Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 433: Team contract

The only wooden box that needed to be put away was Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie.

Three days later, it was almost time for the mission to return.

Tang Luo took out the House of Curses, and used this method to take away Ao Yulie, but now it is naturally made in the same way.

"This cat?" The House of Curses, Zhu Bajie carefully stared at the dog, "Is it the dog?"

"Big brother, I didn't recognize it at first," Ao Yulie said.

"Master ’s masterpiece, I read it every day and put it under the pillow when I go to bed at night. How can I not know the important characters in it?" Pig Bajie said.


Ao Yulie frowned, and found that things were not easy.

The return of the second elder brother is indeed a matter of joy and joy, but he came fiercely.

My Master ’s first favorite disciple's position is not guaranteed!

"But there is no Master's book where you retreat." Ao Yulie said, can't lose.

"That's because I have memorized the contents of the book, and really eaten it. The book is in my heart." Pig Bajie looked reverently and looked at Ao Yulie.

Your younger brother and younger brother, study hard, the second elder brother will give you life lessons.

"Oh, what is the fifth word in the fourth line of the 108 pages?" Ao Yulie is not vegetarian either.


Pig Bajie smiled a little, Xiao Bailong, you are still too young, "I remember that sentence is‘ I ’m first, obviously I ’m first, whether it ’s ... ’”.

Ao Yulie's body shook, but he didn't expect Brother Er to actually carry it?

▄█▔▉ ●, he lost!

"Don't smirk like a second fool. The breath converges when you die." Tang Luo came in and said to Pig Bajie.

"Then I'll be a stool." Pig Bajie thought about it, and then changed into a stool.

In every way, it is a real stool.

The breath converged to the extreme, leaving no traces.

Even if it is Sun Wukong's golden eyes, it will take some time to see the clues.

Gou, he is really good at it.

Taking Ao Yulie and Xiaotian Dog out of the cursed house, and immediately before returning, Tang Luo took the cursed house in.

Back at the Dragon King, Tang Luo came to the deck and released the House of Curses.

The pigs inside the ring came out.

"It's so thin, there is basically no vitality," he said, feeling the vitality of the real world.

"Okay, second elder brother, many things can be explained now." Ao Yulie said.

The situation can be fully explained in detail with Zhu Bajie.

Before bringing it to the real world, for security reasons, neither Tang Luo nor Ao Yulie mentioned the walking of gods and demons.

So as not to violate the rules of the demon game.

In fact, this is probably one of the difficulties in bringing "indigenous" from other worlds.

Tang Luo believes that the equipment that can hold people, live creatures, and stowed away must be more than a house of curses.

If you think about it, maybe he is not the only one who has brought out the people of the mission world.

This is worth thinking about.

However, these things are not under management now, and Tang Luo is not interested for the time being.

When Ao Yulie explained the situation to Zhu Bajie, he "counted" the gains of this mission.

This is also the practice after each task.

The twelfth task completed by Tang Luo this time, so far, no task has failed, the success rate is 100%.

Unfortunately, there is no reward.

The biggest achievement of this survival mission is undoubtedly the recovery of the pig Bajie.

In addition, the reward given by the demon game is equipment, a fan named "Giant Wind".

It can be fanned out, and it can be regarded as a nine-tooth rake divided into nine, and the imitation of Qiankuan is rolled up.

Tang Luo looked a little and threw it to Ao Yulie, which made him very happy.

Prince Yulong, the third prince naturally wants to bring a fan, chic!

In addition, there are two pieces of equipment: Furious Whip and Ashen's Armor. It is no accident that both items must be sold.

Then, the merit in the task was harvested. The chaotic rivers and lakes brought a lot of merit to Tang Luo.

In the quest world, all of them are useless, as well as the Eden apple that Zhang Xiuping sold to Tang Luo and Tang Yuhan's healing drugs.

Both are pretty good for healing.

"I'll go back first, Xiao Bailong, you can help Bajie get the real identity." Tang Luo said to the two.

"Okay, Master." Ao Yulie nodded.

A sketch of a flying character is drawn, and Tang Luo shoots on his body, rising into the sky, and disappearing in time.

"When will Master do this?" Asked Pig Bajie.

"This is the reward of the game of gods and demons." Ao Yulie said, "The current" hole heaven and earth "basically has no entrance. Without the game of gods and demons, we can't find people everywhere.

"So it is." Pig Bajie nodded.

Back at home, Tang Luo sat on the sofa, took out two healing items, took a few glances, and ate directly.

That Eden's apple melted at the entrance, and turned directly into a warm current, repairing the injury on his body.

Both qualitative and quantitative are quite good.

Even Tang Luo felt that this power can strengthen the body to a certain extent and improve physical fitness.

It is also a good genius in the world to the west.

But for today's Tangluo, it's just fine.

Tang Yuhan gave a slightly worse healing effect, but it is also good.

Cooperating with the wounded things, Gongde Yulian suspended his head and sprinkled the warm brilliance. Tang Luo closed his eyes and started to heal the wounds.

A day later, Tang Luo opened his eyes.

I saw Pig Bajie in a suit, combing his hair back into a big back, combing it meticulously, and bringing a pair of golden glasses.

It looks like a successful boss or businessman.

After all, there is a momentum there. If not, it's the salesman, or the fat and unsatisfactory, with a few words of sweating in his head and zero business level.

Beside is Ao Yulie looking at the mobile phone.

Xiaotian dog slept in a cardboard box beside the cat's nest.

"Master, how's it going?" Pig Bajie saw Tang Luo woke up from entering and asked immediately.

"45%." Tang Luo said.

After this injury, his injury-free ceiling changed from 4.2% to 4.5%.

"That's good." Pig Bajie laughed, showing a white tooth.

That is, "4.5 points of success left for the teacher" is 4.5 times that of a success, and rounding is 100 million.

Master is invincible!

His injuries are not serious, so it is better to understand the sub-health of modern people who are sedentary and inactive for a long time.

There is no need to deliberately consume power to recover.

Slow recovery is over and it is over. Anyway, in this state, you can't beat it, and you may not be able to beat it during the heyday.

Or make the trick more convenient.

At the beginning, he had fewer shots. He was mainly responsible for watching Master and Brother, watching Master alone, and stopping Master. "Forget it, Master."

"Master, Lao Kong found the team contract, a good rarity."

Ao Yulie put down her phone and took out a contract.

Tang Luo previously asked Kong Ming to help find a team contract.

Although Ao Yulie could follow Tang Luo to enter and leave the mission world, he never received any reward.

Typical casual workers.

At that time, everyone was thinking about whether he could be straightened by forming a team, so please ask Kong Mingdu to pay attention to it.

Now Kong Ming has helped them find a pretty good contract-the team's contract is also diverse, not a unified one.

Some contracts are similar to Wulin Mythology and Alliance of the Gods, and cannot attack each other.

This is more common.

There are also some special and rare contracts with special abilities attached.

For example, the life link can share the vitality of team members, and one party is dead, and the "resurrection" effect can be achieved by drawing the vitality of other members.

The ability of "Partner Aura" will make the team members improve within a certain range.

There is also a permanent ascension, but there is a kind of punitive decline when members die.

There is also spiritual communication, which enables unlimited communication in most cases.

The contract that Kong Ming gave Tang Luo to them, the incidental ability is not any of the above.

It's "skill gift."

Members of the team can transfer and give away their skills to another person.

Each skill can be transferred only once.

If Tang Luo transferred his fixation to Ao Yulie, this fixation would no longer be transferable.

Neither retransferred to Tang Luo, or to others.

Another advantage is that when the skills are full and the task reward is skills, they can be directly transferred to other players.

Very suitable for large and small upgrades.

Obviously Kong Ming also spent some effort to get this scroll.

"In exchange, I gave Lao Kong the mad change and the blue armor." Ao Yulie said.

One is the exchange of the contract itself, and the other is the hard work of Kong Ming.

Anyway, Tang Luo has a lot of money.

Things that can be solved with equipment are not things.

"It doesn't matter." Tang Luo nodded.

In this team contract, the maximum number of team members is five, and the method of signing is to drop blood and agree in the heart, which is very convenient.

Tang Luo did not delay, they signed the contract on the spot.

The unidentifiable material contract was divided into five, and three of them were fragmented into a different kind of breath and merged into the three.

Contracts are not too restrictive, and freedom to come and go.

It's also very easy to quit the team, and it's just a matter of meditation.

However, after exiting ~ ~, the pieces will also collapse and cannot be rejoined.

The team cap will be reduced by one person.

"It should be right, and see if you have a reward for the next task." Tang Luo put away the remaining two pieces.

If the transfer is successful this time, then sign Xiaotian Dog, and there are definitely not too many skills.

In this mission, Tang Luo made the parry through, and one of the six "skill grids" was vacated.

The current five skills are first-level immobilization, second-level lotus step, third-level Spartan Warcry (Dharma Infinite), second-level ghost step, and first-level blood rune 箓 flying sign.

There is nothing unnecessary, especially to transfer to Zhu Bajie and Ao Yulie.

These two salted fish, give them skills, it is estimated that it will take a long time to get to the third level and even the state of integration.

Only when is it necessary to start practicing hard.

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