Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 450: Li Jing, come out 1 Syria!

The king wants his subjects to die, he has to die; the father wants his son to die, he has to die.

At that time, Nezhan fleshed his bones and returned to his parents, and then reshaped the body with lotus flowers. Rao is so. In the end, Li Jing still has a slender pagoda to suppress him.

The strictness of the Li family governing the family can be imagined.

The situation today is not that the father and his son must die.

But Li Muzhen wanted to die, but Li Jing didn't even kill him? It sounds miserable.

"You want to die?" Tang Luo looked at Li Muzhen and asked.

Li Muzhen didn't say "yes" for the first time, and based on his knowledge of the "sage monk" in front of him, if he said yes.

The response of the other party is mostly: this way, that line, the poor monk helps others and helps you.

Then he shot himself, and finally said "Amitabha" to the body.

This is not what he wants. What he wants now is not just his death, but the destruction of this false and decaying world.

He is dragging the whole world to death.

The world is decaying.

I, Li Muzhen, will be the exterminator.

Even this devil is a bit miserable, unable to keep his body shape.

And it's clear that Li Jing, as a dad, has few options to get Nezha, just an exquisite pagoda, but there is still a way to get Muzhen.

Your father is still your father.

Of course, we haven't seen Li Muzhen's counterattack for the time being, but looking at the world today, the effect is okay.

Li Jing's father didn't have a good time.

"No, I want to destroy this world." Li Muzhen looked at Tang Luo and said seriously, "This false and decaying world should also be dispersed."

"Don't say that, it's better to be alive than to die." Pig Bajie advised.

Obviously, 100,000 soldiers, including Mu Ying and Li Jing, live in this false world, but some have already become "programs."

As soon as this world is destroyed, they will inevitably die.

There is no possibility of reincarnation and reincarnation. At least reincarnation must ensure that the true soul or remnant is immortal.

Li Muzhen didn't answer, just looked at Tang Luo.

He knew clearly that Tang Luo's words would determine what the three would do next.

"Don't worry," said Tang Luo, "what's going on at the end meeting? What are these awakened people doing?"

"The awakening is the heavenly soldier." Li Muzhen said, "not all the thoughts of heavenly soldiers completely follow the father's will. Some heavenly soldiers, like me, instinctively want to seek relief.

"They don't seem to know anything," Tang Luo said.

Li Muzhen's black hair swayed in the water: "Knowing too much is not necessarily a good thing."

If those awakenings realize that they are heavenly soldiers, they go one step further and realize that they are actually dead.

It is also possible to fall directly into the abyss of death.

Not everyone, like Li Muzhen, is clearly aware that he is dead, but he can still maintain the "immortal mind."

But one thing, Li Muzhen did not explain.

It is the many awakened people who are constantly affected by his secret influence.

"Holy monk, help me end this decadent and false world." Li Muzhen said, "I don't know how you entered. But I don't think you will like it here."

For many years, it is certainly not only Tang Luo who strayed into this world.

Many people come in and they become part of the world and can never go out.

"Let me think about it," said Tang Luo, without immediately agreeing.

"As soon as possible, my father will sooner or later detect your presence." Li Muzhen said.

"Isn't this just right?" Tang Luo said, "Let him leave us then."

"Father, may not let you go." Li Muzhen said.

Living people who stray into this world will provide the nourishment for the continuation of this false world.

To maintain the existence of this false world, it is not just the exquisite tower and the thought of 100,000 days that can be used once and for all.

Eternal existence?

Impossible, vast and powerful like mountains and seas, hasn't it collapsed overnight?

"I really met, and I can't leave. Is he Li Jing?" Tang Luo said.

Li Muzhen opened his mouth and said nothing.

He originally wanted to remind him that since it was in this illusory world, it was absolutely dangerous to confront Li Jing.

Li Jing was also in a persistent state of mind. When he was sitting outside, Tang Luo could breathe away.

But in this world, I'm sorry, his power is as strong as ever, even stronger.

But then I thought, this is the battle to defeat Buddha Tang Xuanzang.

Even with white hair and injuries, it is not someone who will casually lose.

What's more, if the two really conflict, it is really a good thing for Li Muzhen.

Fairies fight, mortals suffer.

King Tota Li defeated Buddha and Tang Xuanzang against each other. The entire imaginary world is extremely difficult to maintain and may be destroyed.

By that time, it was really completely liberated, and the vast expanse was really clean.

"We're looking for Gout." Tang Luo said.

"Big dog?" Tang Luo abruptly shifted the subject and let Li Muzhen startled. "She's there too?"

"The mountains and seas are falling apart. I temporarily found some people and things." Tang Luo raised his hand, and a gold brick emerged, suspended above his palm.

The whole steel fortress seemed to shake, and Li Muyi almost moved his face to the cylinder.

"Where did you find the monk?"

"I didn't find where I was," Tangluo said. "I just found this gold brick. Even if they find Bajie, they have a good chance."

"... That's it." Li Muzhen exhaled softly, and soon recovered his calmness. "I always felt that I was not sensible, and it only caused trouble for my father. I didn't expect that I became a real villain."

"Let me find the dog." Tang Luo said, "I'll talk when I find it."

"Okay." Li Muzhen promised very simply.

The three left the Iron Fortress.

Ao Yulie sighed in the sky, "Father and son are disabled. Speaking of them, my father is not a thing."

He was the third prince of the West Sea, and ended up being pitted by his father.

Later, it wasn't a break out of the door, but it was considered that there wasn't much connection with it, maintaining a little surface effort.

While traveling west, his elder brother, Prince Moang, appeared and helped (watch) several times.

"You can't die, it's really uncomfortable," said Pig Bajie.

The style of Li Jing's leaders is clearly beyond the level of "the father wants his son to die."

In the end, if you don't die for me, that's OK, then everyone will die together.

All three can feel that Li Muzhen's seemingly calm face and the hidden undercurrent hidden under the broken appearance.

Like a depressed volcano, it will erupt at any time, anywhere, hurt people and hurt themselves, and destroy the entire world.

"Master, what shall we do?" Ao Yulie asked.

"I don't know." Tang Luo told the truth.

It is difficult for a clean official to do housework.

He is not an old mother-in-law, an aunt of the neighborhood committee, and is responsible for regulating the father-son relationship of the family.

This is not a beautiful drama, anything can be related to the relationship between parents and children, and finally have a great reunion or something.

"Look at Li Jing." Tang Luo said.

After all, it depends on Li Jing. If Li Jingken is released after you find the dog, you will continue to fight.

We don't step in.

If Li Jing wants to do something, fight.

Think of it this way, it is much simpler and clearer.

In this matter, Tang Luo can be slightly passive.

"Yes, Master, besides us, there should be other gods in this world who can walk in, right?" Pig Bajie asked.

He wasn't just referring to the mission.

Whether there are other gods walking on this mission, Tang Luo cannot judge, because everyone is scattered from the beginning.

But before, I am afraid that there are gods and devil walking through this world.

If their missions are all "escape", how did they leave?

Judging from the current situation, there is no strong man like Tang Luo in the walking of the gods and demons, and they can follow Li Jing Nugang, the master of this world.

In the last word, the whole world is broken to break away and complete the task.

So, is there another way to leave?

Or is it simply that the game of gods and spirits sends the gods and monsters here, using them as feed to maintain the existence of this world?

If you think about it, you can think of many things.

"Don't learn Kong Ming, the lack of information, it is useless to think of these." Tang Luo saw the pig Bajie after being asked, then lost his thoughts and said.

Obviously, the demon game is much more mysterious than what the demon walks know.

"This session" of the demon walking, the oldest people are only those who are Equators, already belong to the level of hermits, but they do not have any time in the mission world over a hundred years old.

The origin of the martial art myth clearly shows that before this, the demon walking also existed.

A clear neutral and fault in the middle.

So where did the former gods walk?

How long has the demon game existed?

To think deeply, it is a headache and easy to overwork.

Therefore, according to Tang Luo's method, soldiers come to block, water to cover, as long as you are strong enough, many problems are not a problem.

It's like today.

If there really is a demon walking into the father-son battle as well, there is definitely no way to sit on the Diaoyutai as stable as Tang Luo, and let Li Muzhen find someone.

They need to fetch chestnuts from the fire and find a glimmer of life between the two terrible behemoths.

And Tang Luo, saying that the situation is completely the opposite, Li Muzhen and Li Jing turned to seek "first-line vitality", it would be too crazy.

Medium meaning, half half.

Before waiting for Tang Luo, they were so mean, a phantom suddenly appeared in front of them: "Holy Monk."

A complete Li Muzhen.

"You are so bright and upright, aren't you afraid your dad will come out and hit you?" Tang Luo asked.

"Xiaotian dog found, it has fallen into the hands of my father." Li Muzhen said, "the monk is to make a decision."

Tang Luo glanced at Li Muzhen, so coincidental?

"I have no intention to deceive the sacred monk ~ ~ nor have I tried to provoke it." Li Muzhen said.

"Okay, then look at Li Jing's choice." Tang Luo waved his hand, and the beads on his wrist changed quickly.

Liuli Jingyi is already on the body.

Ao Yulie and Zhu Bajie separated on one side, and the clothes on her body also changed from modern clothes to ancient clothes.

Zhu Bajie stretched out his hand, and the nine-tooth nail rake was already in his hand.

Fans also appeared in the hands of Ao Yulie.

They understood what Tang Luo meant, and in that case, they didn't have to cover it up.

"Li Jing, come out!"

Tang Luo spoke, his voice soaring through the sky.

In an instant, the world was changing and the situation was surging.

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