Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 405: I'm still here!

Did it hate the Heavenly King to destroy Buddhism, because the Buddhism had such overbearing and martial arts?

Caused the hatred and dread of hating the **** of heaven?

But even so, isn't it possible to capture martial arts? This martial art cannot be learned by everyone.

It seems that the hatred of the God of Heaven towards Buddha is not a struggle for interests, but a hatred from the heart.


It's like the "poor way" that Master Shitai was robbed by a bald donkey.

Regardless of the grudges and hatreds of the Heavenly God and the Buddhist monks, there is still a hidden feeling.

Everyone looked at the white-haired monk, and suddenly there was a feeling that the rivers and lakes were going to change again.

Without paying any attention to the three men lying on the ground, in awe of the extreme, Tang Luo greeted Ao Yulie and others: "Let's go to the Black Temple."

Nan Taisheng walked over, took the unconscious Zhu Qiankang to his shoulders and took his sword, which was not equipment.

But it must be much better than their current weapons.

The people in Baiyu Jianzhuang did not stop, and there was no way to stop.

A group of people came to the gate of Jianzhuang, but before they actually went out, a group of people walking in front of each other came.

The head of the person, a white feather coat, meticulous hair care, with a beard, feather beauty must be sloppy, with a bit of majesty in the chic.

Not others, it is the owner of Baiyu Jianzhuang, Zhou Yu.

At this moment he looked slightly darker, and saw Tang Luo and others coming out, and some people who looked good behind him, blocking the road to leave.

"Get away." Ao Yulie took the lead and looked at Zhou Yu.

What an old guy, a handsome man in white in his old age.

"The owner! The owner!"

Immediately someone ran out, bypassed Tang Luo, and gathered around Zhou Yu, whispered, and said things as quickly as possible.

Zhou Yu's face remained the same, and she looked closely at Tang Luo and others.

He spent the longest time on Tang Luo and the unconscious Zhu Qian.

"So it is." After listening to the steward, Zhou Yu breathed a sigh of relief, arching to Tang Luo, "It turned out to be Xuan Zang Xiaoxia. It was unfortunate that the door was such a scum, it was my Baiyu Jianzhuang No. "

Apologize and be sincere.

"Let ’s give him a hand, and the poor monk will go to the Dark Temple," Tang Luo said.

"Uh ..." Zhou Yu hesitated. "Dare to ask, Xuan Zang Shao Xia really comes from Buddhism, is he a monk?"

"Ran," Tang Luo admitted frankly, "the poor monk came from the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, and the name was Xuanzang."

"It turned out to be Master Xuanzhang." Zhou Yu laughed. "Today, I have offended Baiyu Jianzhuang, and the Dark Palace is not a trivial matter. If you can, Master, you can take a break in my Jianzhuang. Or let us apologize and thank you. "

Da Lei Yin Temple? Never heard of it.

This is also normal. After the hatred of the Heavenly God destroys the Buddha, there are only one or two Buddha doors that can pass down the name.

"No, we're busy. We're in a hurry," Tang Luo said.

He was telling the truth. It was only three months in this mission world.

How can there be no idle time?

"This ..." Zhou Yu said, "It's true that you are going to the Dark Heaven Magic Palace, Master, it is not your personal matter, it is related to thousands of people. And Master may not understand, your identity."

Know who Qin Xuao learned from.

"We understand." Ao Yulie interrupted. "You are blocked, we are really busy."

Zhou Yu's face sank suddenly, and his posture was very low. These guys, still don't appreciate it?

"Why, do you want to fight?" Ao Yulie laughed.

Just installed-forced success, very happy.

One fashion-for a while, always loaded-forever cool.

Now Ao Yulie is inflated.

"The Master has misunderstood." Zhou Yu shook his head. "Since you are all alone, you can't dissuade me, I just wish you all the best."

It sounded more like a curse.

Zhou Yu gave way, and the people behind him gave way, but they looked at Tang Luo and others very badly.

Unlike Zhou Yu, you can maintain surface style.

Everyone didn't care, and left with their eyes.

They had to return to the restaurant first, get the horse back, and then head out of the city to the Black Temple.

Watching Tang Luo and others leave, someone approached Zhou Yu and wanted to say something, but Zhou Yu raised his hand to stop it.

Soon after, they also returned to Jianzhuang, and after a meaningless but rude embarrassment, the people around the rivers and lakes basically dispersed.

The gate of Baiyu Jianzhuang closed, blocking the sight of some people who refused to disperse.

The corpses and blood on Yanwu Field could no longer be seen.

The three rising stars originally fell directly, and Qin Xuao was trapped in the "thinking spring", which is actually a water prison, letting them die on their own.

Prior to this, Zhou Yu asked the three of them for details about Tang Luo.

Basically did not know more about what Zhou Yu knew.

Not that the three did not cooperate, but the three were very cooperative, praising Tang Luo from the heart with a zealous attitude.

Blow him into the sky like nothing else.

Too exaggerated, no reference value at all.

In the words of a man named Lan who was locked up for pretending to be forced, it is "worship is the feeling farthest from understanding."

And Qin Xuao didn't know Tang Luo at all. How can I provide any information?

This method Xuanzang, a white-haired monk who claimed to be from the Daleiyin Temple in Lingshan, and his group of men seemed to jump out of the crack in the stone.

I have never heard of it before.

Lingshan also has Da Lei Yin Temple, which is also a place that has never been heard before.

The origin is unknown, the strength is unknown, and the purpose is unknown.

It's almost like shrouded in fog.

The only thing that is certain is that Xuan Zang has mastered a domineering and treacherous martial arts. In one shot, Qin Xuao can make the three of them "suddenly regretted", it is almost like a person.

The "degree" means is too clever.

Not like Buddha disciples, more like a demon.

"Zhuang owner, aren't we chasing? The whip must be in the hands of these people." Zhou Yu, an old man who was not young but full of energy, asked.

Zhou Yu thought for a while, stood up and said, "Bring someone in and leave."

"Yes!" Said the old man, "I will summon people to chase."

"Chasing?" Zhou Yu laughed. "We don't chase, we go to Hei Tian Mo Gong."

The old man was stunned, and then slapled: "The owner is wise!"

"Don't talk nonsense, go now." Zhou Yu said.

Yesterday they suddenly left, naturally there was something important to do.

They were informed that they were looking for a "herder whip" whose whereabouts were unknown for one of the nine holy soldiers.

Somehow, the whip fell into the hands of a few unknown soldiers.

The news hasn't really leaked out yet. If they could get the shepherd's whip before the news broke, then their white feather sword village would be different.

After inquiring, Zhou Yu and others finally learned that the whip fell into the hands of a white-haired man and the original holder was killed.

The white-haired man and his companion had already left, and their whereabouts were not concealed.

Zhou Yu and others continued to chase. As a result, they recovered the vicinity of Baiyu Jianzhuang, and then heard the news that the people of the Black Heaven Shrine broke into Baiyu Jianzhuang and hurried back.

There was also a scene where they met with Tang Luo.

Zhou Yu vigorously invited Tang Luo to stay in Baiyu Jianzhuang, of course not as grand as he told him.

The purpose is for the shepherd whip in the hands of these people.

Unfortunately, the other party is very vigilant and is not hooked at all.

Still anxious to go to the trouble of the Black Temple.

How did Zhou Yu miss such a good opportunity for the tadpoles to compete for the fishermen?

After a while, Bai Yu Jianzhuang made his best out, and left as the night fell.

"My father is"

"How dare you treat me like this"

"I do"

"I wish you a thousand dissatisfaction! We have the ability to fight again and again."

"Stop it! Stop it!"

In the night, Zhu Qian's dissatisfaction gradually turned into submission.

"Is this the direction?" Nan Taisheng asked Zhu Qian.

"Yes." Zhu Qian looked up, gave a reluctant glance, and lowered his head again.

In fact, he was not badly hurt. He was so energetic just now because he could hold it in one breath, but now he couldn't hold it, he was in a state of dying.

However, as a martial arts master, this injury is not fatal.

After a month or two of breathlessness, he will recover and jump back to life.

Internal healing is the basic operation of the martial arts.

In the process of healing, Zhu Qian did not talk nonsense, for fear that the other party would interrupt his healing.

At that time, he was deliberately interrupted, something went wrong, and the injury got worse, and the situation was bad.

With Tang Luo they made no secret of approaching the Black Temple.

Zhu Qian, who has always been on the way, finally didn't hold back: "Are you going to come straight?"

"Otherwise?" On the mountain road, Ao Yulie naturally recovered his human form and turned to look at Zhu Qian asking.

Zhu Qian bowed his head and did not continue to say anything.

This group of people, either high-handed or daring, don't put Hetian Temple in their eyes at all.

Or, a bunch of idiots.

From their strength, it belongs to the former.

But in the end, they will become the latter.

These people don't know what the hidden card of the Black Sky Shrine is. If there is no hole card, how can the Black Sky Shrine dare to expand?

"You are a little excited."

Suddenly, Zhu Qian heard a voice.

He looked instinctively, the white-haired monk was looking at himself, his tone calm and firm.

"What?" Zhu Qianzhuang said silly. "What are you talking about?"

"Is it coming soon?" Tang Luo didn't hold it, "Heihe Jingu."

"Go around, the shade is all right," Zhu Qian said, converging his mind and letting his breath be as smooth as possible.

No doubt, this white-haired monk is a master.

Monk ... an identity and title that has disappeared on the rivers and lakes.

Being right and upright by this person, he put it on himself without concealment.

Whether true or false ~ ~ can only prove one thing. That is, he is not afraid to hate Tianmen!

Naturally, you will not be afraid of the Black Heaven Shrine, which is weaker than hating Tianmen.

After all, he paid the price for his arrogance.

Because Heihe Jingu controlled a holy soldier!

Go forward for a while.

It was slightly concealed, but not so well concealed, and footsteps that could be heard came from all directions.

"Oh, here it is," Ao Yulie laughed.


The bowstring vibrated, and a dull sound of breaking air came, and the black feather arrow burst out from the darkness and went straight to the people.

"You guys are going to die! I am still!"

Zhu Qian, who sneered in the last second, sneered on the spot.

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