Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 401: Frenzy

Chapter 402

The failed Ao Yulie aimed at Tang Luo for the first time.

Fortunately, Tang Luo only looked at Maeda Wang thoughtfully, but did not look at him.

Ao Yulie immediately reorganized his fanfare. It was just an idea just now, and he will not fail again this time!

Ao Yulie who was serious, even if he had the red whip, Maeda Wang, who had greatly increased his strength, was not his opponent.

The red whip danced like a viper, but still couldn't stop Ao Yulie.

After a few rounds, Ao Yulie seized the opportunity to avoid the red whip dancing wildly, came to Maeda's side, and a hand knife fell on Maeda's neck.

Maeda looked his eyes turned white, leaned forward, and then pulled back strangely, whip swiping towards Ao Yulie.


Ao Yulie was a little surprised, avoiding the whip, and was another hand knife.

Maeda looked shocked, but still did not pass out, but continued to attack.

"Can't you faint ?!"

Ao Yulie's eyes glared slightly, and he still couldn't faint?

At that moment, the wind was blowing, and Tang Luo appeared in the middle of the "battlefield" of the two men, kicking his feet on Maeda's chest.

Blood stained sky.

Maeda Wang flew out like a cannonball, slamming heavily on the courtyard wall, and the whole person was inlaid.

He was struggling slightly, and after a few clicks, it should have been completely broken somewhere before his head was lowered and did not move.

"You can't faint because you don't have enough energy to make a fuss." Tang Luo said at a glance at Ao Yulie.

If you ca n’t stun with a knife, take a kick. If you look at this kick, do n’t you faint?

I was very dizzy, and I could feel dizzy for the rest of my life.

Ao Yulie gave a smirk and passed.

The muscles on everyone's face were jerking, so cruel monk!

Zhang Xiuping, who does not know Tang Luo, is no exception.

Li casually and Tang Yuhan are very calm.

The two not only fought side by side with Tang Luo, they were relatively clear about his behavior.

The most important thing is that the two were very clear about Tang Luo's "hostage has been killed by me, surrender quickly".

Now it's just the basic operation. Don't sit down and watch it.

"What happened?" Tang Luo asked Li casually.

"It's like this." Li casually began to describe.

Tang Luo, they went to Qingyun Village for trouble, Li casually and others could not stay in the cursed house all the time.

Even if the essence of the survival task is Gou, it is necessary to give play to subjective initiative.

All kinds of preparations are necessary in the early stage. It is impossible to ignore them. The ostrich plugs its head and finds a place to hide it.

Everyone left this mansion to improve their survival probability in their own way.

For example, make more money and use weapons or horses.

If you want to stay in one place for a long time, you have to hoard some food.

The money we got yesterday is just enough for everyone to spend their daily expenses in a short time.

Horses and weapons are definitely not enough.

Maeda Wang found these foreigners from other places. These people were rough in some martial arts. They did not know that they had obtained some good weapons from the inside, and they were going to sell them.

It's very expensive to sell, everyone can put together the money to buy two knives.

Maeda Wang thought for a moment and decided that "everything will happen."

Bring these people to the mansion, and carry out in-depth transactions of the people of the rivers and lakes-just intending to forcibly seize.

Interestingly, these three people from other places have similar ideas.

The two sides "hit it together", black eat black, who is afraid of who?

Later, Maeda Wang seized the three red whips that were not used by the three, and became mad on the spot. After killing the foreigners, they slightly converged.

But this is Maeda's reason to take the upper hand, just looking for the next prey.

A short gap.

The reason for Maeda Wang's change is undoubtedly on the red whip in his hands.

Tang Luo stepped in front of Maeda Wang, who was inlaid on the wall, and took off the red whip wrapped around his arm.

This whip is nearly four meters long. I don't know what material it is made of. It is quite soft to the touch, but it is very tough and can be further stretched.

The whole body is red, and the blood is not visible on it.

"Equipment." Tang Luo shook it casually twice, making a roaring blast.

Furious Whip

Poor products created by imitating something still have the power to be underestimated.

Incidental skills:

I. Furious (Passive)

After picking up the whip, you will not feel pain and fatigue, you can tap your own potential, and you can fight to the last minute. The limit is to break through!

Second, confusion (passive)

Numerous insane resentments are entangled in the whip. Holding it will be shocked by the chaos and insanity, and it is very easy to lose your mind, and treat all the surrounding creatures as enemies until the death.

———— Only lunatics will like and use this whip.

"It will make people lose their intellectual whip equipment," said Tang Luo. "It's good for desperate, you can feel it yourself."

He set his whip aside.

Ao Yulie walked to hold it, her face changed, "Oh", and quickly let go: "Very exciting."

Nan Taisheng thought about it and went up to try.

The moment he grabbed the whip, he trembled suddenly, feeling that the strength in his body began to growl and emerge, and numerous screams rang in his ears and in his head.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The horrible killing sentiment almost completely defeated his reason.

Reason is like a **** in the flood peak, and a boat in the rough sea, which may capsize anytime, anywhere.

Nan Taisheng's eyes were gradually stained with faint green.

Fortunately, he maintained his sanity and was restrained. He did not take the initiative to attack the people around him.

But this situation obviously cannot last long.

Fight with him, the battle will be a little bit fierce and a little bit, Nan Taisheng will be crazy, regardless of the enemy.

Letting go, Nan Taisheng let go of his whip and felt a noticeable weakness, as if his body was hollowed out.

The equipment information is clear.

That surging force is squeezing the potential of the body.

Just look at Maeda Wang's half-dead look and see how severe this crushing is.

Has nothing to do with Master Xuanzang.

Nan Taisheng couldn't carry the whip negatively and passively, and the remaining three Sakurajima demon walked even more thoughtless, without touching.

Suspicion of Tang Luo disappeared.

Just looking at his unchanging face just now, it really doesn't seem to be a side effect of any equipment. He thought he was lying.

Tang Yuhan, Li casual, and Zhang Xiuping have no interest in this side-effecting equipment.

Li casually is a sword repair, the former Ling Fengjian has been replaced with better equipment.

Zhang Xiuping is a gunman, and he is not interested in whip.

Tang Luo sheltered everyone in danger, and there was no objection to the whip alone.

However, Tang Luo fairly gave everyone a flying sign, which made everyone very moved and respectfully.

Master Xuanzang really is a master monk.

In the future, whoever dares to say that the master is not a good person, I will rush to anyone.

After confirming the ownership of the whip, Ao Yulie took up the whip, Tang Luo expended a little merits, and restored Maeda Wang.

Maeda Wang stuttered after the recovery.

Just like what Li casually said.

This black eats black, the darker side finally wins the victory.

"This whip is an imitation." After disposing of the corpse, in the House of Curses, Nan Taisheng said, "So it is an imitation of the whip that disappeared for a long time in the Nine Saints, the shepherd's whip?"

"The shepherd's whip?" Someone asked curiously.

The names of the nine holy soldiers are not known to all the people.

Although Lin Qinglong's Qingyun Village is a peripheral area, it is actually highly valued by the Black Temple and will soon be incorporated into the system.

Lin Qinglong and Yi Yun joined the Black Heaven Shrine, and at least they can mix in the middle.

Both of them knew that their identities and strengths surpassed the traitors of the "pirate leader".

Nan Taisheng told what they learned during their trip to Qingyun Village.

Everyone has their own ideas.

Nan Taisheng finally said, "Then Master Xuanzhang intends to go to the Black Heaven Shrine to save the evildoers. Such righteous acts are admirable. I am willing to follow the steps of Master Xuanzhang. He is my mentor. lighthouse!"



Money is moving.

After realizing that the counterfeits of the nine major soldiers were so good, Nan Taisheng was excited.

Strictly, following Master Xuanzhang, you can earn a counterfeit equipment!

The others thought about it and chose to follow Tang Luo.

On the one hand, there are dangers, and there is no benefit, the task rewards.

One side is following Tang Luo, which is dangerous, has additional benefits, and may be equipped.

What else do you want? Definitely the latter.

Master Xuanzang is also a noble person, who is detached from low-level tastes, and will not be moody, and will not use them as cannon fodder.

with! Definitely follow! Not walking with non-gods.

The next two days, everyone was working hard to prepare for the storm.

Still, it's very chic to hear the rivers and lakes, but it's actually not easy.

Tang Luo has a house of curses and has perfectly solved the problem of "living".

Otherwise, you either have money or you can only eat and sleep.

The big head that really spends money is "transportation".

There is no doubt that the traffic in this world is either by walking or by horses.

People in the rivers and lakes can use light work in short distances, and they have to rely on horses to catch the road in long distances.

Horses are equivalent to cars in modern society. They are more expensive, and they are not affordable.

And slightly better horses, just like luxury cars, do n’t say there are.

With Qingyunzhai's money, it took some effort, and everyone got eight horses, one for each.

Ao Yulie and Tang Luo naturally didn't need to ~ ~ After getting the important transportation, everyone quickly embarked on a journey to the Black Temple.

At this time, among the Qingyun Village, ten people in black looked at Qingyun Village, which had been burned and turned into a pile of ruins.

The bodies of Lin Qinglong and others who were burned to dry corpses were also dug up and placed in front of them.

It is no longer possible to tell who is who.

It can basically be concluded that the entire Qingyun Village was destroyed, and the chickens and dogs did not stay.

After a while, the man in black, headed coldly, said, "Check, I want to know who made it, even the people in our dark temple are afraid to move."


The nine men in black behind him led.

Only the leader stood in place, gently rubbing the hilt of the sword in his waist, exuding the spirit of killing.

(End of this chapter)

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