Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 465: I'm not

Tang Yuhan's eyes were dark, and the black color was turning like a swirl.

Just seeing it makes people angry.

But these eyes are useless to Tang Luo. The two look at each other, and Tang Luo's face is calm and indifferent.

It's like a mountain that can't be shaken.

The blood of corruption is just holding a man with a small shovel, and can't dig a stone, only loosen the soil.

Zeus looked dignified, this monk ...

Tang Luo approached the blood of corruption steadily.

The black blood surrounding the blood of corruption became more and more violent, hitting the glass flame that trapped her outside, and the two collided.

A large amount of black mist was formed.

This time, the black mist did not disappear directly, but instead condensed into a black spear, breaking through the glass flame and penetrating Tang Luo's chest.

At the same time, Zeus overwhelmed his right hand and thundered.

A lightning bolt was caught in his hands, his body leaned back like a big tight bow, and his suit on the upper body burst, exposing his swollen muscles.

Full of power and majesty.

The lightning in his hand disappeared with his throwing movement.

Crossing the domain, the original distance between the two was not long, as if it appeared directly on Tang Luo's chest, he was severely bombarded.

In a short time, the glare of the white awns covered Tang Luo's location, and the surrounding demon walking can see the surrounding space is distorted.

The extremely hot heat locked an area firmly, frantically destroying everything inside.

In this white awn, there is still one thing that is very conspicuous, that is, the black spear formed by the blood of corruption.

Zeus' "Thunder Gun" also did not allow the weapons condensed by corrupt blood to die in a short time.

Bai Mang has not disappeared, and the Thunder continues to rag.

On the black spear, a hand suddenly appeared, a hand with clean and long fingers that looked very nice.

This hand grabbed the black spear, folded it, and fisted it.

The spear that was still solid in the thunder instantly turned into a black liquid, and the next breath turned into a black mist, disappearing.

Disappeared together, and the surrounding white awn.

Vaguely, you can see some arcs appearing around the palm of the hand, passing away.

Holding a broken spear and annihilating the thunder, Tang Luo did not even look at Zeus, and continued to move towards the blood of corruption.

There was a flash of anger in the eyes of the ignored Zeus, and it was replaced by a white awn.

His hair suddenly turned into a dazzling lightning, and a layer of dazzling white armor was put on and around him-a white armor composed entirely of lightning.

The body swelled again, becoming more than three meters high, and the thunder and lightning in his hand condensed into a physical scepter.

At the top of the scepter, a ball of light shone, making it look like a sledgehammer.


A roar came from Zeus's mouth, and his figure disappeared.

Leaving a road composed of arcs, appearing on the side of Tang Luo, standing high, a stick falling!

Zeus has realized that the monk in front of him is the most powerful and dangerous of the three "people."

Therefore, he hesitated to put down his face and dignity as "God King" and "Father of the Gods" and joined hands with the blood of corruption to resolve this enemy first.

Alright ... Zeus, this god, wasn't a big husband.

There is no pressure on him to join forces with others to siege others, not to mention that the holder of the life form is not the original owner of the life form.

The blood of corruption is obviously the same idea. Whoever threatens it the most, it will deal with it first and follow its instincts.

At this point coincides with Zeus.

He Nai is surrounded by glazed flames, trapping it, and the blood that corruption can do is very limited.

Compared to the lightning thunder of Zeus, these glass flames are truly insurmountable "thunder ponds".

The black vortex in the eyes of the corrupt blood is rotating faster and faster, and I want to use this method to motivate Tang Luo's blood.

"It's your turn later, what's the hurry?"

Facing the joint of the two, Tang Luo finally turned to look at Zeus and raised his hand at the same time.

Three-meter-high palms emerged.

The big mudra of Nirvana fell on Zeus instantly.

In other words, it seems that Zeus voluntarily hit the door-like palm.

The sledgehammer-like scepter shattered, and together with the thunder armor of Zeus, all turned into arcs, dangling around him, unable to form.

The majestic body flew out like a tattered rag doll and hit the ground fiercely.

There was also a diffused arc.

The height of more than three meters also quickly restored the height of the early two meters.

Zeus supported his body with one hand, raised his body, his face was full of horror.

The same is true of the twelve main gods of the mass gods alliance, with a horrified face!

One blow, just one blow hurt their supreme **** Zeus? !!

Zeus's flight to the ground did not affect Tang Luo's pace, or his offensive did not really interfere with Tang Luo's actions from the beginning.

He has come to the blood of corruption.

The blood of corruption opened its mouth, and made a stern, sharp sound that penetrated into the soul.

"Awe the blood!"

No longer a mumbled nightmare, like the roar of millions of people in their ears, in their heads, inside their bodies, deep in their blood.

Howling, revenge, resentment before death!


A large number of gods walking spit out a large spit of blood and fell to the ground.

Darkness permeated under the skin was boiling, restless, uncontrolled blood.

Many more people rushed out of the body with blood, forming a **** sharp attack on Tang Luo.

It's like falling rain.

The glass clothes on Tang Luo's body shook slightly, and the ripples spread out, striking those blood-colored blades into blood foam.

It was really a **** rain in the sky.

A pair of scarlet wings exploded behind the blood of corruption, consisting entirely of blood, flowing, like a blood angel coming to earth.

The pair of blood wings will devour the glazed flames that surround the body ... or completely lead to it.

Boiling and burning.

At the same time, the blood of corruption has regressed, and it is necessary to leave.

Unfortunately, Tang Luo was close at hand. He raised his hands and put his fingers together to form a knife, which instantly pierced Tang Yuhan's chest.

Tang Yuhan was shocked, and the black vortex in his eyes stopped turning.

The blackness of one eye faded quickly.

The other eye was still filled with black.

Tang Luo drew his hand, holding a still beating heart in his palm.

Unlike the black corrupt blood, this heart is clearly golden, and the surging is the golden blood!

This is the true core of the blood of corruption.

Those black and red blood are at best blood contaminated with corrupt blood.

Looking at the heart formed by the golden blood in his hand, Tang Luo pinched his fingers tightly, and the heart burst into a ball of golden blood.

The next second, Tang Luo opened his mouth and swallowed the golden blood flowing in the air.



Obviously it is a very simple mouth swallowing action, but it gives people a feeling of whale swallowing the world.

"Can this thing heal?" Ao Yulie whispered to Pig Bajie next to him, "How do I feel like I will pit myself when I eat it."

"Absolutely," said Zhu Bajie, "even if one percent can be absorbed for healing, it is all profitable, or what is Master doing?"

"Purely want to taste it?" Ao Yulie thoughtfully.

"Uh ... doesn't it seem impossible?"

"Want to hide?" Swallowing the golden blood of corruption, Tang Luo looked at Tang Yuhan, who was slowly falling, and reached out.

Grasp each other.

She suddenly seemed to be struggling, but was caught by Tang Luo unfortunately, unable to resist at all.

Bowing his head at the wound, Tang Luo opened his mouth again.

The blood of corruption is still a little hidden in the blood of Tang Yuhan's body, and every drop of her blood belongs to the blood of corruption.

The best way is to have a big blood exchange.

Otherwise, she will always be the host of the corrupted blood-and with the power of the corrupted blood reduced to a minimum, she will become the unconscious black orc.

"Mum ..."

The golden light sprinkled on the two men, maintaining the vitality of Tang Yuhan.

Do not let her die in this blood exchange.

The warm faint golden light, pale face, and Tang Luo's bloodthirsty engulfing behavior formed a huge contrast.

It gives people an extremely strange, beautiful and cruel twisted coexistence.

Half a minute later, Tang Luo looked up and let go, Tang Yuhan slowly fell to the ground, his black clothes had receded, revealing the original wrinkled clothes.

Although in a coma, the breath is stable and there is obviously no worry about life.

Reaching for the blood on the corner of his mouth, Tang Luo looked at Zeus: "It's your turn now, come and get it."

"Rest assured, the poor monk is only interested in your life pieces."

As soon as the words fell, Zeus suddenly turned into an eagle composed entirely of lightning, and rushed towards the sky.

Gui Shuiyin thundered on his body, blurring the wings of the eagle, and its speed dropped suddenly, unable to escape the Tianluodi net.

"Don't look down on people, OK ..." Zhu Bajie muttered.

He was responsible for setting up a large block, not because he could only block, but because Tang Luo had the request.

Tang Luo raised his hand and shook in the void.

A large handprint of colored glass nirvana formed an eagle that seized the incarnation of Zeus.

It also caught it into a few arcs that could only slowly dissipate.

It can be seen that a piece of life pattern is emerging in the translucent giant palm, and it is not far from forming a complete ball.

The big fingerprints disappeared, and the pieces of the vitality fell into the hands of Tang Luo ~ ~ representing the complete death of Zeus, one of the most powerful of the League of Gods, except for the fragments of the vitality, nothing remained.

Tang Luo temporarily put away the shard of life, and looked at the twelve main gods remaining in the alliance of the gods.


With one hand standing on his chest, Tang Luo clamored for the Buddha's horn, "All the donors, the poor monks will save you."


Under the crisis of life and death, the three-headed dog barked, beastified again, and the viciousness broke out completely, becoming a mad dog and rushing to Tangluo.

Tang Luo patted his blood, his blood was splattering, leaving only a piece of life pattern to fall to the ground.

"Are you immortal?" Tang Luo looked at the **** of light Badr.

"... I'm not, just a little bit more resistant." Bader squeezed an ugly smile, careful.

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