Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 437: I want to live a peaceful life in Tangluo

Back in the room at home, Tang Luo sat in front of the desk, and tapped his finger gently on the table.

Thinking about how to find them.

Depending on the situation, just wait and wait, you need to make a little noise.

Tang Luo thought, stretched out his hand, and after a moment, a small humanoid puppet appeared on the palm.

The stand-in wooden man came from the North Plains wizard, Wu Yan, in the task of protecting the Great National Games.

Ten Luo took ten at that time, and later used a lot, not a few left.

Ao Yulie took the past research and based on the stand-in wooden man, he made a few new wooden man, strengthened it a little, and counted as "props".

"Try it." Turning the chair, Tang Luo threw the stand-in wooden man forward.

In the mid-air, the stand-in wooden man emits glory, and when he landed, he has become a normal person.

But it was not Tang Luo's appearance, but Ao Yulie's appearance.

The new avatars have the ability to morph into different looks.

Taking control of the stand-in wooden man, Tang Luo put it away.

It's up to you, little white dragon!

As for why it's not Pig Bajie, because Xiao Bailong is more handsome.

After changing the school's pretty uniform, Tang Luo put on a casual dress and walked out of the house.

When passing by the trash can, Tang saw Li crawling hard and planned to climb out.

It's almost night now, and it's easy for a rotten drunk to walk down the street.

So Tang Luo went to help and shoved him back into the trash can.

Staying here is not only sheltering from the wind and rain, there is no danger of being hit by a car.

"No thanks." Tang Luo said to Tang Zaili, closing the lid of the trash can to isolate Tang Zaili's angry eyes.

The mother of the original owner, in order to maintain a living, after work during the day, at night will be a part-time job.

Their current accommodation is also rented, and the monthly rent alone is not a small expense.

Therefore, supper always has the original owner go out and solve it by himself, and buy cheap lunches or bread and rice balls.

Because of being extorted a few times, the original owner's remaining money was not enough for a dinner, and he was hungry after a gap of three and forged.

During the day, Tang Luo naturally made his fate to Liang Feiyan and others. He didn't take more, but he guaranteed a good meal at night.

Looking for the exquisite restaurant that the original owner always wanted to go to, Tang Luo had a meal all by himself.

Then slowly walked towards the residence and came to the vicinity of the trash can.

Just saw Tang Zaili sitting on the ground breathing hard.

Seeing Tang Luo suddenly appear, his body shook, and Selie yelled, "Little king bastard!"

"You're scolding yourself." Tang Luo stood before him with a smile.

Tang shrank instinctively, the little rabbit in front of him made him feel strange.

Obviously they are the same person, but they seem to be suddenly changed.

It looks like the rabbit has developed sharp claws and teeth and learned to bite.

And ... it can really bite!

When he threw him into the trash can, he was so strenuous that he couldn't resist.

"What are you trying to do! I'm your father!" Tang Zaili snarled.

"Hehe." Tang Luo smiled.

If you think about it, he is a man. He has never experienced what it feels like to have a dad. He never realized it in the mission world.

Unfortunately, it feels worse, it might as well not.

"Go in yourself," Tang Luo said.

"What do you ... say?" Tang Zaili's eyes widened.

Tang Luo was too lazy to make nonsense and kicked out.

Tang Zaili slammed on the ground several times, apparently being kicked in the left arm, but the pain spread to the whole body, and the pain was shaking.

"Give you thirty seconds, go in yourself." Tang Luo came over, crouched in front of Tang Lili, "twenty-nine, twenty-eight ... fifteen."

Tang was crawling around in Lili, trying to stay away from Tang Luo.

It was a pity that he didn't run a few meters away, he was caught by the back of his neck, and the whole person was lifted.

"Really, I'm letting you in, can't I understand you?" Tang Luo grabbed Tang Zaili and threw him into the trash.

Three times into the palace, Tang Zaili finally did not want to come out.

He wasn't sure if the little rabbit outside was still there. If he came out once, he would be interrupted and thrown in.

I don't know why, Tang Zaili had no doubt that the other party would do this.

"Wings are stiff! Wait for me to come out ..." Tang Zaili in the trash was furious.

Tang Luo was too lazy to watch the scum show and turned back to his home.

Early the next morning, Tang Luo woke up on time, quietly outside the bedroom.

The original mother had already gone to work, and only came back at 11 o'clock last night, neither of them had communicated.

It can also be said that there is no extra energy to communicate, I just want to wash and rest.

All energy and strength are exhausted during a day's work.

In one sentence, it is described as follows: Just alive, you are already doing your best.

"You need to improve your life." Tang Luo secretly said on the bus.

He doesn't plan to do anything with his current identity for the time being, and has decided to use the identity of "Little White Dragon" to make some noise.

Use the little white dragon to find the little white dragon, which is justified, but I am slightly hidden.

Tang Luo feels that the mission world, including the mission, should not be as simple as it seems, and there may be no big prey.

Before finding the prey, as a hunter, keep a low profile ... Well, at least I have a low profile.

When he came to school, he had a class, and after class, Tang Luo lived a peaceful life.

After class, Tang Luo went to Liang Feiyan's place and knocked on his desk.

Liang Feiyu immediately stood up, and in the gloating eyes of the rest of the class, went out with Tang Luo and his dog legs.

"Did you find out that Liang Gongzi sprayed perfume on him today?"

"Perfume is sprayed by women, isn't it?" Said a boy.

"You know a fart!" A girl retorted immediately. "That's a men's perfume! Very advanced! What do you know who play games only know!"

"Cut!" The boy snorted in disdain, his heart was actually too heavy to refute.

Five people came to the top again.

But didn't enter the toilet, just in the corner of the corridor.

Tang Luo reached out: "Money."

Liang Feiyu didn't hesitate, took out his wallet from the inner bag, and before he could open it, Tang Luo took it.


In the voice of dissatisfaction, Tang Luo took out all the banknotes inside, and threw the wallet back to Liang Feiyan.

Liang Feiyu didn't speak, his face was angry, but his heart was laughing.

He marked all the money, and in the afternoon he would pretend that his money was stolen.

At that time ... find Tang Luo's head and grab such a big handle, the school can completely fire him.

But Liang Feiyan would not let Tang Luo drop out of school, he would hold this handle and slowly concoct him.

See how he will resist in the future?

As a victim, Liang Fei's bullying of Tang Luo completely turned into Tang Luo's necessary "compensation."

Everyone will support him.

If one or two of the previous bullies have to be taken into account, after that, you can let go of it.

I don't know what the kid was crazy about, but now he dared to resist them, and let him know what life is better than death!

He can be arrogant, with only a few hours left.

Tang Luo took the money in leisurely, patted Liang Feiyu's shoulder with a smile, "Go in yourself."

"What?" Liang Fei stunned.

"What do you think?" Tang Luo said.

"Do you dare!" Liang Feiyu responded, "I have put the money ..."

"Shhh, be quiet, don't be noisy." Tang Luo clasped Liang Feiyu's chin and dragged him to the toilet. "It seemed like someone had come to class just now."

"Woohoo!" Liang Feiyu struggled, but couldn't break Tang Luo's hands at all.

The three dog legs had learned how powerful Tang Luo was yesterday. He gave him a warning look, and he did not dare to come forward to stop him.

After half a minute, Tang Luo came out of the toilet and looked at the three of them: "It's your turn now."

The three eyes widened. Why didn't Liang Gongzi already go in?

The three of them want to be together?

Do you think that Master Xuanzang only removed the first evil?

Just kidding, holy monks have always been equal. From top to bottom, all "sin" must be removed.

Let four people occupy the urinal again, and Tang Luo goes downstairs.

There just happened to be a boy running to the top.

Seeing his hurry holding his stomach, it was probably that the downstairs toilet was temporarily full and came upstairs.

In the afternoon, the news of someone falling into the urinal spread, but the protagonist in the news was not Liang Feiyu, but another person.

Many people saw the man's howl.

As for Liang Fei, a few people, like yesterday, seem to be uncomfortable. Leave for leave first.

"Not bad, this peaceful life."

Tang Luo sat on his seat and felt that such a peaceful life was good.

Let him have a little bit of the feeling of going back to school that year, uncontested, relaxed and happy.

The point is, you don't have to do your homework yet.

He is now a senior in high school. By this time, there will be no more teacher's homework problem.

In the whole school, at least half of the students will directly give up the college entrance examination in order to graduate one.

This society wants to change its destiny through the college entrance examination. The class is very difficult. The average university has no effect except to spend money.

Only a few prestigious universities can achieve class change.

Take out the stand-in wooden man, and use the merits of Yulian to make it into an invisible state. Tang Luo threw it out the window.

The stand-in wooden man fell to the ground, turned into a little white dragon, and quickly left the school.

Tang Luo wants to live a peaceful life, "Little White Dragon" cannot.

Manipulating the avatars, Tang Luo rushed in one direction, apparently with a goal long ago.

This goal is not others, it is Tang Zaili.

Yesterday Tang Luo lit a little light on his clothes, as a signal, Tang Luo could find him.

Tang Luo did not seek him for Tang Zaili himself, but for a "financial company ~" called Heilong Finance. Tang Tang had to find Tang Luo mother and son for money, but also met fierce resistance.

That guy's debtor was Black Dragon Finance, so he simply found his creditor to support him.

Heilong Financial's debt collection brother, whether it is divorce or not, getting money is a good thing.

Had a trouble at Tang Luo's house.

As a last resort, Tang Luo's mother gave the money to Tang Zaili.

Tang Zaili again gave money to Heilong Finance to realize the cycle.

Therefore, Tang Luo intends to give a coin to Heilong Finance.

The whisperer says

This is a special time. In order to protect our sand sculpture netizens? (????), this chapter says that we may not see it.

Don't panic, just technical adjustments.

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