Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 410: 4 degree demon monk


Ao Yulie uttered a violent drink and leaped away, and the black flame demon knife in his hand fell fiercely.

The powerful swordman turned into a black dragon and rushed into the floor boat under his feet.

With a loud noise, the waves surged and the huge building ship shattered into two parts from the middle.

Ao Yulie fluttered down, standing on a small wooden board shard, following the waves, as if the immortal came to the world.

"Master, this knife really can greatly reduce the suppression of this world." He turned and looked to the other side and said.

"Well, I feel."

Tang Luo held a stick in his hand and the other hand stretched out obliquely.

Holding a man in his hand.

The man struggled hard and stopped slowly, his eyes fell on the stick in Tang Luo's hand.

His face was full of shock.

I don't know how, when I clearly held the Panlong stick, one of the nine holy soldiers, when he was fighting head-on, he was still not the man's opponent.

The other party didn't seem to do his best, and even took away his panlong stick.

The horror in his eyes turned into despair and gloom.

With the flash of light, the man was burned into a ball of ashes by the glass flame, and cremated on the spot.

Raising the stick, Tang Luo glanced.

Panlong sticks have the same eyebrow length, black in the middle, and a golden true dragon carved on it, with a slightly raised pattern.

At both ends are golden cutouts, with two golden **** suspended in them.

As the stick moved, it collided with the surrounding area, making a crisp sound, which made people feel shocked and conscious.

This is the panlong stick, one of the nine holy soldiers.

To Tang Luo and Ao Yulie, like Heiyan Demon Knife, they are inextricably related to the nine-tooth rake.

I am afraid that it is also made of (a part of) a nine-tooth rake.

"I didn't expect this Yanyu Building to be quite powerful, much higher than the Black Heaven Shrine." Ao Yulie walked on the waves and came to Tangluo.

Tang Luo was standing on the water at the moment.

"Let's go, the efficiency is a bit slow." Tang Luo said, ripples spread under his feet, and spread out continuously.

The next wave formed a white spray, and Tang Luo's figure disappeared away instantly.

"We went to the inn!"

Ao Yulie raised his head and shouted loudly. The sound penetrated the clouds and spread out far away. He was notified to walk around and quickly follow Tang Luo.


"Jingtangmu" was photographed on the table, and the storyteller said loudly, "It is said that the jade dragon boy blocked the dragon stick with a black flame demon blade."

"The holy warriors on both sides fought loudly, as if the nine-day **** thunder exploded in their ears, and everyone around them turned upside down. Mo said that joining the two men's fight was extremely difficult to stand.

"But the four-time demon monk took it seriously, the hard-top soldiers fighting with power, flashed behind the owner of Yanyulou, and exhibited the most terrifying third degree."

"Poor Yanyu Lou landlord, it took less than a month to get the panlong stick, when he was flexing his muscles."

"The third time Dowa hit the vest and ended in a dead body ..."

"The 'Dongjianghu' generation of hegemonies has fallen, and the entire Yanyu Tower has also become a tower in the sky, and there is no longer any smoke."

This is a restaurant.

The diners around me listened to the storytellers telling about the recent events that happened on the rivers and lakes.

After speaking for a while, the storyteller lifted the tea in front of his throat.

"Lao Zhang, what is the sacredness of the four-degree demon monk?" Someone asked.

The storyteller is an old man who is a bit thin and very animated, but behaves quite a bit. He listens to that person and does not answer, but instead smiles.

"Okay, go." The people around laughed and cursed. "You old man, you know you want money."

Also unambiguous, give rewards.

"People walking in rivers and lakes always have to eat." The storyteller smiled and touched his beard.

His hair was white and quite fair, but his behavior was very lively.

"Do you count as a quack?" Diner laughed.

"Of course," said the storyteller. "I don't walk in rivers and lakes. Where are so many news? I have walked in rivers and lakes. Why not count as rivers and lakes?"

"Will you do martial arts then?" Someone asked.

"Wu Gong ... When I was a storyteller, I relied on a quick footwork and a sharp tongue. What should I do for Wu Gong?" The storyteller said humanely.

"Okay, tell us about the four-degree demon monk." The man who questioned just now said, "Which four-degree is this four-degree?"

"Speaking of the fourth-degree demon monk."

The storyteller moistened his throat with tea and patted the gavel softly. "The origin is extremely mysterious, and no one has found out its roots."

"This man claims to be a monk, his lawful name is Xuanzang, and his name is‘ Tang ’, and he ’s also become a‘ four-degree demon monk Tang Xuanzang ’.”

"The first time he appeared on the rivers and lakes was the case of Baiyu Sword Village more than a month ago ..."

The storyteller described the Baiyu Jianzhuang incident again, including spring and autumn strokes and a small amount of exaggeration, but the truth is also a long time away.

"Poor that so-called White Feather Three Swords, I'm afraid it is the most unlucky young man in the world in recent years."

"If it wasn't for someone seeing the owner Zhou Yu leading someone back into the Baiyu Sword Village, they would be dying in a water cell."

Everyone laughed.

Obviously, there is nothing good about this kind of impersonation. Of course, it may be just gloating.

"The White Sword of Three Swords" made them laugh so badly. After a few days, they changed their heroes and famous places. They still laughed so much.

"Where did the Black Flame Demon Knife in the hands of Jade Dragon Man come from?" Someone asked.

The storyteller touched the beard of his chin: "The Black Flame Monster sword naturally comes from the Black Heaven Shrine. For more than half a year, the Black Temple Spirit has continued to expand, and the hole card is the Black Flame Monster Knife!"

"How is that possible? Since the Black Flame Shrine has the Black Flame Demon Blade, why is it still destroyed by that demon monk?"

The invincibility of holy soldiers is the iron law of rivers and lakes, the basic law of nature.

Many people are wondering, since there is a demon sword in hand, how did Heihe Jingu kneel?

"That night, the black wind was high, and the experience was severely wounded. Only some servants of the Black Heaven Shrine survived ..."

Didn't wait for the storyteller to continue talking.

"Is the legendary shepherd's whip really in the hands of the monk?" Someone interrupted.

The storyteller shook his head: "The shepherd's whip? Mostly it is not there, because only a few servants survived, the language was unknown, and the specifics of the night ... I really don't know."

In the middle, I also intentionally stopped the sale, and when everyone's necks were stretched, I listened to this.

Fortunately, everyone ’s pants are not taken off, otherwise ...

"You old stuff!"

"Return the reward!"

The diners in the restaurant lobby laughed.

"If I knew this, it wouldn't be a storyteller, but a god." The storyteller said, "Come, come, let's continue to talk about the four-degree demon monk."

"The case of Baiyu Jianzhuang can only be regarded as a half event when the demon monk first entered the rivers and lakes."

"The destruction of the Black Heaven Shrine is the first major event. Destroying the Yanyu Tower and winning the dragon club is the third."

Someone thinks and asks: "Old man, isn't it, the second one, have you eaten it?" He has learned arithmetic.

"Don't worry, I'm about to say the second one." The storyteller said, "The second thing is also the origin of the name of the fourth-degree demon monk."

"The owner of the white-sword sword village Zhuang also had a lot of friends on the rivers and lakes. He died unexplained in the Black Heaven Shrine. The demon monk did not conceal the news of the Heiyan Demon Knife. Naturally, people from the rivers and lakes swarmed in."

Having said that, the storyteller shook his head and seemed to be lamenting that "humans die for wealth and birds die for food".

Everyone understands the strength of the Paladin, so everyone wants it.

"Of course it will be dangerous, but other people will also come. Maybe I got it with good luck? Those who are mixed in rivers and lakes are afraid of danger? I am afraid of danger and go home to farm."

Everyone has a similar idea for the battle of the holy soldiers, and they follow.

Holding the strength of the Paladin is not all-round invincible and powerful.

It is people who have flaws, and when there are flaws, they have opportunities.

Only the holy warrior can counter the iron law of the holy warrior, which means a positive counterbalance in strength.

If the soldiers are really invincible in all respects, the soldiers will not continue to appear and disappear on the rivers and lakes, and will be transferred to the hands of various rivers and lakes.

"Don't sigh, old man, go on!" Someone urged.

"Okay, okay." The storyteller said, "In fact, there is nothing to say, that is, some people found the fourth-degree demon monk Tang Xuanzhang and were‘ duhua ’by the other party. The fourth-degree appellation also came from here.”

"What does four degrees mean?"

"The so-called four degrees means body, heart, degree, and robberies," said the storyteller. "The first three are the monk's domineering martial arts."

"Body is the domineering internal force of the demon monk. With one palm, one punch, and one move, he has the power that ordinary people in the rivers and lakes cannot completely resist. Touching it hurts, hits and dies, and often dies without a whole corpse. body."

"The words of Duxin are so treacherous that it is difficult to describe what martial arts it is. On the same day in Baiyu Jianzhuang, Tang Xuanzhang took a shot on the heads of the three men with three swords in Baiyu. You cannot do this yourself. "

"It's not so much the Buddhist martial arts, it's not the demonic methods."

"The same is true for Duhua. With powerful skills, such as the fire, the opponent and his clothes were turned into ashes without bones."

"Isn't that three degrees?" When the storyteller stopped, someone asked, "What about the last time?"

"The last time was for others. The appearance of Tang Xuanzhang is equivalent to their calamity." The storyteller shook his head.

"How to say?"

"Does it mean that hate Tianmen is going to be unlucky?"

The storyteller patted the gavel lightly: "It's not just hating Heaven's Gate. The white-haired monk acted decisively and showed no mercy, but he did not have the compassionate heart of the legendary monk. It ’s true and evil, but it ’s not really an evil demon. In contrast, it ’s the equivalent of crossing the robbery.

"Look at God's providence, and go through the disaster? I don't believe it! The demon monk is so powerful!" Someone patted the table and said.

"Others have two soldiers in their hands. Who else has two soldiers in the world?"

"It isn't really invincible if there is a holy warrior," someone said. "And what kind of hero is a hero?"

"Where are the other monks? They aren't heroes at all. Besides, as you say, what are the four holy places?"

"Can the four holy places be the same? The holy soldiers are their symbol, the bottom line, without the holy soldiers, the four holy places are not holy places?"

"You can't say the same thing. Feijianmen has never passed a single pass. Without the holy soldier, there are only two of them. Who is afraid?"

"Come on! Give you a holy soldier, do you dare to find the dueling sword of the Lord of the Swords?"

"You give it to me!"

"I'll give it when you go!"

"You go to me!"

For a group of people who are more noisy into a group, the analysis of combat effectiveness of the party, since ancient times.

"Don't make a noise!"

A violent drinking tingled people's ears and prevented party battles in the fighting party.

But it is a handsome son with red lips and white teeth and a beautiful appearance. Needless to say, this is a woman dressed as a man.

But just listening to the roar just now, you can hear that the strength is not weak.

"Cough ~ ~ The man coughed twice and looked at the storyteller." Lao Zhang, I have an important question. "

"My son, please," said the storyteller with a smile.

"That ... I heard that Yulong's son Junmei Wushuang is true?" His face was reddish, but he asked.


"... important fart!"

"Women get out of the river!"

Everyone is excited, you-he-mother just ask this?

The whisperer says

PY a good book, "Dungeon Players", the story that the dogs have to tell about the Aboriginal Demon King and Goblin players has a big brain.

This is a book with many gods recommended by the starting point, such as milk rides, big eyes ...

Interested friends do not miss.

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