also a strange beast accompanied by fear.

There are Zhu Xi in the sky and Yonghe in the sea. These two are probably the source of a series of strange events.

Ao Yulie stared at Tang Luo: "Master! We can complete the task by using it!" After finishing, he "stepped back" and made room for Tang Luo.

Yonghe and Zhu Xi are special beasts. Their fear abilities are true and false. There is no way to distinguish between true and false.

It can even be said that it is true.

If this ability is set aside, Ao Yulie and the two beasts will fight together, of course, without fear.

But their abilities are really too weird, just like before, and there are giant apes with most of their bodies already exposed to the water.

These are true and false.

Fear brings death, and it is not the kind of fear that can be easily broken by shouting "I am fearless."

In short, Ao Yulie couldn't beat it.

Ao Yulie may not be able to beat one, let alone two.

Therefore, this kind of thing just needs to be left to the master.

Me, Ao Yulie, just shout 6!

"No," Tang Luo said, looking at the calmness, like Yonghe on the calm sea.


"Not just Zhu Xi and Yonghe." Tang Luo said.

"Why?" Ao Yulie was surprised. One Zhu Xi and one Yonghe were more powerful, which made the situation today completely reasonable.

Why does Master think differently?

"I don't know, intuition," Tangluo said. "It always feels that the things behind are even stronger."

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his body turned into a ghost image, casting a ghost shadow step, and appeared on the top of Yonghe's head instantly, a punch fell!

Ghost Steps can also be used while in flight.

Tang Luo's raid was quick, and Yonghe responded very quickly.

The huge palms were raised, blocking them overhead.

Small fists and huge palms are disproportionate at all, but like a needle piercing an inflated balloon.

The palm of the hand burst into countless water splashes, along with the whole piece of Yonghe broken.

"One punch! Such horror!"

Ao Yulie next to him yelled loudly, and the Xiaotian dog who had jumped over his head gave Ao Yulie a scornful look.

Over time, she became more and more invented, this dragon is a comedian, funny character.

Mounting and shouting 666 is his biggest role.

Of course, this cannot be blamed for Ao Yulie.

Because of the vague memory of Xiaotian Dog, he seems to be in a similar situation.

Selling cute, chasing the enemy, biting a bite, running after biting, and then no more.

It is because the owner is too strong.

With one punch, the phantom of Yonghe was smashed, just like the eye of the black hole just now, Tang Luo glanced around, looking for the true body of the enemy.

After a short while, the crocodile dog lying on top of Ao Yulie's head suddenly stood up and jumped into the air. His body began to swell, showing a combat state, and landed on the sea.

The black hair on her limbs was burning like flames ~ ~ so that she could stand on the sea, her red eyes exposed the fierce beasts of menacing beasts, and the threatening low roar came from her mouth.

Ao Yulie also entered the state of the Dragon Man. Not only that, the clothes on his body also became a mighty armor-not only a change in appearance, but also increased defense.

For a moment, they all felt that great fear was coming, and something was about to appear!

"This is ..." Soon, Ao Yulie swept over the "things" that made them close to the enemy, and her face could not help changing.

The howling threatening voice of Xiaotian Dog is more obvious, but his body backs up a little and comes behind Tang Luo.

"Master, you're right, it really isn't ordinary Zhu Xi and Yonghe." Ao Yulie looked at Tang Luo who flew to the "two", and his voice was a bit dry.

This unexpected thing exuded an invisible horror of fear, distorting the surrounding space.

Strange and terrible looks looming.

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